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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Arts and Sciences

PI100: The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Program/Year/Section: Date: BS Psy 1D
Name:Irish Ann A. Rodelas Instructor: Romeo G. Punelas, Jr.

1. Choose one of Rizal's articles from La Solidaridad. This can be an article that you find interesting
or that relate to a particular theme or topic that you would like to explore.

2. Read the article carefully, taking notes on key ideas and arguments that Rizal presents.
Consider the following questions as you read:

• What is the main point or argument that Rizal is making in the article?

•What evidence does Rizal use to support his argument?

• What language and rhetorical strategies does Rizal use to convey his ideas and persuade his
• How does the article relate to Rizal's broader goals and ideals, as reflected in his other writings
and actions?

3. Once you have read and taken notes on the article, write a brief analysis about it. Your analysis
should include the following:

• A summary of the article's main argument or point

• An explanation of the evidence and rhetorical strategies that Rizal uses to support his argument

• An assessment of the article's effectiveness in conveying its message and persuading its
• A reflection on how the article relates to Rizal's broader goals and ideals

5. Write a final reflection on what you have learned from analyzing Rizal's articles in La Solidaridad.
Consider the following questions:

• What new insights or perspectives have you gained on Rizal's ideas and perspectives?
• How do Rizal's articles in La Solidaridad contribute to our understanding of Philippine history
and culture?
• What lessons can we learn from Rizal's example as a writer, thinker, and activist? 6. Be guided
by the following criterias:
Analysis: 15
• Organization of ideas: 10

• Content: 10
Activity Sheet – PI 100

• Technicality (Format): 5 • TOTAL: 40


• Font: Cambria

• Font Size: 10
• Spacing: 1.15
Activity Sheet – PI 100
Activity Sheet – PI 100
“The Indolence of the Filipinos” by Jose Rizal

•“The Indolence of the Filipinos” is an article written by Jose Rizal, a prominent Filipino nationalist and reformist, in which
he addresses the issue of indolence among Filipinos during the Spanish colonial period. Rizal’s main argument in the
article is that the perceived indolence of Filipinos is not inherent, but rather a result of the oppressive colonial system
imposed by the Spanish.

•To support his argument, Rizal presents various evidence and examples. He highlights the rich history and cultural
achievements of the Philippines prior to Spanish colonization, emphasizing that Filipinos were not inherently lazy or
indolent. Rizal also points out the detrimental effects of Spanish colonization, such as the exploitation of resources and the
suppression of education and economic opportunities for Filipinos. He argues that these factors have contributed to the
perceived indolence among Filipinos.

•In terms of rhetorical strategies, Rizal employs a logical and persuasive approach. He presents a well-structured
argument, using historical facts and examples to support his claims. Rizal also appeals to the emotions of his audience,
evoking a sense of pride in Filipino heritage and a desire for change. By highlighting the negative consequences of Spanish
colonization, he aims to rally support for reform and liberation.

•“The Indolence of the Filipinos” is closely related to Rizal’s broader goals and ideals as reflected in his other writings and
actions. Rizal was a staunch advocate for Filipino rights and independence, and he believed that education and
enlightenment were crucial for national progress. In this article, he exposes the detrimental effects of Spanish colonialism
on the Filipino people, aligning with his broader mission to awaken national consciousness and inspire social change.
Overall, Rizal’s article effectively conveys its message and persuades its audience. Through his meticulous analysis and
compelling arguments, he challenges the prevailing notion of Filipino indolence and sheds light on the underlying causes.
Rizal’s use of evidence, rhetorical strategies, and alignment with his broader goals make “The Indolence of the Filipinos” a
powerful piece that continues to resonate with readers today.

Analyzing Rizal’s articles, particularly “The Indolence of the Filipinos” in La Solidaridad, has provided me with new
insights and perspectives on Rizal’s ideas and perspectives. Through his writings, Rizal shed light on the issues and
challenges faced by the Filipino people during his time, and his analysis continues to contribute to our understanding of
Philippine history and culture. One of the key insights I gained from Rizal’s articles is his emphasis on the importance of
education and enlightenment. Rizal believed that education was crucial in empowering the Filipino people and breaking
free from the chains of ignorance and oppression. His writings highlighted the need for Filipinos to be educated and well-
informed, as this would enable them to actively participate in shaping their own destiny. Furthermore, Rizal’s articles in La
Solidaridad also shed light on the socio-economic conditions of the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. He
discussed the concept of “indolence” and challenged the prevailing notion that Filipinos were lazy and unproductive. Rizal
argued that the perceived indolence of the Filipinos was a result of the oppressive colonial system and the lack of
opportunities for economic advancement. This perspective provides a deeper understanding of the historical context and
challenges faced by the Filipino people during that time. Rizal’s example as a writer, thinker, and activist also offers
valuable lessons for us today. His commitment to social justice and his unwavering dedication to the Filipino cause serve
as an inspiration for aspiring writers, thinkers, and activists. Rizal’s writings were not merely intellectual exercises, but a
call to action. He used his pen as a powerful tool to expose the injustices and advocate for change. Rizal’s courage and
conviction remind us of the power of words and ideas in effecting positive change in society. In conclusion, analyzing
Rizal’s articles in La Solidaridad has provided me with new insights on his ideas and perspectives. His writings contribute
to our understanding of Philippine history and culture, shedding light on the socio-economic conditions and challenges
faced by the Filipino people during the Spanish colonial period. Moreover, Rizal’s example as a writer, thinker, and activist
inspires us to use our voices and talents to advocate for social justice and positive change. Rizal’s legacy continues to
resonate today, reminding us of the importance of education, enlightenment, and the power of ideas in shaping a better
future for our nation.

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