278985percentage Sheet-2 - Crwill

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और िोई मदहला एि स़े अधिि पुरुष स़े शािी नहीां िरती

1. Fresh fruits contain 68% water and dry fruits

contains 20% water. How much dry fruits can अवववादहत रहऩे वाल़े वयस्िों िी सांख्या िुल जनसांख्या
be obtained from 100kg of fresh fruits? िा कितना प्रनतशत है ?
ताज़े फलों में 68% पानी है और सख
ू ़े म़ेवों में 20% a) 72.16% b) 69.45% c) 68.75% d) 62.75%
पानी होता है। 100 किलोग्राम ताज़े फलों स़े कितऩे 5. Monika spends 72% of her income. If her income
increases by 20% and savings increase by 15%,
सूख़े फल प्राप्त किए जा सित़े हैं?
then her expenditure increases by: (correct to 1
(a) 60 (b) 20 decimal place)
(c) 80 (d) 40 eksfudk viuh vk; dk 72% [kpZ dj nsrh gSA ;fn mldh
2. A solution contains 16.5% of salt, from which 18 vk; esa 20% dh o`f) gksrh gS vkSj mldh cpr esa 15% dh
ltr of water is evaporated. Now concentration of
o`f) gks tkrh gS] rks mlds [kpZ esa fdrus प्रनतशत dh o`f)
salt in solution becomes 20.9%. Find the initial
quantity of solution? gksxh\ ¼,d िशमलव LFkku rd lgh½

एि घोल में 16.5% नमि है, जजसमें स़े 18 लीटर (a) 20.8% (b) 20.2%
(c) 21.9% (d) 19.8%
पानी िा वाष्पीिरण हो जाता है। अब घोल में 6. Raghav spends 80% of his income. If his income
नमि िी साांद्रता 20.9% है। ववलयन िी प्रारां भिि increases by 12% and the savings decrease by
10%, then what will be the percentage increase in
मात्रा कितनी थी?
his expenditure?
a) 85.5ltr b) 95ltr c) 88ltr d) 75ltr
राघव अपनी आय का 80% खर्च करता है। यदि
3. There is 26.4 % sugar in the 28 ltr solution of
उसकी आय में 12% की वृद्धि होती है और बर्त मे
sugar and water. After boiling 6ltr water get
10% की कमी होती है , तो उसके खर्च में वृद्धि
evaporated from it. Then the % of left sugar in
the solution? प्रदतशत क्या होगी?
(a) 17.5 (b) 22
चीनी तथा पानी ि़े घोल में जो कि 28 लीटर है उसमें
(c) 16 (d) 20.5
26.4 % चीनी है। घोल िो गमम िरि़े वाष्प द्वारा 6 7. The savings of Radha are
equal to 28% of her
लीटर पानी उडा दिय़े जाऩे पर श़ेष घोल में कितनी %
expenditure. If her income
चीनी होगी? decreases by 5% and her
(A)29.4% (B) 31.2% expenditure increases by 2%,
(C) 30.8% (D)33.6% then her savings decrease by:
4. Of the adult population in a certain village 42% of रािा िी बचत उसि़े खचम ि़े 28% ि़े
men and 24% of women are married. Assuming
बराबर है। यदि उसिी आय में 5% िी
that no man, marries more than one woman and
vice versa, the percentage of total population of िमी होती है और उसि़े व्यय में 2% िी
adult who are unmarried is? वद्
ृ धि होती है, तो उसिी बचत में
एि ननजचचत गाांव में वयस्ि आबािी में 42% पुरुष और कितनी िमी होती है: (ICAR
24% मदहलाएां शािीशुिा हैं। यह मानत़े हुए कि िोई िी Assistant 2022)
पुरुष, एि स़े अधिि मदहलाओां स़े शािी नहीां िरता है

BY Gagan Pratap
A) 18% तो उसि़े खचम में कितऩे प्रनतशत िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है ?
B) 30% (िशमलव ि़े एि स्थान ति ज्ञात िरें )

C) 8.4% a) 22.8 b) 23.5

c) 23.8 d) 24.2
D) 4. 3% 2
11. Ramesh saves 26 % of his monthly salary.
8. Rupa savings are 16% of her 3
expenditure. If her savings increase by When his expenses are increased by 20%, he is
25% and expenditure increases by able to save Rs 4,080 per month. His monthly
10.5%, then the percentage increase in salary is:
her income is? 2
jes'k vius ekfld osru esa ls 26 % cpkrk gSA [kpZ 20%
रूपा िी बचत उसि़े खचम िा 16% है। यदि उसिी 3
c<+ tkus ij og izfr ekg # 4]080 dh cpr dj ikrk gSA
बचत में 25% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है और व्यय में 10.5% mldk ekfld osru gSA
िी वद्
ृ धि होती है , तो उसिी आय में कितऩे प्रनतशत (a) 35,000
(b) 38,000
िी वद्
ृ धि होती है ? (c) 34,000
A) 14.5% (d) 30,000
B) 14% 12. The monthly expenses of a person are 66𝟑%

C) 12%
more than her monthly savings. If her monthly
D) 12.5%
income increases by 44% and her monthly
9. Sahil spends 87.5% of his income. If his income
expenses increases by 60%, then there is an
increases by 11𝟗% and his expenditure increases increase of ₹1,040 in her monthly savings.
by 14.28%, then find his current saving What is the initial expenditure (in ₹)?
percentage? एि व्यजक्त िा माभसि व्यय उसिी माभसि बचत
सादहल अपनी आय िा 87.5% खचम िरता है। यदि स़े 66𝟑% अधिि है। यदि उसिी माभसि आय में

उसिी आय में 11𝟗% िी वद्

ृ धि होती है और उसि़े
44% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है और उसि़े माभसि व्यय में
व्यय में 14.28% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है , तो उसिी वतममान 60% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है, तो उसिी माभसि बचत
बचत प्रनतशत क्या है? में ₹1,040 िी वद्
ृ धि होती है । आरां भिि व्यय (₹ में )
a) 10 b) 12.5 c) 8 d) 𝟗 𝟏𝟏 कितना है ?
10. Sonu saves 15% of her income increases by 20% (a) 9,000 (b) 12,000 (c) 10,000 (d) 13,000
and she still saves the same amount as before, 13. The income of Raju is 44.44% more than his
then what is the percentage increase in her
expenditure. If his income increases by 60% and
his expenditure increases by 70%, then his
सोनू अपनी आय िा 15 प्रनतशत बचा ल़ेती है। savings increase by 12000Rs. Find the difference
यदि उसिी आय में 20 प्रनतशत िी वद्
ृ धि होती है between his initial expenditure and initial saving?

और वह अब िी पहल़े जजतनी ही बचत िरती हो, राजू िी आय उसि़े खचम स़े 44.44% अधिि है। यदि
उसिी आय में 60% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है और उसि़े व्यय

BY Gagan Pratap
में 70% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है, तो उसिी बचत 12000रुपय़े राजू अपनी आय िा 15% बचाता है। उसि़े व़ेतन में
बढ़ जाती है तो उसि़े प्रारां भिि व्यय और प्रारजभिि 18% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई इसभलए उसऩे अपनी बचत में
बचत िा अांतर ज्ञात िरो? 20% िी वद्
ृ धि िी। यदि व़ेतन में वद्
ृ धि ि़े बाि
a) 40000 b) 36000 c) 32000 d) 48000 उसिा व्यय ₹1,32,500 था, तो व़ेतन में वद्
ृ धि स़े
14. The income of A is Rs 35600 per
पहल़े उसिी बचत (₹ में) ज्ञात िीजजए।
month. He saves 20% of his income. If
his monthly income increases by 25% A. 26,500 B. 33,125 C. 23,850 D.
and the expenditure increased by 30%, 19,875
then his monthly saving increase by?
A िी आय 35600 रुपय़े प्रनत माह है। वह अपनी आय 17. The sum of salaries of A and B is ₹43000. A spends
95% of his salary and B spends 80% of his salary.
िा 20% बचाता है। यदि उसिी माभसि आय में 25% If their savings are the same, what is A’s salary (in
िी वद्
ृ धि होती है और व्यय में 30% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है, ₹)?

