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Social Welfare Policy and Services


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Social Welfare Policy and Services

Policy Identification

House Resolution 771 (H.Res.771) is "Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the

barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists." This US House of Representatives

resolution supports Israel in the fight started by Hamas and other terrorist groups. It supports

Israel's right to defend itself from unwarranted attacks, condemns Hamas, and calls for aid to

Israel in the conflict. This policy addresses the increase of Middle East violence, particularly

Hamas and allied groups' targeting of Israel. This resolution addresses the humanitarian and

security issues caused by these terrorist organizations, which have caused civilian fatalities,

widespread fear, and the disruption of normal life in afflicted regions. The policy recognizes the

loss of life, injuries, and regional destabilization caused by this aggression and calls for

international condemnation and support to address these pressing social issues (Congress, n.d.).


House Resolution 771 (H.Res.771) supports several critical social work values from the

NASW Code of Ethics (Congress, n.d.). A key social work value is "Service" is one of them.

This value emphasizes helping others and addressing social challenges. H.Res.771 supports

Israel against attacks and threats from Hamas and other terrorist groups (“Six Core Values of

Social Work,” 2020). This emphasizes the resolution's dedication to marginalized and conflicted

people, reflecting social work's concept of helping the disadvantaged with expertise and skills.

Additionally, the policy promotes "Social Justice." Social workers fight injustice and

promote social change, especially for the poor and oppressed. H.Res.771 condemns Hamas'

violent war and affirms Israel's right to self-defense (Congress, n.d.). The resolution promotes

equitable opportunity and social engagement by requesting support and resources to resolve the

disagreement (“Six Core Values of Social Work,” 2020). It follows the social work premise of

defending human rights, providing essential services, and promoting awareness of diversity and


The third essential principle, "Dignity and Worth of the Person," is reflected in the

policy. Social workers value individual dignity and worth. Similarly, H.Res.771 honors the

dignity and worth of Israeli combat victims. It emphasizes the tragic loss of life, injuries, and

impact on the affected population, reflecting the social work principle of upholding the worth of

every individual, acknowledging cultural and ethnic differences, and supporting responsible self-

determination ("Six Core Values of Social Work,” 2020).


Given the Israel-Hamas conflict, House Resolution 771 (H.Res.771) greatly affects social

service delivery and access, affecting the region's population. The policy targets conflict victims

who suffer distress, injury, and considerable interruption to their everyday lives. The resolution

condemns Hamas and other terrorists and supports Israel's right to protect itself from

unwarranted attacks. This policy promotes the supply of water, food, shelter, and health services,

which are important for human survival and dignity (United States Institute of Peace, n.d.). The

resolution recognizes the right to self-defense to preserve these basic requirements for vulnerable


H.Res.771 calls for support to make social services accessible and sufficient in quantity

and quality to safeguard human dignity and sustain life. The policy requests for international

support to provide these necessities, which the violence may have damaged. The social work

value of "Service" is obvious in the policy's advocacy for essentials to help a population in need,

especially during the conflict's extreme humanitarian catastrophe. The policy also aligns with the

social work objective of "Social Justice." It emphasizes providing critical services without

discrimination to all conflict-affected populations. This supports the guiding principles of equal

access and reducing conflict-related inequities such as age, gender, disability, economic status,

and HIV/AIDS (United States Institute of Peace, n.d.).

To achieve this, cultural competence, harm prevention, community engagement, and

localized service delivery are required. Preventing harm through service delivery requires

providers to be sensitive to local culture and trained to detect vulnerabilities and respect

indigenous models and techniques. Long-term development and urgent relief are prioritized over

coping mechanisms resulting from a lack of basic services (United States Institute of Peace,


Cognitive and Affective Processes

House Policy 771 emphasizes supporting Israel in its fight against Hamas and other

terrorists. The policy emphasizes individual and systemic human rights advocacy while

promoting social, economic, and environmental justice. The House of Representatives support

for Israel's security and assistance aligns with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

Educational Policy & Accreditation Standards' principles of human rights and social justice,

promoting social justice (Dente, 2020). This resolution shows community spirit and shared

responsibility in society.

The policy's emphasis on Israel's security supports the UN's Sustainable Development

Goals and the Grand Challenges for Social Work, particularly in fostering equality and justice.

The strategy emphasizes community responsibility, sustainability, and togetherness while

addressing societal needs and difficulties regardless of status. This collective obligation is similar

to social workers' ethical standards that promote human rights and acknowledge the link between

global oppression and human rights violations. This reflects the diverse perspectives within

social, economic, racial, and environmental justice paradigms that shape support or criticism of

such policies (Dente, 2020).



Congress. (n.d.). Related Bills - H.Res.771 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Standing with Israel

as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.

(n.d.). | Library of Congress.


Dente, C. L. (2020). Human Rights and Social, Economic, & Environmental Justice: Ethics of

Samfundssind & Agape.



Six core values of social work. (2020, December 8). Yeshiva.

United States Institute of Peace. (n.d.). Guiding principles for stabilization and reconstruction:

Access to and delivery of basic needs services.


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