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What is Phlebotomy?

• The act of drawing or removing blood from the circulatory system through a cut (incision) or
puncture in order to obtain a sample for analysis and diagnosis
• It is also done as part of the patient's treatment for certain blood disorders. (Hematology,
Clinical Chemistry, Serology, etc.)

1. To obtain blood for diagnostic purposes.
2. To monitor levels of blood components.
3. To administer therapeutic treatments including medications, nutrition, or chemotherapy.
4. To remove blood due to excess levels of iron or erythrocytes
5. To collect blood for later uses, mainly transfusion either in the donor or in another person.


- 21-gauge syringes, 2-way needle, & Feather lancet

- Tourniquet
- Wet and dry cotton balls
- 70% alcohol
- Micropore tape/plaster
- Evacuated Collection Tubes:
- Puncture-proof container for sharp objects
- Gloves, Mask, and Lab gown
- Marking pen (for labelling)


The venipuncture procedure is complex, requiring both knowledge and skill to perform. Each
phlebotomist generally establishes a routine that is comfortable for him or her. Several essential steps
are required for every successful collection procedure.

1. Identify the patient.

2. Assess the patient’s physical disposition. (Example: diet, exercise, stress, basal state)
3. Check the requisition form for requested tests, patient information, and any special
4. Select a suitable site for venipuncture.
5. Prepare the equipment, the patient, and the puncture site.
6. Perform the venipuncture.
7. Collect the sample in the appropriate container.
8. Recognize complications associated with the phlebotomy procedure.
9. Assess the need for sample recollection and/or rejection.
10. Label the collection tubes at the bedside or drawing area.
11. Promptly send the specimens with the requisition to the laboratory.

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A requisition form must accompany each sample submitted to the laboratory. This requisition form must
contain the proper information in order to process the specimen. The essential elements of the
requisition form are:

• Patient’s surname, first name, and middle initial.

• Patient’s ID number
• Patient’s date of birth and sex.
• Requesting physician’s complete name.
• Source of specimen. This information must be given when requesting microbiology, cytology,
fluid analysis, or other testing where analysis and reporting is site specific.
• Date and time of collection.
• Initials of phlebotomist.
• Indicating the test(s) requested.


Patient Name: __________________________

Patient ID: _____________________________

Patient Birthdate: ________________________ Sex: ________

Source of Specimen: __________________________

Date Collected: ___________ Time: __________ Phlebotomist: ________

Physician: _____________ Location: _____________________________

Test/s Requested:

__ Electrolyte Panel __Renal Function Tests ___FBS

__Lipid Profile __SGPT/ALT __SGOT/AST


A properly labeled sample is essential so that the results of the test match the patient. The key elements
in labeling are:

• Patient’s surname, first, and middle

• Patient’s ID number
• NOTE: Both of the above MUST MATCH the same on the requisition form.
• Date and time of extraction and initials of the phlebotomist must be on the label of EACH tube.

Automated systems may include labels with bar codes.

An example of evacuated tube with label:

Karev, Alex F. 25/M

March 27, 2022 4:00 PM
ID #12344 ASDF

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• Evacuated Collection Tubes - The tubes are designed to fit with a predetermined volume of
blood by vacuum. The rubber stoppers are color coded according to the additive that the tube
contains. Various sizes are available. Blood should NEVER be poured from one tube to another
since the tubes can have different additives or coatings.
• Needles - The gauge number indicates the bore size: the larger the gauge number, the smaller
the needle bore. Needles are available for evacuated systems and for use with a syringe, single
draw or butterfly system. And 2-way needles are used for Evacuated Tube System (ETS) • Tube
Holder/Adapter – use with the evacuated collection/tube system.
• Tourniquet – wipe off with alcohol and replace frequently.
• Alcohol wipes or pads/Wet cotton with 70% alcohol
• Povidone-iodine wipes/swabs – used if blood culture is to be drawn.
• Gauze sponges – for application on the site from which the needle is withdrawn. •
Adhesive bandages/tape – protects the venipuncture site after collection.
• Needle disposal unit – needles should NEVER be broken, bent or, recapped. Needles should be
placed in a proper disposal unit IMMEDIATELY after their use.
• Gloves – can be made of latex, rubber, vinyl, etc; worn to protect the patient and the
• Syringes – may be used in place of the evacuated collection tube for special circumstances.


