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School: Grade Level: 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: English

Teaching Dates & Time: Week 1 Quarter: Third Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner The learner demonstrates communicative The learner
demonstrates competence through his/ her understanding of Afro- demonstrates
communicative Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper communicative
competence through his/ appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other competence through his/
her understanding of countries. her understanding of
Afro-Asian Literature Afro-Asian Literature and
and other texts types for other texts types for a
a deeper appreciation of deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and Philippine Culture and
those of other countries. those of other countries.
B. Performance

C. Learning Examine biases (for or Examine biases (for or against) made by the author Examine biases (for or
Competencies/ against) made by the against) made by the
( Write the code for
author author
( Subject Matter)

III. LEARNING The content of this The content of this lesson will focus on The content of this
RESOURCES lesson will focus on understanding and analyzing biases in written texts lesson will focus on
A. References
understanding biases in and their effects on the author's perspective and understanding and
written texts and their message. analyzing biases in
impact on the author's written texts and their
viewpoint and message. effects on the author's
perspective and

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
Created by: GREG M, Et al
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Projector or whiteboard Projector or whiteboard for presentations Projector or whiteboard
from Learning for presentations Worksheets with sample texts for analysis for presentations
Resource LR portal
Worksheets with sample Writing materials (notebooks, pens, or laptops) Worksheets with sample
texts for analysis Rubrics for evaluation texts for analysis
Writing materials Writing materials
(notebooks, pens, or (notebooks, pens, or
laptops) laptops)
Rubrics for evaluation Rubrics for evaluation

B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Begin the lesson by Begin the lesson by briefly revisiting the previous Begin the lesson by
Lesson or presenting briefly revisiting the lesson on critical reading and analysis. briefly revisiting the
new lesson previous lesson on previous lesson on
critical reading and critical reading and
analysis. analysis.

B. Establishing a purpose Discuss with students Discuss with students the importance of identifying Discuss with students
for the lesson the importance of being biases in texts and how these biases can shape the the importance of
able to identify biases in author's perspective. identifying biases in texts
texts. State the objective of the lesson: "Today, we will and how these biases
Explain how biases can learn to identify and analyze biases made by can shape the author's
affect the credibility and authors in written texts and support our findings with perspective.
objectivity of the author. evidence from the text." State the objective of the
State the objective of lesson: "Today, we will
the lesson: "Today, we learn to identify and
will learn to identify and analyze biases made by
analyze biases made by authors in written texts
authors in written texts." and support our findings
with evidence from the

C. Presenting examples/ Provide students with Provide students with sample texts that contain both Provide students with
instances of the new sample texts that explicit and implicit biases. sample texts that contain
contain explicit and Analyze these examples as a class, pointing out the both explicit and implicit
implicit biases. biased language, stereotypes, or assumptions biases.
Analyze these examples made by the authors. Analyze these examples
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as a class, pointing out as a class, pointing out
the biased language, the biased language,
stereotypes, or stereotypes, or
assumptions made by assumptions made by
the authors. the authors.

D. Discussing new Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of explicit and implicit biases. Introduce the concept of
concepts and practicing explicit and implicit Discuss how explicit biases are direct and easy to explicit and implicit
new skills. #1 biases. identify, while implicit biases are more subtle and biases.
Discuss how explicit may require deeper analysis. Discuss how explicit
biases are direct and In pairs or small groups, have students analyze a biases are direct and
easy to identify, while text for explicit biases and provide examples from easy to identify, while
implicit biases are more the text to support their analysis. implicit biases are more
subtle and may require subtle and may require
deeper analysis. deeper analysis.
In pairs or small groups, In pairs or small groups,
have students analyze a have students analyze a
text for explicit biases text for explicit biases
and share their findings and provide examples
with the class. from the text to support
their analysis.

E. Discussing new Discuss the impact of Discuss the impact of biases on the author's Discuss the impact of
concepts and practicing biases on the author's perspective and message. biases on the author's
new skills #2.
perspective and Provide another set of sample texts and ask perspective and
message. students to identify implicit biases, explaining how message.
Provide another set of these biases might affect the overall message of the Provide another set of
sample texts and ask text. sample texts and ask
students to identify Encourage critical thinking and class discussion, students to identify
implicit biases and emphasizing the use of textual evidence. implicit biases,
discuss how these explaining how these
biases might affect the biases might affect the
overall message of the overall message of the
text. text.
Encourage critical Encourage critical
thinking and class thinking and class
discussion. discussion, emphasizing
the use of textual

