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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Andrews Campus
College of Hospitality industry Management

Academic Policies Procedures and Services (APPS)

Table of Contents

Section 1. Admission, Registration and Cross- Registration

Section 2. Academic Requirements
Section 3. Changing of Classes, Substitution and Dropping of Courses
Section 4. Classification of Students
Section 5. Attendance
Section 6. Grading System
Section 7. Late reporting of grade/s, mark/s, and correction of entry/ies
Section 8. Satisfaction of impending grades/ Removal of incomplete mark
Section 9. Retention Policies and Scholastic Standing
Section 10. Completion of basic course: NSTP & PE
Section 11. Tenure, Leave of Absence & Honorable Dismissal
Section 12. Graduation with honors
Section 13. Graduation Requirements

Section 1. Admission, Registration and Cross-Registration

1.1 Admission Policies
Students shall not be denied admission to the University by reason of race, age, sex,
socio-economic status, religion, political affiliation or ideological conviction provided he is
physically and mentally fit to the program he is applying for.
1.2 Admission Requirements and Credentials
Entering freshmen desiring to enroll in any of the programs must:
1. Obtain at least “Below Average” and preferably score of 3 (Stanine) in all the
categories in the CSU Admission Test but must obtain score of 3 (Stanine) in parts I
and II.
2. Obtain a General Weighted Average of at least 80%.
3. Have no failing grade and deficiency with good scholastic standing.
4. Submit Certificate of Good Moral Character from head of school or guidance
5. Submit an Authenticated Birth Certificate/Certificate of Live Birth from NSO.
6. Submit two (2) copies of 2x2 ID pictures.
7. Pass the interview of the College Dean/Department Chair/Designated or authorized
8. Those belonging above the quota of the college shall be a priority while those below
the cut-off shall be on the waiting list and shall be entertained only after the set period
of regular enrollment have lapsed.
9. Be willing to follow the proper grooming prescribed by the Hospitality Industry.
10. Not be disqualified if these policies were applied to the student.

1.2.1 For students with Title and/or Degree

A student who has completed an academic degree from any institution of recognized
standing may be enrolled as determined by the College Dean/Department Chair. However,
before a student is allowed to major in any discipline, the College Dean/Department Chair
concerned, after subject/course evaluation, may prescribe additional general education and/or
preparatory courses for the major field.
1.2.2 For Foreign Students
Foreign students may be admitted to any academic program of the University subject
to the same requirements as Filipino nationals; provided further, that Filipino applicants have
priority over them; and provided finally that a reciprocal agreement exists between the
foreigner’s country and the Philippines.
1.2.3 For Transfer Students
Transfer student desiring to enroll in any of the programs must:
1. Obtain at least “Below Average” and preferably score of 3 (Stanine) in all the
categories in the CSU Admission Test but must obtain score of 3 (Stanine) in parts I
and II.
2. Obtain a General Weighted Average of at least 80%.
3. Have no failing grade and deficiency with good scholastic standing.
4. Submit Official Transcript of Records as basis for subject/course accreditation of
comparable subjects/courses.
5. Submit Certificate of Good Moral Character from head of school or guidance
6. Submit an Authenticated Birth Certificate/Certificate of Live Birth from NSO.
7. Submit two (2) copies of 2x2 ID pictures.
8. Pass the interview of the College Dean/Department Chair/Designated or authorized
9. Be willing to follow the proper grooming prescribed by the Hospitality Industry.
10. Those belonging above the quota of the college shall be a priority while those below
the cut-off shall be on the waiting list
11. Not be disqualified if these policies were applied to the student.

1.3 Only students who are officially enrolled are allowed to attend classes.

1.4 A student is considered officially enrolled when:

1.4.1 his/her assessment/registration form marked “officially enrolled” as issued by

the Registrar’s Office/Accounting Office.

1.5 No student shall be registered later than the date specified in the University calendar,
except under justifiable circumstances to be determined by the Department Chair
concurred by the Dean of the College/Campus Executive Officer concerned. The late
registration must not exceed two (2) weeks from the official start of the term pursuant to
pursuant to CMO No.40 series 2008 and CMO No.30, series of 2009.

1.6 Cross registration shall be defined as registration on a term (semester or summer) in more
than one college within the university or another, provided that for courses offered and
accredited in the academic program of the student offered by the different colleges of
the university, the permission from the mother college to register shall be secured.

