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New devices for Central Laboratory Baghdad

ICP stands for Inductively Coupled Plasma. The ICP test is a highly sensitive analytical technique used
for the elemental analysis of various sample types, including water, soil, biological tissues, minerals, and
metals. It allows for the determination of trace and ultra-trace levels of elements present in the sample.

Here's an overview of how the ICP test works and its key features:

Principle of Operation:

 The ICP test involves the use of inductively coupled plasma to atomize and ionize
the elements present in the sample.
 A high-frequency electromagnetic field generates a plasma by inducing a high-
temperature gas discharge.
The plasma reaches temperatures of approximately 10,000 Kelvin, effectively atomizing the sample and
creating a high concentration of ions.

1. Sample Preparation:
 Depending on the sample type, various sample preparation methods may be employed,
including digestion, extraction, dilution, or filtration.
 Solid samples may need to be digested using acids to dissolve the elements of interest into
 Liquid samples may require dilution or filtration to remove particulates or contaminants.
2. Instrumentation:

The main components of an ICP instrument include:

 Nebulizer: Converts the sample solution into a fine aerosol.

 Spray chamber: Removes larger droplets and helps produce a stable aerosol.
 Plasma torch: Generates the high-temperature plasma.
 Spectrometer: Analyzes the emitted light or ions from the plasma to identify and quantify the
elements present.
3. Detection:
 The emission or absorption spectra of the ions generated in the plasma are unique to each
 By measuring the intensity of these spectra at specific wavelengths, the concentration of each
element in the sample can be determined.

Alternatively, a mass spectrometer may be coupled with the ICP to detect and quantify the mass-to-
charge ratios of the ions, allowing for more precise elemental analysis.

4. Applications:
 Environmental analysis: Determination of trace elements and heavy metals in
water and soil samples for environmental monitoring and assessment.
 Geological analysis: Analysis of mineral samples for exploration and mining
 Pharmaceutical analysis: Quantification of elemental impurities in pharmaceutical
 Metallurgical analysis: Analysis of metal alloys and industrial materials for quality
control purposes.

 High sensitivity: Capable of detecting elements at trace levels (parts per billion to parts per
 Wide elemental coverage: Can analyze a broad range of elements simultaneously.
 Low sample volume required: Requires only small amounts of sample for analysis.

Overall, the ICP test is a versatile and powerful analytical technique widely used in various fields for
elemental analysis due to its high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and multi-element capability.

Atomic absorption

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) is an analytical technique used to quantify the concentration of
specific elements in a sample by measuring the absorption of light at characteristic wavelengths. It is
widely employed in various fields such as environmental analysis, clinical chemistry, metallurgy, and

Here's an overview of how the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy test works and its key features:

1. Principle of Operation:
 AAS relies on the principle that atoms absorb light at specific wavelengths when they transition
from ground state to excited state.
 The sample is atomized and introduced into a flame or graphite furnace, where it undergoes
vaporization and subsequent atomization.
 A monochromatic light source passes through the atomized sample. The absorption of light by
the atoms at specific wavelengths is measured using a detector.
2. Sample Preparation:
 Depending on the sample matrix, various sample preparation techniques may be employed,
including digestion, dilution, filtration, and extraction.
 Solid samples may need to be dissolved or digested to extract the elements of interest into

 Liquid samples may require filtration or dilution to remove interfering substances or adjust the
analyte concentration.
3. Instrumentation:
 Key components of an AAS instrument include:
 Light source: Typically a hollow cathode lamp or electrodeless discharge lamp that emits light at
the absorption wavelength of the element being analyzed.
 Atomizer: Depending on the type of AAS, this could be a flame (flame AAS) or a graphite furnace
(graphite furnace AAS).
 Monochromator: Selects the desired wavelength of light emitted by the light source.
 Detector: Measures the intensity of light before and after it passes through the atomized
4. Detection:
 The concentration of the analyte in the sample is determined by measuring the extent of light
absorption at the characteristic wavelength.
 As the concentration of the analyte increases, the absorption of light by the atoms also
increases, resulting in a decrease in the intensity of light reaching the detector.
5. Applications:
 Environmental analysis: Determination of trace metals in water, soil, and air samples for
environmental monitoring and regulatory compliance.
 Clinical analysis: Measurement of essential elements and toxic metals in biological samples such
as blood, urine, and tissues for diagnostic and therapeutic monitoring.
 Food and beverage analysis: Analysis of metal contaminants and nutrient elements in food
products for quality control and safety assurance.
 Industrial analysis: Quantification of metal impurities in various industrial materials and products
for quality assurance purposes.
6. Advantages:
 High sensitivity: Capable of detecting trace levels of elements in the parts per billion to parts per
million range.
 Selectivity: Provides specific elemental analysis based on the characteristic absorption
 Wide dynamic range: Can analyze a broad range of element concentrations without requiring
extensive sample dilution or concentration.

