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KASIY - SHS Fst AAHE AOILES SO AIS RAS Michael A Putlack | e-Creative Contents Xig- Bamps wen Ova American School Textbook Reading Key The Best Preparation for Building Academic Reading Skills and Vocabulary The Reading Key series is designed to help students to understand American school textbooks and to develop background knowledge ina wide variety of academic topics. This series also provides learners with the opportunity to enhance their reading comprehension skills and vocabulary. © Reading Key Edison was the light. " in America. » Edison » We can the light bulb. music witha stereo. (Ba) ‘Curious or Convenient? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. curious convenient : 1 Thomas Edison was very i 2 Inventions make our lives more . i. curious convenient 3 Inventions make our work s 1 easier harder 4 Airplanes help people move . slower faster The First Man into Space “‘ What is an astronaut? What do astronauts do? Who was the first person in space? es a 7 Ss . rocket travel into explore Astronauts travel into space. Astronauts explore the moon. gainto lift off Aracket goes into space. A space shuttle lifts off, protect travel around Spacesuits protect astronauts. He traveled around Earth. Yuri Gagarin Neil Armstrong wa ® Do you like traveling to new places? Where would yau like to go? How about traveling into space? Some people travel into space. They are astronauts. Astronauts explore space and learn about it. Who was the first human in space? It was Yuri Gagarin, a Russian astronaut. He went into space for the first time in 1961. This is the Kennedy Space Center. Itis in Florida in the USA. Many astronauts go into space from the Kennedy Space Center. Space shuttles lift off from the center. Astronauts wear spacesuits. Their spacesuits protect them in space. In 1969, American astronauts went to the moon for the first time, Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. » Neil Armstrong, the first man ‘onthe moon Sally Ride was the first American woman in space. Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman in space. Dennis Tito was the first space tourist. He traveled around Earth in 2001. ers eae IALC LUE = 1 What does each picture show? 2 Where do astronauts explore? a. space center b. space sky 3 What do astronauts wear? a. spacesuits b. space centers c. space shuttles 4 The first person on the moon was e a. Neil Armstrong b. Yuri Gagarin c. Sally Ride * Answer the questions below. 1 Who was the first human in space? 1 =. was the first human in space. 2 Where is the Kennedy Space Center? Sltisin in the t 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pee eaek sien ae © Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. = spacesuits space shuttle wear spacesuits. » Neil Armstrong —s the Si —— moon in 1969. =— © onor or? astronauts explored protect astronauts in space. lifts off. Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 2. Space shuttles lift on off 3 Manyastronautsgo on into 4 The first space tourist traveled space, off around from the Kennedy Space Center. Earth in 2001. ari Whatis a storm? What is a blizzard? How can storms hurt people? strike make a sound Lightning can strike trees. Thunder makes a loud sound, bring cause ‘Storms can cause floods. overflow fall Some rivers overflow. Snow falls in the winter. dark clouds loud sounds strong winds heavy rain Storms can be harmful. wre @ ig and dark. A storm is coming. The clouds are Flash! Lightning strikes across the sky. Boom! Thunder makes a loud sound, It is a thunderstorm. Sometimes we have storms. 4 Storms can bring strong Storms can be harmful. winds and heavy rain, Storms can bring strong winds. Storms can bring heavy rain or snow. A thunderstorm has thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. Sometimes lightning strikes trees and tall buildings. Sometimes heavy rain causes floods. Rivers and streams overflow. Some land is covered with wat " * flood: When it is cold, a lot of snow may fall. A big snowstorm is called a blizzard. A blizzard has strong winds. Ina blizzard, snow falls so heavily that people can only see white. a blizzard 1 Which kind of storm does each picture show? a. b. 2 What does thunder do? a. It makes a loud sound. b. It strikes trees. c. It causes a flood. 3 Whatcan heavy rain cause? a. fast winds. b, floods < blizzards 1 ' { { t i ' \ ' 4 Ina blizzard, people can only see : ' a. gray b, black, <. white ‘ ' t ' t t ' t 1 t 1 ' 1 : 5 Vocabulary and Grammar B ©) Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. a strike thunderstorm blizzard _—_ overflow A _ has thunder and lightning. » Rivers and streams oA is abig snowstorm. © Loud or Dark? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 1 Thunder makes a sound. loud dark 2 rain can cause a flood. Strong Heavy 3 Ablizzard has winds. strang heavy 4 Storms can be s harmful dark Care What is a tornado? Whatis a hurricane? How are these storms dangerous? GE Ge — ee ee funnel-shaped cloud TORNADO SHELTER tornado warning tornado alarm __~ the eye rush spin People rush to shelter. Atomado spins like a top. lift blow away Atornado can lift many things Atomado can blow away a house. destroy form ‘The hurricane destrayed the city, Aburricane forms on the ocean, m= The sky looks strange. = A hurricane can be dangerous. =} A tornado has a funnel-shaped cloud. uns @ Tornadoesand Hurricanes The sky begins to look strange. The clouds are low and purple. The wind begins to blow hard. Suddenly, a loud alarm sounds, People rush to shelter. A tornado is coming. \\ It has a funnel-shaped cloud with strong winds. This funnel-shaped cloud spins like a top. ° Tornado winds blow very fast. B® A tornado can be very dangerous. 4 Atomado can lift many things. A tornado can lift many things. It can even lift trucks and blow them away. It can destroy buildings and kill people. A huge rainstorm is called a hurricane. A hurricane has very strong winds. It forms on the ocean. But hurricanes often move onto land. Heavy rain falls during a hurricane. The center of a hurricane is called the eye. C4 tra delay 1 Which kind of storm does each picture show? 1 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 | 2. What does a tornado cloud look like? | 4 a.acircle b.a funnel can eye 4 | 3 What cana tornado do? ' a. cause floods b, create lightning . destroy buildings t \ 4 The of a hurricane is the eye. ' t a. center b. side 8 Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. rary spins eye hurricane lift > Atornado ))” A tornado can like a ___ big top. trucks. » Ahuge rainstorm » The center of is called a a hurricane is called the e Strange or Dangerous? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 1 The sky begins to look strange dangerous 2 Ahurricane can be very x safe dangerous 3 Atornadohasa cloud. funnel-shaped loud 4 Tornado winds blow very slow fast Goreng cee Q Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. , wear spacesuits » Ahurricane on ‘the ocean. 1 Thomas Edison was very _ ‘ curious convenient 2 Space shuttles lift from the Kennedy Space Center. on off 3 Atornado can be very dangerous curious 4 Storms can be Ba harmful dark eo Complete the sentences with the words below. 1 Thomas Edison was in 1847 in America. 2 When Edison grew up, he became an a 3 Thanks to we can see at night. 4 make our work easier and faster. 5 Astronauts travel into. + 6 Whowas the first in space? 7 Many astronauts go into space from the Kennedy 8 Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the . © complete the sentences with the words below. 1 Flash! strikes across the sky. 2 Boom! makes a loud sound. 3 Sometimes heavy rain causes 4 Abig snowstorm is called a 5 Big can make a tornado. 6 Atornadohasa ___ cloud with strong winds. 7 Atornado can buildings and kill people. 8 Heavy rain during a hurricane. Science How Do Plants Grow? \@ Reading Ge ies) you, Read ‘Qee2 Se. * “bell pepper — strawberry ; eae etc) leaves and flowers. plant dig Let's plant seeds. He digs a hole. cover water become He covers the hole with soil He waters the seeds. The seeds become new plants, NGG Wordramties What Seeds Need to Grow wes @ How Do Plants Grow? Most plants grow from seeds. What are the seeds in these pictures? © a@#@ & sunflawer peas bell pepper strawberry Seeds look different, but they grow into new plants. Johnny has some bean seeds. He is going to plant them in his garden. First, he digs holes in the ground. He puts the seeds in the holes. Then, he covers the holes with soil. planting seeds Seeds need sail to grow. They also need water. So Johnny waters the seeds every day. aw, Pa errr ere Seeds Grow into Plants ] moots ‘O-m”" leaves and flowers ort stems grow up: Slowly, the seeds start to grow. First, roots grow down into the soil. Next, stems grow up. Then, leaves and flowers begin to grow. Last, the flowers make fruits. These fruits have seeds. Later, these seeds grow and become new plants. 1 Which part of a plant does each picture show? a y bb ™= ef& 2 What does Johnny do first to plant the seeds? a. He puts the seeds in the soil. b. He digs some holes. c. He waters the seeds. 3 What grows down into the soil? a. the roots b. the stems c. the flawers 4 Aplant’s flowers make = a. fruits. b. stems: c. leaves 4 Flowers make fruits. eT.) Vocabulary and Grammar Builder - o Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. aa seeds growup soil. + grow down » Seeds need to grow. 1 > row zt. "- g! ape into new plants. g\ ea = “fh 4 Greases st, roots » Next, stems into the soil. © row or Grows? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. ~\ 1 Most plants from seeds. grow grows 2 Heis going to seeds in his garden. plant plants 3 He holes in the ground. dig digs 4 He the holes with soil. cover covers erie What does a snake look like? What are some snakes? How do some snakes kill other animals? ey ar) ay Key Words ‘ ~ eyes ~~ fangs tongue skin scale anaconda cobra rattlesnake asp slither lay eggs Snakes slither on the ground. Snakes lay eggs. hatch molt Snakes hatch from eggs. ‘Snakes molt once a year. sense bite Snakes sense with their tongues. Snakes bite with their fangs. poisonous adj. Some snakes are poisonous. poison n. Some snakes have poison. Most snakes are not harmful. =) = Most snakes cause no harm. Cea anaconda cobra They are all snakes. Snakes are special. They have no arms, legs, or wings. They can’t walk or run. So how do they move? They slither on the ground. Snakes move their bodies back and forth. _ ee «Snakes slither This lets them move in all directions. ‘on the ground, Most snakes lay eggs. More than 40 eggs hatch at one time. eyes -., Also, snakes molt at least once a year. Then, new skin grows. fangs -=<=4 tongue Snakes have long tongues, too, They use their tongues to sense other animals. And most snakes have long fangs. They bite with their fangs. Some snakes are poisonous. Poisonous snakes use poison to kill other animal: They are very dangerous. But most snakes are not harmful to humans. > Most snakes are not harmful. 1 Which type of snake does each picture show? 2 How do snakes move? a. by slithering b. by running c. by walking 3 About how often do snakes molt? a. once a week b. once a month c.once a year 4 Snakes use their to sense other animals. a.eyes b. fangs c. tongues 8 Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words, back and forth — molt bite slither | » Snakes =)» Snakes can move ‘on the ground, » Snakes with their fangs. » Snakes at least once a year. 8 Poison or Poisonous? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words, 1 Some snakes are . poison poisonous Some snakes use to kill other animals. Poison poisonous Some snakes are F danger dangerous Most snakes are not to people. harm harmful Amazing Butterflies Tiare What kind of animal is a butterfly? How does a butterfly grow and change? Goer Waeces) “% Key Words Z — e— — adult butterfly eo— caterpillar cocoon egg eClub ae acd antennas forewings take a close look at Ler’s take a close look at a butterfly. iy A butterfly flies with its wings. grow bigger build come out of The caterpillar grows The caterpillar builds Abutterfly comes out of bigger. acocoon, acocoon. Mb Wortfantes ~s small ~~» hungry hard = «~~» covering beautiful <> adult Butterflies Every year, we can see many butterflies. There are nearly 20,000 types of butterflies. Let's take a close look at a butterfly. antennas A butterfly has three body parts. {yy ‘fecepinge It has a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. A butterfly’s eyes are on its head. It sees with its eyes. A butterfly’s antennas are also on its head. Antennas are used for both touching and smelling. hind wings A butterfly has six legs. They are on its thorax. A butterfly’s wings are also on its thorax. It flies with its wings. A butterfly has four wings: two forewings and two hind wings. Butterflies cannot fly from birth. They change over time. A butterfly begins in an egg. Then, a caterpillar comes out of the egg. es SU ASL Ss 99 caterpillar af ' \ 1 1 1 1 ‘ 1 i 1 1 t : 1 1 L 1 1 : 1 1 ' 1 t t 1 1 1 1 t t 1 \ 1 1 \ 1 1 The caterpillar eats leaves and grows bigger. Then, it builds a cocoon. This is a hard covering. Inside the cocoon, the caterpillar changes. After about a week, a butterfly comes out of the cocoon. Now, it’s an adult butterfly. 