तो उसिी माभसि बचत में कितनी वद्

ृ धि होती है? A और B के वेतनों का योग ₹43000 है| A अपने वेतन
(ICAR Technician 2022) का 95% खर्च करता है और B अपने वेतन का 80% खर्च
A) Rs 335
करता है| यदि उनकी बर्त समान है , तो A का वेतन (₹
B) Rs 385
C) Rs 356 में ) ककतना है?
D) Rs 375 A)10600 B) 8000
15. The monthly expenditure of a person is 40% C) 35000 D) 34400
more than his monthly savings. If his monthly 18. A’s income is 57 % of B's income. If A's income is
income increases by 40% and monthly
525% more than B's savings and A's savings is
expenditure increases by 60%, then he saves
16.66% of B's expenditure. If difference between
`2,070 more in a month. What is his initial
A's savings and B's savings is Rs315. Then find the
monthly expenditure (in `) ?
,d O;fDr dk ekfld O;;] mldh ekfld cpr ls 40% Average income of A and B?
A िी आय B िी आय िा 57𝟕% है। यदि A िी आय B िी
vf/kd gSA ;fn mldh ekfld vk; eas 40% dh o`f) gksrh gS
vkSj ekfld O;; eas 60% dh o`f) gksrh gS] rks og ,d eghus बचत स़े 525% अधिि है और A िी बचत B ि़े व्यय िा
esa `2,070 vf/kd dh cpr djrk gSA mldk izkjafHkd ekfld
O;; ¼` es½a D;k gS\ 16.66% है। यदि A िी बचत और B िी बचत ि़े बीच
(a) 20,250 अांतर Rs315 है। कफर A और B िी औसत आय ज्ञात िरें ?
(b) 22,425
a) 3712.5 b) 3850 c) 4125 d) 4950
(c) 24,150
19. The income of Ram is 80% more than Shyam’s
(d) 19,320
income, and the income of Shyam is 50% more
16. Raju saves 15% of his income. His
than Ghanshyam’s income. By what percentage is
salary was increased by 18% so he
Ram’s income more than Ghanshyam’s income?
increased his savings by 20%. If his
expenditure after an increase in salary राम िी आय चयाम िी आय स़े 80% अधिि है ,
was ₹1,32,500, find his savings (in ₹) और चयाम िी आय घनचयाम िी आय स़े 50%
before the increase in salary.

BY Gagan Pratap
अधिि है। राम िी आय घनचयाम िी आय स़े ि़े 90% ि़े बराबर है , तो A िी बचत, B िी बचत
कितऩे प्रनतशत अधिि है ? स़े कितऩे प्रनतशत अधिि है ?
(a) 170% (a) 100% (b) 140%
(b) 100% (c) 125% (d) 150%
(c) 110%
(d) 150% 23. A and B spend 60% and 75% of their income,
20. The income of Ajay is 38% more respectively. If the saving of A is 20% more than
than that of Vijay and their savings are that of B, then by what percentage is the income
in the ratio 3:2. If each of them spent Rs of A less than the income of B?
6000, find the sum of the incomes of A और B क्रमशः अपनी आय िा 60% और 75%
Ajay and Vijay?
खचम िरत़े हैं। यदि A िी बचत B िी तुलना में 20%
अजय िी आय ववजय िी आय स़े 38% अधिि है
अधिि है , तो A िी आय B िी आय स़े िम कितऩे
और उनिी बचत िा अनुपात 3:2 है। यदि उनमें स़े
प्रनतशत है ?
प्रत्य़ेि ऩे 6000 रुपय़े खचम किए, तो अजय और ववजय
a) 15 b) 20 c) 10 d) 25
िी आय िा योग ज्ञात िीजजए? 24. The income of Amala is 20%
A) 59000 more than that of Bimala and 20% less
B) 59300 than that of Kamala. If Kamala’s
C) 59500 income goes down by 4% and Bimala’s
D) 59200 goes up by 10%, then the percentage by
21. The income of A is 60% less than that of B, and which Kamala’s income would exceed
the expenditure of A is equal to 60% of B’s Bimala’s is nearest to
expenditure. if A’s income is equal to 70% of B’s vekyk dh vk; fceyk dh rqyuk esa 20% vfèkd gS vkSj
expenditure, then what is the ratio of the saving deyk dh rqyuk esa 20% de gSA vxj deyk dh vk; 4%
of A and B? de gks tkrh gS vkSj fceyk dh 10% ls c<+ tkrh gS] rks
A िी आय B िी तल
ु ना में 60% िम है , और A िा deyk dh vk;] fceyk ls fudVre çfrशr ls vfèkd gks tk,xh

व्यय B ि़े व्यय ि़े 60% ि़े बराबर है। यदि A िी (a) 29 (b) 32
आय B ि़े खचम ि़े 70% ि़े बराबर है , तो A और B (c) 31 (d) 28
िी बचत िा अनुपात क्या है ? 25. If the income tax is increased by 19%, the net
a) 3:8 b) 5:9 income is reduced by 1%. The rate of income tax
c) 4:7 d) 2:15 is
22. The income of A is 80% of B's income and the
यदि आयिर में 19% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है , तो शुद्ि आय 1%
expenditure of A is 60% of B's expenditure. If
the income of A is equal to 90% of B's िम हो गई है। आयिर िी िर है
expenditure, then by what percentage are the (a) 6% (b) 4%
savings of A more than B's savings? (c) 5% (d) 7.2%
A िी आय, B िी आय िी 80% है और A िा व्यय,
B ि़े व्यय िा 60% है। यदि A िी आय, B ि़े व्यय

BY Gagan Pratap
26. If the income tax is increased by 22%, the net category. How many fiction books were
income is reduced by 3%. The rate of income tax in the library in 2015?
is 2010 में , एि लाइब्ऱेरी में िो श्ऱेणणयों में िुल
आयिर में 22% िी वद्
ृ धि हो जाऩे ि़े िारण, तो शुद्ि 11500 किताबें थीां - कफक्शन और नॉन-कफक्शन।
आय 3% िम हो जाती है । आयिर िी िर है 2015 में, पुस्तिालय में इन िो श्ऱेणणयों में िुल
(a) 12% (b) 8%
12760 पुस्तिें थीां। इस अवधि ि़े िौरान कफक्शन
(c) 10% (d) 14.4%
27. The population of a village was 9800. In a year, श्ऱेणी में 10% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई, जबकि गैर-कफक्शन
with the increase in population of males by 8% श्ऱेणी में 12% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई। 2015 में लाइब्ऱेरी में
and that of females by 5%, the population of the
कितनी कफक्शन किताबें थीां?
village became 10458.What was the number of
males in the village before increase? (a)6600 (b)6160
(c)6000 (d)5500
एि गााँव िी जनसांख्या 9800 थी। एि साल में , परु
ु षों िी
30. In an examination, 92% of the students passed
आबािी में 8% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई और मदहलाओां िी सांख्या में and 480 students failed. If so, how many
students appeared in the examination?
5% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई, गााँव िी जनसांख्या 10458 हो गई।
एक परीक्षा में, 92% छात्र उत्तीर्ण हुए और 480 छात्र अनुत्तीर्ण हुए।
इसस़े पहल़े गााँव में पुरुषों िी सांख्या कितनी थी? उस परीक्षा में ककतने छात्र शाकमल हुए थे?
a)4200 b)5600 c)4410 d)6048 (a) 5000 (b) 6200
28. The present population of a village is 15280. If (c) 6000 (d) 5800
the number of males increases by 25% and the 31. Karuna and Aditi scored 434 and 336 marks,
number of females increases by 15%, then the respectively, in an examination. If Karuna
population will become 18428. The difference scored 62% marks, then what is the percentage
between present population of males and of marks scored by Aditi?
females in the village is: ,d ijh{kk esa d#.kk vkSj vfnfr ds çkIrkad Øe'k% 434 vkSj
fdlh xkao dh orZeku tula[;k 15280 gSA ;fn iq:"kksa dh 336 gSaA ;fn d#.kk us 62% vad çkIr fd, gSa] rks vfnfr ds
la[;k esa 25% dh o`f) gksrh gS vkSj efgykvksa dh la[;k esa vadksa dk çfr'kr Kkr djsaA
15% dh o`f) gksrh gS] rks tula[;k 18428 gks tk,xhA xkao (a) 46.5%
esa iq:"kksa vkSj efgykvksa dh orZeku tual[;k ds chp dk varj (b) 52%
Kkr djsaA (c) 45%
(a)1840 (b)1380 (d) 48%
(c)920 (d)2760 32. If 35% are the passing marks. A student gets 200
29. In 2010, a library contained a marks yet fails by 24 marks. What is the
total of 11500 books in two categories maximum marks?
– fiction and non-fiction. In 2015, the
यदि 35% उत्तीणम अांि हैं। एि छात्र िो 200 अांि
library contained a total of 12760
books in these two categories. During प्राप्त होत़े हैं, कफर िी वह 24 अांिों स़े असफल हो
this period, there was 10% increase in
जाता है। अधिितम अांि क्या है ?
the fiction category while there was
12% increase in the non-fiction (a) 820 (b) 560
(c) 640 (d) 680

