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Software Integration and Architectural 1

Software Architecture

Week005–Software Architecture

Laboratory Exercise 003

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
1. Apply the concepts of architecture styles;
2. Analyzing the basic idea of softwarearchitecture; and
3. Understand what view model is.

Overview of the Laboratory

This is continuation of online shopping site. In this Activity try to illustrate the back-end and front-
end side of your system.

What to Prepare for the Activity:

Hard disk: The database connectivity requires a hardware configuration that is online. The system
must interface with the standard output device, keyboard and mouse to interact with this software.


1. Use the 4+1 model of Kruchten on showing the view model of the system created.
2. First things first, illustrate the Logical View of the system using the UML class diagram by drawing it
on a coupon bond.
3. Try to Illustrate the process view by drawing the system processes and how they communicate.
5. Use UML activity diagram to represent process view.
6. In the development view of kruchten’s model try to illustrates your system from a programmer's
perspective by using UML Components Diagram.
7. In the development view of kruchten’s model try to illustrates your system from a programmer's
perspective by using UML Components Diagram.
8. In the Physical view of kruchten’s model try to illustrates your system from an engineer's point of
view by using UML Diagrams.
9. In the Physical view of kruchten’s model try to illustrates your system from an engineer's point of
view by using UML Diagrams.
10. Use Php as your system programming language, and MySQL as information database.
11. Use any framework for making the website responsive to any smartphones..

Laboratory Exercise 003

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