2 How many types of butterflies are there? a. about 2,000 b, about 20,000 ¢, about 200,000 3. What body part does a butterfly touch with? a. its wings b. its antennas cits eyes 4A comes out of an egg. a. caterpillar b. cocoon c. butterfly ono > ere TAR UUC ee © Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. caterpillar cocoon body parts comes out » A butterfly has 2 oA is three ] a hard covering. » A butterfly 4) a) A_ changes intoa of acocoon, butterfly. eo Ator On? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. Abutterfly’seyes are —_its head. at on A butterfly flies __ its wings. with on Butterflies cannot fly birth. for from Acaterpillarchanges its cocoon. inside outside Birds Are TTL Ciao What are some birds? What do most birds look like? What are some different birds? eagle © ~” peacock chicken, — “ostrich kiwi ; penguin smn, Lake TS ) beak have in common cover Birds have feathers in common. feed Parent birds feed baby birds, keep warm Birds keep their eggs warm. eggs adult bird Ss have feathers @2eSe@ eagle chicken duck What do they have in common? They are all birds. Birds are animals. There are many different kinds of birds. Birds have feathers. These cover their bodies. Birds also have wings. Most birds use their wings to fly. Birds have beaks, too. These are their mouths. Birds peck at food with their beaks. Birds lay eggs in nests. Most birds sit on their eggs. This keeps their eggs warm. j Later, the eggs hatch, and baby birds are born! When birds hatch, they cannot fly. Parent birds feed them. ahatch from eggs alay eggsinanest tiie Warmer rola eT ERT SESE ESSE, ee Some birds are very large. Ostriches are huge birds. They cannot fly, but they can run very fast. Kiwis cannot fly either. 1 Which bird does each picture show? 2 What covers a bird’s body? a. feathers 3 What do chickens and ducks have in common? a. They cannot fly. 4 Parent birds a.feed b. wings c. beaks b. They are birds. ¢. They are not birds. their baby birds. b. hatch ec peck at (© Vocabulary and Grammar B Papnins eens nn So nee TeeO NE 1 ® Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. E hatch nests keep feathers » Birds = » Birds lay eggs in ‘ their eggs warm. » Birds have > Baby birds from eggs. eo Cover or Hatch? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. : 1. Feathers a bird’s body. ' cover hatch ' 2 Birds at food with their beaks. ' peck feed ' 3 Birds on their eggs. ' fly sit 1 4 Parent birds _ __ baby birds. ' feed sit P3 Review Test @ Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. » Most plants grow from on the ground. +A i f Birds have a hard covering. feathers in 1 First, he holes in the ground. dig digs 2 Some snakes are . poison poisonous 3 Abutterflyflies its wings. with on 4 Acaterpillar changes _ ¥ its cocoon. inside outside oe Complete the sentences with the words below. 1 Johnny is going to some seeds in his garden. 2 First, roots into the soil. 3 Next, stems 4 Then, leaves and begin to grow. 5 Snakes have no arms, legs, or J 6 Snakes move their bodies . 7 Snakes at least once a year. 8 Poisonous snakes use to kill other animals, © complete the sentences with the words below. 1 Butterflies cannot from birth. 2 A butterfly begins in an 7 3 Then,a comes out of the egg. 4 Inside the the caterpillar changes. 8 Birds have in common. 6 Birds lay eggs in 7 Later, the eggs hatch, and baby birds are 8 Parent birds their baby birds. \e-y FRCS A Se Ss 5O-O-0.9 Language Mathematics Visual Arts Music The City Mouse and the Coun’ Tat) Mouse Who is in the story? How are the country and city different? Why did the country mouse go back home? fh \ Key Words PR RU Ce cole ee ey nolse " —— rns: breakfast — lunch dinner --- dining table visit set the table ‘The city mouse visited his friend. _He set the table. arrive He returned tohishouse. They arrived at the house. finish pass go back They could not finish their A few minutes passed. He went back to the dinner, one mouse two mice frightened Sec Once upon a time, there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in a small house in the country. The other mouse lived in a large house in the city. One day, the city mouse went to visit his friend in the country. The country mouse was so happy to see the city mouse. He set the table for dinner. He served some pieces of corn, green peas, and berries. The city mouse looked around the table and said, “Oh, my! This is all you have? Is this really dinner? How can you eat such plain food every day, my friend?” “I'm sorry,’answered the country mouse. “But this is what we eat in the country every day,’ he said. owe “Come with me to the city,’ said the city mouse. “What is in the city?” asked the country mouse. “There is a lot of delicious food,’ answered the city mouse. “Once you have tasted all the wonderful food, you will never want to return to the country.” So the two mice went to the city, The mice walked for a long time. At last, they arrived at the city mouse’s ho! ‘ot Hal He lived in a very big house. “You must be hungry. We will have dinner soon,” said the city mouse. He invited his friend into a large kitchen. “Help yourself. There is enough food for us,’ said the city mouse. On the huge dining table, there was a lot of delicious food. There were lots of bread and cheese. There were lots of meat and potatoes. There were fruits and cakes, too. "See, said the city mouse. “This is how we eat in the city every day.” “You were right, my friend. This is a very good dinner,” answered the country mouse, The two mice began to eat the dinner. Just then, the door opened, and they saw acat coming. és “Run!” shouted the city mouse. The two mice quickly ran through a small hole in the wall. "Whew! That was close,’ said the city mouse. “Just wait here for a while, and then we can finish our dinner” But the county mouse was very frightened. He could not even talk. A few minutes passed. “Let's go back and eat;" said the city mouse. “No, thank you, my friend,’ said the country mouse. “I'm going back to the country. | like my simple house. There is not much food at my house. But I can eat it in peace. Goodbye, my friend.” The country mouse went back to his home. Which animal does each picture show? a. b. What kind of food did the country mouse serve? a. plain food b. delicious food cc. hot food What does “plain” mean? a.delicious b. simple cc. small Where did the city mouse live? asmall house b. in abig house ‘cina building Why did the city mouse and the country mouse run through ahole? a. They saw a