BY Gagan Pratap
33. A student scores 20% marks and एि उभमीिवार परीक्षा उत्तीणम िरऩे ि़े भलए न्यूनतम
fails by 40 marks while another student
who scores 32% marks, gets 47 marks स़े 21 अांिों स़े अनत्त
ु ीणम हो जाता है , जबकि िस
ू रा
more than the minimum required pass उभमीिवार न्यूनतम आवचयि अांिों स़े 147 अांि
marks. What are the maximum marks for
अधिि प्राप्त िरता है। यदि िोनों उभमीिवारों द्वारा
the examination?
एि छात्र 20% अांि प्राप्त िरता है और 40 अांिों स़े प्राप्त प्रनतशत में अांतर 40% है , तो उक्त परीक्षा में

अनुत्तीणम हो जाता है जबकि एि अन्य छात्र जो 32% अधिितम कितऩे अांि प्राप्त किए जा सित़े हैं?
A) 420
अांि प्राप्त िरता है , न्यन
ू तम आवचयि उत्तीणम अांिों
B) 360
स़े 47 अांि अधिि प्राप्त िरता है। परीक्षा ि़े भलए C) 400
अधिितम अांि क्या हैं? D) 380
36. 48% of the total marks is required to pass an
A) 600
examination and 80% to get a First class with
B) 750
distinction. A student scored 817 marks and
C) 650 failed by 47 marks. How many marks should he
D) 725 secure to get First Class with distinction?
34. A student scored 30% marks and ,d ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ djus ds fy, dqy vadksa esa ls 48% vkSj
failed by 50 marks, while another fo'ks"k ;ksX;rk ds lkFk çFke Js.kh çkIr djus ds fy, 80%
student who scored 42% marks gets 58 vko';d gSA ,d fo|kFkhZ us 817 vad çkIr fd, vkSj 47 vadksa
marks more than the minimum required ls vuqÙkh.kZ gks x;kA fo'ks"k ;ksX;rk ds lkFk çFke Js.kh çkIr
pass marks. What is the pass marks for djus ds fy, mls fdrus vad çkIr djus pkfg,\
the examination? (a) 1500
एि छात्र ऩे 30% अांि प्राप्त किए और 50 अांिों स़े (b) 1440
(c) 1600
अनुत्तीणम हो गया, जबकि एि अन्य छात्र जजसऩे 42%
(d) 1550
अांि प्राप्त किए, न्यूनतम आवचयि उत्तीणम अांिों स़े
37. A student gets 66 marks more in French than
58 अांि अधिि प्राप्त किए। परीक्षा ि़े भलए उत्तीणम
what she got in German. Her German marks are
अांि क्या हैं? 28% of the sum of her French and German marks.
A) 320 What are her French marks?
B) 270 एि छात्रा िो जममन िी तुलना में फ्रेंच में 66 अांि
C) 750
D) 240 अधिि भमलत़े हैं, उसि़े जममन अांि उसि़े फ्रेंच और
35. A candidate fails by 21 marks from जममन अांिों ि़े योग िा 28% हैं। उसि़े फ्रेंच अांि
the minimum to pass an exam while
क्या हैं?
another candidate scores 147 marks
more than the minimum required. If the (a) 108 (b) 72
difference in percentage secured by both (c) 120 (d) 84
candidates is 40%, what is the maximum 38. A candidate scoring x% marks in
marks that can be scored in the said an examination and fails by ‘a’ marks,
exam? while another candidate who scores y%

BY Gagan Pratap
marks gets ‘b’ marks more than the एक छात्र 25% अंक प्राप्त करता है और 'x' अंकों से
minimum required pass marks. What is
the maximum marks for the अनत्त
ु ीर्च हो जाता है। लेककन यदि वह 55% अंक प्राप्त
examination? करता है तो वह y अंकों से उत्तीर्च होता है। यदि x से y
एि परीक्षाथी एि परीक्षा में x% अांि प्राप्त का अनुपात 7:8 है , तो उत्तीर्च प्रततशत क्या है ?
िरता है और a 'अांिों स़े ववफल रहता है, जबकि A) 33%
एि अन्य परीक्षाथी जो y% अांि प्राप्त िरता है, B) 40%
C) 39%
उस़े न्यूनतम आवचयि उत्तीणम अांिों स़े b ’अांि D) 36%
अधिि भमलत़े हैं। परीक्षा ि़े भलए अधिितम अांि 42. Geeta scored 30% and failed by 50 marks. while
Sandeep who scored 45% marks got 25 marks
क्या है ? than the minimum marks required to pass the
𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂+𝒃) 𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂−𝒃)
(a) (b) examination. How many marks did Vimal get if
𝒙−𝒚 𝒙+𝒚
𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂+𝒃) 𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂−𝒃) he scored 64% marks?
(c) (d) xhrk us 30% vad izkIr fd, vkSj 50 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ gks xbZ]
𝒚−𝒙 𝒙−𝒚
39. If a student score 43% marks then he is failed by tcfd 45% vad izkIr djus okys lanhi dks] ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ djus
72 marks, but when he scores 57% marks he is ds fy, vko';d U;wure vad ls 25% vad T;knk feysA 64%
passed by 40 marks. Find passing % vad izkIr djus okys foey dks fdrus vad feys\
(a) 500
यदि िोई छात्र 43% अांि प्राप्त िरता है तो वह 72 अांिों
(b) 256
स़े फ़ेल हो जाता है , ल़ेकिन जब वह 57% अांि प्राप्त िरता (c) 320
(d) 436
है तो वह 40 अांिों स़े उत्तीणम होता है। प्राप्ताांि % ज्ञात िरें
43. Meena scores 40% in an
a)53% b)55% c)52% d)50%
examination and after review, even
40. When a student scores 28% marks then he is though her score is increased by 50%,
failed by 58 marks. But when he scores 41% she fails by 35 marks. If her post-review
marks then he is failed with 6 marks. Find passing score is increased by 20%, she will have
% 7 marks more than the passing score.
जब िोई छात्र 28% अांि प्राप्त िरता है तो वह 58 अांिों The percentage score needed for
passing the examination is
स़े असफल हो जाता है। ल़ेकिन जब वह 41% अांि प्राप्त
ehuk ,d ijh{kk esa 40% Ldksj djrh gS vkSj leh{kk ds ckn]
िरता है तो वह 6 अांिों ि़े साथ असफल हो जाता है। Hkys gh mldk Ldksj 50% c<+ tkrk gS] og 35 vadkas ls Qsy
प्राप्ताांि % ज्ञात िरें gks tkrh gSA ;fn mldk mÙkj&leh{kk Ldksj 20% c<+k gS] rks
mlds ikl mÙkh.kZ vad ls 7 vad vfèkd gksx a sA ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ
a)42.5% b)43% c)40.66% d)41.5%
41. A student scores 25% marks and djus ds fy, vkoश;d çfrशr vad gS
failed by ‘x’ marks. But if he scores 55% (a) 70 (b) 80
marks he is passed by y marks. If the (c) 75 (d) 60
ratio of x to y is 7:8, then the passing 44. In the final examination, Bishnu scored 52% and
percent is? Asha scored 64% . The marks obtained by Bishnu
is 23 less , and that by Asha is 34 more than the

