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Name : ______________ Grade: ___


1. Fill in the blanks.

a. _____ is the SI unit of force.

b. The drinking straw works on the account of _______ pressure.

c. 1 atm = _____ N/m

d. The larger the area over a force acts, the _____ is the pressure.

2. Identify the force.

a. A baker kneads dough in a bowl.

b. You lifr your school bag off a table.

c. The needle of a compass kept on a table points north.

3. Give example from day to day life.

a. Pressure exerted by a gas on an object.

b. Pressure exerted by liquid on an object.

4. Give answer in one word.

a. Force force that requires two bodies in a physical contact.

b. The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.

5. A dam has two pipes in its wall. One is at dept of 5 m from the surface of

the water and the other is at a dept of 25 m. 5 m

a. From which pipe will water gush out fastest and why?
20 m

b. Draw lines to show how water will flow out from each pipe.

6. What will be the force required ro exert a pressure of 20,000 Pa on an

area of 1 cm ?

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