Bks IGCC2 Ccuu An06 Xxaann

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Question Answer Mark Comments

Question 1
a i NH3 1
ii soluble 1
b A: zinc, Zn2+ 2
B: aluminium, Al3+ 2
C: iron (II), Fe 2+ 2
D: iron (III), Fe3+ 2
E: copper (II), Cu2+ 2
c i neutralisation 1 accept: acid-base
ii ammonium 1
NH4+ 1
iii ammonium nitrate 1
Total 16

Question 2
a i colourless 1 not clear on its own
ii purple/violet 1 allow: blue
b i white (1) precipitate (1) 2 note: need both the colour and state
ii no change/white precipitate 1 alternative answer: insoluble in excess
c no change/colourless solution 1 alternative answer: faint white precipitate/cloudy
d i blue 1
ii ammonia 1 note: this is testing for the nitrate ion present
e milky/cloudy 1 note: this is the limewater test for carbon dioxide
f i test in Tube 4 1
as both have nitrate (ion) present 1
ii test in Tube 5 1
as potassium carbonate/salts, (unlike 1
calcium) are soluble in water
Total 13

Question 3
a values for solubility of potassium iodate 2 –1 for one error, 0 for more than one incorrect
10 - 6.2 note: 50 cm3 of water has a mass of 50 g
20 - 8.2 so multiply by two to get the solubility in 100g
30 - 10.2 of water
40 - 12.4
50 - 14.0
b i correct plotting of points 2 –1 per error/omission
best straight line through the points 1 0 marks if joined to the origin
ii increases/goes up 1
iii 5.0–5.4 (g per 100g of water) 2 1 mark for showing on the graph, 1 mark for

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iv 2.9 (g per 100g of water) 1 value at 50 0C – value at 20 0C – for 50 cm3
of water
so: (7.0 – 4.1) = 2.9 g
c i sodium chloride accept: converse statements for potassium
solubility: more soluble (than potassium 1 iodate
temperature effect: very little increase (un- 1
like potassium iodate) allow: solubility remains (fairly) constant
(compared to potassium iodate)
ii lithium carbonate accept: converse statements for potassium
solubility: less soluble (than potassium 1 iodate
temperature effect: solubility 1
less at higher temperatures/more soluble
at lower temperatures (the opposite effect
to potassium iodate)
Total 13

Question 4
a neutralisation 1 accept: acid-base
b (white) precipitate 1 note: must use term ‘precipitate’ here
c all hydroxide ions have reacted (with the 1 alternative answers:
hydrogen ion) • no (excess) hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions
• only (barium sulfate) and water present
d i burette solution solution 4 1 mark for each burette reading (i.e. 23.6, 6.5,
readings/ cm3 18.3)
4th mark for both the volumes used
final reading 23.6 6.5
initial reading 0.0 18.3
volume used 23.6 11.8
ii experiment 1 1 23.6 compared to 11.8
iii • (because) the volume of sulfuric acid 1 accept: converse statement for experiment 1
(to react with the barium hydroxide) is
less in experiment 2
• the acid used must be more
concentrated (than the sulfuric acid
used in experiment 1)
iv 5.9 (cm3) 1 25 cm3 is half the original volume of barium
hydroxide so half the volume of sulfuric acid
required to neutralise it
so: 11.8 ÷ 2 = 5.9
v • the bulb would light up 1
• (excess) sulfuric acid present which 1 alternative answer: ions from sulfuric acid present
causes a current to flow
d i use a burette/pipette instead of measur- 1 note: in the experiment the 50 3 of barium
ing cylinder (for measuring the volume of hydroxide is measured out using a measuring
barium hydroxide) cylinder which has lower accuracy than either a
burette of pipette

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ii repeat titrations/experiment (to obtain an 1 accept: use a mechanical stirring device (rather
average reading) than glass stirring rod)
Total 15

Question 5
a correct order: C, B, F, E, A, G, D 3 2 for 1 mistake, 1 for 2 mistakes
b soluble 1
c any one of the following: 1
• make the flower solution more
• use more flowers
• use less solvent when making flower
• put more of the flower solution on the
filter paper
d i C 1
ii D 1
iii the (flower) colour is made up of three 1 Note: alternative acceptable words for colours
separate colours pigments / dyes
e i any three of the following: 3
• colour 1: single colour
• colour 2: (mixture) of two colours
• colour 2: mixture of colour 1 and
colour 2
• colour 3: single colour
• colour 1 and colour 2 share a single
ii safety – to show that no unsafe colours/ 1
dyes have been added
Total 12