BY Gagan Pratap
marks obtained by Ramesh. The marks obtained 900 vfèkdre vadksa esa ls A us ,d ववषय esa 72% vad
by Geeta , who scored 84% is
izkIr fd, vkSj nwljs ववषय esa vfèkdre 700 vadksa esa ls
अंततम परीक्षा में, बबष्र्ु ने 52% और आशा ने 64% अंक
80% vad çkIr fd,A ;fn ifj.kke nksuksa ववषयो dh lfEefyr
प्राप्त ककए। बबष्र्ु द्वारा प्राप्त अंक रमेश द्वारा प्राप्त
çfrशkrrk ij vkèkkfjr gks rks crkb, lfEefyr çfrशkrrk D;k
अंकों से 23 कम है, और आशा द्वारा प्राप्त अंक रमेश
द्वारा प्राप्त अंकों से 34 अधिक है। गीता, जजसने 84% (a) 75.5% (b) 76%
(c) 76.5% (d) 77%
अंक प्राप्त ककए, द्वारा प्राप्त अंक है
48. Nidhi gave BA exams. Maximum marks of arts,
(A) 417 (B) 357
social science, home science and history are 75,
(C) 399 (D) 439
90, 120 & 135 respectively. if she obtained 56%,
45. In an examination, A obtained 10% more marks
73%, 102 marks and 78% respectively. Find her
than B, B obtained 20% more marks than C and C
overall percentage ?
obtained 32% less marks than D. If A obtained
ननधि ऩे बीए िी परीक्षा िी। िला, सामाजजि
272 more marks than C, then the marks obtained
by B is: ववज्ञान, गह
ृ ववज्ञान और इनतहास ि़े पण
ू म अांि
,d ijh{kk esa] A us B ls 10% vfèkd] B us C ls 20%
क्रमशः 75,90,120 और 135 हैं। यदि उस़े क्रमशः
vfèkd vad izkIr fdarq C us D ls 32% de vad izkIr fd,A
;fn A dks C ls 272 vad vfèkd izkIr gq,] rks B dks dqy 56%, 73%, 102 अांि और 78% प्राप्त हुए हैं | उसि़े
fdrus vad izkIr gq,\ िुल प्राप्ताांि प्रनतशत क्या है?
(a) 816 (b) 850 𝟑
(c) 1020 (d) 952 a)75% b)74.66% c)71𝟕% d)73.22%
46. In an examination, B obtained 20% more 49. 35% of the students in a college are girls and the
marks than those obtained by A, and A rest are boys. The total number of students in
obtained 10% less marks than those obtained the college is 2800. 75% of the boys and 85% of
by C. D obtained 20% more marks than those the girls passed the final examination. The
obtained by C. By what percentage are the percentage of total students who passed the final
marks obtained by D more than those obtained examination is:
by A? fdlh dkWyst eas 35% Nk=k,a gSa vkSj 'ks"k Nk= gSaA dkWyst eas
एक परीक्षा में, B ने A के प्राप्ाांकों से 20% अकिक अांक प्राप् ककए, fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dqy la[;k 2800 gSA 75% Nk= vkSj 85%
और A ने C के प्राप्ाांकों से 10% कम अांक प्राप् ककए। D ने C के Nk=k,a] vafre ijh{kk eas mÙkh.kZ gksrs gSaA vafre ijh{kk eas mÙkh.kZ
gq, dqy fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk çfr'kr Kkr djsaA
ां ों से 20% अकिक अांक प्राप् ककए। D के प्राप्ाक
प्राप्ाक ां A के प्राप्ाक
ां ों
(a) 80%
से ककतने प्रकतशत अकिक हैं? (b) 82%
𝟏 𝟏
(a) 33𝟑% (b) 13𝟑 % (c) 78%
𝟏 𝟏 (d) 78.5%
(c) 43 𝟑 % (d) 23𝟑%
50. In an examination, 45% of all the students who
47. A scored 72% in a paper with a appeared are boys and the rest are girls. If 60%
maximum marks of 900 and 80% in of the boys and 70% of the girls passed, then
another paper with a maximum marks what is the percentage of students who failed?
of 700. If the result is based on the fdlh ijh{kk eas] mifLFkr gksus okys lHkh Nk=ksa eas ls 45% Nk=]
combined percentage of two papers, yM+ds gSa vkSj 'ks"k yM+fd;k¡ gSA ;fn 60% yM+ds vkSj 70%
the combined percentage is
BY Gagan Pratap
yM+fd;k¡ mÙkh.kZ gqbZ gks] rks vuqÙkh.kZ gksus okys Nk=ksa dk çfr'kr ऩे अपनी आय में 40% वद्
ृ धि प्राप्त िी है तो A
Kkr djsaA
(a) 36 और B ि़े सांयक्
ु त आय में प्रनतशत वद्
ृ धि है :
(b) 35.4 (a) 31.25 (b) 34.5
(c) 40 (c) 28.25 (d) 24.5
(d) 34.5 54. There are twice as many girls as boys in a class.
51. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a If 45% of the girls and 30% of the boys have
school is 7: 5. If 65% of the boys and 81% of the submitted their consent for the outstation tour,
girls are scholarship holders, then the percentage then what per cent of the students have NOT
of students, who do not get scholarship, is submitted consent for the tour?
,d d{kk esa yM+dkas dh rqyuk esa yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k nks xquh
एि स्िूल में लडि़े और लडकियों िी सांख्या िा
gSA ;fn 45% yM+fd;ksa vkSj 30% yM+dksa us 'kgj ds ckgj
ु ात 7: 5 है। यदि 65% लडि़े और 81% लडकियााँ i;ZVu ;k=k ds fy, viuh lgefr ns nh gS] rks fdrus çfr'kr
fo|kfFkZ;ksa us bl ;k=k ds fy, viuh lgefr ugha nh gS\
छात्रववृ त्त िारि हैं, तो उन छात्रों िा प्रनतशत, जजन्हें
(a) 60%
छात्रववृ त्त नहीां भमलती है , (b) 44%
𝟏 (c) 50%
(a) 28𝟑% (b) 25%
(d) 40%
𝟏 𝟏
(c) 30𝟒% (d) 27𝟏𝟐% 55. There are 2800 students in a
52. In a class, 𝟖𝟑 𝟑% of the number of students are school, out of which 75% participate in a
sport competition. Out of those who
girls and the rest are boys. If 60% of the number
participate, 60% are boys. 35% of the
of boys and 80% of the number of girls are
boys and 25% of the girls qualify for the
present, then what percentage of the total
final round of the competition. What
number of students in the class is absent?
percentage of the school will participate
एि िक्षा में, छात्रों िी सांख्या में 𝟖𝟑 𝟑% लडकियाां
in the final round?
और बािी लडि़े हैं। यदि लडिों िी सांख्या िा एि स्िूल में 2800 छात्र हैं, जजनमें स़े 75% एि

60% और लडकियों िी सांख्या िा 80% मौजि

ू है, ख़ेल प्रनतयोधगता में िाग ल़ेत़े हैं। िाग ल़ेऩे वालों में

तो िक्षा में िुल छात्रों िी सांख्या िा कितना स़े 60% लडि़े हैं। 35% लडि़े और 25% लडकियाां

प्रनतशत अनुपजस्थत है? प्रनतयोधगता ि़े अांनतम िौर ि़े भलए अहमता प्राप्त िरत़े

(a) 𝟐𝟔
(b) 𝟐𝟑
हैं। फाइनल राउां ड में कितऩे प्रनतशत स्िूल िाग लें ग़े?
𝟑 𝟑
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
(c) 𝟏𝟐 𝟑 (d) 𝟐𝟐 𝟑 A) 22𝟐 %
53. The income of A is 40% more than that of B. If A B) 21𝟒 %
got a 25% rise in his income and B got a 40% rise 𝟏
C) 20𝟑 %
in his income then the percentage increase in the 𝟏
combined incomes of A and B is: D) 23𝟒 %

A िी आय B िी तुलना में 40% अधिि है। यदि A 56. In an engineering institution, a student's grade
is assessed based on internal tests (30%),
ऩे अपनी आय में 25% वद्
ृ धि प्राप्त िी है और B assignments (30%) and external exams (40%).
If a student scored 90% in internal tests, 95% in

