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All people with disabilities, including those with long-term physical, mental,

intellectual, or sensory impairments that prevent them from fully and equally

participating in society due to a combination of environmental and attitude barriers, are

referred to as persons with disabilities. Nonetheless, neither does it aim to displace nor

obstruct broader definitions of disabilities under national law (such as those pertaining

to individuals with temporary disabilities) nor does it exhaust the categories of

disabilities that fall under its purview (United Nation enable, 2017).

According to Marxcky (2019) in most parts of the world there are deep and

persistent negative stereotypes and prejudices against persons with certain conditions

and differences. These attitudes themselves also shape who is considered to be a

person with a disability in each society as well as have contributed to a negative image

of persons with disabilities. The language used to refer to persons with disabilities has

played a significant role in the persistence of negative stereotypes. Clearly, terms such

as “crippled” or “mentally retarded” are derogative. Other terms such as “wheelchair-

bound” or “disabled persons” emphasize the disability before the person.

The social support offered to employed PWDs included listening to them with a

concern; identifying their strengths and obstacles; planning for them based on their

qualities, knowledge, and experience and linking them with existing opportunities;

creating specific opportunities and facilitating their access to opportunities; gradual

withdrawal of support by support group; and, lastly, compromise by employers with

PWD inclusion strategies. Study participants described how misdirected and inadequate
resources, dissatisfaction and unhappiness, and conflicts at the workplace associated

with non-inclusion were constraints to social support. Employment matters affecting

PWDs are complex and require multi-pronged context-specific social support

approaches. Essential to the functioning of an inclusive workplace for PWDs were

communication, coordination, sharing of the workload, and supporting individual PWD

( Chumo I, Kabaria C, Muindi K, Elsey H, Phillips-howard PA, Mberu B., 2020).

According to Holloway (2019) one of the major challenges that persons with

disabilities (PWDs) are facing globally is unemployment. The challenge is attributed to

systems that are not built with inclusivity in mind by employers. As such, the work of

inclusion is not inviting PWDs to do more but to make a difference through social

support. Most research on inclusion in the employment of PWDs in low-income settings

has been concentrated upon the labor “supply” side, and to the best of our knowledge,

no specific studies moved toward inclusion in employment issues from the employers’

perspective in informal settlements.

Conforming to Glover (2021) the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda

and its 17 goals offer a framework to guide local and international community’s toward

the accomplishment of a disability-inclusive progress. It pledges to leave nobody

behind, including persons with disabilities (PWDs), and has acknowledged disability as

a cross-cutting concern to be considered in the execution of all the 17 goals. Similarly, it

recognizes that vulnerable groups including PWDs must be empowered in all spheres of

life including in the labor market.

In pursuant to Bogen (2019) in the Phillipines, Key actors have made efforts both

at local and national spheres to upsurge the participation of PWDs in the labor market

regarding employment. Employment is not only a vital idea in economics but also a

crucial element in realizing a good standard of living, as it offers an opportunity for self-

reliance, dignity, and a means of individualism. Greater participation of PWDs in labor

market can increase their social inclusion, thus a key step to their enablement,

liberation, and wellbeing.

The researcher wants to explore the PWD in their inclusion in employment and

unlocking their potential and fostering their participation in all aspect of life. Thus the

researcher wants to determine the PWD inclusion on employment in hospitality industry.

With this supported topics, the researcher is willing to investigate in Sultan Kudarat what

changes has been made on PWD towards their full autonomy on their social

participation in employment.
State of the Problem

The study aims to determine Fostering Inclusion on employment: Unlocking the

potential of Person With Disability in Hospitality Industry

1. What is demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Educational Attainment

1.4 Kind of Disability

2. What is the Perception of Person with Disability (PWD) in the workplace?

3. What is the opportunity of Person with disability in entering the workforce?

4. To what extent the challenges of Person with Disability (PWD) in terms of:

3.1 Working Environment

3.2 Guest Treatment, and

3.3 Salary / compensation?

5. To what extent the potential of Person With Disability (PWD) on employment?

Conceptual Framework

This study presents the conceptual framework which divided into two,

independent variable and dependent variable. This will serve illustrates the expected

relationship between your variables. It defines the relevant objectives for your research

process and maps out how they come together to draw coherent conclusions.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Fostering inclusion on Employment

 Perception of PWD on the

 Opportunity of PWD
 Challenges of PWD
Person with Disability in  Working Environment
Hospitality industry  Guest Treatment
 Salary/Compensation
 Potential of PWD

Conceptual Framework of the study present the independent and dependent

variable. As stated in the table person with disability on hospitality industry noted as

independent variable which will be the cause that will give impact on the inclusion of

PWD employment in hospitality industry. While, dependent variable of this study is the

fostering inclusion on employment of PWD with a variable of perception of PWD on

social Inclusion opportunity of PWD challenges of PWD with an indicators of company

environment, costumer / guest treatment, and salary / compensation. With a last

variable of potential of PWD

Significance of the study

This study aims to find out the person with disability inclusion on employment in

Hospitality Industry. The result of this study with be beneficial to the following:

To the Community, this study will be a great help to the community because it

play a vital rule in giving them awareness on the potential of the PWD on employment in

hospitality industry.

To the Hospitality Industry, the outcome of this will be beneficial to hospitality

industry because they are the one who play a big rule in giving opportunity and offer

employment to the people with or without disability.

To the Department of Labor and employment, the result of this study will be a

great help to DOLE because it play a vital rule in intervening the organization of

business when it comes to employee scope and limitation.

To the Person with disability, the outcome of this study will be important to

PWD because they are the one who involve in the pursuant of this study. So, PWD will

find out the majority of them on fastening their inclusion on employment.

To the Researcher, the outcome of this study will be a great to the researcher

because he/she can find it out the main problem or phenomenon of the study which will

be the PWD inclusion on employment in hospitality industry

To the Future Researcher, the result of this study will be beneficial to the future

researcher because on their future study that is related on this topic might be helpful for

them to used it as their resources and extend the gap.

Scope and Limitation

The study is mainly focus on the Person with Disability (PWD) inclusion on

employment in hospitality industry. It will determine the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of sex; age; educational attainment; and kind of disability.

Perception of PWD in the workplace. Opportunity of Person with Disability in entering

the workforce. The challenges of Person with Disability in terms of working environment;

guest treatment; and salary/compensation. Lastly, determine the potential of PWD on

employment. This study will be conducted at Sultan Kudarat in selected hospitality

industry particulary in Tacurong City, Isulan, and Esperanza. This study started

February 2024-2025.
Definition of Terms

Employment it is a relationship between two parties regulating the

provision on paid labor services. This identified labor is

the PWD in hospitality industry.

Guest treatment It is the experience of PWD employee in the workplace

how they receive feedback, respect, and treatment

among its guest in hospitality industry.

Hospitality Industry is a broad category of fields with the service industry

that include lodging, food and beverages services, event

planning, theme parks, travel agency, tourism, hotels,

restaurant, and bar.

Person with Disability (PWD) it is used to apply to all persons with disabilities who

have problem on their internal and external capacity

who are working in hospitality industry in Sultan


Salary/Compensation it is a set, regular payment made by an employer to a

worker, usually a professional or white-collar worker,

usually made on a monthly or bimonthly basis but often

expressed as an annual sum in Hospitality industry.

Social Inclusion it is the process of improving the terms on which

individual and groups take part in society improving the

ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged

on the basis of their identity.

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