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Game of Throne – BE Value Chain:

Virtual Project Collaboration

Remote Live Collaboration using FulcrumHQ

Key Learning Objectives

1. Use of cloud-based technology for virtual project meeting.

2. Understand the importance of collaboration among the project team members;

• Architect (Group leader)
• Structural Engineer
• M&E Engineer
• Main Contractors

3. BIM collaboration is possible with entire project team, even with non-BIM users.
This provides greater transparency in project management.
Timing / Task No. Tasks

1430-1500 1 • Welcome and Introduction

(30 min) • Group briefing and go to respective breakout rooms

2 • Use Zoom breakout room set up for you for any verbal
• Group Set-up in FulcrumHQ
1500-1620 3 • Start Group Assignment and Refer to the following pages on
(80 min) respective discipline task list.

1620-1645 4 • Group leader facilitate group sharing on lesson learn.

(25 min) • The best team that show collaboration in their issues in a timely,
complete and creative manner will win.

In a world where Oppenheimer's nuclear experiments ended with a mutation in humans leading to the rise of a
new species - ZOMBIES

You and your team are the only hope left and will need to ensure that the Global HQ for the fight against
zombies gets constructed.

All you need to do is to work with your team is to find the relevant IFC files, and send them to the main
contractor so that they can get to work!

Architect is a Professional with statutory, design,
supervision and contractual duties. The statutory duties
include reasonable working knowledge of laws and
legislation including Planning Act and Building Control
Act. He shall also use reasonable skills and care to offer
professional architectural design and contract
administration services to his Client. Apart from the
aesthetic design of a building, the design responsibility
of an Architect can extend to specifications, selection of
finishes and choice of construction techniques.

C&S Consultant
The Civil & Structural Engineers design structures that
must endure stresses and pressures inflicted through
human use and environmental conditions. They
configure structures, choose appropriate building
material, inspect the construction work and ensure the
structural soundness of buildings and structures.

M&E Consultants
Mechanical and electrical (M&E) engineers are
responsible for the mechanical or electrical
components of different services in the building such as
elevators, air-conditioning, gas and water supply and
more. From installation to testing, operation,
maintenance and repair, they help to ensure that
buildings are equipped with the relevant services and
are able to operate safely.

Main Contractor
The Main Contractor undertake and building works
and ensure that the building works are carried out in
accordance to the building control act and regulations
and the relevant plans approved by BCA supplied to
him by a qualified person. He shall have an adequate
number of construction supervisors working under his
direction and ensure site safety of the construction site
at all times.

1. All consultants will need to log into FulcrumHQ and locate the
relevant IFC files for each of their disciplines within the library within
their workspace.

2. Next, the Group Leader (Architect) will need to send a

correspondence to the rest of their group for approval.

3. Each Consultant will need to add their respective models to the

submission before it reaches the main contractor.

4. Once the contractor receives all the models from each discipline, as a
group, view the federated IFC files together so that he can get the
construction on the way to defeat the Zombies.

OH NO! You’re too late! The Zombies have gotten to the plans first and
messed up the coordination! Find them and fix them, FAST!
1. Work as a team to identify the main clashes.

2. Within the contractor’s submission, create an

issue for each clash that you have found and
assign it to the respective discipline. Be sure to
be as descriptive as you can within the issues

3. Contractor to upload a PDF report in to the

document Library and to attach it to the
submission outlining all the clashes and a short
description of how to resolve them! (Upload this
file when completing the contractor’s actions).

(Hint: There are about 15 obvious clashes)


Almost there! Final touches!

1. You’re almost done with the coordination. Now we need to

take some steps to ensure the Zombies are out and stay out!

Fun Facts about Zombies:

• The Zombies are all taller than 2.5m in height.

• They are able to easily crush beams on the ground floor
smaller than 500mm deep and 300mm wide.
• Us humans can’t climb stairs with riser heights of less than
175mm without falling.

2. Use the Queries feature to save 3 queries within the

submission to locate and identify the 3 conditions above.
Thank you!

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