Created by: GREG M, Et al


F. Developing Mastery Give students additional Give students additional texts to analyze Give students additional
(Lead to Formative texts to analyze independently. texts to analyze
Assessment 3)
independently. Circulate among students to provide guidance and independently.
Circulate among support as needed. Circulate among
students to provide Have students present their findings to the class, students to provide
guidance and support as ensuring they provide strong textual evidence. guidance and support as
needed. needed.
Have students present Have students present
their findings to the their findings to the
class. class, ensuring they
provide strong textual

G. Finding practical Discuss real-world Discuss real-world examples of texts with biases Discuss real-world
application of concepts examples of texts with and their consequences. examples of texts with
and skills in daily living
biases and their Ask students to reflect on how recognizing biases biases and their
consequences. can help them in their academic and personal lives. consequences.
Ask students to reflect Ask students to reflect
on how recognizing on how recognizing
biases can help them in biases can help them in
their academic and their academic and
personal lives. personal lives.

H. Making Generalizations Summarize key points Summarize key points from the lesson and ask Summarize key points
and Abstraction about from the lesson and ask students to make generalizations about identifying from the lesson and ask
the Lesson.
students to make and analyzing biases in texts. students to make
generalizations about Encourage them to think about how these skills can generalizations about
identifying and analyzing be applied beyond the classroom. identifying and analyzing
biases in texts. biases in texts.
Encourage them to think Encourage them to think
about how these skills about how these skills
can be applied beyond can be applied beyond
the classroom. the classroom.

I. Evaluating Learning 1. When examining 21. When analyzing author biases in a text, what is 31. What is the primary
biases made by the the primary purpose of this examination? purpose of identifying

