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1. The slow muscular fibers ( type 1, red) 7.

The following are true about the neurons in

1. Are resistant to fatigue the central nervous system:
2. Contain small amounts of myoglobin 1. Their axons can regenerate
3. Have a more extensive blood vessel 2. Produce and conduct action
system potentials
4. Have a large amounts of glycolytic 3. Easily regenerate after a lesion
enzymes 4. Have a high metabolic rate

2. Factor IV of coagulation is represented 8. The autonomic nervous system (ANS)

by: 1. Has a motor pathway constituted
1. Vitamin K from one motor neuron
2. Thrombin 2. Is a voluntary pathway
3. fibrinogen 3. The effect is always inhibitory
4. Calcium 4. Conduction is slower due to thinly or
unmyelinated axons
3. The gated ion channels can be operated
by: 9. The following are correct about
1. Change in the membrane potential parasympathetic signal transmission:
2. Mechanical force 1. Preganglionic neuron secretes
3. Binding of an extracellular ligand acetylcholine
4. Blinding of an intracellular ligand 2. Receptors on postganglionic
neurons are mainly nicotinic
4. Select what is true about cones: 3. Postganglionic neuron secretes
1. The are three subtypes of cones : S ( acetylcholine and VIP
blue) M ( green) L ( Red) 4. The only type of acetylcholine
2. Are responsible for colour sensitive receptors on the target organ are
vision G-protein coupled receptors
3. Are present in the fovea
4. Are in much higher number than rods 10. Axons
throughout the retina 1. Contain kinesin and dynein,
important for axoplasmic
5. The following are true about transport
phototrandsduction: 2. produce myelin
1. Cones and rods depolarize in 3. z allow the flow of the action
response to light potential in a single direction from
2. Represents the conversion of soma to axon terminal
light into electrical signal 4. have dendritic spines on their
3. Light induces the opening of the surface
Na channels in the outer segment
of the photoreceptors
4. Light produces a decrease in 11. The action potential ( AP ) in the
glutamate release striated skeletal muscle:
1. Is generated by nicotinic receptors
6. Blood transfusion principles includes: activation
1. 0 (I) group is considered to be 2. Propagates by activating
universal recipient voltage-gated Na+ channels
2. AB (IV) group is considered to be 3. Activates the voltage-gated L-type
universal donor Ca2+ in the T tubules
3. When transfused blood is group 0 (I), 4. Directly activates Ca2+ pump SERCA
there is no restriction in the blood 12. Factor XII is activated by the following
volume transfused factors
4. Transfused blood has the same 1. High weight molecular kininogen
group (ABO) and Rh as the recipient (HWMK)
2. Phospholipids
3. Prekalikrein
4. Tissue factor
28. C- reactif protein
13. An increase in blood (H+): 1. is the specific marker of inflammation
1. Stimulates respiratory 2. is a plasma protein
chemoreceptors 3. is decreased in inflammation
2. Increases respiratory rate and 4. sythetise by the liver
3. Increases CO2 excretion 29. Regarding acid base balanced (AB)
4. Increases HCO3 – excretion 1. kidneys regulate AB balanced in second and
14. The neuronal action potential: 2. second defends line when PH shift is in the lung
1. Is initiated by a hyperpolarizing 3. Only the lungs regulate base excretion
current 4. The bicarbonate buffer is an open system
2. Has a depolarizing phase that
depends on voltage-gated Na+
channels 30. regarding the PH shifts
3. Has a repolarizing phase dependent 1. Alkalosis increases neuronal synaptic
on K+ conductance transmission
4. Is initiated at the axon hillock level 2. high ph makes K+ to diffuse inside the cells
3. Acidosis induces hyperpolarization of the heart
18. The chemical synapses muscle
1) Calcium Channels Bipolarisation caused by 4. Low pH increases hemoglobin affinity for O2
voltage gated channels to open at presynaptic
2) … large molecule transmetor … faux 31. Metabotropic receptors:
1. are G-protein coupled receptors
19. Select when is not true regarding ion pumps 2. trigger a response in seconds to minutes
3. Can activate gene transcription
4. are voltage-dependent receptors
20. The Main Body Buffer systems:
1. is the intracellular fluid are the proteins and 32. The following are true about pupillary the