BY Gagan Pratap
assignments and 75% in the external exams, gq,A ;fn nksuksa fo|ky;ksa ls mifLFkr gq, dqy Nk=ksa esa ls 90%
then the overall grade of the student is: Nk= mÙkh.kZ gq,] rks fo|ky; Y ds vuqÙkh.kZ Nk=ksa dk çfr'kr
,d bathfu;fjax laLFkku eas] ,d fo|kFkhZ ds xzsM dk ewY;kadu ¼,d n'keyo LFkku rd½ Kkr djsAa
vkarfjd ijh{k.k (30%), vlkbuesVa (30%) vkSj cká ijh{kk (a) 8.3%
(40%) ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk GSA ;fn fdlh fo|kFkhZ us (b) 10%
vakrfjd ijh{k.kksa eas 90%, vlkbuesVa esa 95% vkSj cká ijh{kk (c) 6.4%
esa 75% vad çkIr fd, gSa] rks fo|kFkhZ dk lexz xzsM fuEu esa (d) 5.7%
ls fdruk gksxk\ 59. In an examination of 180 marks of a subject,
(a)86.25% (b)85.25% 75% marks are allocated for theory and the rest
(c)86% (d)85.50% for project work. Veena scored 60% in theory.
57. In a factory there are three types of What percentage of marks must she score in the
Machine M1, M2 & M3 which produce project to achieve an overall 62% marks in the
25%, 35% and 40% of the total products, subject?
respectively. M1, M2 & M3 produce 3%, fdlh fo"k; ds 180 vadksa dh ijh{kk eas] 75% vad Fkhvjh
4% & 5% defective products, (theory) ds fy, vkSj 'ks"k çkstsDV dk;Z ds fy, vkoafVr fd,
respectively. What is the percentage of tkrs gSaA ohuk] Fkhvjh eas 60% vad çkIr djrh gSA bl fo"k;
non-defective products? eas dqy 62% vad çkIr djus ds fy,] mls çkstsDV eas fdrus
एक कारखाने में तीन प्रकार की मशीन M1, M2 और çfr'kr vad pkfg,\
(a) 65
M3 हैं जो कुल उत्पािों का क्रमशः 25%, 35% और (b) 66
40% उत्पािन करती हैं। M1, M2 और M3 क्रमशः (c) 68
(d) 64
3%, 4% और 5% िोषपूर्च उत्पाि उत्पन्न करते हैं। 60. In a year, out of 240 games to be
गैर-िोषपर्ू च उत्पािों का प्रततशत क्या है? (ICAR played, a cricket team wants to win 80%
Technician 2022) of them. Out of 65% of the games
already played, the success rate was
A) 96.95% 75%. What should be the success rate for
B) 95.55% the remaining games to reach the
C) 95.85% target?
D) 98.55% एक वषच में खेले जाने वाले 240 खेलों में से एक कक्रकेट
58. A certain number of students from school X टीम उनमें से 80% जीतना र्ाहती है। पहले से खेले गए
appeared in an examination and 20% students
failed. From school Y, 130% more students than 65% खेलों में से, सफलता िर 75% थी। शेष खेलों के
that from school X, appeared in the same लक्ष्य तक पहुुँर्ने के ललए सफलता िर क्या होनी र्ादहए?
examination. If 90% of the total number of
(ICAR Assistant 2022)
students appeared from both the schools passed,
A) 88.4%
then what is the percentage of students from
B) 90.2%
school Y who failed (correct to one decimal
C) 87.8%
D) 89.3%
fdlh ijh{kk esa fo|ky; X ls fuf'pr la[;k eas Nk= mifLFkr
gq, vkSj 20% Nk= vuqÙkh.kZ gks x,A mlh ijh{kk esa] fo|ky;
X dh rqyuk esa fo|ky; Y ls 130% vf/kd Nk= mifLFkr

BY Gagan Pratap
61. Forty per cent of the employees (d) 14% decrease/deh
of a certain company are men, and 75% 64. Mr. X has a monthly income of $26,500 and his
of the men earn more than Rs. 38,000 monthly expenditure is $20,500. The next year,
per year. If 48% of the company's his salary is increased by 12% and expenditure
employees earn more than Rs. 38,000 is increased by 6%. His savings increase by how
per year, what fraction of the women much percent?
employed by the company earn less feLvj X dh ekfld vk; $26,500 gS vkSj mudk ekfld
than or equal to Rs. 38,000 per year? O;; $20,500 gSA vxys o"kZ] mudhvk; esa 12% dh o`f)
एक कंपनी के कर्मचारिय ं का चालीस प्रतिशि पुरुष gksrh gS vkSj O;; esa 6% dh o`f) gksrh gSA mldh cpr esa
fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f) gksrh gS\
हैं, औि 75% पुरुष 38,000 रुपये प्रतिवषम से अतिक
(a) 32.5%
कर्ािे हैं। यति कंपनी के 48% कर्मचािी 38,000
(b) 27.3%
रुपये प्रतिवषम से अतिक कर्ािे हैं। कंपनी द्वािा (c) 32.0%
तनय तिि र्तहलाओं का कौन सा अंश 38,000 (d) 34.7%
रुपये के बिाबि या उससे कर् कर्ािा है ? (SSC CGL 2022)
𝟐 𝟒 65. The monthly income of a person was Rs87,500
(a) 𝟑 (b) 𝟓
𝟑 𝟕 and his monthly expenditure was Rs50,000. Next
(c) 𝟒 (𝐝)
𝟏𝟎 year his income increased by 33% and his
62. Geeta’s savings are equal to 28% of expenditure increased by 18% .The % increase in
her expenditure. If the expenditure his savings was?
increases by 17.4% and savings
एक व्यजक्त की मालसक आय Rs87500 तथा मालसक
decreased by 5%, then by what
percentage does her income increase? खर्च 50000 रु है यदि अगले वषच उसकी आय 33% बढ़
गीता िी बचत उसि़े व्यय ि़े 28% ि़े बराबर है। जाती है तथा खर्च 18% बढ़ जाता है तो बर्त मे % वद्
ृ धि
यदि व्यय में 17.4% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है और बचत में क्या होगी?
5% िी िमी आती है , तो उसिी आय में कितऩे a) 48% b) 53% c) 61% d) 50%
66. Rekha saves 16% of her income. If
प्रनतशत िी वद्
ृ धि होती है ?
her income increases by 5% and savings
A) 22.4% decrease by 47.5%, then by what
B) 18% percentage does her expenditure
C) 12% increase?
D) 12.5%
ऱे खा अपनी आय िा 16% बचाती है। यदि उसिी
63. A saves 35% of his income. His income is
increased by 20.1% and expenditure is आय में 5% िी वद्
ृ धि होती है और बचत में 47.5%
increased by 25%. By what percentage does his
िी िमी आती है , तो उसि़े व्यय में कितऩे प्रनतशत
saving increase or decrease?
A viuh vk; esa ls 35% cpr djrk gSA mldh vk; esa िी वद्
ृ धि होगी?
20.1% dh o`f) gksrh gS vkSj O;; 25% c<+ tkrk gSA mldh a) 12.5%
cpr eas çfr'kr o`f) ;k deh dh x.kuk djsaA b)15.5%
(a) 11% increase/o`f) c)15%
(b) 9% decrease/deh d)12%
(c) 13% increase/o`f)

BY Gagan Pratap
67. The number of boys and girls who में साक्षर वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाताओं की संख्या ककतने
appeared in an exam were in the ratio
of 9:7. The number of boys & girls प्रततशत कम है?
passing exam were in the ratio 3:2. If (a) 40 (b) 48𝟑
60% of girls passed in exam, find the 𝟐
(c) 50 (d) 46𝟑
percentage of boys passed in exam.
70. In a constituency, 55% of the total
एि परीक्षा में बैठऩे वाल़े लडिों और लडकियों िी
voters are males and the remaining
सांख्या 9: 7 ि़े अनुपात में थी। परीक्षा पास िरऩे females are literate.
Let 40% of the males be illiterate and
वाल़े लडिों और लडकियों िी सांख्या 3: 2 ि़े
40% of the females are literate. If the
अनुपात में थी। 60% लडकियाां परीक्षा में उत्तीणम number of literate males is a% more than
हुईं, परीक्षा में उत्तीणम लडिों िा प्रनतशत ज्ञात िरें ? that of illiterate females, and the number
of literate females is b% less than that of
a) 64% b) 72%
illiterate males, then which of the
c) 70% d) 80%
following is the value of a:b?
68. In a class, 60% of the students
are girls and the rest are boys. There एि ननवामचन क्ष़ेत्र में, िुल मतिाताओां में स़े 55% पुरुष
are 30 more girls than boys. If 68% of है और श़ेष मदहलाओां साक्षर है। माना 40% पुरुष ननरक्षर
the students, including 30 boys, pass
है और 40% मदहलायें साक्षर है। यदि ननरक्षर मदहलाओां
an examination, the percentage of the
girls who do not pass is िी तल
ु ना में साक्षर परु
ु षो िी सांख्या a% अधिि हो, और
,d d{kk esa] 60% Nk= yM+fd;ka gSa vkSj ckdh yM+ds gSaA
ननरक्षर पुरुषो िी तुलना में साक्षर मदहलाओां िी सांख्या
yM+dksa dh rqyuk esa 30 vfèkd yM+fd;ka gSaA ;fn 30 yM+dksa
lfgr 68% Nk=] ,d ijh{kk ikl djrs gSa] rks mÙkh.kZ ugha b% िम हो, तो a:b िा मान इनम़े स़े िौन है ? (ICAR
gksus okyh yM+fd;ksa dk izfrशr gS Technician 2022)
A) 9:10
a)15 b)18 c)20 d)25 B) 11:9
69. In a constituency, 40% of the C) 5:8
voters are senior citizens. 40% of the D) 7:9
senior citizen voters are illiterate and 71. In a group of people, 28% of the members are
25% of the non-senior citizen voters young while the rest are old. If 65% of the
are literates. By what percentage is the members are literates ,and 25% of the literates
number of literate senior citizens are young, then the percentage of old people
voters less than that of illiterate non- among the illiterates is nearest to
senior citizen voters?
लोगों ि़े एि समूह में , 28% सिस्य युवा हैं जबकि
(CHSL 2018)
ककसी तनवाचर्न क्षेत्र में 40% मतिाता, वररष्ठ नागररक बािी बूढ़़े हैं। यदि 65% सिस्य साक्षर हैं, और 25%

है| वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाताओं में से 40% तनरक्षर है साक्षर युवा हैं, तो ननरक्षरों में बूढ़़े लोगों िा

और 25 % गैर वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाता साक्षर है| प्रनतशत (ननिटतम ) है ?