Created by: GREG M, Et al

author, what should you A) To find evidence that supports the reader's own and assessing author
primarily look for in the biases biases in a text?
text? B) To dismiss the text as unreliable due to the
author's perspectives A) To reinforce the
A) Only biases that C) To better understand the author's point of view author's biases
support the author's and assess its impact on the text's credibility
B) To understand the
viewpoint D) To avoid acknowledging any biases in the text
author's perspective and
B) Biases that are both Answer: C) To better understand the author's point evaluate its impact on
for and against the of view and assess its impact on the text's the text's credibility
author's perspective credibility. C) To avoid any
C) Biases that solely discussion of bias in the
22. What is the potential consequence of failing to
oppose the author's text
identify and evaluate author biases in a text?
stance A) The reader may develop biases that align with D) To encourage the
D) Any biases or the author's perspective. reader's own biases
subjective elements that B) The reader may misinterpret the author's intent
and perspective.
influence the author's
C) The reader may overlook the text's credibility
writing Answer: B) To
D) The reader may become overly critical and understand the author's
skeptical of the author. perspective and evaluate
Answer: D) Any biases its impact on the text's
or subjective elements Answer: B) The reader may misinterpret the credibility.
that influence the author's intent and perspective.
author's writing
23. In the context of critical analysis, what should be 32. When assessing
the reader's primary goal when examining biases author biases in a text,
2. What is the made by the author? what should a critical
A) To promote the reader's own biases and beliefs
significance of reader prioritize?
B) To identify biases that oppose the author's
identifying biases in an
perspective A) Identifying biases that
author's work when C) To understand the author's point of view and its confirm the reader's own
analyzing a text? potential influence on the text's reliability beliefs
A) It encourages the D) To avoid all discussions of author biases
B) Disregarding any
reader to adopt the
Answer: C) To understand the author's point of view potential author biases
author's viewpoint
and its potential influence on the text's reliability.
without question C) Understanding the
Created by: GREG M, Et al
B) It allows the reader to 24. How can recognizing author biases contribute to author's point of view
dismiss the text as a more comprehensive understanding of a text's and its potential
untrustworthy content? influence on the text
A) By dismissing the text as unreliable and biased
C) It helps the reader B) By allowing the reader to engage with the text D) Embracing and
evaluate the author's critically and consider the author's perspective promoting the author's
perspective and the C) By encouraging the reader to impose their own biases
potential impact on the biases onto the text
text's reliability D) By promoting passive acceptance of the author's
viewpoint Answer: C)
D) It discourages critical
Understanding the
analysis Answer: B) By allowing the reader to engage with
author's point of view
the text critically and consider the author's
and its potential
influence on the text.
Answer: C) It helps the
reader evaluate the 25. When evaluating author biases, what should be
author's perspective and avoided to maintain a balanced and objective
analysis? 33. What is the potential
the potential impact on
A) Focusing solely on biases that align with the consequence of failing to
the text's reliability
reader's own perspective identify and evaluate
B) Dismissing all potential biases as insignificant author biases in a text?
C) Ignoring any biases that may support the
3. When examining author's viewpoint A) The reader may
biases in a text, what D) Evaluating all biases, regardless of their potential become overly critical
type of bias should you impact on the text's reliability and skeptical of the
be particularly cautious author.
of, as it may influence Answer: A) Focusing solely on biases that align with
the reader's own perspective. B) The reader may
the author's credibility
develop biases that are
and objectivity?
26. What is the primary objective when assessing contrary to the author's
A) Biases that favor a author biases in a text? perspective.
balanced perspective A) To dismiss the text entirely due to biases
B) To embrace and promote the author's biases C) The reader may
B) Biases that support C) To understand the author's perspective and its misinterpret the author's
the author's viewpoint influence on the text's credibility intent and perspective.
D) To overlook any potential biases in the text
C) Biases that are D) The reader may be
unable to form any
Answer: C) To understand the author's perspective
and its influence on the text's credibility. conclusions about the
Created by: GREG M, Et al
unrelated to the text's text.
subject 27. In critical analysis, why is it essential to consider
author biases when evaluating a text's credibility
D) Biases that unfairly and objectivity? Answer: C) The reader
favor one side or opinion A) It ensures that the author's biases have no may misinterpret the
impact on the text.
author's intent and
B) It promotes passive acceptance of the author's
Answer: D) Biases that viewpoint.
unfairly favor one side or C) It allows the reader to critically assess the
opinion author's perspective and its potential impact on the
text. 34. In a thorough
D) It encourages the reader to adopt the author's analysis, what should
biases. you avoid when
4. In a critical analysis,
examining author biases
what role do author Answer: C) It allows the reader to critically assess in a text?
biases play when the author's perspective and its potential impact on
assessing the credibility the text. A) Focusing solely on
and objectivity of a text? biases that support your
28. What should the reader prioritize when own perspective
A) Biases have no evaluating author biases in a text?
impact on the A) Ignoring any biases that do not align with the B) Identifying and
assessment of credibility reader's own perspective evaluating all biases,
and objectivity B) Identifying and understanding the author's regardless of personal
perspective to assess its impact on the text opinions
B) Biases can be
C) Promoting the reader's own biases and opinions
dismissed as D) Disregarding any potential author biases C) Promoting your own
insignificant biases while analyzing
Answer: B) Identifying and understanding the the author's
C) Biases are crucial
factors in evaluating the author's perspective to assess its impact on the D) Disregarding any
author's credibility and potential author biases
the text's objectivity
29. When examining author biases, what should the
D) Biases should be reader primarily focus on?
A) Identifying biases that align with the author's Answer: A) Focusing
embraced and promoted
perspective solely on biases that
B) Promoting the reader's own biases and beliefs support your own
C) Understanding the author's perspective and perspective.
Answer: C) Biases are assessing its potential impact on the text's reliability
crucial factors in D) Dismissing any potential author biases
Created by: GREG M, Et al
evaluating the author's
credibility and the text's Answer: C) Understanding the author's perspective
and assessing its potential impact on the text's 35. How can recognizing
reliability. author biases contribute
to a more balanced and
30. What is the main goal of examining biases nuanced interpretation of
5. How does recognizing
made by the author in a critical analysis of a text? a text's content?
author biases enhance
A) To prove that the author's biases are irrelevant to
the reader's the text's content A) By promoting passive
understanding of a text's B) To highlight any biases that support the reader's acceptance of the
content and potential own viewpoint author's viewpoint
limitations? C) To understand the author's perspective and
B) By dismissing the text
assess its impact on the text's credibility
A) It limits the reader's as unreliable and biased
D) To ignore any potential author biases in the text
engagement with the
C) By enabling the
text Answer: C) To understand the author's perspective reader to engage with
B) It promotes a one- and assess its impact on the text's credibility. the text critically and
sided and biased consider the author's
interpretation of the perspective
D) By encouraging the
C) It allows the reader to reader to impose their
critically assess the own biases onto the text
author's perspective and
its impact on the text
Answer: C) By enabling
D) It encourages the
the reader to engage
reader to accept the text
with the text critically and
consider the author's
Answer: C) It allows the
reader to critically
36. When evaluating
assess the author's
author biases, what
perspective and its
should you avoid doing
impact on the text
to ensure an objective

