Week009 Lab005

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Software Integration and Architectural 1

System Design

Week009–System Design

Laboratory Exercise 005

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
1. Applythemost important activities in a general, design process;
2. Understand the different design tools; and
3. Explore the basic idea of system design.

Overview of the Laboratory

System design is the process of defining the components, modules, interfaces, and data form a
system to satisfy specified requirements. In this week you will continue the creation of online shopping
site.You also need to illustrate how to data is flowing around the entire system. Use different kind of system

What to Prepare for the Activity:

Hard disk: The database connectivity requires a hardware configuration that is online. The system
must interface with the standard output device, keyboard, and mouse to interact with the software.


1. Illustrate the data connection of your system using DFD.

2. By creating Data Flow Diagram of your system, you need demonstrate the flow of data and information
using the different components of DFD.
3. Use the Logical DFD as type of DFD that concentrates on the system process which explaining how data
is moved between different entity.
4. In addition, use physical DFD that describes the business events which take place and data required for
each event.
5. You can use Levels of DFD emphasize specific process of the system.
6. Use the highest abstraction level of DFD (Level 0) that contains only one process node that generalizes
the function of the entire system.
7. In the Level 1 DFD you can notate each of the main sub-process of a module together to form the
complete system.
8. Since you have already created DFD levels from 0 – 1, At this level of DFD which is level 2 you will show
how data flows inside the modules mentioned in Level 1.
9. In the Level 1 DFD you can notate each of the main sub-process together to form the complete system.
10. You can use Lucid Charts for better output of DFD types and Levels.

Laboratory Exercise 005

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