Overall, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is a versatile and widely used analytical technique for
elemental analysis due to its high sensitivity, selectivity, and applicability across various sample types
and industries.


LC-MS stands for Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. It is a powerful analytical technique used
for the separation, identification, and quantification of compounds in complex mixtures. LC-MS
combines the separation capabilities of liquid chromatography (LC) with the detection and identification
capabilities of mass spectrometry (MS). This technique is widely used in various fields, including
pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, food safety, forensics, and metabolomics.

Here's an overview of how the LC-MS test works and its key features:

1. Principle of Operation:

Liquid chromatography separates the components of a mixture based on their interaction with a
stationary phase as the sample flows through a chromatographic column.

The separated compounds are eluted from the column and introduced into the mass spectrometer.

In the mass spectrometer, the compounds are ionized, and the resulting ions are separated based on
their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and detected.

2. Sample Preparation:

Sample preparation for LC-MS analysis depends on the type of sample and the compounds of interest.

It may involve extraction, filtration, dilution, or derivatization to ensure compatibility with the
chromatographic system and enhance detection sensitivity.

3. Instrumentation:

LC-MS systems typically consist of:

Liquid chromatography module: Includes pumps for solvent delivery, an injector for sample introduction,
and a chromatographic column for compound separation.

Mass spectrometer: Includes an ionization source (e.g., electrospray ionization or atmospheric pressure
chemical ionization) and a mass analyzer (e.g., quadrupole, time-of-flight, or ion trap).

Data acquisition and analysis software: Controls instrument operation, collects data, and performs data

4. Detection:

In the mass spectrometer, the separated compounds are ionized, typically by electron impact, chemical
ionization, or electrospray ionization.

The ions are then separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) using the mass analyzer.

The detector measures the abundance of ions at specific m/z values, generating a mass spectrum that
represents the mass-to-charge ratios and relative abundances of the ions present in the sample.

5. Applications:
 Pharmaceutical analysis: Identification and quantification of drug compounds, metabolites, and
impurities in pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples.

 Environmental analysis: Detection and quantification of environmental contaminants such as
pesticides, pollutants, and metabolites in water, soil, and air samples.
 Food safety: Analysis of food contaminants, additives, and residues, including pesticides,
veterinary drugs, and mycotoxins.
 Forensic analysis: Identification of illicit drugs, toxicological analysis of biological samples, and
analysis of trace evidence.
6. Advantages:
 High sensitivity and selectivity: LC-MS offers excellent sensitivity and selectivity for the detection
and identification of compounds in complex mixtures.
 Wide dynamic range: Capable of analyzing compounds over a broad concentration range, from
trace levels to high concentrations.
 Structural information: Mass spectrometry provides structural information about the analyzed
compounds, aiding in their identification and characterization.

Overall, LC-MS is a versatile and widely used analytical technique for compound analysis, offering high
sensitivity, selectivity, and structural information. It has become an indispensable tool in various
scientific disciplines for research, quality control, and regulatory compliance.


HPLC stands for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. It is a powerful analytical technique used for
separating, identifying, and quantifying compounds in complex mixtures. HPLC is widely used in various
fields, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage analysis, environmental monitoring, forensics, and

Here's an overview of how the HPLC test works and its key features:

1. Principle of Operation:

In HPLC, a liquid mobile phase is used to elute the sample components through a chromatographic
column packed with a stationary phase.

The separation of compounds is based on differences in their interaction with the stationary phase and
the mobile phase.

