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AY-2023-24-Odd Term


Course Code & Name 3710001-Research Methodology & IPR

Academic Term: AY-2023-24-Odd Term Semester I
Student Enrollment No: 2023AIDS02 Batch:
Student Name: Aaishvary Maheshkumar Prajapati


1 Identify high computing resources at the institute.

Student Report with Experiment Results and Analysis

Identify high computing resourcing at the institute.

 High performance computing (HPC) lab

 PARAM shavak Super Computer

PARAM Shavak is a supercomputer that uses advanced

technologies to perform high-end computations for the
scientific, engineering, and academic communities.

PARAM is a series of Indian supercomputers designed and

assembled by the Centre for Development of Advanced
Computing (C-DAC). PARAM stands for "PARAllel machine".

According to Quora, the PARAM Shavak supercomputer

should cost around 20 lakh rupees or 2 million rupees.

The PARAM Shavak is a supercomputer in a box system in a

table top model. It is powered with two multicore CPUs,
each with a minimum of 12 cores.

 Network research lab

A network research lab typically refers to a facility or a dedicated

space where researchers conduct experiments, tests, and studies
related to computer networks. Computer networks involve the
interconnection of computing devices, such as computers, servers,
and other devices, to enable communication and resource sharing.
Research in this field often focuses on improving network
performance, security, scalability, and efficiency.

 Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) lab

A Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) lab is a

dedicated environment where cybersecurity professionals conduct
assessments to identify and address security vulnerabilities in
computer systems, networks, and applications. VAPT is a crucial part
of cybersecurity to ensure the resilience of systems against potential

Provide the facilities of attack defense lab to the student.

 Data science laboratory

 Advanced analytics and machine learning research hub.
 Utilizes big data tools for predictive modeling and analysis.
 Interdisciplinary collaboration on data-driven insights.
 Develops algorithms for data processing and pattern
 Focuses on extracting actionable intelligence from diverse

 FRED digital intelligence workstation

FRED stands for Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device. FRED

workstations are powerful systems that secure, save, and analyze
data from hard drives and other media carriers.

Digital Intelligence has been involved in digital computer

forensics for almost 25 years. FRED systems are purpose built
with top-quality, leading edge, proven technology.

Digital forensics is a branch of forensic science that focuses on

identifying, acquiring, processing, analyzing, and reporting on
data stored electronically

 4G voltage (GSM mobile trainer kit and 4G VOLTE smart phone

trainer kit)

 GSM Mobile Trainer Kit simulates 4G voltage for educational


 Voltage variations mimic real-world network conditions in

 Designed for hands-on learning in GSM mobile technology.

 4G VOLTE Smart Phone Trainer Kit replicates 4G voice and

data scenarios.

 Enables practical understanding of mobile communication


 Incorporates features for signal analysis and troubleshooting.

 Supports practical experiments in 4G network connectivity.

 Ideal for telecom students to grasp concepts of 4G VOLTE


 Includes modules on signaling, call flows, and network


 Enhances skills in testing and maintaining 4G mobile


 IOT developer tool kit

 Comprehensive IoT developer toolkit for end-to-end IoT
application development.
 Includes sensors, actuators, and communication modules for
device integration.
 Streamlines coding with SDKs, APIs, and middleware for
various IoT platforms.
 Supports edge computing, data analytics, and cloud
connectivity for IoT devices.
 Facilitates rapid prototyping and testing of IoT solutions with a
diverse set of tools.

diverse set of tools.

Mark Inadequate Good
Evaluation Rubrics nt
0% 50% 100%
The understanding of the student
1 regarding the objective of the given 2
Installation of Software or Hardware
2 2
Setup level

3 Quality of the Analysis done 2

Quality of the report including

4 2
concluding remarks and Findings
Question & Answer related to given
5 2
practical & timely submission


Total Marks Obtained Out of 10

Date of Completion: ____________________ Course Coordinator: ____________________

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