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Academic Essay

Cancel Culture Phenomenon on Social Media

The Cancel Culture Trend on Social Media:

What Draws People In?
Created by: Hani Oktarini Hizelia (December, 2022),
Psychology student at University of Indonesia

In today's digital age, cancel culture has become a dominant force in society,
especially on social media platforms. The rise of cancel culture has brought global attention
to public figures, who are often the subject of intense scrutiny and criticism. While cancel
culture has existed for a long time in various parts of the world, it has only recently emerged
as a controversial topic due to its increasing prevalence in the digital era. In Indonesia,
cancel culture has gained traction, particularly in relation to issues of sexual violence and
harassment, which continue to be pressing concerns. The phenomenon of cancel culture on
social media aims to hold individuals or groups accountable for their actions or punish them
for their wrongdoings. However, the outcomes of cancel culture can often result in
unexpected consequences beyond our expectations.

This begs the question: what motivates people to engage in cancel culture, and what kind of
influence does it hold in the social sphere? The search for answers may reveal surprising

Cancel culture refers to the practice of mass cancellations as a means of expressing

disapproval and exerting social pressure. As defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it
is a phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent with the rise of social media,
where individuals or groups are publicly shamed for their actions or statements. The impact
of cancel culture on society has been studied extensively by social and cultural
communication researchers, including Devie Rahmawati from the University of Indonesia.
According to Rahmawati (2016), cancel culture operates through the public shaming of
individuals by means of photographs and labels on social media platforms. It is often
prompted by the perception of deviant attitudes or statements made by public figures,
leading to the revocation of their privileges in the name of upholding social justice. The
Academic Essay
Cancel Culture Phenomenon on Social Media

implications of cancel culture on free speech and social norms are complex and
multifaceted, and warrant further investigation and analysis.

As mentioned before, cancel culture typically occurs on a large scale. This is because we as
individuals have an innate desire to belong to a group. According to Kassin et. al. (2016),
being a part of a group can make us feel safer, even if we are positioned at the bottom of
the hierarchy. Our social identity, which plays a crucial role in our sense of self-worth, is
also influenced by our association with particular groups. As a result, we feel drawn to these
groups and strive to understand our place in relation to others. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann's
"spiral of silence" thesis sheds light on how communication operates within groups.
Noelle-Neumann (1974,1984) posits that people's perception of whether they hold a
majority or minority opinion in a group impacts how they convey their beliefs and attitudes,
particularly concerning highly polarizing moral issues. As time passes, the beliefs and
opinions held by the majority take precedence in public discourse, while other viewpoints
are muted or "canceled".

Well, is cancel culture really necessary? When implemented correctly,

this approach can have a positive impact on our society. Take, for example, the use of social
media to hold public figures accountable for sexual abuse towards minors. The majority of
people believe that such individuals do not deserve to maintain their careers, and therefore,
it is better for them to be removed from the professional world entirely. This approach
serves as a social sanction against individuals who engage in deviant behaviors with the
hope that it will bring about positive change in our society. The aim is to deter public
figures or other individuals from engaging in similar behavior in the future, particularly
sexual harassment, and reduce the number of such cases.

This change has a theoretical basis. Karl Marx's theory of social conflict suggests that
change can arise from conflicts between groups. The change would lead to the formation of
new groups distinct from the original parties in conflict (Draper, 1977). This concept offers
insights into the phenomenon of cancel culture, which represents a conflict between two
Academic Essay
Cancel Culture Phenomenon on Social Media

groups: the upper group (including public figures) and the lower group (the general
public). The cancel culture movement creates a new group that seeks to differentiate itself
from the categories of groups that gave rise to it. However, it is important to recognize that
the power of cancel culture can have unintended negative consequences. Cancel culture
can be exploited under the guise of "individual freedom of opinion," causing a social media
frenzy. While it may seem justifiable to mobilize against someone whose actions or words
are deemed unacceptable, it can also happen to those who are misunderstood or fall victim
to fake news. This can have severe implications for one's mental health and career, even for
those who are innocent victims of misunderstandings. We must remain aware of these
potential negative outcomes of cancel culture and be mindful of our attitudes and thoughts.

After considering the aforementioned discussions, it can be inferred that many people
embrace cancel culture as a way to feel included in a group. Typically, cancel culture
revolves around controversial, sensitive, or polarizing topics, such as sex and sexuality,
gender identity, sexism, racism, and ethnic or religious identity. If an individual voices an
opinion or perspective on any of these topics, especially one that challenges negative
attitudes, it may inspire like-minded individuals to speak out as well. Over time, this could
result in a change in the prevailing viewpoint.

In group discussions, it is commonly observed that the majority view is often perceived as
stronger and more publicly visible than it truly is. This can cause the group to accept the
majority view without considering all viewpoints, while minority opinions are often seen as
weak and overlooked, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Cancel culture refers to the swift
and widespread response to problematic actions through social media. While it can
facilitate social change, we must be cautious in its implementation to avoid negative
consequences. It is crucial to evaluate each situation critically and act responsibly before
engaging in cancel culture, as innocent individuals may be wrongly accused. By thinking
critically and acting responsibly, we can not only protect ourselves but also prevent others
from being unfairly targeted.
Academic Essay
Cancel Culture Phenomenon on Social Media

Draper, H. (1977). Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution Vol. II (Vol. 2). NYU Press.
Kassin, S., Fein, S., dan Markus, H., 2016. Social psychology. 10th ed.
Merriam-webster. (2017). Cancel Culture.
Noelle‐Neumann, E. (1974). The spiral of silence a theory of public opinion. Journal of
communication, 24(2), 43-51.
Noelle-Neumann, E. (1984). The spiral of silence (Chicago, IL).
Rahmawati, D. (2016). Media sosial dan demokrasi di era informasi. Jurnal Vokasi
Indonesia, 2(2).

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