तनरक्षर गैर वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाताओं की तुलना (A) 66 (B) 59

BY Gagan Pratap
(C) 62 (D) 69 𝟏−𝒓𝟐
(a) Rs.1 (b) Rs. 𝟏𝟎𝟎
72. A number is first increased by 5% and then it is 𝟏−𝒓𝟐 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎
(c) Rs. (d) Rs.(𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎−𝒓𝟐 )
further increased by 15%. The original number
76. A number is increased by 30%, then decreased by
increased altogether by:
25%, and then further increased by 25%. What is
एि सांख्या मेंपहल़े 5% िी वद्
ृ धि िी जाती है और the net increase/decrease percent in the number
कफर उसमें 15% िी और वद्
ृ धि िी जाती है । (correct to the nearest integer)?
मल ू सांख्या मेंिुल भमलािर _______ वद् ृ धि हुई है। एि सांख्या में 30% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है , कफर 25% िी
a. 19.75% िमी हुई है , और कफर 25% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है । सांख्या
b. 20.75%
में शुद्ि वद्
ृ धि / िमी प्रनतशत (ननिटतम पूणाांि
c. 22.75%
d. 21.75% ि़े भलए सही) क्या है ?
73. The price of an A.C. is first increased by 16%, (a)22% decrease (b)22% increase
and later on, the price is decreased by22% due (c )21% decrease (d)21% increase
to reduction in sales. Find the net percentage 77. A number is first increased by 16% and then
change in final price of the A.C. increased by 14%. The number, so obtained, is
,d A.C. dh dher esa igys 16% dh o`f) dh tkrh gS vkSj
now decreased by 30%. What is the net increase
ckn esa fcØh esa deh ds dkj.k dher esa 22% dh deh dh
or decrease percent in the original number
tkrh gSA A.C. dh vafre dher eas 'kq) çfr'kr ifjorZu Kkr
(nearest to an integer)?
(a) Decrease of 19.25%/19.25% dh deh एक संख्या र्ें पहले 16% और दिर 14% की वृद्धि
(b) Decrease of 9.52%/9.52% dh deh की जाती है। प्राप्त संख्या िो अब 30% घटाया गया
(c) Increase of 9.52%/9.52% dh o`f) है। मूल संख्या में (पूर्ाांक के दनकटतम) शुि वृद्धि
(d) Increase of 19.25%/19.25% dh o`f)
या कमी प्रदतशत क्या होगी ?
74. If the price of a leather bag is increased by 15%,
and then decreased by 15%, what will be the net (a) 7% decrease
percentage decrease in its price? (b)No increase or decrease
;fn ,d peM+s ds FkSys dh dher esa 15% dh o`f) dh tkrh (c) 6% increase
gS] vkSj fQj 15% dh deh dh tkrh gS] rks bldh dher esa (d) 9% decrease
'kq) çfr'kr dh deh D;k gksxh\ 78. A number is decreased by 30%, then increased
(a) 3.25% by 27% and then further increased by 20%.
(b) 2.25% What is the net increase/decrease percentage in
(c)3.30% the number (correct to the nearest integer)?
(d) 2.30% ,d la[;k esa igys 30% dh deh dh tkrh gS] fQj 27% dh
75. The price of an article was increased by r%. Later o`f) dh tkrh gS vkSj fQu iqu% 20% dh o`f) dh tkrh gSA
the new price was decreased by r% now the price la[;k dh fuoy çfr'kr o`f)@deh ¼fudVre iw.kkZad rd½ D;k
of article is 1 Rs., then the original price was :
(a) 3% decrease/deh
एि वस्तु िी िीमत में r% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई थी। बाि (b) 5% decrease/deh
में नई िीमत में r% िी िमी आई थी अब वस्तु (c) 7% increase/o`f)
(d) 4% increase/o`f)
िी िीमत 1 रुपय़े है , तब मूल िीमत थी:

BY Gagan Pratap
79. A number is first increased by vkSj o`f) dhA 2021 esa] e'khujh ds [kjkc gksus ds dkj.k blds
40% and then decreased by 25%, again fuekZ.k esa 40% dh fxjkoV vkbZA ;fn 2021 esa 179400 ekLd
increased by 15% and then decreased dk fuekZ.k fd;k tkrk gS rks 'X' dk eku D;k gksxk\
by 20%. What is the net (a) 180000
increase/decrease per cent in the (b) 230000
number? (c) 200000
(d) 210000
किसी सांख्या में पहल़े 40% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई और कफर
(SSC CGL 2022)
25% िी िमी हुई, कफर स़े 15% िी वद्
ृ धि ि़े 82. The price of petrol increased by 8%
बाि 20% िी िमी हुई। सांख्या में हुई शद्
ु ि on 1 April 22, when compared to the
price as on 1 January 22. If it increased
ृ धि/िमी प्रनतशत ज्ञात िरें । again by 5% on 31 September 22, what
(a) 7.2% decrease was the price of petrol (in Rs/ltr) on 1 22
(b) 6.4% increase was Rs 96.39/ltr?
(c) 3.4% increase 1 अप्रैल 22 िो प़ेट्रोल िी िीमत में 8% िी वद्
ृ धि
(d) 3.4% decrease
हुई, जब 1 जनवरी 22 िी िीमत िी तल
ु ना में । यदि
80. The price of coffee increased by 31 भसतांबर 22 िो कफर स़े 5% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई, तो 1
35% and then decreased by 20%. If a
िो प़ेट्रोल िी िीमत (रुपय़े/लीटर में) क्या थी? 22
man reduces his consumption of coffee
by 4.5%, then what is the percentage जनवरी, अगर 31 भसतांबर 22 िो िीमत 96.39 रुपय़े
change in his expenditure?
प्रनत लीटर थी?
िॉफी िी िीमत में 35% िी वद् ृ धि हुई और कफर
A) 85
20% िी िमी आई। यदि एि व्यजक्त िॉफी िी खपत B) 82
C) 86
में 4.5% िी िमी िरता है , तो उसि़े व्यय में कितऩे
D) 80
प्रनतशत िा पररवतमन होता है ? 83. If a number is first increased by 15%, then
A) Decrease by 4.15% reduced by 15%, it results in 782. If the same
B) Increase by 3.14% number is first reduced by 25%, then increased
C) Increase by 5.5% by 25% and again reduced by 20%, then what
D) Decrease by 5.2% will be the resulting number?
81. A mask manufacturing company manufactured ;fn fdlh la[;k esa igys 15% dh o`f) gksrh gS] fQj 15%
‘X’ number of masks in 2018. It increased its dh deh gksrh gS] rks bldk ifj.kke 782 gksxkA ;fn mlh la[;k
manufacturing capacity by 30% in 2019 and esa igys 25% dh deh gks] fQj 25% dh o`f) gks vkSj fQj
further increased its manufacturing by 15% in ls 20% dh deh gks] rks ifj.kkeh la[;k Kkr djsaA
2020. In 2021, due to the machinery breakdown, (a) 712
its manufacturing declined by 40%. What is the (b) 150
value of ‘X’ if it manufactured 179400 masks in (c) 750
2021? (d) 600
,d ekLd fuekZ.k daiuh us 2018 eas 'X' la[;k ds ekLd dk 84. The value of a motorcycle depreciates every year
fuekZ.k fd;kA blus 2019 eas viuh fuekZ.k {kerk esa 30% dh by 4%. What will be its value after 2 years, if its
o`f) dh vkSj mlds ckn 2020 esa blds fuekZ.k eas 15% dh present value is ₹ 75,000?

