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Software Integration and Architectural 1

System Architecture

Week003–System Architecture

Laboratory Exercise 002

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
1. Apply the basic idea of System Architecture
2. Understand the concepts and traditional approach; and
3. Remember the different model and process of system architecture

Overview of the Laboratory

When you are in the early days of starting up your business, there’s a never-ending list of tasks to
complete. Sorting out the terms and conditions of trade is not at the top of the list. Getting your product
market ready, finding customers and marketing your product take priority in the startup process soin this
week’s laboratory, the student must be able to develop a Terms and Conditions to be applied on the created

What to Prepare for the Activity:

Hard disk: The database connectivity requires a hardware configuration that is online. The system
must interface with the standard output device, keyboard and mouse to interact with this software.


1. Continue the creation of registration system on LabEx001.

2. Develop a login system that will allow the sellers and customers to access the site.
3. Develop a user in which it acts as an administrator who can manipulate the events of the website.
4. Create a function that will allow the admin to generate reports.
5. All the users must grant permission by admin authorization if they have successfully got a secured
6. Before the website user penetrate the login system, their account should be already satisfied and agreed
on Terms and Conditions that will be applied on registration of users.
7. Make the website grant the users to update their accounts.
8. Use any framework to make the website responsive on any smartphones.
9. Use Php as your E-Commerce Website programming language.
10. Use MySQL as basis of your database connection.

Laboratory Exercise 002

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