1.7 Cross registration in another college outside the University may be allowed provided
that, the other college is accredited by CHED and other accrediting bodies at least of the
same level subject to the prior permission of the University upon the recommendation
of the Department Chair and the approval of the Dean of the mother college and the

1.8 Conditions for cross registration are:

1.8.1 conflict in schedule;
1.8.2 not a major subject; and
1.8.3. non-offering of the subject

1.9 No cross enrollee from another institution shall be admitted into the College without a
written permit from the sending institution and the University Registrar. The permit
shall state the total number of units for which the student is registered and the subject/s
that he/she is authorized to take in the College.

Section 2. Academic requirements

2.1 In general, one academic unit is equivalent to the number of units in each semester as
specified in the curriculum of the student.

2.2. No student shall be allowed to take more than the academic units in a particular semester
as reflected in his/her curriculum. A maximum of additional six (6) units may be given
to graduating students provided the number of 40 hours per week is not exceeded.

N.B.: A student is considered graduating if and only if he/she is completing all

academic requirements during the term.

2.3 In the summer term, a student may petition for a maximum of six (6) units. Students
enrolled in OJT shall not be allowed to take other course simultaneously.

2.4 Irregular students including transferees and shiftees may be allowed to take summer
classes to become regular students in the succeeding semester.

2.5 Advanced Courses and Back courses. As a general rule, a student shall not be permitted
to take any advanced course until he has satisfactorily passed the prerequisite course/s
(or complied the requirements for his/her impending grade).

2.6 Excess or Over Load. A graduating student may be allowed additional course-loads of not
more than six (6) units course to the conditions stated in Section 2.2.

2.7 Prerequisite courses. As a general rule, no student shall be allowed to take any course
until he/she has satisfactorily passed the prerequisite course/s.

2.8 On-the-Job Training. Pregnant student shall only be allowed to take On-the-Job Training
on the following grounds:
a. medical certification from OB Gynaecologist certifying her fitness to work and;
b. written consent of the establishment

2.9 Petitioning of courses. Students shall file a request letter addressed to the Department
Chair and approved by the Dean. Approval of the request shall be based on the
following conditions:
2.9.1 The number of student petitioners must meet the minimum number of students required.
If not, students must shoulder the deficiency so that the faculty shall receive the appropriate pay.

2.9.2 Assignment of the petitioned course to a faculty shall be done by the Department
Chair considering the maximum number of load allowed and schedule of the Faculty.

2.9.3 The schedule of the petitioned course must not be in conflict with other courses of the
students and faculty.

2.9.4 The total number of units upon the addition of the petitioned course/s of students
must not exceed the required academic units reflected in the curriculum.

2.9.5 The Department Chair shall scrutinize the above conditions and have his/her initial
affixed prior to the approval of the Dean.

Section 3. Changing of Classes, Substitution, Adding and Dropping/Cancelling of


3.1 Changing of Section/s shall not be allowed. However, for some valid reasons such as
adjustment to fit the schedule of working students and the like, changing of section may
be approved by the Department Chair. The student shall accomplish the new Advising
form reflecting the reasons for the change and shall submit the accomplished form to
the registrar’s office. Print out of the enrolment form must reflect the revision.

3.2 Changes in course schedule or adding/dropping/cancelling of course should be done

within the adjustment period specified by the Registrar and approved by the Department
Chair but in no case shall exceed two (2) weeks after the opening of classes. Thereafter,
no further changing, adding, dropping/cancelling shall be allowed. Admitting faculty
must be notified of the additional student in his/her class. Print out of new Registration
form reflecting the change in course and schedule must be submitted to the
Department Chair. Payment should be made at the Cashier’s Office.

3.3 Change in course or schedule should be coded by the respective Department chair and
processed by the Registrar’s Office. Print out of new Registration form should reflect
the change in course and schedule. Payment should be made at the Cashier’s Office.

3.4 No substitution shall be allowed for major and mandated courses prescribed in the curriculum
except when in the evaluation of the Department Chair offering the prescribed course,
the proposed substitute is substantially equivalent in content to the required course.
The Dean shall approve such substitution.
Substitution should:

3.4.1 Involve courses within the same department if possible; if not, the proposed
substitute must be allied to the one being substituted
3.4.2 Be between courses of the same number of units; and
3.4.3 Be recommended by the Department Chair, and Dean of the College and accepted
by the Registrar’s Office.

3.5. Substitution of course/s may be authorized by the Department Chair if a curriculum has
been superseded by a new one.

