Critical Thinking Nonverbal Language

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Assignment: Nonverbal Language

Read the section of THiNK Chapter 3 (you can access this reading through your
SmartBook link), which discusses Lance Armstrong’s interview with Oprah. Body
language plays an important role in jurors’ perception of a defendant’s guilt. If this had
been a trial, discuss whether the jurors should have been allowed to see Armstrong
making his “confession,” or if a law should be put in place that sets the defendant out of
the jurors’ view so as not to allow the defendant’s body language to influence jurors’

Write a well-developed, research-based essay of at least 500 words that analyzes

nonverbal language and the courtroom setting in order to answer the question of
whether or not jurors should be allowed to see the defendant in a trial. Consider the
roles of the prosecution and defense, nonverbal language, and language manipulation
or language games, and the use of rhetorical devices. Your paper should follow APA
format. For APA resources and guides, visit the Resources section on the left-side
Blackboard menu.

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