Compounds with stronger interactions with the stationary phase spend more time in the column and
elute later, while those with weaker interactions elute earlier.

2. Sample Preparation:

Sample preparation for HPLC analysis depends on the type of sample and the compounds of interest.

It may involve filtration, dilution, extraction, derivatization, or other pretreatment steps to ensure
compatibility with the chromatographic system and enhance detection sensitivity.

3. Instrumentation:

Key components of an HPLC system include:

Pump: Provides the high pressure needed to push the mobile phase through the chromatographic
column at a constant flow rate.

Injector: Introduces the sample into the mobile phase stream for separation.

Chromatographic column: Contains the stationary phase where separation of compounds occurs.

4. Detector: Monitors the eluent leaving the column and detects the separated compounds.

Data acquisition and analysis software: Controls instrument operation, collects data, and performs data


 HPLC detectors commonly used include UV-Vis detectors, fluorescence detectors, refractive
index detectors, and mass spectrometers.
 UV-Vis detectors measure the absorbance of compounds at specific wavelengths, providing
qualitative and quantitative information based on the absorbance signal.
 Mass spectrometers provide additional structural information about the compounds, allowing
for more selective and sensitive detection and identification.
5. Applications:
 Pharmaceutical analysis: Analysis of drug compounds, metabolites, impurities, and degradation
products in pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples.
 Food and beverage analysis: Detection and quantification of food additives, preservatives,
pesticides, and contaminants in food products.
 Environmental monitoring: Analysis of environmental pollutants, such as pesticides, herbicides,
and industrial chemicals, in water, soil, and air samples.
 Forensic analysis: Identification of illicit drugs, toxins, and other compounds in biological samples
and forensic evidence.
6. Advantages:
 High resolution and separation efficiency: HPLC can separate a wide range of compounds with
high resolution and efficiency.
 Versatility: HPLC can analyze a broad spectrum of compounds, from small organic molecules to
large biomolecules.
 Sensitivity and selectivity: HPLC detectors offer high sensitivity and selectivity for compound
detection and identification.

Overall, HPLC is a versatile and widely used analytical technique for compound analysis, offering high
resolution, sensitivity, and selectivity. It has become an essential tool in various scientific disciplines for
research, quality control, and regulatory compliance.

Ion Chromatography (IC) is an analytical technique used to separate and quantify ions in a sample. It is
commonly used for the analysis of inorganic ions, including both anions (negatively charged ions) and
cations (positively charged ions), in various sample matrices such as water, environmental samples,
biological fluids, and industrial products.

Here's an overview of how the Ion Chromatography (IC) test works and its key features:

1. Principle of Operation:

In ion chromatography, the sample is injected into a chromatographic column packed with a stationary
phase that contains ion-exchange resins.

When the mobile phase (typically an aqueous buffer solution) flows through the column, ions in the
sample interact with the stationary phase based on their charge and affinity.

Anions are attracted to positively charged functional groups on the stationary phase (cation-exchange)
and are eluted later, while cations are attracted to negatively charged functional groups (anion-
exchange) and are eluted earlier.

By adjusting the composition of the mobile phase and the properties of the stationary phase, different
ions can be separated and quantified.

2. Sample Preparation:

Sample preparation for IC analysis depends on the type of sample and the ions of interest.

It may involve filtration, dilution, extraction, or other pretreatment steps to remove interfering
substances and ensure compatibility with the chromatographic system.

3. Instrumentation:
 Key components of an IC system include:
 Pump: Delivers the mobile phase at a constant flow rate.
 Injector: Introduces the sample into the mobile phase stream for separation.
 Chromatographic column: Contains the stationary phase where ion separation occurs.
 Detector: Monitors the eluent leaving the column and detects the separated ions.
 Data acquisition and analysis software: Controls instrument operation, collects data, and
performs data analysis.
4. Detection:

IC detectors commonly used include conductivity detectors, UV-Vis detectors, and amperometric

Conductivity detectors are the most widely used for IC because they are highly sensitive to changes in
ion concentration and can detect both anions and cations.

5. Applications:
 Environmental analysis: Determination of inorganic ions in water, soil, and air samples for
environmental monitoring and regulatory compliance.

