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Name…………………………………………………………………… Adm No……………….

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233/1 and 2
Paper 1
SEP. 2017
Time: 2 Hrs


FORM 1 CYCLE 1 TERM 3 2017


- Write your name, school and index number in the spaces provided above.
- Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
- Mathematical tables and silent electronic calculators may be used.
- All workings MUST be clearly shown where necessary.
- This paper consists of 9 printed pages.
- Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.



1 – 13 80

1. Study the experimental set up below and use it to answer questions that follow.

a) Identify solid x (1mk)


b) Write a word equation for the reaction taking place in the flat bottomed flask. (1mk)

c) Describe a test that can be carried to identify oxygen. (2mks)


d) Explain why it is possible to collect oxygen as shown above. (1mk)


e) State other two properties of oxygen apart from the one you mentioned in (d) above.


2. In an experiment a polished magnesium metal was burnt strongly in air.
a) State two products that were formed from the reaction. (2mks)

b) Write down a word equation that illustrate the formation of the two products. (2mks)

c) The two products were dissolved in water in separate beakers and then red and blue
litmus papers were dropped into the solutions formed. State and explain the
observations made. (2mks)

3. The diagram below shows the appearance of two pieces of paper placed in different parts
of a non-luminous flame of a bunsen burner and removed quickly before they caught fire.

a) i) What do the experiments show about the outer region of the flame? (1mk)

ii) From the above experiment, which part of the flame is better for use during
heating? Give a reason (2mks)

b) Explain why non-luminous flame produces less light. (2mks)

c) State two advantages of luminous flame. (2mks)


4. A student placed a thermometer in a molten naphthalene at about 80oC and recorded the
temperature and time until it solidified. The cooling curve below was obtained from the

a) What happens to naphthalene molecules between points A and B? (1mk)


b) In which part of the curve does change of state occur? (1mk)


c) Explain why there’s no temperature change between points B and C. (1mk)


5. In an experiment to determine the PH values of solutions A, B, C, D and E, the results
obtained were tabulated as shown below.

Solution PH value
A 13
B 7
C 2
D 6
E 9

a) Categorize the solutions into: (21/2mks)

i) Strong acid __________________________________________
ii) Weak acid __________________________________________
iii) Neutral solution __________________________________________
iv) Weak base __________________________________________
v) Strong base __________________________________________

b) State a pair of solutions that will react to form a solution with the same PH value as
solution B. (1mk)

c) State the gas produced when a piece of calcium metal is dropped in a dilute solution
of C. (1mk)

d) Explain why universal indicator is preferred over other chemical indicators. Give two
reasons. (2mks)

6. a) Give one use of each of the following in the laboratory. (3mks)

i) Dessicator

ii) Crucible

iii) Liebig’s apparatus

b) Give two reasons why most laboratory apparatus are made of transparent glass

c) State two laboratory safety rules that must be observed when using a bunsen

d) The diagram shows a section of the apparatus commonly used in the laboratory.
Identify the apparatus and state its use.


7. The diagram below shows the chromatogram that was obtained in determining the
components contained in substances P, Q, R and S

a) On the diagram, indicate the baseline and the solvent front.

b) Which two substances are pure? Explain (2mks)


c) Which pure substance is most sticky to the absorbent material? Give a reason.


d) Which substance is most impure? Give a reason (2mks)


e) Which pure substance is contained in S. Give a reason. (2mks)


8. State the methods of separation of the following mixtures. (4mks)

Mixture Method of separation

Chromium and sodium chloride
Sodium chloride and water to obtain water
Ethanol and water
Water and paraffin

9. An experiment was conducted to investigate conditions necessary for rusting.

a) State the observations made on the nails after 3 days. (2mks)

b) Explain the observations made. (2mks)


c) State the two conditions necessary for rusting. (2mks)


d) Explain the following two methods used in rust prevention.

i) Galvanizing (2mks)

ii) Sacrificial protection (2mks)


e) State one advantage of rusting. (1mk)


10. Write down word equations for the reactions between: (3mks)
a) Sodium and oxygen

b) Zinc and dilute sulphuric acid


c) Calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid


11. Explain the following observations.

a) It is advisable not to react sodium metal with dilute acids. (2mks)

b) Dilute nitric acid is not suitable in the preparation of hydrogen gas. (2mks)

c) The reaction between calcium and dilute sulphuric acid stops immediately. (2mks)

12. Complete the table below. (4mks)

Element Latin Name Chemical symbol

Sodium Na
Copper Cuprum
Plumbum Pb
Silver Ag

13. State the elements present in the following compounds

a) Magnesium nitride (1mk)

b) Sodium sulphate (11/2mks)


c) Calcium oxide (1mk)



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