dag coming. b. They sawa cat coming. ¢. They saw some mice coming. Why did the country mouse decide to go back to his home? a. He did not like the delicious food. b. There was not much food at the city mouse’s house. He liked his simple but peaceful life in the country. (ORE eke Shebmeszarrscochesanse sy a) Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words, = plain delicious frightened —_ dining table » Dinner in the » Dinner in the city country was si J _ >Therewasabig [4 » The country 3 mouse was very a eo Serveed or Served? Draw a circle around the past form of each verb and then write the verb. 1 1 1 Thecountrymouse food to the city mouse. (serve) serveed served 1 2 Atlast, they at the city mouse’s home. (arrive) ' arrived arrived ' 3 The twomice to eat the dinner. (begin) t beginned began ' 4 Thecountrymouse _ back to his home. (go) ' goed went LETH fretted fe} oO = (e) cad “On = edt ‘s ] fe) [S) x ~ Key Words 410 | 20 | 30 40 50 ten | twenty | thirty He forty fifty i 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 sixty | seventy eighty ninety one hundred eee continue Let's continue counting. find out Let's find out the answer, Kaa eee 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 count backward Let’s count backward. practice Practice counting out loud. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 count by tens Ican count by tens. count by fives Ican count by fives. 201918 1716 15 14 19.12 11 10 try Try counting backward from 20 to 10. be able to He is able to count backward. a Word Families } it pe? 0910 above What numbers are above 5? ape? 89 10 | between Say the numbers between 1 and 10, we Q Sen ini, Counting to 100 You can count from 1 to 20. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. What about bigger numbers? Can you count to 100? First, let's count from 20 to 30. After 20, the numbers continue: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five. Twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty. Now, what numbers are above 30? Let’s count by tens and find out. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. Sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. ° 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 YP Sometimes people count by fives, too. Let's count by fives to 50. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five. Thirty, thirty-five, forty, forty-five, fifty. oQ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Let's learn to count backward. For example, try counting backward from 30 to 20 like this: 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, Go ahead and try. You can do it. Now, let’s practice counting out loud from 1 to 100. You should be able to say the name of any number between 1 and 100. Can you? Good job! ‘1 What does each picture show? *'5 10 15 20 "10987 25 30 35 40 €543 counting counting 2 Which numbers are grouped by tens? a. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 b.5, 10, 15, 20, 25 612345 3 Which numbers are grouped by fives? 4.10, 20, 30, 40,50 —_b.5, 10, 15, 20, 25 6.1,2,3,4,5 4 30,29, 28, 27, 26 is counting : a. by fives b. forward c. backward woe Q © Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. = find out continue able to fives ' 1 Let's 2 » Let's count by \ 40, 11, 12,-, eens from19 | 5 10 15 20 25 98, 99, 100 . 30 35.40 45 50 » Let's aye} Are you | ee ¥ the answer. © ByorFor? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 1 2 3 4 can count tens. 50," 46... count backward? 1, 2,3, .0-, 98, 99, 100} | 10, 20,30, 40, 50, 60,... ; —_——— He can count 1 to 100, from in Say any number land 100. above between What numbers are abave : 30? between vitae What do artists make? What do artists need? Who are some famous artists? Before gu Read collage sculpture @ oil paint paint sing draw make Some artists draw with pencils. Some artists make sculptures. singer Mi ne dancer sculptor a @ What Do Artists Do? & mee Artists are people who make art. Some artists paint. Some artists sing. Others build houses and make beautiful things. Do you like to draw pictures? Or do you like to build with blocks? How about making collages? When you do these things, you are making art. Some artists draw with pencils on paper. Other artists paint pictures on a canvas. painting a picture Some artists use brushes and watercolors. \ Other artists use oil paints to paint pictures. We call them painters. We call them sculptors. amaking a sculpture Some artists make sculptures. Do you know any famous painters? Let's see one of the most famous paintings in the world. Have you ever seen it before? Look at her face. |s she happy? Is she looking at you? athe Mona Lisa It is a painting by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. He painted the Mona Lisa around 500 years ago. But people still enjoy looking at the picture. » Leonardo da Vinci ete aels 1 Which kind of art does each picture show? 2. What do painters use? a. blocks. b.clay ¢. brushes 3 What is the Mona Lisa? a.a sculpture b.acollage <.apainting 4 Asculptor makes . a. sculptures b. pictures c. songs “n@ Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. a draw painters sing sculptor J {i |» Some > Some artists paint pictures on j | acanvas. | * Some artists ENA with makes sculptures, f | pencils on paper, © Make or Making? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 1 When you draw a picture, you are art. make making 2 Isshe at you? look looking 3 Heis a picture ona canvas. paint painting 4 Sculptors sculptures. make making eo pssesap ete sasha ac ence nats p13 | ep Ballet Music ir Reading Focus Before you. Read ballet dancer ballerina The Nutcracker Swan Lake DUT icae stag nutcracker i. | { kingdom ° prince Clara °o tap Clap your hands. Tap your toes. dance love to They dance very well People lave to dance. tellastory be performed Aballet can tell a story. The ballet is performed every year. come to life be composed Atoy nutcracker comes to life. The Nutcracker was composed by Tchaikovsky. wn @ Ballet Music Do you clap your hands? Do you tap your toes? Sometimes music can make you move. That is dancing. Dancing is moving to music. Many people love to dance. Do you? 4 Dancing is moving to-music. There are many kinds of dances. Ballet is one kind. 4 Ballet is akind of dance. A ballet has no singing or talking. But it can tell a story by the movements of dancers and music. The Nutcracker is one of the most famous ballets. It is performed every year around Christmas. It tells the story of a young girl's dream on Christmas. Ina dream, a toy nutcracker comes to life and fights a Mouse King. Then, the nutcracker becomes a prince. He and the girl—Clara—travel to his kingdom. There, they watch all kinds of dancing. The Nutcracker was composed by Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky was a Russian composer. He wrote many famous ballets. He wrote The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and The Sleeping Beauty. What does each picture show? 2 Whatis dancing? a, moving to music b, singing to music c. listening to music 3 Who visited the prince’s kingdom in The Nutcracker? a, Tchaikovsky b, Clara c. the Mouse King 4 Aballet tells a story through the of dancers. a, songs b, movements c. voices Vocabulary ilder ©) Look, Read, and Write. Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. co oe ballets composer dance _ nutcracker » People love to » Tchaikovsky was a Russian » Tchaikovsky ee )> The wrote many fights the Mouse famous ‘ I King. © Perform or Performed? Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 1 The Nutcracker is ___ every year. perform performed 2 They _ The Nutcracker every year. perform are performed 3 TheNutcrackerwas ___ by Tchaikovsky. compose composed 4 Tchaikovsky = The Nutcracker. composed was composed Review Test 3 Qo Look at the pictures. Write the correct words. 1 |» The country 2) F > Let’s count by mouse was very 1920304050 - % sp “| 60.70.80 90 100 » Leonardo da 4 ~ > Aballet can tell Ming) Oe ean Gk: snc a ‘ the Mona Lisa, re ] Draw a circle around the right words and then write the words. 1 The country mouse back to his home. goed went 2 Say any number 1 and 100. above between make making 3 When you draw a picture, you are sais art. 4 The ballet is every year. performed perform © complete the sentences with the words below. 1 Once upona time, there were two 2 Atlast, they at the city mouse'’s home. 3 He invited his friend into a large a 4 Onthe huge table, there was a lot of delicious food. 5 Sometimes people by fives. 6 Let's count from 30 to 20. 7 Now, let’s practice counting from 1 to 100, 8 You should be able to say the name of any number 1 and 100. Qe Complete the sentences with the words below. 1 are people who make art. 2 Some artists paint pictures on a 3 Some artists use brushes and 3 4 The Monalisaisa by Leonardo da Vinci. 5 is moving to music, 6 The Nutcracker is one of the most famous : 7 Inadream, a toy nutcracker and fights a Mouse King. 8 The Nutcracker was by Tchaikovsky. f ce Zhunit'l $2 O19IQ)LIC4, Workbook?! goee yesaia. - Thanks, Thomas Edison v7 call samcl ~aka sich See \s invention use | Thomas Edison so} aicle io invent wesc 2 turn on (2B. Afia| Sm) ict 3 light (34, HS Sey wwe a dark oe s electriclight Sw, 2171 aw 6 famous eae » inventor wet « beborn EHOILICE 9 America 0}, oloiel7t v0 curious 2s ae 1 always Ue OU vaskaquestion wee cic! 3 Why? sn us Whyisthat? ai a9? 15 grow up xiakch 8c} aii: grew up 16 become (0) Sich smite: became 94 20 electric light bulb (wigiate, ais 2) thanks to ~ Sito ~ 10101 2 at night wel » phonograph 271 os listen to music 8218 Sc} 2: stereo AdatoiBet ave ata 26 motion picture camera ‘Sa; are ee zioler “Seeamovie = 388 0) 25 more than MO BE. ~ 2H life BE toe: li convenient Balat 3) More convenient «i Pzist a2 inthe world —xttoi(at, Alsons 33 work 38, oF 2 easier a He 3s faster cae a6 some of Ol AE ~ 9] UE The First Man into Space 92501 2 M7 S129] AFB \ space aR 2 like ‘Boisict > like -ing “ate A BOlIct « like to S171 BOUBICL 5 travel Of8Ich, OBC} 6 new place MEER MES BA 7 wouldliketo = ~sia 1ict 3 Howabout-ing ~? ~ait= 242 oj? 9 travel into id ONMGSICH, ~“B OFS 7ICt Jo astronaut PUI 1 explore eeteic v2 learn about ~ Ol Chl PC 08 CE IC » the first HL ala v human 22h at vs YuriGagarin 21211! ve Russian 21AOFSL atalor ARs] 17 gointo ~~ ich, ~2 BOI7It ‘aie: went inte ve forthe firsttime sigo2, 122 19 Kennedy Space Center 2c] #4 4e1 20 Florida (oj) RAI 2) USA ess (United States of America) 2 space shuttle = 95 ste 2 lift off MSEC, WAISICE 4 wear 25 Spacesuit 26 protect » American 25 moon 29 Neil Armstrong so walk on, a1 Sally Ride » woman » Mae Jemison 2 African-American ofz2i717 oj=21, 35 Dennis Tito 26 space tourist 37 travel around ss Earth @ Storms a ‘5 1 storm 2 lookup at 2 sky « cloud 5 dark 6 come 2 flash s lightning 9 strike vo across. 1) boom (& St, Bt SB) tect, ssc, mich sepa Bait B}sio, aFs21} w weAse ~ ie och ae! 2} OFT}, O18 fo] oles ILA Ele 2% URAL, SF OWNER 0] BOHE BCE BRACE ake RE BES of eich), 8 achat atte 38 oF8, ae SC} “eit: be coming eee, were ata et Ck, ech ~@ QUA, ~9 7iewel Ba 92e 95 v2 thunder make a sound vs loud vs thunderstorm 16 sometimes v7 harmful 1s bring 19 strong wind 20 heavy rain 2) heavy snow 2 cause >» flood|s) 24 stream 2s averflow 26 be covered with oy may 2s fall 29 snowstorm so be called » blizzard o> heavily s3 so~that... o4 white a Sat A2ta UIC} (aelh Almeiz, 2268 & SEP. (15, 7H BULB!) REF me SRS, Hm TBE FEEL, BAKKE 200 bie, RD ‘G2 4 BS, SS wee Sal safsich, WOzIC a 7H, AI ‘aaech wBleich 847) Uc} ~2 FIMOIE} 9) $5 Sich QI BC} | So) Ulelet, BoFRIE} StH GOr GE ~A Bieh 808; SUA, A Tornadoes and Hurricanes Stio|=2f selae! ) tornado Suivi, eieeluier > hurricane altel, = begin to aii Abteict 96 4 lookstrange 5 cloud « low > purple © blow » hard vo suddenly » loud alarm 3 sound «rush to. vs shelter 6 be coming vy thunderstorm vs funnel-shaped vo spin 20 like 21 top » fast ns canbe vs dangerous os lift 2 even »y truck 2s blow away 29 destroy 0 building kill s: huge olaieiAt WoIct #5 we S2e}ANoH; ep (arROD ct ] zp Alnele, 226 aes, 71 2)2} UG, (2%) edct ~8 84] B40lct, BR Mipel ICH CaS, TEA 22 Ge Boldt, B olziolch sh?, (HS, OH BBN aay. util 2230} BC), S1z8ICt (ORD ~RBt ol ae “eeu eet (Ae) Belch, BO Seley GE, WEE so 2} SUCH tet HNC BEISICL, CH 28 Rolct ‘alet, 7icket ss rainstorm o« be called 35 form 26 on the ocean 37 move onto oa land oe fall so during «\ center 4) the eye REP, ui ohn welch gasict ECE HOLA, sta, “(PIR BHO O1BAtCt 8. 2a (Use SOO waetes, woRRICt ~ BOL 8h) Bol ~ a BY. OvIEM, BAAL (aon = How Do Plants Grow? ABE fg XIII? ) plant ANB: (LH, WISE) ict 2 grow mielct, Basic 3 most cane) 4 seed my aust s these osteo, 0124620 © picture Are, a 7 sunflower ante) 8 pea aes 9 bellpepper ni iostrawberry = 31 1) look different cle7a st01c}, x1 ct 12 grow into eta ~01 Sich, we aie 13 bean B. Bauise! eo 14 be going to id OPSOICL ~8}21z BIC 15 garden. wa. og 16 first ein A eit v dig (2 Sw) uC 16 hole 7a 4» ground Xie, , SUIS 20 put feck Fch ech 2) then aia UM, acho 2 cover ich, Sect 2 with soil RoR 24 need ~@ USE act 25 water (& G00 wa Sct 2s every day . WOKE 27 slowly UL ABI 2s start to 87] AIBBIC 2 root pal sogrowdown — oats xizict 3) next ABH, C22 op stem zl 2» grow up felt, AMAL ALCL auth oe last obijee gee as make fruits WON CHECE, SIOHEE SCH oe later Use, #01 a7 become vO] SIC AWorld of Animals: Snakes So A: ) snake 3 2 look at “asc 3 anaconda oniasce 4 cobra ae 5 boa 0} a rattlesnake e 7 special 8 arm 9 leg 10 wing vy walk run 15 move v4 slither 15 back and forth 1 let v in all directions 1s lay eggs v9 hatch. 