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1 Holistic marketing A marketing strategy that Tiếp thị toàn diện
integrates marketing across all
business functions and considers
the broader role of the business
in society and the economy.
2 Silos Isolated and disconnected Bộ phận độc lập và không
departments or groups within an kết nối với nhau
organization that do not share
information or collaborate
3 Interdependent Reliant on one another, where Phụ thuộc lẫn nhau
the actions or decisions of one
part affect others within the
4 Synergy The interaction or cooperation of Cộng hưởng
two or more elements to
produce a combined effect
greater than the sum of their
separate effects.
5 Aspirational Relating to a strong desire or Khát vọng
ambition to achieve something
higher or greater
6 Cost-effective Producing the desired outcome Tiết kiệm chi phí
or results in a way that optimizes
the use of resources and
minimize expenses.
7 Segmentation The process of dividing a target Sự phân chia
market into defined customer
subgroups based on their
differences or characteristic.
8 Advocates Customers or individuals who Người ủng hộ
actively support or promote a
brand, product or cause
9 Demise The end of downfall of Sự suy tàn
something; in this context, it
refers to the decline of the
traditional marketing
10 Evolve To develop gradually, or to cause Phát triển
something or someone to
develop gradually
11 Infrastructure The basic systems and services, Cơ sở hạ tầng
such as transport and power
supplies, that a country or
organization uses in order to
work effectively
12 Entity Something that exists apart from Thực thể
other things, having its own
independent existence
13 Distinct Clearly separate and different Tách biệt
(from something else)
14 Ramp something up To increase the speed, power, or Làm cho cái gì tăng lên
cost of something
15 Surfeit An amount that is too large, or is Thặng dư
more than is needed
16 Differentiate To show or find the difference Tạo ra sự khác biệt
between things that are
17 Disparage To criticize someone or Xem thường
something in a way that shows
you do not respect or value him,
her, or it
18 Underscore To highlight something Nhấn mạnh
19 Seamless Happening without any sudden Liền mạch
changes, interruption, or
20 Stakeholders Các bên liên quan đến
công ty
21 Shareholder Cổ đông
22 Stockholder Người nắm giữ cổ phiếu
23 Bondholder Người nắm giữ trái phiếu
24 Driver Something that makes other Động lực
things progress, develop, or grow
25 Agile Used for describing ways of Thay đổi linh hoạt / nhanh
planning and doing work in chóng
which it is understood that
making changes as they are
needed is an important part of
the job
26 Market segmentation Phân khúc thị trường
27 Align To put two or more things into a Điều chỉnh
straight line
28 Market share Thị phần
27 Reap To obtain or receive something as Thu được kết quả
a result of your own actions
28 Branding The act of making a product, Thương hiệu
organization, person, or place
easy to recognize as different
from others by connecting it with
a particular name, design,
symbol, set of qualities, etc.
29 Chair (the official position of) a person Người chủ trì
in charge of a meeting, official
group or organization
30 Chambers of Commerce Phòng thương mại
31 Multilateral Involving more than two groups Đa phương
or countries
32 Millets Small-seeded grains used as Ngũ cốc
food, mainly to make flour, and
also to feed to birds and animals
33 Value addition The act of increasing the worth Nâng cao giá trị
desirability of something
34 Startups Small and medium-sized business Doanh nghiệp nhỏ

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