Blood collection tubes must be drawn in a specific order to avoid cross-contamination of additives
between tubes. The recommended order of draw for plastic Vacutainer.

1. First – blood culture bottle or tube (yellow or yellow-black top)

2. Second – coagulation tube (light blue top). If just a routine coagulation assays is the
only test ordered, then a single light blue top tube may be drawn. If there is a concern
regarding contamination by tissue fluids or thromboplastins, then one may draw a
non-additive tube first, and then the light blue top tube.
3. Third – non-additive tube (red top)
4. Last draw – additive tubes in order:
1. SST/Serum Separator Tube (red-gray or gold top): Contains a gel separator and
clot activator
2. Sodium heparin (black green top)
3. PST/Plasma Separator Tube (light green top): Contains lithium heparin
anticoagulant and a gel separator.
4. EDTA (lavender top)
5. ACDA (Acid Citrate Dextrose solution “A”)/ACDB (Acid Dextrose solution “B”)
6. Oxalate/fluoride (light gray top)

NOTE: Tubes with additives must be thoroughly mixed. Erroneous test results may be obtained when
the blood is not thoroughly mixed with the additive.

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The phlebotomist’s role requires a professional, courteous, and understanding manner in all contacts
with the patient. Greet the patient and identify yourself and indicate the procedure that will take place.
Effective communication – both verbal and nonverbal – is essential.

Proper patient identification is MANDATORY. If an in-patient is able to respond, ask for a full name and
always check the armband for confirmation. DO NOT DRAW BLOOD IF THE ARMBAND IS MISSING. An
outpatient must provide identification other than the verbal statement of a name. Using the requisition
for reference, ask a patient to provide additional information such as surname or birth date.

If possible, speak with the patient during the process. The patient who is at ease will be less focused on
the procedure. Always thank the patient and excuse yourself courteously when finished.


The Patient’s Bill of Rights has been adopted by many hospitals as declared by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The basic patient rights endorsed by the JCAHO
follow in condensed form are given below.

The patient has the right to:

• Impartial access to treatment or accommodations that is available or medically indicated,

regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, or sources of payment for care.
• Considerate, respectful care.
• Confidentiality of all communications and other records pertaining to the patient’s care. •
Expect that any discussion or consultation involving the patient’s case will be conducted
discretely and that individuals not directly involved in the case will not be present without
patient permission.
• Expect reasonable safety congruent with the hospital practices and environment. • Know the
identity and professional status of individuals providing service and to know which physician or
other practitioner is primarily responsible for his or her care.
• Obtain from the practitioner complete and current information about diagnosis, treatment, and
any known prognosis, in terms the patient can reasonably be expected to understand. • Reasonable
informed participation in decisions involving the patient’s health care. The patient shall be
informed if the hospital proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation or other
research/educational profits affecting his or her care or treatment. The patient has the right to
refuse participation in such activity.
• Consult a specialist at the patient’s own request and expense.
• Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law.
• Regardless of the source of payment, request and receive an itemized and detailed explanation of
the total bill for services rendered in the hospital.

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Although the larger and fuller median cubital and cephalic veins of the arm are used most frequently,
the basilic vein on the dorsum of the arm or dorsal hand veins are also acceptable for venipuncture.
Foot veins are a last resort because of the higher probability of complications.

Certain areas are to be avoided when choosing a site:

• Extensive scars from burns and surgery – it is difficult to puncture the scar tissue and obtain a
• The upper extremity on the side of a previous mastectomy – test results may be affected
because of lymphedema.
• Hematoma – may cause erroneous test results. If another site is not available, collect the
specimen distal to the hematoma.
• Intravenous therapy (IV) / blood transfusions – fluid may dilute the specimen, so collect from
the opposite arm if possible. Otherwise, satisfactory samples may be drawn below the IV by
following these procedures:
o Turn off the IV for at least 2 minutes before venipuncture.
o Apply the tourniquet below the IV site. Select a vein other than the one with the IV. o
Perform the venipuncture. Draw 5 ml of blood and discard before drawing the specimen
tubes for testing.
• Cannula/fistula/heparin lock – hospitals have special policies regarding these devices. In general,
blood should not be drawn from an arm with a fistula or cannula without consulting the
attending physician.
• Edematous extremities – tissue fluid accumulation alters test results.