 Pharmaceutical analysis: Analysis of ions in pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples
for quality control and formulation development.
 Food and beverage analysis: Detection of ions such as nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, and chloride in
food products for quality control and safety assurance.
 Industrial analysis: Monitoring of ion impurities in industrial processes and products, such as
electronic components and chemical manufacturing.
6. Advantages:
 High sensitivity and selectivity: IC offers excellent sensitivity and selectivity for the detection and
quantification of ions in complex sample matrices.
 Wide dynamic range: Capable of analyzing ions over a broad concentration range, from trace
levels to high concentrations.
 Fast analysis time: IC provides rapid analysis results, making it suitable for high-throughput

Overall, Ion Chromatography (IC) is a versatile and widely used analytical technique for the separation
and quantification of inorganic ions in various sample types. It has become an essential tool in
environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, food safety, and industrial quality control.

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is an analytical technique used for the qualitative and quantitative
determination of elemental compositions of materials. It relies on the principle that when a material is
exposed to X-rays, it emits characteristic fluorescent X-rays. These X-rays are then detected and analyzed
to determine the elemental composition of the sample.

Here's an overview of how X-ray fluorescence (XRF) testing works and its key features:

1. Principle of Operation:

XRF spectroscopy operates on the principle of X-ray excitation of atoms in a sample, leading to the
emission of characteristic fluorescent X-rays.

When a sample is irradiated with high-energy X-rays, inner-shell electrons are ejected from atoms in the

Electrons from higher energy levels fill the resulting vacancies, resulting in the emission of fluorescent X-
rays with energies characteristic of the elements present in the sample.

The energy and intensity of these emitted X-rays are measured to identify and quantify the elements

2. Sample Preparation:

Sample preparation for XRF analysis typically involves grinding the sample into a fine powder and
pressing it into a pellet or thin film to ensure uniformity and reproducibility.

Some samples may require additional preparation steps, such as fusion or digestion, to ensure complete
dissolution and homogeneity.

3. Instrumentation:
 Key components of an XRF spectrometer include:
 X-ray source: Typically an X-ray tube that emits high-energy X-rays.
 Sample chamber: Where the sample is positioned for analysis.
 Detector: Detects the characteristic fluorescent X-rays emitted by the sample.
 Data acquisition and analysis software: Controls instrument operation, collects data, and
performs data analysis.
4. Detection:

The detector measures the energy and intensity of the emitted X-rays.

Each element emits fluorescent X-rays at characteristic energies, allowing for the identification of
elements present in the sample.

The intensity of the emitted X-rays is proportional to the concentration of the corresponding elements in
the sample, allowing for quantitative analysis.

5. Applications:
 Elemental analysis: XRF spectroscopy is used in a wide range of applications, including materials
science, geology, mining, environmental science, archaeology, and forensics.
 Quality control: XRF is used for quality control and assurance in industries such as
manufacturing, electronics, metals, and pharmaceuticals.
 Environmental monitoring: XRF is used to analyze soil, water, air, and sediment samples for the
presence of heavy metals and other pollutants.
 Art and archaeology: XRF is used for non-destructive elemental analysis of artworks, cultural
heritage objects, and archaeological artifacts.
6. Advantages:
 Non-destructive: XRF spectroscopy is often non-destructive, allowing for the analysis of valuable
or irreplaceable samples without damaging them.
 Fast analysis: XRF analysis is typically rapid, providing elemental composition results quickly.
 Versatility: XRF can analyze a wide range of sample types, including solids, liquids, powders, and
thin films.

Overall, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique for elemental analysis,
offering rapid and non-destructive analysis of a wide range of materials and sample types. It is widely
used in research, industry, environmental monitoring, and cultural heritage studies.

Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) is an advanced analytical technique used
for the separation, identification, and quantification of complex mixtures of compounds, particularly
organic compounds. It combines the capabilities of gas chromatography (GC) with tandem mass
spectrometry (MS/MS) to enhance sensitivity, selectivity, and specificity in compound analysis.

Here's an overview of the key components and principles of GC-MS/MS:

1. Gas Chromatography (GC):

GC is used to separate individual compounds from a mixture based on their volatility and affinity for the
stationary phase inside the chromatographic column.