phosphates light reflex:
2. During prolonged Metabolic alcalosis include 1. light stimulation will produce mydri
calcium-carbonate 2. is a direct and consensual reflex.
3. the main non-bicarbonate buffer system in the 3. light will produce pupillary constrict ipsilateral (
blood, hemoglobin same ) eye
4. In the blood is ammonia 4. the first neuron of the pathway ( from will
synapse in the pretectal nucleus)
21: Blood transfusion is indicated in case of :
1. Hemoglobin value between 8-10 g/dl 33. Nociceptors
2. Hemoglobin value < 7g/ dl
3. Hematocrit > 40% 1. Are located on unmyelinated C-fibers
4. Hematocrit < 30% for fast, acute, sharp intense pain
2. Are free nerve endings
22: Erytroprotein: 3. Adapt very fast
1. The commitment of the stem cells to 4. Transduce intense stimuli into el
erythroblasts electrical events
2. The differentiation of the erythroblastic
stages 34. Thrombin role in coagulation
3. Is secondary to hypoxia 1. Activate factor XIII
4. Secreted by spleen 2. Activate factor V
3.Activate factor VIII
23. Hematocrit 4. Inhibits fibrinogen conversion to fibrin
1. Normal value between 65-75% in Men
2. influenced by erythropoiesis rate
3. Increased in polycythemia
4. Blood viscosity
35. Depolarization of the postsynaptic segment 42. Select what is true:
can be determined by: 1. The vestibular receptors are found in the
1.chlorid influx. choclea.
2. K+ efflux. 2. Na+ is the most abundant cation in
3. Blockage of Na+ conductance. endolymph
4. Cation influx. 3. Inner hair cells are responsible for sound
36. The intensity of sk muscle contraction can 4. Auditory receptors are found in Corti
be increased by: organ.
1. tetanisation.
2. Multiple fibers summation
3. Frequency of summation
4. Optimal sarcomer length before 43. True about ANS:
contraction 1. Receives visceral afferent from thorax and
abdomen through vagus nerve.
37. The voltage gated Na+ channels: 2. Glycine main nt
1. Is opened at a threshold membrane 3. Bulbous enlargement
potential -50mV. 4. Is not influenced by hypothalamus.
2. Has an activation gate controlled by
voltage sensors. 44. Plasmatic Albumin
3. Is responsible for rapid of rapid electrical 1. Secreted only by kidney
signaling, 2. Decrease in dehydration
4, always closed at a membrane potential of -30 3. High in malnutrition
mV. 4. Contributes in blood colloid osmotic
38. The following are involved in the erythrocyte
1. Transport of oxygen 45. Astrocyte have the following functions.
2. CA contained within cells 1. Contribute to BBB.
3. Acid-base buffer capacity, 2. Respond to activation by generating AP.
4. Transportation of carbon dioxide. 3. Regulates brain interstitial fluid
39. During the homeostasis vasoconstriction is 4. Cant divide.
due to:
1. Thromboxane A2.
2. Myogenic mechanism 46. What is true about refraction of the eye.
3. Nervous reflex 1. The lens has the highest dioptric power of
4. Endothelin 48.2 D.
2. Refractive of the eye is mainly formed by
40. The vestibular system: cornea and the lens
1. Is located in the inner ear. 3. The focal power is directly proportional to
2. Has sensory cells in ampular cristae and the focal length.
maculae. 4. The unit of focal power is dioptric.
3. Detect orientation and movement of the
head. 47. Sensory units:
4. Only linear head movements. 1. Single afferent neurons with all their
receptors ending in a receptive unit.
41. Select what is true about olfaction: 2. Have a greater discriminated ability in case
1. Olfactory receptors cells are of a high receptor density.
chemoreceptors. 3. Have improved sensory discrimination
2. Olfactory receptors are covered with when overlapped with other receptors
mucus. fields of the same sensory receptors.
3. Olfactory transduction involve Gp. 4. Have large receptor field of about 40 mm
4. Olfactory epithelium cover the entire on the fingertips.
surface of the nasal cavity.
48. Not true about serotonin:
1. Act as inhibitor of pain pathway in the
spinal cord-
2. Has inhibitor action in the higher regions of
nervous system
3. Involved in mood and sleep
4. Have always excitatory action.

49. Fibrinogen:
1. Is synthesized only by liver
2. Coagulation factor 1
3. Plasmatic level increase in
4. Plasma level is decreased for an
increased ESR.

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