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Knowing that I am also a contributor to today’s environmental crisis, saving the

ecosystem is what I should do to make-up for my actions. Through this, it sparked my
interest in studying environmental science. Now I have been aware of who are mostly
affected by this crisis and what I can do to help lessen it. This subject gave inspiration to
come up with solutions in every little way I can. Having the urge to save our planet is
what made environmental science more interesting.

My favorite topic in this subject is population growth and urbanization. Population

growth and urbanization is one of the main reasons of environmental change, and root
cause of pollution, global change and climate change. By studying the root cause of
these problems, we can think of the solution that is why it is my favorite topic.

One of my most memorable experience throughout my learning journey as a

student is being a part of CavMUN where I was able to learn a lot about the global
issues, communicate with my fellow candidates and give possible solutions to a specific
global issue. Another unforgettable experience is always being part of “with honors”
awardees. The learning experiences I had are all memorable because I was able to
meet new friends and study with them, encounter great teachers that inspired me to
learn, and develop skills and talents that prepared me to face future challenges
throughout the rest of my learning journey.

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