The sample is injected into the GC system, where it is vaporized and carried through the column by an
inert gas (typically helium or nitrogen).

Compounds in the sample interact with the stationary phase to varying degrees, leading to separation
based on their chemical properties.

2. Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS):

 Tandem mass spectrometry involves using two or more stages of mass analysis to provide
additional structural information about the compounds.
 In GC-MS/MS, the first stage (MS1) involves ionizing the separated compounds from the GC
column and generating precursor ions.
 These precursor ions are then subjected to fragmentation (MS2) by collision-induced
dissociation (CID) or other fragmentation techniques.
 The resulting fragment ions provide characteristic patterns that can be used to identify and
quantify the compounds with high specificity.
3. Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer:
 GC-MS/MS often utilizes a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, which consists of three sets of
quadrupole mass analyzers.
 The first quadrupole filters ions of a specific mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), allowing only the
selected precursor ions to pass through.
 The second quadrupole serves as a collision cell where the selected precursor ions undergo
 The third quadrupole selectively detects the fragment ions of interest based on their specific m/z
1. Advantages of GC-MS/MS:
 Enhanced sensitivity and selectivity: The combination of GC separation with MS/MS detection
offers improved sensitivity and selectivity, even in complex matrices.
 Structural information: The tandem mass spectrometry provides additional structural
information about the compounds, aiding in their identification.
 Quantitative analysis: GC-MS/MS can be used for accurate quantification of target compounds at
low concentrations in environmental, food, pharmaceutical, and forensic samples.

2. Applications:
 Environmental analysis: Detection and quantification of environmental contaminants such as
pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in soil, water, and air
 Forensic analysis: Identification of drugs, metabolites, and other trace compounds in biological
 Pharmaceutical analysis: Characterization and quantification of drug compounds and impurities
in pharmaceutical formulations.

‫ كشف وتركيز الملوثات البيئية مثل المبيدات الحشرية واألدوية والملوثات العضوية المتطايرة الثابتة‬:‫( التحليل البيئي‬POPs)
‫في عينات التربة والمياه و‬

Overall, GC-MS/MS is a powerful analytical technique with broad applications in various fields, offering
high sensitivity, selectivity, and structural information for the analysis of complex mixtures of organic

The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) test is a common method used to measure the concentration of
hydrocarbons in soil or water samples. TPH includes a wide range of organic compounds found in
petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel, and crude oil. The TPH test is crucial for assessing
contamination levels in environmental samples, especially in areas where petroleum spills or leaks have

There isn't a single specific "device" for conducting TPH testing. Instead, TPH analysis typically involves a
combination of laboratory equipment and analytical techniques. Here's an overview of the process:

Sample Collection: Soil or water samples are collected from the site of interest using appropriate
sampling techniques to ensure representative samples.

Extraction: The hydrocarbons present in the sample are typically extracted using solvent-based methods.
Common extraction techniques include Soxhlet extraction, solvent extraction, or solid-phase extraction

Cleanup (if necessary): Depending on the sample matrix and potential interference from other
compounds, a cleanup step may be required to remove interfering substances. Various methods such as
gel permeation chromatography (GPC) or silica gel cleanup may be employed.

Analysis: Once the hydrocarbons are extracted and cleaned (if necessary), they are analyzed to
determine the TPH concentration. Common analytical techniques used for TPH analysis include:

Gas Chromatography (GC): GC is often used for TPH analysis, where hydrocarbons are separated based
on their volatility and affinity for the chromatographic column.

Flame Ionization Detection (FID): FID is a common detector used with GC for TPH analysis. It provides
sensitive detection of hydrocarbons based on their ability to ionize in a flame.

Mass Spectrometry (MS): In some cases, GC-MS may be employed for TPH analysis to provide additional
information about the composition of the hydrocarbons.

