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Software Integration and Architecture

System Integration

Week002–System Integration

Laboratory Exercise 001

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
1. Apply the concepts of software integration; and
2. Use any of the methods of integration to create a subsystem;

Overview of the Laboratory

This is proposed for automating the Student Violation System of the University itself. While the
student joins any Senior High School educational institution his admission is made on the basis of his

What to Prepare for the Activity:

Hard disk and Scanner: The database connectivity require a hardware configuration that is online.
The system must interface with the standard output device, keyboard, scanning device and mouse to
interact with this software.


1. Divide your class on 4 groups.

2. The first group will assign on the login system of the proposed scheme.
3. Second group will be the tracking of records of the student.
4. Third group will work on the registration system of the student if he/she have no previous violation.
5. Fourth group will assign on the scanning of violator’s ID.
6. Apply the software integration with these simple requirements.
7. Use Php and MySQL to complete the Student’s Violation System.

Laboratory Exercise 001

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