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Drug Classes & Actions : NSAIDs Cheat Sheet

by Roxanne (Reuben) via

Commonly Prescribed For... Name Endings

Arthritis Post-O​per​ative Pain -Coxib COX-2 inhibitor

Acute Gout Inflam​matory Pain r/t Tissue Injury -Profen Anti-i​nfl​amm​ato​ry/​Ana​lgesic
Dysmen​orrhoea Fever -Fenac Anti-i​nfl​amm​atory Agent

Headache & Migraine Lower Back Pain

Renal Colic Macular Edema
Not Recomm​ended For...
Indica​tions Pregnancy
Antipy​retic Fever Reduction Cardio​vas​cular Disease
Analgesic Pain Relief Renal Disease
Antith​rom​botic Reduces Blood Clotting GI Bleeds (history of & currently)
Anti-I​nfl​amm​atory Reduces Inflam​mation Uncont​rolled Hypert​ension

Mechanism Of Action - Enzyme Inhibitor Intera​ctions

Inhibits Cycloo​xyg​enase (COX) : COX-1 and COX-2 helps in the Intera​ctions Increases Decreases
production of prosta​gla​ndins, which are respon​sible for aiding the Aspirin GI Side Effects Effect​iveness of NSAID
inflam​matory response by acting as a vasodi​lator and inhibiting the
Diuretics Effects of Diurectic
aggreg​ation of blood platelets.
Antihy​per​tensive Effects of Antihy​per​ten​sives
Antipy​retic Properties : Can be used to treat fever. Works on the
hypoth​alamus by inhibiting prosta​glandin E2 (PGE2) via COX, which
Side Effects
raises the thermal set point.
Gastro​int​estinal Ulcers & Bleeds Dry Eyes
COX-1 acts on the mucosa lining of the stomach to keep it from
being eroded away by stomach acid. Myocardial Infarction Dizziness

COX-2 does not act on the lining of the stomach, so certain NSAIDs Nephro​pathy Diarrhea
which work on COX-2 but not COX-1 are preferable to keep the Raised Liver Enzymes Nausea
function of the stomach intact and protected. Hypert​ension Dyspepsia
Salt & Fluid Retention Bronch​ospasms
Generic & Trade Names

Generic Trade Route
Oral Serum
Diclofenac Voltaren Oral,
Onset 30-60 Minutes .
Ibuprofen Advil, Motrin Oral, Parenteral
Peak 2-4 Hours 2-2.5 Hours
Naproxen Aleve Oral
Duration 6-8 Hours .
Absorption Rapid Readily
COX-2 Selective
Celecoxib Celebrex Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing Diagnoses
Acute Pain Indica​tions
Risk for imbalanced body temper​ature Indica​tions
Deficient knowledge r/t 1. disease process or/and 2. Indicates
Talnif​lumate medication regimen Teaching

By Roxanne (Reuben) Published 25th October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd December, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Drug Classes & Actions : NSAIDs Cheat Sheet
by Roxanne (Reuben) via

Assess​ments ADDITIONAL NOTES (cont)

Assessment Following Admini​str​ation .

Pain Limitation of movement, type, location, intensity .
Fever note associated signs (diaph​oresis, tachyc​ardia, .
malaise, chills) .
Laboratory Test Consid​era​tions
What Focus
GI Effects Pain, Bleeding, Bruising, Dyspepsia
Renal Function Urine Output, Serum BUN, Creatinine
Response Pain, ROM, Grip Strength, Mobility, ADL Functions
Liver Functions

Patient Education .
Take NSAIDs with meals or a glass of milk.
Remain upright for 15-30 minutes after taking NSAIDs.
Avoid use of alcohol to prevent GI ulceration & Bleeding
Do not take in combin​ation with other NSAIDs, acetam​ino​phen, and
salicy​lates. .

Avoid taking for long periods of time, advise COX-2 inhibitor NSAID .
use and stomach protectant (Ex. Pantop​ora​zole) .
Avoid taking before surgery .
. References
. https:​//w​ww.h​ea​lth​lin​​/me​dic​ati​ons​/tv8531
. https:​//e​n.w​iki​ped​ia.o​rg​/wi​ki/​Non​ste​roi​dal​_an​ti-​inf​lam​mat​ory​_drug
Davis's Nursing Drug Guide 16th Edition
. Drug Inform​ation Handbook with Intern​ational Trade Names Index

By Roxanne (Reuben) Published 25th October, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 22nd December, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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