BY Gagan Pratap
मोटरसाइकिल ि़े मूल्य में प्रनतवषम 4% िा हास the first year and decreased by 4% in the second
year. Find the present population
होता है। यदि इसिा वतममान मल्
ू य ₹ 75,000 है, तो nks o"kZ iwoZ ,d 'kgj dh tula[;k 15]62]500 FkhA igys o"kZ esa
2 वषम बाि इसिा मूल्य क्या होगा? tual[;k esa 4% dh o`f) gqbZ vkSj nwljs o"kZ esa 4% dh deh
gqbZA orZeku tula[;k Kkr djsaA
(a) ₹ 72,000 (b) ₹ 70,120
(a) 15,60,000
(c) ₹ 69,120 (d) ₹ 69,000
85. The value of a machine decreases every year at
(c) 15,63,000
the rate of 5%. If its present value is Rs411540,
(d) 15,62,000
what was its value before 3 years ago? 89. The population of a city in 2014 was 8000000. If
किसी मशीन ि़े मूल्य में प्रनतवषम 5% िा हास होता है। in 2015, there is an increment of 8%, in2016,
there is a decrement of 35% and in 2017, there
यदि इसिा वतममान मल्
ू य 411540 है ।तो 3 वषम पहल़े
is an increment of 65%, then what is the
इसिा मूल्य क्या था population of the city at the end of the year
a)450000 b)460000 2017?
c)475000 d)480000 o"kZ 2014 esa ,d 'kgj dh tula[;k 8000000 FkhA ;fn 2015
86. The population of a town increases each year by esa 8% dh o`f) gksrh gS] 2016 esa 35% dh deh gksrh gS vkSj
4% of its total at the beginning of the year. If the 2017 esa 65% dh o`f) gksrh gS] rks o"kZ 2017 ds var eas 'kgj
dh tula[;k fdruh gksxh\
population on 1st January 2001 was 500000, what
(a) 9266400
was it on 1st January, 2004?
(b) 7000000
किसी शहर िी आबािी हर साल िी शुरुआत में (c) 9635535
उसि़े िुल ि़े 4% बढ़ जाती है। यदि 1 जनवरी 2001 (d) 8400278
90. A district has 10,24,000 inhabitants. If the
िो जनसांख्या 500000 थी, तो 1 जनवरी, 2004 िो population increases at the rate 2.5% per
यह क्या थी? annum, find the number of inhabitants at the
(a) 562432 (b)652432 end of three years.
,d ftys esa 10,24,000 fuoklh gSaA ;fn tula[;k 2.5%
(c )465223 (d)564232
çfr o"kZ dh nj ls c<+rh gS rks rhu o"kksZa ds var esa fuokfl;ksa
87. The present population of a city is 17,500. The
dh la[;k Kkr dhft,A
population decreases by 12% in the first year
(a) 11,20,736
and increases by 8% in the second year. Find the
(b) 11,02,736
population after 2 years.
(c) 10,75,840
,d 'kgj dh orZeku tula[;k 17]500 gSA igys o"kZ eas tula[;k
(d) 10,64,850
esa 12% dh deh gksrh gS vkSj nwljs o"kZ esa 8% dh o`f) gksrh
(SSC CGL 2022)
gSA 2 o"kZ ckn tula[;k Kkr dhft,A
91. During the first year, the population of a town
(a) 16,632
increased by 12%.The next year, due to some
(b) 28,500
contagious disease, it decreased by 8%. At the
(c) 15,350
end of the second year, the population was
(d) 21,320
64,400. Find the population of the town at
beginning of the first year.
88. Two years ago, population of a city was
igys o"kZ ds nkSjku] ,d dLcs dh tula[;k eas 12% dh o`f)
15,62,500. The population increased by 4% in
gqbZA vxys o"kZ] fdlh laØked jksx ds dkj.k] blesa 8% dh

BY Gagan Pratap
deh vkbZA nwljs o"kZ ds var es]a tula[;k 64]400 FkhA igys o"kZ (c) 52000
dh 'kq#vkr esa dLcs dh tula[;k fdruh Fkh\ (d) 50000
(a) 50,000 95. The population of a village
(b) 54,750 increases by 5.5% in the first year and
(c) 62,500 falls by 2% in the second year and again
(d) 50,500 increases by 10% in the third year. If the
(SSC CGL 2022) population at the end of the third year
92. The population of a town has increased by 5% at was 109832 more than that at the
the end of the first year and decreased by 4% at beginning of the first year, find the
the end of second year. If the population at the population at the end of the third year.
end of second year was 55,12,248, then the एि गााँव िी जनसांख्या पहल़े वषम में 5.5% बढ़ जाती
population at the beginning of first year was:
है और िस
ू ऱे वषम में 2% घट जाती है और तीसऱे वषम
किसी शहर िी आबािी पहल़े वषम ि़े अांत में 5%
में कफर स़े 10% बढ़ जाती है। यदि तीसऱे वषम ि़े अांत
बढ़ी है और िस
ू ऱे वषम ि़े अांत में 4% िी िमी हुई
में जनसांख्या पहल़े वषम िी शरु
ु आत िी तल
ु ना में
है। यदि िस
ू ऱे वषम ि़े अांत में जनसांख्या 55,12,248
109832 अधिि थी, तो तीसऱे वषम ि़े अांत में
थी, तो पहल़े वषम िी शुरुआत में जनसांख्या थी:
(a)55,72,950 (b)56,23,012 जनसांख्या ज्ञात िीजजए।
(c)54,68,500 (d)53,00,420 A) 840000
93. The population of a country has been declining B) 780000
at 1% every decade. If the projected population C) 800000
of the country in 2030 is given as 1940598, what D) 815000
was the population of the country in 2000? 96. The population of a country has been growing at
fdlh ns'k dh tula[;k çR;sd n'kd eas 1% dh nj ls ?kV a rate of 4% every decade. If the projected
jgh gSA ;fn 2030 esa ml ns'k dh vuqekfur tula[;k population of the country in 2030 is given as
1940598 nh xbZ gks] rks 2000 esa ns'k dh tula[;k fdruh 1,58,18,400, what was the population of the
Fkh\ country in 2000?
(a) 2000000 ,d ns'k dh tula[;k 4% çfr n'kd dh nj ls c<+ jgh gSA
(b) 1999990 ;fn 2030 eas ns'k dh vuqekfur tual[;k 1,58,18,400 gS]
(c) 2000450 rks 2000 esa ml ns'k dh tula[;k fdruh Fkh\
(d) 2000616 (a) 1,40,62,000
94. The population of a city increased by 5%, 2% (b) 1,40,65,200
and 6% in the first, second and third year, (c) 1,40,56,200
respectively. At the end of the third year, the (d) 1,40,62,500
population became 56,763. Find the initial 97. The population of a city in 2014 was 8000000. If
population of the city. in 2015, there is an increment of 8%, in2016,
,d 'kgj dh tula[;k esa igys] nwljs vkSj rhljs o"kZ esa Øe'k% there is a decrement of 35% and in 2017, there
5%, 2% vkSj 6% dh o`f) gqbZA rhljs o"kZ ds var es]a is an increment of 65%, then what is the
tula[;k 56,763 gks xbZA 'kgj dh çkjafHkd tula[;k Kkr population of the city at the end of the year
dhft,A 2017?
(a) 53000 o"kZ 2014 esa ,d 'kgj dh tula[;k 8000000 FkhA ;fn 2015
(b) 51000 esa 8% dh o`f) gksrh gS] 2016 esa 35% dh deh gksrh gS vkSj

BY Gagan Pratap
2017 esa 65% dh o`f) gksrh gS] rks o"kZ 2017 ds var eas 'kgj एि शहर िी जनसांख्या में प्रथम वषम में 16𝟑% िी वद्
ृ धि