2 atone time 2) molt » at least 23 once a year 24 skin 2s tongue 26 sense 27 fang 28 bite 2» poisonous 20 poison kill 22 dangerous ves matt eel wi Bet ‘wait @xolct ABE LOWE OlnatISO] SOIC ae (OH, APL a Aon, AuEwSe ‘ue ect (@hoia) mOILict, (gon) BieICh stSIct ot wot, Shap (2 Bo) oe sch, WOIEKC, SOSH akg ion Ste Ube, (Be) eal a niet), “aie (4, 71 2) 62 (Olt) Bet, (28. W Sop Sct 0] Site, SAHO1 BA = oie eit a3 harmful as human a7} Sts, SHR DBS 22h AE Amazing Changes: Butterflies wel WEE Lal 1 amazing (UAUSH) wee 2 butterfly Util "eat: butterflies 3 every year asc, oft «nearly 249 5 type ae BR 6 takea close look at ~s alate! (SoICHsc. ? body part e head » thorax 19 abdomen 1) antenna 12 be used for 5 touching v4 smelling as wing 16 fly 7 forewing vs hind wing 19 from birth 2 change 2) overtime 2» caterpillar 23 come out of ~& xsi] BIC AIM IB AIA SPL fel, (BES) ae The. (22) BF i, (BO) CHO tees: antennas ~2 Pet AR(OIBSICE ‘SIRI, at iad a7, Beh BH fof OF} wich, stebalct 210] RIUEIA, ‘Ai210] 08 OF2} ote OL USEF a4 growbigger — ict, 141 aleict 2s build (258) sich Mec 2s cocoon (BSS) DR, SpoHTs} » hard Smet chettt 28 covering 2101, 7H, APA » inside 2 GION, ~ sil so aweek ay 3) adult OB; O19) Birds Are Animals aie Si0(Ct ) bird at 2 eagle Spa] 3 chicken # 4 duck 22) 5 peacock a 6 haveincommon 2828 78ic, 2880 act ce ar ae 0 cover ‘sch, lect, etch 1 body "mou: bodies v2 beak NSD HEL j2 mouth a i peckat fi (P21) BC. ~B Zo} Ch is mest ‘Sal 16 sit on ~ Hol BC, ~S Ba Bet vkeep~warm — ~@ uixéial Sx16ict i hatch (R1O%Ad) HOILIC, (BO BHsiCh, ABHSICh 9 be born eloiiet 2 parentbird ——ojal At 21 feed (PHONE) B0Ke}, BONE ECE 22 ostrich ELE “49 ostriches 2 huge Ache OF 4 kiwi aig as either PBB) ~S TOIT The City Mouse and the Country Mouse AL HO) AB AL 1 city Esl 2 mouse a 3 country At once upon atime sol, 2 504 5 mice FG ‘mousesi sett © friend ae 7 one BHU, (8 Boh sit 8 livein oil AIC 9 inthe country —Algioi(x)) Alize! jo the other (B Bop ce eet 11 inthe city SAow A), SAle) iz one day Olt tat 15 go to visit (8) weated 7c, SoHE 1 set the table OS AAICh At ReICt is dinner AMAIA Je serve (gam) aetuech merc 17 some pieces of ~2| 221% 1s corn aie 19 green pea We 258 no berry 21 look around » plain 2 what 2s what we eat 25 come with me 2 delicious 27 once 2s taste 29 wonderful so return 31 for along time 2 atiast 33 arrive at os Must be ss hungry as have dinner a? invite ss kitchen 29 Help yourself. so enough «) dining table 2 alotof 3 lots of «4 bread 45 cheese “6 meat «7 potato oe fruit 100 ASIF Bol e901: berries ‘Bawey wiuiel AGL Aue! aha thet spat oft 24 List Bat 7c} sige me, BIE Such, Of sac} weet wet BOISE, GOI 2eee FAIL, clo ~o StiCt eyo Ezeh wine AMAIA ict caste, Onasch aa OBER ABI| BE] SME a1 zal ant ma wo cake so just then si cat se run sa shout ss quickly ss through ss hole s7 wall ss That was close. 59 wait co for a while ot finish 2 frightened 3 even 64 a few minutes Hol fe ay zee} ‘welch, Fic}, Satie 22m ran eich eel ~~ BOO ~~ B78/01 72 Po (BOIE(O) 2G es SCH Pica BAL BAL Set Bch, opich wee, wet URI ERE ‘2S, Gott os pass (ARO) Bact, xIUP eC} es goback opi “abi went back 7 No, thank you, of] Bfvo}. / 01. / DSI etal cs simple eth ater oo inpeace Bata, Bers 70 goodbye ya cA Counting to 100 1O071K) A871 » counting em al, 2 count Ae) ach, a0at8ct 3 from~ HE TIAL 4 What about ~? ~2ojcjgi7?/~2 01877 5 biggernumber Ge > « continue MaSICL, ESIC AHA BIC 7 above (sHEH) PIO ~ « countby tens 1021 +2 Alch » find out ‘Woluich, OHHH to count by fives 5°] sips Jact 1) count backward 2ipm Act H& allct vw forexample ois 801 a3 try Ac RtSIC}, ~2d SICH 14 go ahead OM 34, 81 88 15 go ahead and try oi che a8 eh 16 practice ‘elatich, seeict vy out loud a1 io}, & Aeue 1s be able to wot + Sich vvanynumber —_ofgt +E) 20 between ~ Nola, ~ BI 2» Good job! ‘etOll / mSH What Do Artists Do? cdee7BS Pe wa Bi? \ artist a7, sit 2 art oe, Oe > make art tia OSC) ola erect 4 paint Aig eich, seaetct HIE Aistch 5 sing Sef Mech 6 build 4 Bw) Bch FC 7 draw (ue otx) ha ot, #622) sale} 2 drawa picture ui seic), aeeict » block xo build with blocks (ic!2i) mats: 2et8ict (ai2y a 11 collage Bes rsou ae 5eg8 Mowe 34) 2 pencil | 15 on paper ol #40, Bolol \4 painta picture 28 a2, 258 mic I OMacanvas — WHA Sot, HAG a6 brush & vy watercolor = 48) 38a 1s oil pai 08 Bz 19 painter ot 20 sculpture Bet, Bev 2) sculptor B27 22 famous weet 2s one of ~ ~ Bagi 24 the most famous 212) 8281 25 painting ae 25 Have you ever ~? ~#! 301 si&21? v7 look at i (brepect 2 Italian orgeore, o1grejoreie| 29 Leonardo da Vinci aise fare c} wiz] 30 the Mona Lisa stje1x} (428!) si around ae » still ofn16| OLE 23 enjoy the 288 @71C, ~bite BR HoHsICh > picture ah Ae 101 Ballet Music went i ballet wel (FS), wa Set 2 fun HORS, OL OS a clap Ota RICH, Mh ICE 4 tap biomes sezc, (27 u Son) Wale CE s toe aie 6 move @xpolct » dancing are = loveto ~6t7 ii Otsict 9 dance Bech wo manykindsof 2 se) nn dance 2.98 2 tella story olor BSCE 13 Movement (go) B32), O18 1s dancer #8 $5 Aw, SBS 15 The Nutcracker (wei) 2717] 218 Je perform Beech vv beperformed geisict * performe 9g je every year SHOICH, OF v9 Christmas aan 102 28 young 2) girl 2 dream 23 toy 24 nutcracker 25 come to life 2s fight 27 Mouse King 2 become 29 prince 30 Clara 3) travel to 32 kingdom 33 watch x compose as be composed by % Tehaikovsky oy Russian ss composer 29 Swan Lake S99) (298 me =z) “APO EANOICH, SICH ect ay ~0l sich at Weeh een] oral Fee) ~~ OMY FICE ~~ FICE ae APlsach, Hasek Baal ~ad Sle REICH “compose=l Se 201221 tant az) alAjoISL a1AloreI9} alah (ata) aco] 2. 40 The Sleeping Beauty (wtall) Bake @ 391 Bz KES SHAS Slot AE] AO|_t= Bl Ales ABS Olt PP} veV|C! Michael A Putlack e-Crealive Contents xia Workbook ZRRLDA BATHE Oven | KESHY See cis! ela Solely aS oltre cl LT! eee Workbook | 2 2! cia! ones Thanks, Thomas Edison © write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 Thomas Edison 19 invent 2 turnon 20 electric light bulb 3 light : 21 thanks to a 4 dark 22 at night . 5 electric light 23 phonograph 6 famous 24 listen ta music 7 inventor 25 stereo 8 beborn 26 motion picture camera 9 America 27 seeamovie 10 curious 28 more than 11 always 29 life 12 aska question - 30 convenient 13. Why? 31 more convenient 14 Whyis that? 32. in the world 15 grow up 33 work 16 become 34 easier 17 call 35 faster 18 invention 36 some of ©} choose the word that best completes each sentence. inventions inventor electric 1 Thomas Edison was a famous 2. Thomas Edison made many 3. Thanks to ____, we can see at night. 