Section 4. Classification of students

4.1 According to Admission Status:

4.1.1 Freshmen – Students admitted through the College Admission Test (CAT) have not
enrolled in any academic college subject prior to their enrolment in the College and
have submitted to the Admission and Registration Services all the documents
required for formal acceptance in the college/university.

4.1.2 Resident students – a bonafide students including those who are not officially
enrolled and by virtue of their approved written petition for leave of absence (LOA)
may be considered for re-admission, provided the LOA did not exceed one (1)
academic year.

4.1.3 Returning Students (Returnees) – Students considered for re-admission depending

on their previous scholastic performance, and the availability of slots/and must have
complied with all other requirements for re-admission. Returning Student shall be governed by the existing / recently approved


4.1.4 Transferring Students (Transferees)

a. From other CSU Campuses – students admitted as transferees upon the

recommendation of the Academic Dean/Program Chair depending upon
compliance with all the requirements for admission; and

b. From another School – Students admitted as transferees provided they have met
all the academic and admission requirements set by the College /University.

4.2 According to Academic Load, students enrolled in the College are classified as follows:
4.2.1 Regular student – one who is registered for formal academic credits carrying normal
academic load
4.2.2 Irregular student – one who has deficiency/back subjects
4.2.3 Special Student – one who is not earning formal academic credits.
4.2.4 “Special needs” students – In pursuit of Gender And Development (GAD) and by
virtue of/ or in compliance for RA 7277, an act providing for the rehabilitation, self
—development and self—reliance of disabled persons and integration into the
mainstream and for other purposes, the university gives importance to the following
modified educational facilities and equipment, as minimum requirements for special
students needing special education:

a. For persons with visual impairment

b. For persons with hearing impairment
c. For persons with orthopedic handicaps
d. For pregnant women

4.3 According to year level, students enrolled in the College are classified as follows:

4.3.1 First Year – one who is in the first year of his/her curriculum, or who has not
finished the prescribed subjects of the first year of his curriculum, or 20% of the total
number of units required in his/her entire course/program.

4.3.2 Second Year - one who is in the second year of his/her curriculum, or who has
satisfactorily completed the prescribed subjects of the first year of his curriculum or
has finished more than 20% but less than 40% of the total number of units required
in his/her entire course/program.

4.3.3 Third Year - one who is in the third year of his/her curriculum, or who has
completed the prescribed subjects of the first year and second year of his/her
curriculum or has finished more than 40% but less than 60% of the total number of
units required in his/her entire course/program.

4.3.4 Fourth Year – a student who is on the fourth year of his/her curriculum is considered
a senior if he/she has completed at least 80% of the curricular requirements.

Section 5. Attendance

5.1 Students are required to attend all classes starting with the first meeting of every course.
Non-attendance in any required class or academic activity constitutes an absence. Time
lost due to late enrolment shall also be considered as absence.

5.2 A student shall be considered absent from class if he/she is not present after 15 minutes
of the scheduled class time.
5.3 A student is considered late or tardy if he/she arrives within 15 minutes of the time

5.4 Three incidences of tardiness shall be considered as one absence from class.

5.5 Any student who has incurred absence from the class must, whenever required by the
faculty member concerned, obtain an admission slip from the Department Chair.

5.6 Absence duly authorized in writing by the College/Campus/University by reason of

officially representing the College/Campus/University at some function or affair shall
be excused. The Dean/Chairperson shall inform the faculty member/s concerned.

5.7 Absence due to illness shall be excused if the student submits a medical certificate
issued by the Campus Medical Office, or any other physician and present it to the
Faculty and the Department Chair for the issuance of an excuse slip.

5.8 Excused absences are for time missed only. Graded activities covered by the class
during the student’s absence will have to be made up by the student within an agreed
period by the faculty and the student.

5.9 At least three unexcused absences shall be reported every term by the faculty member
concerned to the Department Chair who shall call for the student and notify his/her
parents or guardians.

5.10 A student who has been absent for at least 20% of the hours of recitation, lecture,
laboratory, or any scheduled work in one subject/course for the semester, or any
academic period, shall be automatically dropped or failed from the class roll subject to
the provision of Section 6.6, and the Registrar shall be advised accordingly.

5.11 No student shall be denied access/entry to class due to tardiness. Student may,
however, be marked absent and may not take part in any graded oral or written

Section 6. Grading System

6.1 In order to provide for a more reliable evaluation of student performance, the grading
system shall be contained in the course syllabi and be distributed to the students.

