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IInd TERM, 2023-24

CLASS VII Max Marks: 80


1. Which of the following wool yielding animals is suitable for making Pashmina shawls?
(a) Cashmere goat (b) Angora goat (c) Llama (d) Alpaca

2. Which of the following countries is the largest producer of silk?

(a) India (b) Australia (c) Japan (d) China

3. The small flap of tissue ,which covers the opening of pharynx into the larynx is
(a) pleura (b) alveoli (c) epiglottis (d) Oesophagus

4. Identify the process in the diagram given below.

(a) Budding in Hydra (b) Fragmentation in Spirogyra (c) Budding in Yeast

(d) Spore formation in Mushroom

5. Which of the following is not an indicator that occurs naturally?

(a) Onion juice (b) China rose (c) Litmus (d) Phenolphthalein

6. The acid used for cleaning gold and silver ornaments by goldsmiths.
(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Nitric acid (c) Sulphuric acid (d) Acetic acid

7. You are provided with two solutions ‘X’ and ‘Y’.

‘X’ changes the turmeric stain to brick red, while ‘Y’ changes it to pale yellow. The solution ‘X’
and ‘Y’ are respectively:
(a) Soap solution and lemon juice (b) Lemon juice and soap solution
(c) Lemon juice and vinegar (d) Soap solution and sugar solution

8. In cockroaches, air enters the body through

(a) lungs (b) gills (c) spiracles (d) skin

9. The conducting tissue that transports food from leaves to all parts of the plant
(a) xylem (b) phloem (c) stomata (d) root hair

10. SI unit of distance is

(a) kilometre (b) centimetre (c) metre (d) millimetre

11. Ten decades is equal to

(a) 1 year (b) 1 century (c) 1 millennium (d) 10 centuries

12. The thin wire inside an electric bulb which glows

(a) filament (b) element (c) core (d) gong

13. An electric iron is an example of

(a) heating effect of current (b) magnetic effect of current (c) chemical effect of current
(d) physical effect of current

14. The images which can be obtained on the screen are called
(a) real images (b) upright images (c) virtual images (d) enlarged images
15. The process of splitting the sunlight or white light in to seven colours is termed as
(a) reflection of light (b) propagation of light (c) diffusion of light (d) dispersion of light

16.The instrument used to measure rainfall

(a) odometer (b) rain gauge (c) wind vane (d) Baori


These consist of two statements -Assertion (A) and reason (R).
Answer the following questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
17. Assertion- Bisexual flowers are also called complete flowers.
Reason -They have all the four whorls present.

18. Assertion -Speed is the parameter which decides how fast or slow an object is moving.
Reason – Speedometer measures the speed of the moving vehicle.

19. Assertion -When we do vigorous exercise ,we get muscle cramps.

Reason –Lactic acid is produced and deposited during anaerobic respiration by muscle cells.

20. Assertion -Holes are made in banners and hoardings.

Reason -High speed wind cannot pass through holes in banners and hoardings easily.

21. What is meant by shearing ?Why is it always done in the spring season?
22. What is meant by vegetative propagation? Which are the two types of vegetative
Define pollination. Identify the types of pollination in A and B in the diagram given below.

23. What is acidity? Why do we take an antacid tablet when we suffer from it ?
What is meant by neutralization reaction? Give one example.

24. Identify the type of lens used in this picture. What happens if we move this lens away from
the object?
25. Take an empty coke container. Fill it partially with water and heat it till the water starts
boiling. Now close the mouth of the container with the lid carefully and transfer it immediately
under tap water. The shape of the container gets distorted. Give reason.

26. (a) Identify and name the given figure.

(b) Where is it used and why?

27. Differentiate between strong bases and weak bases. Give one example each.
28. Mention the functions of blood.
Distinguish between the different types of blood cells in terms of their function.

29. (i) Define the time period of a simple pendulum.

(ii) A simple pendulum takes 32 seconds to complete 20 oscillations. What is the time period of
the pendulum?

30. What is meant by electromagnetism? Give any two applications of electromagnets.

31. Identify the instrument in the diagram given below. For what purpose is it used ?
Explain its working.

32.Explain an activity to prove that when the seven visible colours are mixed together, a white
light /white colour is formed.
Explain an activity to prove rectilinear propagation of light.

33. What are the three states of water and how and where is water found in these states on earth?

34.(i) Differentiate between a closed circuit and an open circuit ,and also draw a circuit diagram
for each case.
(ii) What is the difference between a battery and cell?
(i) Explain the principle and working of an electric fuse. What is its advantage?
(ii) What is meant by short circuit?


i) Identify A & B.
ii) Which of them would be used by i) A Dentist ii) A driver as his rear-view mirror.
Give reasons in each case.
36. Draw the structure of an alveoli. Explain how alveoli helps in the process of gas exchange in
Explain the process of exchange of gases in plants through leaves. What happens if the lower
side of leaves of a plant is coated with petroleum jelly or Vaseline?

37. Ground water is the water under the ground where the soil is saturated with water. 0.01% of
the total water on earth is fresh water which may be used for drinking. But most of it is present
as ground water. The topmost level of underground water is known as the water table. We take
out this water from wells and by using hand pumps.
a) What is meant by precipitation?
b) Define aquifer.
c) Give any two reasons for depletion of water table.
c) What is infiltration? What is its advantage?

38. Silk is an animal fibre produced by silkworms. It is a strong, shiny lustrous and soft fibre that
is used to make fabrics. Silkworm is the common name for the silk producing larva of a silk
moth. The silkworm’s life cycle is approximately 6-8 weeks long. It is completed in four stages.
The life cycle begins when the female silk moth produces eggs. Silk is obtained from the
undamaged cocoon.
a) Identify the stages labelled A and B in the diagram of lifecycle of a silkworm

b)What is moulting?
c)Mention any two health hazards of sericulture.
c) How can we distinguish pure silk and artificial silk by burning ?

39. A graph is a mathematical relationship between two physical quantities. The purpose of a
graph is to show numerical facts in visual form so that they can be understood quickly, easily,
and clearly. The following distance -time graph represents the motion of Mohan’s car from his
office to home. Observe the graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
a) Complete the data of the table given below with the help of the distance-time graph given.

b) Calculate the speed of the car with the help of the information from the above table.
c) Identify the type of motion with which the car is moving. Justify your answer.
c) Mention any two precautions which should be taken while plotting a graph?

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