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NAME: Mukuna Harrison Ohoko

STUDENT NO: s167454

COURSE UNIT: Globalization (Unit 4)
TASK: Learning Journal
DUE DATE: 11th July2020
SUBMISSION DATE: 16th July2020

Do you agree that technology and globalization increase the chance of inequality? If yes,
state your reasons why. If no, also state your reasons why.

In this week’s Unit I learnt about the effects of technology, how it has improved my life and
the lives of people of my country and environs. Information and money flow so much more
and quickly. We are able to communicate with people all over the world, trade has improved
and economically most countries seem to be doing better and benefitting from technology.

Yes, Technology and Globalization increase the chance of inequality and this happens in
countries and between countries, looking at the current advancements in technology today,
Technology has been a substitute for the unskilled sectors and increases the capital and
income of the skilled sectors. This increases the capital in the production of developing
countries and decreases the capital in the production of developing countries as well. The
replacement of jobs with Machine is great fear for developing countries because very soon
there is going to be a huge downsize in the workforce due to lack of skills and there is a
likelihood that many of the skilled are going to be outsourced as well. Also, within the
digital economic technology and globalization has created monopoly in the markets for new
Goods and services like Google and Apple.
Technology and Globalization has brought about; social injustice, unfair wages and poor
living conditions and working conditions for millions around the world. Major corporations
seem to be influenced more by politician and their political agendas and in some cases rich
companies are less more accountable for their actions, because of their political affiliations
they literally get away with many ills. Anti-globalists claim that globalization is not working
for most of the world because even though there has been rapid growth in trade and
investment there are cases of worsened inequality worldwide. Technology has come a long
way yet there are no cures for diseases that are destroying countless regions, instead
pharmaceutical companies are benefitting from drugs they produce to control diseases, but
the poor continue to die on daily basis because they simply cannot afford to get these drugs.

Take a minute to think about how technology and globalization have impacted your
region. Write some reflections and share them.

Yes, technology and Globalization has impacted my region (East Africa), In a sense like the
case of Kenya, telecommunication systems are robust, one can still communicate using the
homeland telephone number in other countries through the roaming services. The Banking
sector has also improved, now, we have Mobile Money platform that is currently activated
with all of the Telecommunications Companies. We can easily transfer funds to any location
of our choice and any time, we can pay school fees, buy from supermarkets, buy airtime, and
even Transfer from our Mobile Phone to Bank account. Technology has opened a lot of doors
in my country, trade has increased, we are able to export most of our local grown products to
the world, working in a foreign country I always see most of the products from my home
country being sold in supermarkets.

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