6.2 At the beginning of the semester, faculty members should inform their students of the
criteria for grading. The College shall express grades in percentages.

6.3 Students shall be graded or marked in accordance with the following system:

Percentage/ Equivalent Description

97-100 Excellent
93-96 Very good
88-92 Good
83-87 Satisfactory
75-82 Passing
Below 75 Failed
Inc Incomplete
Drp Dropped

6.4 An incomplete mark is temporarily given to a student who has not satisfied a course
requirement. Such requirement/s must be satisfied within one year from the end of the
term; otherwise, the grade shall automatically be “Failed”.

6.5 A Dropped mark is given when the faculty member drops the student from the roll for
having exceeded the allowable number of absences before the Midterm. Otherwise, a
failing mark shall be given to:

6.5.1 A student who drops a course after the Midterm;

6.5.2 A student who drops a course without the approval of the registrar.
6.6 A student who received a passing grade in a course shall not be allowed to take
another examination for the purpose of improving his/her grade.

6.7 Re-examinations may be given to students whose class standing for a given term is
below the passing grade but should not be later than the last day of submission of

6.8 The concerned subject faculty shall have the sole authority to determine and give the
grades to his/her students.

6.9 Grades that have been submitted to the Registrar by a teacher may be changed by
him/her if there was an error committed, provided that the change is requested in
writing by the subject teacher explaining the circumstances surrounding the error
committed, and shall bear the approval of the Department Chair and the Dean.

6.10 In case a faculty member leaves the University, a committee shall be composed to
determine the appropriate solution (if any) to the problem. The committee shall be
composed of the Dean, Department Chair, senior faculty, a faculty along the same
specialization and a student representative.

Section 7. Late reporting of grade/s, mark/s, and correction of entry/ies

7.1. Sole authority to give grades

The concerned subject faculty shall have the sole authority to determine and give the
grades to his/her students.
In case the faculty has been separated from service, a committee shall be composed to
determine the appropriate solution (if any) to the problem.
The committee shall be composed of the Dean, Department Chair, senior faculty, a
faculty along the same specialization and a student representative.
7.2. Reporting of grades

Official grades must be reported to the Registrar’s office within 2 weeks from the last
day of examinations. In no way shall a faculty delays the report which could be
disadvantageous on the part of the student. Appropriate sanctions (as defined by
administrative policies) shall be issued to erring faculty along this line. Along this line,
the faculty must see to it that the student will be informed of his grade by issuing
classcard in order for the student to be able to contest, if needed, within a prescribed

7.3 Rectification of grades

Grades that have been submitted to the registrar by a teacher may be changed by him/her
if there was an error committed, provided that the change is requested in writing by the
subject teacher explaining the circumstances surrounding the error committed, and shall
bear the approval of the Dean.
Rectification of grades shall only be allowed during the term immediately following the
period the grade was issued.

Section 8. Satisfaction of impending grades / Removal of incomplete mark

8.1. Types of impending grades. Impending grades are those that do not bear any
equivalent numerical value to determine whether that student passed or not. These
may be:

8.1.1. Incomplete. An incomplete (INC) grade may be issued to students who did not
comply with the requirements prescribed by the faculty concerned
8.1.2. No final Examination. A no final examination (NFE) may be issued to students
who failed to take the final examination to determine whether his/her aggregate
point equivalent may allow him to pass the course.
8.2. Allowable period to satisfy impending grades

The Registrar shall upon receipt of the report of grades, submit to the College Dean a
summary list of students with impending grades for posting to serve as constant reminder.
An impending grade shall be complied with within a period of one (1) year, immediately
following the term the incomplete grade was obtained. Failure to do so within the
prescribed period implies that the student has waived his/her right to satisfy such grade
requirement and hence shall automatically repeat the course.

8.3. Compliance to impending grades

Requirements for compliance of impending grade shall be based on the deficiencies or on
the cause of the impending grade. The subject professor shall not impose requirements
unrelated to the subject. If, however, the cause of failure to comply within the prescribed
period is due to death or absence of the subject professor, remedial measures should be
undertaken to help the student to complete his grade.

