Atpl Met

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ATPL meteorology November 2012 (or that which I still remember)

1.What happens to the altimeter indication of an aircraft parked on ground, after a cold front passes?
a) Decreases b) Increase c) No change

2)What happens to the indication of an aircraft parked on ground, during the passage of a cold front?
a) Increases then decreases b)Decreases then increases c) no change

3) Icing is probable in
a) Stratiform cloud in SW monsoon
b)Cirrus cloud in post monsoon
c) CB in pre-monsoon

4)Flying from Bangok to Mumbai at 30,000 feet in winter , initially you experience 15kts h/w and later
tailwind…This is because
a) easterly jet changes direction by 180`
b)local wind affected by ITCZ
c)STJ changes direction by 180`

5)Lowest stationary cloud associated with mountain waves

a)Lenticular cloud
b)Rotor cloud
c)low Stratus

6)System associated with thunderstorms

b)cold front
c)stationary front

7)half of air mass is contained below


8)In Troposphere
a) there is generally a reduction of temperature with altitude

9)Inversion is associated with

a) stable layer
b)unstable layer

10)Break in monsoon brings rain to

a)Gangetic parts of west Bengal
b) Himalayan parts of west bengal
c)Tamil nadu
11)An aircraft in NH flying with port drift, True altitude
c) no change

12)In high pressure area

a) wind veer at night
b) wind strength is max about early afternoon
c)wind strengthens at dusk

13)The associated system in a ridge

a)ascends and diverges
b)ascends and converges
c)descends and diverges

14)Which of the following wx will you expect in a low level inversion with high RH
a)Calm wx with poor viz due to fog,mist,haze etc.
b)Low ST clouds with drizzle and light wind
c)Turbulence clouds with showers

15)Which of the following causes adiabatic cooling?

a) Expansion of rising air packet
b) cold air moving over warm surface

16) Radiation fog is associated with

a) nocturnal cooling of earth

17)wind at 500 hpa is 090/15 kts, wind at 850 hpa is 270/45 kts…what is the thermal wind b/w 500-850
a)270/55 kts

18)Why is a high pressure s/m good for air mass formation?

a) strong gradient wind at centre
b) weak gradient wind at centre

19)At an airport dry bulb temp is close to dew point.This means?

a) it is raining at the airport

a) Do not occur above 25` lat
b) become stronger over land
c)are warm in centre and extend till tropopause

21)Cyclonic storms form over bay of Bengal

a)pre-monsoon and post monsoon
b)winter and pre-monsoon
c)sw monsoon and post monsoon

22) SIGMET is valid for

a)4 hrs
b)9 hrs
c)18 hrs

23)Doppler principle is used in Doppler radar to

a)measure speed of clouds
b) measure precipitation intensity
c)measure size of water droplets

24)TAF…………………………………………………………. General weather is

25) TAF………………………………………………………… The TAF was issued (day and time)

26) SPECI is not issued for change in

a) present wx
b) wind

27)wind shear occurs

a)anytime there is a sudden change in pressure or temperature
b)anytime the is a change in windspeed and direction
c)due to surface friction

28)difference b/w tropical depression and extra-tropical depression is in

a)wind speed
b)direction of movement

29)TREND air forecast contains..which of the following completely contains all elements
a)surface wind,viz,wx,clouds
b) surface wind,viz,wx,clouds and possible changes that might occur soon

30)polar front depression moves

a)parallel to isobars in the direction parallel to ahead of the warm front
b) parallel to isobars in the direction parallel to behind the cold front
c) parallel to isobars in the direction parallel to warm sector

31)height of low cloud

a)surface level-6500`

32)fair wx cumulus is associated with

a)smooth flying conditions below the layer
b)turbulence with precipitation
c)turbulence with good viz
33)steady rain can be expected from
a)stratiform clouds with moderate precipitation
b)CB cloud

34)Rotor clouds form ahead of

a)mature stage
b)dissipating stage
c)cumulus stage

35)which is completes the statement about CB

a) turbulence occurs over the anvil
b)turbulence occurs inside
c)turbulence occurs in,around and below

36)hoar frost occurs

a)flying from colder to warmer area
b)flying from warmer to colder area
c)flying continuously in cold air

37)without anti icing and de-icing , flying at 2000`,what should you do if you encounter frozen rain
a)climb to the warmer layer
b) descend
c)turn back immediately before losing controllability

38)which prolongs wake turbulence in a landing runway

a)direct tailwind
b)direct headwind
c)slight cross tailwind

39)when flying above a TRS what is the clearance

a)1000` for every 10kts wind
c)500` for….

40)Vorticity is
a)measure of rotation of wind

41) which would cause aquaplaning?


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