Question 6
a A: test/boiling tube 1
B: clamp 1
C: tripod 1
D: beaker 1
E: stirring/glass rod 1
F: filter funnel 1
b heating 1
stirring 1
c step 1 1 note: heat breaks down the copper (II) carbonate
into copper (II) oxide
d i copper (II) oxide unreacted/ black solid 1
remains (after stirring)

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ii how: pH will become more positive/rise (as 1 accept: pH moves toward pH 7
the reaction proceeds)
why: it changes because the acid is being 1
used up/neutralised
e steps steps explained:
• heat 1 • heating evaporates some of the solvent
• allow to cool 1 (water) until it reaches crystallisation point
(saturated solution)
• filter 1
• as it cools copper (II) sulfate crystals appear
• dry with filter paper 1
as they less soluble at lower temperatures
• filtering removes the copper (II) sulfate
crystals from the solution
• filter paper absorbs water from the surfaces
of the crystals
Total 16

Question 7 pair of substances chemical test result of chemical test

copper (II) nitrate, sodium hydroxide blue precipitate
sodium nitrate no precipitate
chlorine, (red) litmus/indicator bleached/white
ammonia blue
sodium chloride hydrochloric acid no change
sodium carbonate fizz/bubbles
sodium chloride allow: nitric acid + white precipitate
sodium carbonate silver nitrate (fizzes but) no precipitate
potassium sulfate heat with hydrochloric acid no change
potassium sulfite sulfur dioxide (tested with
potassium manganate (VII)
potassium sulfate allow: hydrochloric acid white precipitate
potassium sulfite + barium chloride no precipitate
Total 8 marks

Question 8
a i measuring cylinder/burette/pipette 1
ii thermometer 1
b i • (easier) to make fair comparison 1 accept: similar surface/particle size (for metals)
(between the metals)
• for good rate of reaction (to give 1 accept: reaction with larger pieces would be too
comparable temperature changes) slow (and temperature changes not comparable)
ii one of the following: 1 accept:
• concentration of the copper (II) sulfate type of container used
• volume of the copper (II) sulfate
• the degree of stirring
iii good insulator/prevents heat loss 1

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c metal temperature/ 0C 4 –1 for each mistake
initial final increase don’t penalise correctly worked out values
for increase from incorrect readings from
zinc 18 33 15 thermometers
iron 17 27 10
magnesium 18 58 40
nickel 19 24 5
d i 4 bars correctly drawn 2 –1 for incorrect bar
ii exothermic 1
temperature rise (for each metal) 1
e i nickel, iron, zinc, magnesium 1
ii any temperature between 1 note: tin will displace copper as it is more
1 0C and 4 0C reactive than copper, but the temperature rise
will be less than 5 0C because it is less reactive
than nickel
iii silver is less reactive than copper 1 note: as it is less reactive than copper it will not
displace copper – so no temperature rise)
iv explosive/violent reaction (between sodium 1
and water)
Total 18

Question 9
a i hydrogen 1
ii pops 1
b i advantage- one of the following 1 notes:
• more accurate measurement of mass - magnesium ribbon can vary in thickness if
• bubbles get attached to ribbon measured by length – It also needs cleaning to
remove oxide layer
more reliable in repeated experiments
- the bubbles lead to magnesium rising in the
disadvantage: reaction too vigorous (to
acid and reduces contact with the acid
control) 1
- resulting of loss of gas at start of experiment
- more difficult to accurately measure volume at a
specific time
ii mass of magnesium 1
concentration of the hydrochloric acid 1
temperature 1
c time/s volume of gas 3 –1 for each mistake
0 0
30 36
60 67
90 86
120 96
150 100
180 100
d i all points plotted correctly 2 –1 for any incorrect
smooth line graph 1

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ii rate decreases 1 note: the rate decreases when the straight line
becomes a curve
iii the reaction has finished 1 accept: no more gas is being produced
iv line starts from origin and steeper initial 1 note: higher temperature increases the rate of
gradient the reaction but the total volume of hydrogen
line ends up at 100 cm3 before 150 secs gas produced is unchanged but obtained in a
shorter time
Total 17