Created by: GREG M, Et al

6. What should be the A) Ignoring any biases
primary objective when that may not align with
evaluating author biases your own perspective
in a text?
B) Assuming that all
A) To ignore biases biases have a negative
entirely impact on the text
B) To understand the C) Focusing solely on
author's perspective and biases that align with
how it may affect the your personal opinions
text's content
D) Evaluating all biases,
C) To assume that all regardless of their
biases are insignificant potential impact on the
text's reliability
D) To solely focus on
biases that align with the
reader's own viewpoint
Answer: C) Focusing
solely on biases that
align with your personal
Answer: B) To
understand the author's
perspective and how it
may affect the text's
37. In critical analysis,
why is it essential to
consider author biases
when assessing the
7. When assessing
credibility and objectivity
biases in a text, what
of a text?
should you avoid doing
to ensure an objective A) It allows the reader to
evaluation? critically evaluate the
author's viewpoint and
A) Ignoring any biases
its potential impact on
that may be present

Created by: GREG M, Et al

B) Assuming that all the text.
biases are equally
B) It encourages the
detrimental to the text's
reader to adopt the
author's biases
C) Promoting your own uncritically.
biases and disregarding
C) It ensures that the
the author's
text is entirely objective
D) Identifying and and unbiased.
considering the potential
D) It promotes passive
impact of biases on the
acceptance of the
text's content
author's perspective.

Answer: C) Promoting
Answer: A) It allows the
your own biases and
reader to critically
disregarding the author's
evaluate the author's
viewpoint and its
potential impact on the
8. How can recognizing
author biases help you
critically engage with a
text and its arguments?
38. What is the main
A) By dismissing the text goal when examining
entirely biases made by the
author in a text?
B) By encouraging
passive acceptance of A) To dismiss the text
the author's viewpoint entirely due to biases
C) By enabling you to B) To prove that the
evaluate the strengths author's biases are
and weaknesses of the irrelevant to the text's
arguments in light of content
potential bias
C) To understand the

Created by: GREG M, Et al

D) By discouraging any author's perspective and
form of analysis assess its impact on the
text's credibility
D) To embrace and
Answer: C) By enabling
promote the author's
you to evaluate the
strengths and
weaknesses of the
arguments in light of
Answer: C) To
potential bias
understand the author's
perspective and assess
its impact on the text's
9. In a thorough
analysis, what should
you prioritize when
examining author
39. When examining
author biases in a text,
A) Ignoring any biases what is the reader's
that do not align with primary responsibility?
your own perspective
A) To dismiss any
B) Identifying and potential author biases
evaluating all biases,
B) To focus on
regardless of personal
promoting the reader's
own biases and beliefs
C) Avoiding any in-depth
C) To understand the
examination of the text's
author's perspective and
assess its impact on the
D) Promoting your own text's reliability
biases while analyzing
D) To ignore the author's
the author's
point of view entirely

Answer: B) Identifying
Answer: C) To
Created by: GREG M, Et al
and evaluating all understand the author's
biases, regardless of perspective and assess
personal opinions its impact on the text's

10. What is the primary

goal of examining 40. In a critical analysis,
biases made by the how can recognizing
author when critically author biases contribute
analyzing a text? to a more informed and
objective assessment of
A) To prove that the
the text?
author's biases are
irrelevant to the text's A) By discouraging any
content form of analysis
B) To highlight any B) By allowing the reader
biases that support the to critically engage with
author's viewpoint the text and its
arguments in light of
C) To understand the
potential bias
author's perspective and
assess how it may C) By promoting passive
impact the text's acceptance of the
reliability and credibility author's viewpoint
D) To disregard any D) By dismissing the text
potential biases in the as irrelevant

Answer: B) By allowing
Answer: C) To the reader to critically
understand the author's engage with the text and
perspective and assess its arguments in light of
how it may impact the potential bias.
text's reliability and

Created by: GREG M, Et al

J. Additional Activities for Provide additional Provide additional practice or remediation for Assess students'
Application or practice or remediation students who may need it. understanding by
for students who may Offer opportunities for further exploration of bias- assigning a written
need it. related topics if time permits. analysis of a text with
Offer opportunities for biases.
further exploration of Use a rubric to evaluate
bias-related topics if their ability to identify
time permits. and explain biases in the
text, supported by textual

A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Created by: GREG M, Et al
Teacher III
School Principal I

Created by: GREG M, Et al

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