dh tula[;k fdruh gksxh\

(a) 9266400 हुई है , ल़ेकिन िस
ु ऱे वषम में 37.5% िी िमी हुई, तीसऱे वषम
(b) 7000000 में 57𝟕% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई। कफर वतममान जनसांख्या ज्ञात
(c) 9635535
(d) 8400278 िरें यदि 3 वषम ि़े बाि जनसांख्या 275,000 हो जाएगी ?
98. The population of bacteria in a culture prepared a)240000 b)250000
in a lab is 8 x 108. Their birth and death rates c)200000 d)225000
per hour are 12.75% and 10.75% respectively. 101.
Find their population in the culture after 3 h. Three years ago, Raman’s salary was
,d iz;ksx'kkyk esa rS;kj fd, x, ,d dYpj esa cSDVhfj;k dh `45000. His salary is increased by 10
vkcknh 8 × 108 gSA mudh tUe vkSj e`R;q nj izfr ?kaVs Øe'k% percent, A percent and 20 percent in
12.75% vkSj 10.75% gSA 3 ?kaVs ds ckn dYpj esa mudh first, second and third year
vkcknh Kkr dhft,A respectively. Raman’s present salary is
(a) 84,89,66,400 `83160. What is the value of A?
(b) 84,89,44,600
rhu o’kZ igys jeu dk osru `45000 FkkA mlds osru esa igys
(c) 8,48,96,640
] nwljs rFkk rhljs o’kZ esa Øe”k% 10 izfr”kr] A izfr”kr rFkk 20
(d) 8,48,96,460
99. Price of a one gram gold coin decreased by 10% izfr”kr dh o`f) dh xbZA jeu dh orZeku vk; `83160 gSA A
on its initial price on Monday and increased by dk eku D;k gS\
(a)40 (b) 30
20% on Tuesday and again increased by 8% on
(c)50 (d) 54
Wednesday, and 5% increase on Thursday. If
the final price on Thursday is `5511.24, then the 102. Salary of Sonu increases from 274.4Rs. to
initial price (in `) of one gram gold coin on 583.2 Rs. in quarter of an year such that
Monday was? percentage increase in his salary is x% in each
,d xzke ds lksus ds flDds ds ewY; esa lkseokj dks blds izkjafHkd month successively. Find the value of x?
ewY; ij 10% dh deh gksrh gS] eaxyokj dks 20% dh o`f) सोनू िा व़ेतन एि वषम िी नतमाही में 274.4 रुपय़े
gksrh gS vkSj cq/kokj dks fQj ls 8% dh o`f) gksrh gSA xq#okj
स़े बढ़िर 583.2 रुपय़े जाता है। । उसि़े व़ेतन में
dks blesa fQj ls 5% dh o`f) gksrh gSA ;fn xq:okj dks vafre
ewY; `5,511.24 Fkk] rks lkseokj dks ,d xzke lksus ds flDds प्रनतशत वद्
ृ धि क्रभमि रूप स़े प्रत्य़ेि माह में x %
dk izkjafHkd ewY; ¼` es½a fdruk Fkk\
है। x िा मान ज्ञात िरो ?
(a) 4500
a)28.56 b)27.5 c)14.28 d)28.33
(b) 4250
(c) 4000 103. The income of a company increases by
(d) 5000 x% per year. If its income is `31,25,000 in the
100. The population of a town is increases by year 2019, and the income in 2017 was
𝟐 𝟏 `20,00,000, then what is the value of x?
16𝟑% in Ist year, but decreases by 37𝟐% in 2nd
,d daiuh dh vk; esa çfr o"kZ x% dh o`f) gksrh gSA ;fn o"kZ
year, increases by 57𝟕% in 3rd year. Then find the 2019 esa bldh vk; `31,25,000 Fkh] vkSj 2017 esa vk;
present population if after 3 years the population `20,00,000 Fkh] rks x dk eku D;k gS\
will become 275,000 ? (a) 18
(b) 15
(c) 20

BY Gagan Pratap
(d) 25 35%. The net percentage effect on the daily sale
receipts is:
104. An Gujrati employee Ramu got fdlh oLrq ds ewY; eas 30% dh deh gksrh gS] ysfdu mldh
promotion, due to this his Salary is increased by nSfud fcØh esa 35% dh o`f) gksrh gSA nSfud fcØh dh çkfIr;ksa
𝟐 ij 'kq) çfr'kr çHkko D;k gksxk\
26 𝟑 %. But due to his inconsistency in work his 𝟏
(a) 6𝟐 % increase/o`f)
salary reduced by Rs. 2550. Ramu was
transferred to Delhi for a project so his salary is (b) 5𝟐 % increase/o`f)
again increased by 12.5%. Now his current salary 𝟏
(c) 5𝟐 % decrease/deh
is Rs.15300. Find his initial income? 𝟏
(d) 6𝟐 % decrease/deh
एि गुजराती िममचारी रामू िो प्रमोशन भमला, इस
107. A rectangular portion of an airport runway
िारण उसिी सैलरी में 26𝟑% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई है ।
was getting repaired for which an estimate was
ल़ेकिन िाम में असांगतता ि़े िारण उसिा व़ेतन made on the basis of a rate Rs. R per square unit.
But while doing the work, the length of the
2550 रु. िम िर दिया गया | रामू िो एि
portion got increased by 10% and the breadth by
पररयोजना ि़े भलए दिल्ली स्थानाांतररत किया गया 8%. Over and above this, there was an increase in
the cost of the repair work to the extent of 15%.
, इसभलए उसिा व़ेतन कफर स़े 12.5% बढ़ गया है।
What was the overall percentage increase in the
अब उसिा वतममान व़ेतन 15300 रुपय़े है। उसिी cost of repair over the estimate?
प्रारां भिि आय ज्ञात िीजजय़े? एि हवाई अड्ड़े ि़े रनव़े ि़े एि आयतािार दहस्स़े
(a)Rs.12750 (b)Rs.15750 िी मरभमत िी जा रही थी, जजसि़े भलए एि िर
(c)Rs.11250 (d)Rs.12000
𝟐 R रुपय़े/ वगम मीटर ि़े आिार पर एि अनम
ु ान
105. Population of a city increases by 𝟒𝟏 𝟑 %,
92000 in first and second year respectively but, in लगाया गया था। ल़ेकिन िाम िरत़े समय,
third year it decreases by 10% and now आयतािार िाग िी लांबाई 10% और चौडाई 8%
population becomes thrice of initial population.
बढ़ गई। इसि़े ऊपर और , मरभमत िायम िी
Find the total increment in the population during
the first year? लागत में 15% िी वद्
ृ धि हुई । मरभमत िी लागत
किसी शहर िी जनसांख्या पहल़े और िस
ू ऱे वषम में में िुल प्रनतशत वद्
ृ धि क्या थी?
क्रमशः 𝟒𝟏 % , 92000 बढ़ जाती है, ल़ेकिन तीसऱे
(a) 36.62 (b) 34.58
(c) 33 (d) 35.24
वषम में यह 10% घट जाती है और अब शहर िी
108. If each side of a rectangle is increased by
जनसांख्या प्रारां भिि जनसांख्या िा तीन गुना हो चुिी 22%, then its area will increase by:
है। प्रथम वषम ि़े िौरान जनसांख्या में िुल वद्
ृ धि यदि किसी आयत िी प्रत्य़ेि िुजा में 22% िी

पता लगाए? वद्

ृ धि िी जाती है , तो उसि़े क्ष़ेत्रफल में वद्
ृ धि होगी:
a)16000 b)20000 c)24000 d)25000 (a) 44% (b) 50%
106. The price of an article is reduced by 30% (c) 46.65% (d) 48.84%
but the daily sale of the article increased by

BY Gagan Pratap
109. If each side of a square is 112. If price of petrol increases by x%,
decreased by 17%, then by what but consumption decreases by x% due
percentage does its area decrease? to total expenditure decreases by
यति तकसी वर्म का प्रत्येक पक्ष 17% घटाया िािा है, 20.25%. Find the percentage change in
expenditure, if price and consumption
ि उसका क्षेत्रफल तकिने प्रतिशि कर् ह िािा है? 𝒙
both will increases by 𝟑%.
(a) 25% (b) 30.79%
(c) 31.11% (d) 44.31% यदि प़ेट्रोल िी िीमत म़े x% िी बद्
ृ धि होती है |
110. If the length of a rectangle is
ल़ेकिन खपत म़े x% िी िमी आई है , िुल खचम
increased by 13% and the breadth of
the rectangle is decreased by 8%, then म़े 20.25% िी िमी आई है| यदि व्यय और
percentage change in the area of the उपिोग िोनों म़े 𝟑% िी बद्
ृ धि होगी, तो व्यय म़े
rectangle will be:
यदि तकसी आयत की लंबाई 13% बढ़ जाती है और प्रनतशत पररवतमन खोज़े|

आयत की र्ौडाई 8% कम हो जाती है, तो आयत के (a) 31.25% (b) 32.25

(c) 39.24% (d) 31.5625%
क्षेत्रफल में प्रदतशत पररवतचन होगा?
113. The radius of a circle in increased
(a) 5.4% decreased
so that its circumference increases by
(b) 1.2% increased
15%. The area of the circle will
(c) 3.96% increased
increase by
(d) 4.06% increased
111. If the length of a rectangle is decreased by एि वत्त
ृ िी त्रत्रज्या इस प्रिार बढ़ जाती है ताकि
17% and the breadth is increased by 17%, its area इसिी पररधि 15% बढ़ जाए । वत्त
ृ ि़े क्ष़ेत्र में %
will undergo:
ृ धि होगी ?
यदि आयत िी लांबाई 17% िम हो जाती है और
(a) 31.25% (b) 32.25%
चौडाई 17% बढ़ जाती है, तो उसिा क्ष़ेत्रफल (c) 33.25% (d) 34%
पररवनतमत होगा ? (CDS 2017)

(a) 13.13% decrease

(b) 2.89% increase
(c) 2.89% decrease
(d) 17.17% decrease

BY Gagan Pratap

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