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Why does the M-Pesa work so well in Kenya?

Do you think that such a system could

work in your country? Please state your reasons.

M-pesa services is among the world’s first mobile money services to facilitate money transfer
and allow their customers to maintain bank accounts on their mobile phones.M-Pesa
Customers can deposit, pay for utilities bills, pay for goods and services and withdraw money
from a network of agents that include airtime vendors and retail outlets acting as banking
agents,M-pesa system is user friendly. I believe that M-Pesa works so well in Kenya because
it can reach a wider network of citizens, it has proven to be a major player on the
technological platform without compromising the financial integrity (Ndung'u, 2017).
Realistically thinking, being a Kenyan I believe the system can work well in other countries,
as nowadays many people own a mobile phone, moreover due to the growing global
technological know how financial transactions are changing steadily to electronic transfers
and payment services which has prompted many countries to think out the box.

As mobile phones, Internet access, and tech hubs differ greatly throughout the African
continent, how can these key pieces of technology be made not only more accessible to
patrons, but more affordable?

This can be made more accessible by providing internet to all places in the continent at
cheaper prices. It can also be achieved by having cheaper smartphones that the people can
afford. Electricity should also play a vital role in the development. What I have learnt about
M-Pesa is that the system does not restrict itself to just simply transferring money but also it
provides virtual savings accounts and offering loans at an affordable rate. I believe that the
service can be more affordable if all regulators understand the need for this new innovation
(Ndung’u, 2017).

How can Konza Technology City make a positive impact in Kenya? Are there any
pitfalls in this tech city, in your opinion?

Konza City will create development of technology hub in the country. It will also help in
playing major role in ensuring that technology and digital jobs help to bring people out of
poverty and increase their physical and digital mobility.
How can regulating technology improve a society?
Even in the context of social media filters, in which machine learning serves content based on
a user’s behaviour and profile presents dangers to citizens. It gives rise to fake news and
dubious political campaigning, making citizens more vulnerable to extreme and false ideas.
By properly regulating this technology we should immediately have more transparency over
how these systems work. This transparency would not only lead to more accountability in
how they are built, it also ensures that changes can be made when necessary. Because
technology already exists, and superpowers like China have taken technology to new leap and
bounds, it is better to embrace technology and have it work for us to make our lives better.
Having Regulations in place can help protects us and states what technology can and cannot

Ndung'u, N. (2017). Regulatory environment and technological innovation in Africa: Any
tension? (Chapter 3). Foresight Africa 2017 Report. Brookings Institute. Retrieved from:

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