Question 10
Task 1 • add (drops of dilute) hydrochloric acid 1 note:
(to the solutions) carbonates, unlike chlorides, react with dilute
• Group A – no fizzing 1 hydrochloric acid to give off carbon dioxide gas
• Group B – fizzes/bubbles – causing the fizzing
Task 2 • add (dilute) nitric acid followed 1 1 mark each for the two reagents
by (drops of) silver nitrate (to the 1
• chloride – white precipitate
2 2 marks for the correct colours, 1 mark for
• iodide – yellow precipitate precipitate
Task 3 • use a platinum/nichrome wire 1 note: the wire needs to be cleaned using
• dip the end of the wire (into 1 hydrochloric acid and placing the wire into a
hydrochloric acid and then) into the non-luminous Bunsen flame.
• place the end of the wire into a (non-
luminous) Bunsen flame
colours: allow:
potassium: lilac purple/mauve
sodium: yellow yellow-orange/gold
Total 13

Question 11
a i (stop)clock/watch 1
ii tipping flask (to allow test tube to spill its 1
contents into the liquid)
iii oxygen 1
b time/s volume of oxygen 3 –1 for each mistake
collected/ cm3
catalyst A catalyst B
0 0 0
15 33 28
30 46 41
45 50 50
60 50 50
c i all points plotted correctly 2 –1 for any incorrect
two smooth line graphs with labels 2

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ii catalyst A 1
oxygen/gas produced more quickly 1 alternative answer: steeper gradient
(for catalyst A)
iii each has the same amount/volume of 1
hydrogen peroxide to decompose
d any two from: 2
• higher temperature/ heat
• more concentrated hydrogen peroxide
• increase surface area of catalyst/
smaller particle size
Total 15

Question 12
a i because sulfur/S (forms) 1

(which) is solid 1 alternative answers: insoluble/precipitate/

ii the reaction is timed to the point when the 1
cross can no longer be seen
iii the reaction continues after the cross has 1 note: the time taken for the cross to disappear
disappeared is at a fixed point in the reaction and does not
represent the end of the reaction
b i burette/measuring cylinder 1
ii experiment 1 1
iii experiment 1 1
c i all points plotted correctly 2 –1 for any incorrect
smooth line graph 1
ii total volume is always 50 cm3 (achieved by 1 alternative answer: water is added to make the
adding water) total volume always 50 cm3
d i 220 –230 9 (s) 2 1 mark for value
1 mark for highlighting the value on the graph
ii 35 (cm3) 1 note: total volume is 50 cm3
so volume required is (50 – 15) = 35 cm3
e a curve of similar shape 1
lower on the x axis 1 no 2nd mark if lines cross at any point
Total 16

Question 13
a positive ion 1
b A: copper (II), Cu 2+
2 require the oxidation number for copper, iron and
B: calcium, Ca2+ 2 chromium
C: ammonium, NH4+ 2
D: iron (II), Fe2+ 2
E: chromium (III), Cr3+ 2
Total 11

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Question 14
a A: tripod 1
B: gauze 1
C: beaker 1
b i do not react/inert 1
ii X 1 note: in the symbol for a battery, the longer line
represents the positive
c (lead (II) bromide) needs to be a liquid to 1 allow:
conduct electricity / ions only carry charge current does not pass through solid (lead (II)
when in liquid state bromide)
d i bromine 1
red-brown gas 1 accept: orange/red gas
ii lead 1
silver beads/balls 1
e bromine (vapour) is poisonous/toxic 1
Total 11

Question 15
a test 1: any two of the following: 2
mixture dissolves
forms a coloured solution accept: blue/blue-green/green
lime water turns milky/cloudy 1

test 2: (green to) black 1

test 3: (pale) blue (1) precipitate (1) 2

b carbon dioxide 1
c (pale) blue precipitate forms (1) which then 1 note: ammonia reacts like sodium hydroxide to
(dissolves and) forms a deep/royal blue (1) form an insoluble copper (II) hydroxide but then
solution (1) reacts further to form a soluble complex ion
d Test 4: bromide 1 pale yellow precipitate is silver bromide
Test 5: either aluminium or zinc compound 1
Test 6: zinc compound
Total 13

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Question 16 diagram showing method of following 2 1 mark for reaction vessel and 1 mark for volume/
reaction – gas syringe/ displacement of mass measurement
water using measuring cylinder/balance to
record mass loss
any four from:
• same mass of metal carbonates
• same volume of hydrochloric acid
• same concentration of acid
• accurate timing device
• record volume of gas/mass loss at
regular time intervals
• plot graphs to compare results
Total 6 marks

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