Section 9. Retention Policies and Scholastic standing

9.1. Rules on scholastic delinquency

The College Academic Council shall promulgate rules and guidelines governing
scholastic delinquency, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents, and to the
following minimum standards:

9.1.1. Warning: A student, who at the end of the semester fails 25% to 50% of the
total academic units in which he registered shall be warned by the department
chair and advised to improve his/her performance;
9.1.2. Probation: A student, who, at the end of the term, fails or drops 51% of the total
academic unit in which he registered shall be placed on probation and his
academic load shall be reduced to 50% of the allowable maximum units for the
succeeding semester. Probation shall be lifted in the succeeding term if the
student earned 100% of the total academic units he had registered in. A student under probation who fails in any subject he registered in shall
be dismissed from the College. A student who fails twice in any subject shall be dismissed from the
College. A student who fails or unofficially dropped once in a subject/course shall
also be placed under probation.
9.1.3. Termination Any student who fails or drops in more than 75% of the total academic
units in which he registered shall be dismissed from the college; provided that an
incomplete grade shall not be included in the computation of earned units;
provided further, that this shall not apply to students who receive final grades in
only nine academic units;
9.1.4. Academic delinquency status of a student shall be entered in the student’s
permanent record.
9.2. Effect of Dropping to Scholastic Standing
Any student dropped from one college or department because of scholastic delinquency
shall not be admitted to another department or college in the university unless in the
evaluation of the dean or department chairman concerned thereat, the student’s aptitude
and interest qualify him in another field of study, in which case he may be admitted on
9.3. Record of scholastic delinquency
All academic delinquency status of a student shall be entered in the student’s permanent
9.4. Maximum residence
A student shall finish at least two (2) semesters in the university, immediately
preceding graduation. In any case that a student must extend his residency in the
university due to subject delinquencies, the student is only allowed to stay until
additional 50% of the prescribed duration of his pursued degree.
Section 10. Completion of basic course: NSTP & PE
10.1. All students (except international students) are required under the law to enrol in NSTP
or its equivalent and shall not be allowed to cross-enrol NSTP in any other institution
unless given expressed permission by the office of ROTC, CWTS, LTS and approved
by the Registrar’s office.
10.2. Students who are differently abled and/or are under restriction for reason of religious
beliefs are also required to officially enrol in PE, ROTC, and CWTS. However, these
students shall be given special tasks or assignments.
10.3. No student shall be allowed to graduate without having complied with his scholastic
Section 11. Tenure & Honourable Dismissal
11.1. Honourable dismissal
Denial of Honorable Dismissal
A student who is under suspension or who has been expelled shall not be issued an
honorable dismissal. Should he be permitted to obtain his official transcript of records
or certification of grades, a statement of the disciplinary action taken shall be
indicated on the said documents.
Section 12. Graduation with honors
Student record is strictly confidential and access to it is limited to
a. to the student concerned
b. his parents or guardians
c. the proper university authorities in connection with the performance of their duties.

12.1. Academic honors & Awards

Students with excellent academic performance graduate with honors. Below is the list
of academic honors together with their grade point average (GPA) required:

Latin honors With no grade lower than 84

Summa Cum Laude 96-100

Magna Cum Laude 93-95
Cum Laude 90-92

Academic 90 or higher with no grade lower than 80

With merit 88-89 with no grade lower than 80

Section 13. Graduation requirements

A student to be recommended for graduation shall have satisfied all the requirements
prescribed for his program.
Students conducting thesis/project study and the like shall not be considered to have satisfied
fully the requirements until the final paper has been successfully defended and final hard
copies with approval sheet had been submitted.
13.1. Register of candidates
During the first three (3) weeks after the opening of classes in each semester, the
Dean shall certify to the registrar the enrolment of prospective graduating students. The
registrar shall examine the academic record of each candidate to ascertain whether the
candidate has fulfilled all the requirements which will qualify him to be a candidate for
graduation. After the Prelims, the registrar shall publish a complete list of duly
qualified candidates for graduation. The registrar shall inform the deans of the
deficiencies of their student:
a. Date of graduation
The date of graduation that shall appear in the student’s records shall be the date of
their commencement exercises. For those who satisfy all requirements for graduation
during periods no graduation exercises are held, the date shall be one (1) week after the
last day of submission of grades for that term; provided that for those who should have
graduated during end-of-term periods but were delayed for any reason, their date of
graduation shall be the end of the term when they actually completed all requirements,
upon recommendation of the College Academic Council.
b. Issuance of official transcript of records
A general clearance shall be required of all graduates before the registrar shall
issue their transcript of records.

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