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In modern society, we have become more isolated, having far distance from our

neighborhood than we did in previous time since the development of advanced

technology. This essay will look into the reasons for this distant relationship
among neighbours and some solutions to improve it.
There are several reasons why we have less contact with our neighbours. In the
past, people did not have to work under pressure so they had time to keep in touch
with the neighbors. But these days, most of them leave home early in the morning
and get back late at night. They are too busy to arrange times for socialising. As a
result, relationship among people declines. Secondly, nowadays people often live
and work in different places so people form closer relationships with work
colleagues than the ones with their neighbours. Finally, modern lifestyles make us
spend more time inside our houses watching television, surfing internet and when
we go out, we would rather drive cars or ride motorbikes than walk. Consequently,
we do not meet our neighbors in person so much.
However, neighbors would be more helpful than their closest relatives in case of an
emergency situation at their homes so we should not ignore this situation. To
tackle the problem, people should reduce the usage of social media, try to be open-
minded and communicate with neighbors in the free time. Secondly, local
authorities should build more areas and also some extra activities where people can
To conclude, we should consider the fact that neighbors can be very important to
us in certain situations. The superficial neighborhood is possibly warmed by
improvements in official policy and people awareness.

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