Palpate and trace the path of veins with the index finger. Arteries pulsate, are most elastic, and have a
thick wall. Thrombosed veins lack resilience, feel cord-like, and roll easily.

• If superficial veins are not readily apparent, you can force blood into the vein by massaging the
arm from wrist to elbow, tap the site with index and second finger, apply a warm, damp
washcloth to the site for 5 minutes, or lower the extremity over the bedside to allow the veins
to fill.


• Prepare and assemble all necessary materials for venipuncture.

• Approach the patient in a friendly, calm manner. Provide for their comfort as much as possible,
and gain the patient’s cooperation.
• Identify the patient correctly.
• Properly fill out appropriate requisition forms, indicating the test(s) ordered. • Verify the
patient’s condition. Fasting, dietary restrictions, medications, timing, and medical treatment
are all of concern and should be noted on the lab requisition.
• Check for any allergies to antiseptics, adhesives, or latex by observing for armbands and/or by
asking the patient. (if allergic to latex gloves, you may use nitrile gloves)

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• Position the patient. The patient should either sit in a chair or lie down or sit up in bed.
Hyperextend the patient’s arm.
• Apply the tourniquet 3-4 inches above the selected puncture site. Do not place too tightly or
leave on more than 1 minute. (>1 minute = hemoconcentration)
• The patient should make a fist without pumping the hand.
• Select the venipuncture site. Release the tourniquet and ask patient to open the fist. •
Disinfect the site using 709% alcohol. Cleanse in a circular motion, beginning at the site and
working outward. Allow to air dry.
• Prepare the syringe. Inspect the needle for any defects. Pull the plunger for 2-3 times to release
the air (again, it will cause air emboli/embolus)
• Reapply the tourniquet. Uncap the needle.
• Grasp the patient’s arm firmly using your thumb to draw the skin taut and anchor the vein. The
needle should form a 15-to-30-degree angle with the surface of the arm. Swiftly insert the needle
through the skin and into the lumen of the vein. Avoid trauma and excessive probing.

• Establish blood flow and pulled back the plunger slowly until the desired amount of blood is
• Ask patient to open fist and release the tourniquet.
• Remove the needle from the patient’s arm using a swift backward motion. • Press down on the
gauze once the needle is out of the arm and apply adequate pressure to avoid formation of a
hematoma. Instruct the patient to press the gauze or cotton ball on the puncture site for two to
five minutes with the arm extended to ensure that bleeding stops and hematoma, or swelling,
does not form.
• Dispose of contaminated materials/supplies in designated containers.
• Invert and label all appropriate tubes at the patient bedside.
• Check the site to see that it has stopped bleeding before leaving the patient and should apply a
bandage if necessary.
• Deliver the specimens promptly to the laboratory.

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To prevent a hematoma:
• Puncture only the uppermost wall of the vein.
• Remove the tourniquet before removing the needle.
• Use the major superficial veins.
• Make sure the needle fully penetrates the upper most wall of the vein. (Partial penetration may
allow blood to leak into the soft tissue surrounding the vein by way of the needle bevel) • Apply
pressure to the venipuncture site.

To prevent hemolysis (which can interfere with many tests):

• Mix tubes with anticoagulant additives gently 5-10 times.

• Avoid drawing blood from hematoma.
• Avoid drawing the plunger back too forcefully, if using a needle and syringe, and avoid frothing of
the sample.
• Make sure the venipuncture site is dry.
• Avoid a probing, traumatic venipuncture.

Indwelling Lines or Catheters:

• Potential source of test error.

• Most lines are flushed with a solution of heparin to reduce the risk of thrombosis. • Discard a
sample at least three times the volume of the line before a specimen is obtained for analysis.