4 Inventions make our work and faster. e Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. GREE) We turn ona when it's dark. Do you know who made the light? It was Thomas Thomas Edison was a inventor. He was _ in 1847 in America. He was avery boy. He always questions. “Why?” “Why is that?” Whenhe SS, he became an inventor. An makes new things. We call these new things Thomas Edison many inventions. He invented the electric light F to electric lights, we can see at night. He invented the _ st _ Thanks to him, we can music with a stereo. He invented the picture camera. Thanks to him, we can see __ Thomas Edison also many other things. He made more than inventions! His inventions made our lives more There are many - inventions in the world. Inventions make our work easier and _ Do you know of them? The First|Maninto Space ©) Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 space ee, 20 Florida 2 like 21 USA 3 like-ing 22 space shuttle ee 4 like to 23. lift off as 5 travel 24 wear 6 new place 25 spacesuit 7 would like to 26 protect 8 Howabout-ing ~? 27 American 9 travelinto 28 moon 10 astronaut 29. Neil Armstrong 11 explore 30 walkon 12 learn about 31 Sally Ride 13. the first 32 woman 14 human ie 33 Mae Jemison 15 Yuri Gagarin 34 African-American 16 Russian 35 Dennis Tito 17 gointo 36 space tourist 18. for the first time 37. travel around 19 Kennedy Space Center 38 Earth e Choose the word that best completes each sentence. moon — explore ___ Space astronauts 1 Astronauts space and learn about it, 2 Yuri Gagarin went into for the first time in 1961. 3 wear spacesuits, 4 — Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. CHEED Do you like to new places? Where you like to go? How about traveling into 7 Some travel into space. They are r Astronauts _ space and learn about it. ‘Who was the _ human in space? It was Yuri Gagarin, a astronaut. He went into space for the first time in This is the Kennedy Space Itisin in the USA. Many astronauts go into space from the Space Center. Space shuttles at from the center. Astronauts wear 7 Their spacesuits ___ them in space. In 1969, __ astronauts went to the moon for the first time. Neil Armstrong was the first person to _ onthe moon. Sally Ride was the first American in space. Mae Jemison was the first _____-American woman in space. Dennis Tito was the first space He traveled around in 2001. Daily Test oO Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 13 14 Ss 16 7 storm aaen 18 bring look up at 19 strongwind _ sky 20 heavy rain cloud 21 heavy snow dark siete :. 22 cause come 23 flood(s) flash 24 stream 7 lightning 25 overflow strike 26 be covered wi across 27 may boom 28 fall ‘thunder 29 snowstorm = make a sound 30 be called loud 31 blizzard thunderstorm 32 heavily sometimes 33 so~that.. _ harmful 34 white 8 Choose the word that best completes each sentence. 4 harmful makes a loud sound. Storms can be Sometimes strikes trees and tall buildings. Sometimes heavy rain causes © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. CEES Look up at the = The are big and dark. Astorm is Flash! Lightning _ across the sky. Boom! Thunder makes a sound. Itisa Sometimes we have Storms can be Storms can bring strong Storms can __ heavy rain or snow. A thunderstorm has thunder, lightning, and rain. Sometimes lightning strikes trees and tall Sometimes heavy rain floods. Rivers and streams é Some landis with water. When it is cold, a lot of snow may _ E Abig is called a blizzard. AL has strong winds. Ina blizzard, snow falls so that people can only see white. Tornadoes and Hurricanes © Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 tornado 22 fast 2 hurricane 23 canbe 3 begin to 24 dangerous 4 look strange 25 lift 5 cloud 26 even 6 low 27 truck — 7 purple a 28 blow away 8 blow 29 destroy 9 hard 30 building 10 suddenly 31 kill 11 loud 32 huge a 12 alarm —_ 33 rainstorm 13, sound 34 becalled 14 tush to 35 form is shelter 36 onthe ocean 16 becoming - 37 move onto 17 thunderstorm 38 land 18 funnel-shaped 39 fall 19 spin 40 during 20 like 41 center os 21 top - 42 theeye = __ ©) choose the word that best completes each sentence. hurricane rainstorm. 1 Big thunderstorms can make a 2 Atornado hasa cloud with strang winds. 3 Ahuge is called a hurricane. 4 The center ofa is called the eye. © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. CHEESE The sky begins to look 7 The clouds are low and . The wind begins to hard. Suddenly, a loud sounds. People rush to. cea A is coming. Big can make a tornado. Ithasa -shaped cloud with strong winds. This funnel-shaped cloud like a top. Tornado ___ blow very fast. A tornado can be very . A tornado can __ many things. Itcaneven lift and blow them away. Itcan buildings and kill people. Ahuge rainstorm is called a_ A hurricane has very winds. It on the ocean. But hurricanes often onto land. Heavy rain falls a hurricane. The center of a hurricane is called the How Do Plants Grow? ©) Write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 plant 20 put 2 grow a 21 then ee 3. most = 22. cover _ 4 seed 23 with soil 5 these 24 need 6 picture — 25 water 7 sunflower 26 every day 8 pea 27. slowly 9 bell pepper 28 startto 10 strawberry 29 root 11 look different - 30 grow down 12 grow into 31 next 13 bean 32 stem 14 be going to 33 grow up 15 garden 34 last 16 first 35 make fruits 17 dig 36 later 18 hole 37 become 19 ground © choose the word that best completes each sentence. Wo grow into new plants. 2 First, grow down into the soil. 3 Next, stems up. 4 Then, leaves and begin to grow. © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. CHEEED Most plants grow from What are the seeds in these 2 sunflower bell pepper strawberry Seeds look different, but they grow into new Johnny has some seeds. He is going to them in his garden. First, he holes in the ground. He _ the seeds in the holes. Then, he the holes with soil. Seeds need to grow. They also need a So Johnny the seeds every day. Slowly, the seeds to grow, First, roots grow into the soil. Next, grow up. Then, __ and flowers begin to grow. Last, the flowers make These fruits have Later, these seeds grow and new plants. AWorld of Animals: Snakes ©) write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 snake 18 layeggs 2 lookat 19 hatch oo 3 anaconda 20 atonetime __ a 4 cobra 21 molt 5 boa 22 atleast 6 rattlesnake 23 onceayear 7 special 24 skin — 8 arm 25 tongue 9 leg 26 sense 19 wing 27 fang v1owalk 28 bite 12 run 29 poisonous 13 move 30 poison 14 slither 31 kill 15 back and forth 32 dangerous i6 let 33 harmful 17 inall directions 34 human 8 Choose the word that best completes each sentence. jolt slither ~—shatch_~—_poison 1 Snakes on the ground. 