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Crop Type Crop Examples of Pests Examples of Weeds Examples of Diseases

Corn earworm,
Agronomic European corn borer, Foxtail, Giant Goss's wilt, Fusarium
Crops Corn Corn rootworm ragweed, Pigweed ear rot, Gray leaf spot

Soybean cyst
Soybean aphid, Bean nematode,
Agronomic leaf beetle, Spider Waterhemp, Foxtail, Phytophthora root
Crops Soybeans mites Giant ragweed rot, Brown stem rot

Fusarium head blight,

Hessian fly, Wheat Cheatgrass, Jointed Stagonospora leaf
Agronomic stem sawfly, Wheat goatgrass, blotch, Wheat stripe
Crops Wheat midge Quackgrass rust

Rice stink bug, Rice Red rice, Wild millet, Rice blast, Sheath
Agronomic water weevil, Stem Broadleaf blight, Bacterial
Crops Rice borers signalgrass panicle blight

Palmer amaranth,
Agronomic Boll weevil, Cotton Morningglory, Verticillium wilt,
Crops Cotton aphid, Pink bollworm Johnsongrass Fusarium wilt, Boll rot

Sugarcane aphid, Corn Johnson grass, Anthracnose, Grain

Agronomic earworm, Sorghum Palmer amaranth, mold, Fusarium stalk
Crops Sorghum midge Pigweed rot
Crop Type Crop Examples of Pests Examples of Weeds Examples of Diseases

Wild oat, Fusarium head blight,

Agronomic Aphids, Cereal leaf Barnyardgrass, Barley yellow dwarf,
Crops Barley beetle, Wireworms Witchgrass Net blotch

Cabbage seedpod Wild mustard,

Agronomic weevil, Diamondback Shepherd's purse, Sclerotinia stem rot,
Crops Canola moth, Flea beetle Stinkweed Blackleg, Clubroot

Banded sunflower Downy mildew,

moth, Sunflower Phomopsis stem
Agronomic beetle, Sunflower stem Kochia, Russian canker, Sclerotinia
Crops Sunflowers weevil thistle, Pigweed head rot

Tomato spotted wilt

virus, Southern corn Palmer amaranth,
Agronomic rootworm, Lesser Yellow nutsedge, Early leaf spot, Peanut
Crops Peanuts cornstalk borer Morningglory rust, Sclerotinia


Examples of
Crop Examples of Pests Examples of Weeds Diseases

Tomato hornworm, Late blight,

whiteflies, Dandelion, pigweed, verticillium wilt,
Tomatoes cutworms crabgrass blossom end rot
Examples of
Crop Examples of Pests Examples of Weeds Diseases

Pepper weevil, Bacterial spot,

aphids, pepper Pigweed, Johnson phytophthora root
Peppers maggots grass, nutsedge rot, verticillium wilt

Codling moth, apple Crabgrass, Fire blight, cedar

maggot, spider dandelion, apple rust, powdery
Apples mites quackgrass mildew

Grape phylloxera, Pigweed, Powdery mildew,

grape berry moth, horseweed, botrytis bunch rot,
Grapes spider mites bindweed Pierce's disease

Colorado potato Late blight,

beetle, aphids, Dandelion, pigweed, verticillium wilt,
Potatoes potato tuber moth quackgrass blackleg

Tarnished plant bug, Verticillium wilt,

spider mites, Crabgrass, pigweed, powdery mildew, red
Strawberries strawberry weevil galinsoga stele root rot

Chickweed, Downy mildew,

Aphids, armyworms, crabgrass, verticillium wilt,
Lettuce cutworms lambsquarters septoria leaf spot

Wild mustard, Alternaria leaf blight,

Carrot rust fly, shepherd's purse, aster yellows,
Carrots wireworms, aphids barnyardgrass powdery mildew

Broccoli Cabbage aphids, Wild mustard, Clubroot, black rot,

diamondback moth, shepherd's purse,
Examples of
Crop Examples of Pests Examples of Weeds Diseases

cabbage worm barnyardgrass downy mildew

Cabbage maggots, Chickweed,

cutworms, flea lambsquarters, Clubroot, black rot,
Cauliflower beetles pigweed downy mildew

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