Hemoconcentration: An increased concentration of larger molecules and formed elements in the blood
may be due to severe factors:

• Primary effect is hemoconcentration of non-filterable elements (i.e. proteins). The hydrostatic

pressure causes some water and filterable elements to leave the extracellular space. • Significant
increases can be found in total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total lipids, cholesterol,
• Affects packed cell volume and other cellular elements.

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Patient Preparation Factors:

• Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: different pharmacologic agents have patterns of administration,

body distribution, metabolism, and elimination that affect the drug concentration as measured in
the blood. Many drugs will have “peak” and “trough” levels that vary according to dosage levels
and intervals. Check for timing instructions for drawing the appropriate samples.
• Effects of Exercise: Muscular activity has both transient and longer testing effects. The creatine
kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and platelet count
may increase.
• Stress: May cause transient elevation in white blood cells (WBCs) and elevated adrenal hormone
values (cortisol and catecholamines). Anxiety that results in hyperventilation may cause acid
base imbalances, and increased lactate.
• Diurnal Rhythms: Diurnal rhythms are body fluid and analyte fluctuations during the day. For
example, serum cortisol levels are highest in early morning but are decreased in the afternoon.
Serum iron levels tend to drop during the day. You must check the timing of these variations for
the desired collection point.
• Posture: Postural changes (supine to sitting etc.) are known to vary lab results of some analytes.
Certain larger molecules are not filterable into the tissue; therefore, they are more concentrated
in the blood. Enzymes, proteins, lipids, iron, and calcium are significantly increased with changes
in position.
• Other Factors: Age, gender, and pregnancy have an influence on laboratory testing. Normal
reference ranges are often noted according to age.


Because of contacts with sick patients and their specimens, it is important to follow safety and infection
control procedures.


• Practice universal precautions:

o Wear gloves and a laboratory coat or gown when handling blood/body fluids.
o Change gloves after each patient or when contaminated.
o Wash hands frequently.
o Dispose of items in appropriate containers,
• Dispose of needles immediately upon removal from the patient’s vein. Do not bend, break,
recap, or resheath needles to avoid accidental needle puncture or splashing of contents. •
Clean up any blood spills with a disinfectant such as freshly made 10% bleach. • If you stick
yourself with a contaminated needle.
o Remove your gloves and dispose of them properly.
o Squeeze puncture site to promote bleeding.
o Wash the area well with soap and water.
o Record the patient’s name and ID number.
o Follow the institution’s guidelines regarding treatment and follow-up.
o NOTE: the use of prophylactic zidovudine following blood exposure to HIV has shown
effectiveness (about 79%) in preventing seroconversion.

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• Place blood collection equipment away from patients, especially children and psychiatric
• Practice hygiene for the patient’s and wash your hands frequently. Always wear a clean lab coat
or gown.


• Change the position of the needle. Move it forward (it may not be in the lumen)

• Or move it backward (it may have penetrated too far)

• Adjust the angle (the bevel may be against the vein wall)
• Loosen the tourniquet. It may be obstructing blood flow.
• Try another tube. There may be no vacuum in the one being used.
• Re-anchor the vein. Veins sometimes roll away from the point of the needle and puncture site. IF


• The vein may have collapsed, resecure the tourniquet to increase venous filling. If this is not
successful, remove the needle, take care of the puncture site, and redraw.

• The needle may have pulled out of the vein when switching tubes. Hold equipment firmly and
place fingers against patient’s arm, using the flange for leverage when withdrawing and
inserting tubes.