Data Interpretation: The results obtained from the analysis are interpreted to determine the
concentration of TPH in the sample. This information is compared to regulatory guidelines or site-specific
cleanup criteria to assess the level of contamination and determine the appropriate remediation

Overall, TPH testing is an essential component of environmental monitoring and assessment, especially
in areas impacted by petroleum contamination. While there isn't a specific "device" for TPH testing, it
typically involves the use of laboratory equipment and analytical techniques such as GC with FID or GC-

Choosing the appropriate device for conducting tests on water or soil samples depends on several
factors, including the type of compounds or elements you're interested in analyzing, the sensitivity and
specificity required for detection, the sample matrix, and the available resources (equipment, expertise,
budget, etc.). Here's a guideline to help you choose:

1. Identify Analytes: Determine the specific compounds or elements you need to

analyze. Different tests are suitable for different types of analytes. For example:

For volatile organic compounds (VOCs), GC-MS may be appropriate.

For metals and metalloids, ICP or X-ray techniques might be more suitable.

For non-volatile organic compounds or polar compounds, LC-MS or HPLC may be

better options.

2. Consider Sensitivity and Specificity: Evaluate the sensitivity and specificity

required for your analysis. Some techniques, like GC-MS/MS or LC-MS/MS, offer
higher sensitivity and specificity compared to single quadrupole GC-MS or LC-
3. Sample Matrix: Consider the nature of your sample (water or soil) and its
complexity. Some techniques may be better suited for analyzing one type of
matrix over another. For instance:

GC-MS is suitable for volatile compounds in water samples.

X-ray techniques are useful for solid matrices like soil.

4. Budget and Resources: Take into account the available resources, including
equipment, expertise, and budget. Some techniques, like GC-MS/MS or
LC-MS/MS, may require more expensive instrumentation and skilled personnel
for operation and maintenance.
5. Regulatory Requirements: Ensure that the chosen method complies with relevant
regulatory standards and requirements for environmental analysis. Some

regulatory bodies may specify approved methods or acceptable detection limits
for certain analytes.
6. Consult Experts: If you're unsure about which technique to use, consider
consulting with experts in the field or analytical chemists who have experience
with environmental analysis. They can provide valuable insights and
recommendations based on your specific needs and requirements.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about which
device or technique is most suitable for your water or soil analysis needs. Additionally,
conducting feasibility studies or method validation experiments may help in selecting
the most appropriate analytical method for your particular application.

Certainly! Here's a breakdown of the main differences between the listed tests
commonly used for analyzing water and soil samples:
1. ICP Test (Inductively Coupled Plasma):
 ICP tests are used to determine the concentration of metals and metalloids in samples.
 It involves atomizing the sample using high temperatures and then ionizing the atoms using
 The ions are then detected using mass spectrometry or optical emission spectroscopy.
2. GC Test (Gas Chromatography):
 GC tests separate and analyze compounds that can be vaporized without decomposition.
 Samples are vaporized and injected into a column where they are separated based on their
affinity for the column material and their volatility.
 Detection can be achieved via various detectors such as Flame Ionization Detector (FID) or Mass
Spectrometry (GC-MS).
3. GC-MS Test (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry):
 GC-MS combines the separation capabilities of gas chromatography with the detection
capabilities of mass spectrometry.
 It provides both qualitative and quantitative information about the components present in a
 It is widely used in environmental analysis for identifying and quantifying organic compounds.
4. GC-MS/MS (Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry):
 GC-MS/MS extends the capabilities of GC-MS by using multiple stages of mass spectrometry.
 It enhances sensitivity and specificity by fragmenting ions in the mass spectrometer and
analyzing the fragments.
5. LC-MS Test (Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry):
 LC-MS is similar to GC-MS but is used for compounds that are not volatile or thermally stable.
 It separates compounds using liquid chromatography and then analyzes them with mass
 LC-MS is commonly used for analyzing polar and non-volatile compounds.

6. HPLC Test (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography):

HPLC is a chromatographic technique used to separate, identify, and quantify components in a mixture.

It is particularly suitable for compounds that are heat-sensitive or non-volatile.

Detection methods can include UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence, or mass spectrometry.

7. X-ray Test:
 X-ray tests are often used for elemental analysis of solid samples, including soil.
 X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are common techniques.
 XRF can determine the elemental composition of a sample, while XRD can identify the crystal
structure of minerals in soil samples.

These tests serve various purposes in environmental analysis, ranging from detecting pollutants to
characterizing soil composition and identifying contaminants. The choice of test depends on the specific
substances being analyzed, their concentration levels, and the required sensitivity and specificity of the


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