Fiche Consigne Unité 3 MYP2 en

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UNIT 3 CONSIGNE SHEET: Sustainable management of natural resources

Class: MYP 2
Subject: Individuals and Societies
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation
Concept: system
Research statement :
To satisfy our ever-increasing human needs, we need to avoid wasting resources
and adopt responsible attitudes to our increasingly limited natural resources (water,
energy, food, etc.).

Contents: Natural resources, typology of natural resources, exploitation and

overexploitation of resources. Sustainable management of natural resources

End date :

On completion of this unit, students should be able to:

● Define a natural resource
● Identify the different types of natural resources
● Define a renewable or non-renewable natural resource
● Classify natural resources according to whether or not they are renewable
● Define a limited or scarce natural resource
● Describe human exploitation of limited natural resources and assess its impact
● Define an action plan
● Identify the different parts and stages of an action plan
● Follow the different stages of an Action Plan

Final product: B and D

Creation of a poster (physical or digital) or multimedia production (video) to help

raise awareness of food, energy and water waste.

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A description of the B and D rating criteria will be appended to this instruction


You must :

1. Define and present the various stages of your action plan

2. Identify the sub-questions of the question being explored
3. Define the research methods to be used to explore the research question
4. Defining information sources
5. Follow the different stages of your Action Plan
6. Your poster should identify in detail the main ideas, events, visual representations
or arguments in favor of raising awareness of food, energy and water waste.
7. You must use :
- A3 or A2 paper - a pencil - and reasonable use of colors
- Canva software.
- Video editing software or application

Good work to all

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