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• A hematoma forms under the skin adjacent to the punture site – release the tourniquet
immediately and withdraw the needle. Apply firm pressure.
o Hematoma formation is a problem in older patients.
• The blood is bright red (arterial) rather than venous. Apply firm pressure for more than 5

Areas to be avoided when performing venipuncture and the reasons for the restrictions: (Reference:
Clinical Chemistry – Techniques, Principles, Correlations, Michael Bishop 6th edition)

• Burns, Scars, and Tattoos: Scarred, burned, or tattooed areas should be avoided. They may be
difficult to palpate and draw from, and the areas are have impaired circulation that can affect test
results. Recently burned or tattooed are susceptible to infection. Tattoos contain dyes that can
interfere in testing; areas with dye should be avoided unless no other site is available.
• Damaged Veins: Sclerosed (hardened) or thrombosed (clotted) veins re-occluded (obstructed)
they feel hard and cordlike, lacking resiliency. They are difficult to puncture, have impaired
blood flow that leads to erroneous results and should be avoided.
• Edema: Edema, swelling caused by the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues, makes
veins harder to locate. Specimens collected from edematous areas may yield erroneous test
results because the swelling alters blood composition.
• Hematoma: A swelling or mass of blood that escaped from a vein during or following
venipuncture is called a hematoma. Never draw blood through a hematoma because it is painful
and leads to inaccurate test results. If no other site is suitable, draw the specimen distal to the
hematoma so that the free flowing blood is collected.
• Mastectomy: A patient’s physician should be consulted before drawing, blood from an arm on
the same side as the mastectomy. Lymph node removal, typically part of the procedure can
cause lymphostasis (stoppage of lymph flow), which makes the arm susceptible to swelling and

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• Vascular Access Devices: It is usual for an inpatient to have some type of vascular access device
(VAD). One specially trained personnel should draw blood from a VAD, although a phlebotomist
may assist by transferring the blood to the appropriate tubes. With the exception of intravenous
(IV) lines in some instances, the phlebotomist muist never apply a tourniquet or perform
venipuncture on an arm that has a VD that a phlebotomist may encounter:
o Arterial Line: commonly located in the radial artery and typically used to provide
continuous blood pressure measuremnt. It may also be used to collect blood gases and
other blood pressure.
o Arteriovenous (AV) shunt or fistula: created by a surgical procedure that permanently
fuses a vein and artery together to provide access for dialysis. The connection forms a
loop that can usually be easily seen.
o Heparin or saline lock: a catheter connected to a stopclock, or a cap with a diaphragm,
through which medication is given or blood drawn. It is typically placed in a lower
forearm vei. Either type may be flushed with heparin to keep it from clotting. Heparin
can adhere to the tubing, so a 5-mL discard tube should be collected first if drawing
blood from either type.
o Intravenous line: Tubing connected to a catheter inserted in a vein and used to
administer fluids. It is best not to draw blood specimens from an arm with an IV line,
especially above the IV access site, because IV fluid can contaminate the specimen and
affect the test results. A previous IV access site also should not used for venipuncture
within 24-48 hours when an active IV line was removed, because it is also potential
source of error in testing. If no other site is available, draw the specimen below the IV
access site. Folow facility protocol.
o Central Vascular Access Device (CVAD) or indwelling line: a line inserted into a main
vein or artery that is used primarily to administer fluids and medication, monitors blood
pressure, and draw blood. Most CVADs are routinely flushed with heparin or saline to
prevent clotting, so a small amount of blood must be drawn from the line and discarded
prior to collecting blood specimens. Drawing coagulation specimens from CVADs is not

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Venipuncture, the most common way to collect blood specimens, can be performed by three basic
methods – evacuated tube system (ETS), needle and syringe, and winged infusion set (butterfly).
Evacuated tube system (ETS) is the preferred method because blood is collected directly from the
vein into a tube, minimizing the risk of specimen contamination and exposure to the blood.
Although discouraged by CLSI due to safety and specimen quality issues, a needle and syringe are
sometimes used on small, fragile, or damaged veins. A butterfly set can be used with the ETS or a
syringe and is often used to draw blood from infants and children, from hand veins, and in other
difficult-draw situations.

Evacuated tubes have a premeasured vacuum that automatically draws the volume of blood
indicated on the label. A tube that has lost all or part of its vacuum will fail to fill with blood or fill
completely. Vacuum loss can occur if tubes are stored improperly, opened, dropped, or advanced
too far onto the needle before the draw or if the needle bevel backs out of the skin during the draw.

Tube stoppers are color-coded to identify a type of addtive, absence of addtive, or special tube
property. Although generally universal, color-coding varies slightly by manufacturer.

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KNFS 2022

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