2 More than 40 eggs at one time. 3 Snakes at least once a year. 4 Poisonous snakes use to kill other animals. © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Look atthe : What are animals? anaconda boa rattlesnake They are all Snakes are : They have no arms, legs, or They can’t orrun. So do they move? They on the ground. Snakes move their bodies back and : This lets them move in all . Most snakes lay More than 40 eggs at one time. Also, snakes at least once a year. Then, new skin Snakes have long too. They use theirtonguesto _ other animals. And most snakes have long They with their fangs. Some snakes are . Poisonous snakes use to kill other animals. They are very But most snakes are not _ __to humans. Amazing Changes; Butterflies ©) write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. 1 amazing Ww 2 butterfly 18 3. every year 19 4 nearly 20 5 type 2 6 take a closelook at 2 7 body part 23 8 head 24 9 thorax 25 10 abdomen 26 11 antenna a 12 beusedfor 28 13. touching 29 14 smelling 30 15 wing 3” 16 fly _ forewing _ hind wing from birth change over time caterpillar _ comeoutof grow bigger build cocoon hard covering inside aweek adult 6 ‘Choose the word that best completes each sentence. i There are nearly 20,000 types of A butterfly has four . A butterfly begins in an Bown After about a week, a butterfly comes out of the utterflies ‘cocoon. wings © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Every year, we can see many : There are 20,000 types of butterflies. Let's aclose look at a butterfly. A butterfly has three body - It has a head, a thorax, and an : A butterfly’s eyes are on its 2 It with its eyes. Abutterfly’s _are also on its head. Antennas are used for touching and smelling. A butterfly has six They are on thorax, A butterfly’s wings are also on its Ts: with its wings. A butterfly has four wings: two ____ and two hind wings. Butterflies cannot fly fram . They _ over time. A butterfly in anegg. Then, a caterpillar ‘out of the egg. The caterpillar eats leaves and grows Then, it builds a . This is a hard ee Inside the cocoon, the SS ee __ changes. After about a _, a butterfly comes out of the cocoon. Now, it's an butterfly. Birds Are Animals ©) write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. ou wn bird — 14 peckat eagle 15 nest — chicken 16 siton duck 17 keep ~ warm peacock 18 hatch have in common 7 19 be born different 20 parentbird kind 21 feed feather 22. ostrich cover 8 huge : body 24 kiwi beak 25 either mouth born feathers ests, sit fly Birds have Birds lay eggs in Most birds. on their eggs. Later, the eggs hatch, and baby birds are Ostriches are huge birds, but they cannot _ Kiwis cannot fly © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. CHESED Look at the eagle chicken peacock What do they have in ? They are all Birds are _- There are many different of birds. Birds have ‘i These their bodies. Birds also have Most birds use their wings to Birds have , too. These are thei . Birds _at food with their beaks. Birds lay eggs in birds sit on their eggs. This their eggs warm. Later, the eggs hatch, and birds are born. Whenbirds ——__, they cannot fly. Parent birds _ __ them. Some birds are very Ostriches are birds. They cannot fly, but they can runvery Kiwis cannot fly 20 Uses esp EUS eye Taro ites eres Sap © write the meaning of each word and phrase in Korean. city mouse country once upon a time mice friend one live in in the country the other in the city ‘one day go to visit set the table dinner serve some pieces of corn green pea berry look around plain what what we eat come with me delicious once taste wonderful return, for along time 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 4 a2 & at last arrive at must be hungry have dinner invite kitchen Help yourself. enough dining table - a lot of lots of bread cheese meat potato fruit cake just then cat run shout quickly through hole wall That was close. wait for a while finish frightened __ 21 63 even 67 No, thankyou. _ 64 afew minutes 68 simple 65 pass 69 inpeace 66 go back 70 goodbye © choose the word that best completes each sentence. —""“wentback =—=~*«wice.=S~S*«rtghtterncd iningtable hole lose 1 Once upon a time, there were two, 2 Onthe huge _, there was a lot of delicious food. 3. Thetwo mice quickly ran through a small in the wall. 4 “Whew! That was s'said the city mouse, 5 The county mouse was very_ 6 Thecountry mouse to his home. 22 © Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Once upon a time, there were two : They were 5 One lived in a small house in the country. The other mouse _ in a large house in the city. One day, the city mouse went to his friend in the country. The _. mouse was so happy to see the city mouse. He set the table for __ - He oa _ some pieces of corn, green peas, and berries. The city mouse around the table and said, “Oh, my! This is all you have? Is this dinner? Howcanyoueatsuch food every day, my friend?” “lim sorry,” the country mouse. “But this is what we eat in the country day," he said. “Come me to the city,’ said the city mouse. “What is in the city?” the country mouse. “There is a lot of _ food; answered the city mouse. “Once you have all the wonderful food, you will never want to to the country.” Sothetwo mice to the city. The mice __ for a long time. At last, they at the city mouse’s home. Helivedina big house. “You must be - We will have dinner said the city mouse. He invited his friend into a large z “Help yourself. There is food for us,’ said the city mouse, 23 24 Onthehuge table, there was a lot of delicious food. There were lots of bread and There were lots of meat and There were fruits and s too, __ the city mouse. we eat in the city every day” “You were , my friend. This is a very good dinner,” answered the country The two mice _ to eat the dinner. Just then, the door , and they saw a cat coming. “Run!” the city mouse. The two mice quickly through a small hole in the wall. “Whew! That was. ;"said the city mouse. “Just wait here for a ,and then we can finish our dinner” But the county mouse was very He could not __ _talk. Afew ___ passed. “Let's go and eat; said the city mouse, “No, you, my friend,” said the country mouse. “rm back to the country. | like my __ house. There is not much at my house. But I can eat itin . Goodbye, my friend.” The country mouse back to his home.

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