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What is a Disaster? - Natural

- are natural or man-made events wherein - Human-caused
communities experience severe danger - Na-tech (natural event leading to technical
and incur loss of lives and properties failure)
causing disruption in its social structure - Public health emergencies
and prevention of the fulfillment of all or COMMON REACTIONS
some of the affected community’s  Expectable reactions based on exposure to
essential functions extreme stress
- often described as the result of the
 Range of possible reactions makes early
combination of: Exposure to a hazard;
assessment challenging and underscores
the conditions of vulnerability that are
present; and insufficient capacity. importance of establishing a positive and
- Disaster = Hazard x Vulnerability supportive recovery environment
 Dynamic, not static - reactions evolve over
time and are influenced by the disaster life
What is Vulnerability? RELATIONSHIP
- refers to conditions, locations,
characteristics, habits that render a  Those most exposed to a disaster typically
community prone to suffer from the effects will have the most immediate needs and
of hazards that turn into a disaster. perhaps more serious psychological
- Characteristics of a community, system or consequences
asset that make it susceptible to the  Main convergence of aid and supportive
damaging effects of a hazard.
services are at the epicenter of a disaster
What is a Hazard?  However: Intense reactions are not predicted
- is a phenomenon that poses a threat to the by this alone and even those who do not
people, structure or economic assets and have direct exposure may have strong
which may cause a disaster. It could be
natural or man-made.
- A dangerous phenomenon, substance,
Top Disasters in the Philippines
human activity or condition that may cause
1. Fire - combustion or burning, in which
loss of life, injury or other heakth impacts,
substances combine chemically with oxygen
property damage, etc.
from the air and typically give out bright
Types of Disaster light, heat, and smoke.
 Natural Disasters – natural event that causes 2. Flood - an overflowing of a large amount of
great damage or loss of life. water beyond its normal confines, especially
over what is normally dry land.
 Man-Made – caused by human action or
3. Typhoon - a tropical storm occurring
especially in the region of the philippines or
Characteristics of a Disaster the china sea.
 Size (scope, intensity and duration) 4. Earthquake- a sudden and violent shaking of
the ground, sometimes causing great
 Cause (natural vs human)
destruction, as a result of movements within
 Expected/Unexpected the earth's crust or volcanic action.
 Timing 5. Landslide - the movement of rock, earth, or
debris down a sloped section of land.
Landslides are caused by rain, earthquakes,
volcanoes, or other factors that make the
slope unstable.

Why is Philippines prone to Natural Disasters?

 The Philippines is vulnerable to almost all
types of natural hazards because of its
geographic location.
 THE LOCATION OF THE PHILIPPINES IN THE sectoral, inter-agency, and community-
PACIFIC RING OF FIRE. IT IS THE AREA based approach to disaster risk
WHERE TWO MAJOR TECTONIC PLATES management through the formulation of the
(PHILIPPINE SEA AND EURASIAN PLATES) National Disaster Risk Management
Presidential Decree No. 1566 which was
promulgated on June 11, 1978 is the current basis of the
300 VOLCANOES IN THE COUNTRY, IN Philippines' disaster management arrangements. This law
WHICH 22 OF THESE VOLCANOES ARE provides for the National Disaster Coordinating Council
ACTIVE. (NDCC) as the highest policy-making body on matters
 The Philippines lies east of the Pacific pertaining to disasters.
Typhoon Belt. The typhoons originating from
the western north pacific generally move
easterly or north easterly and most often
enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility
(PAR). This explains why an average of 20
typhoons enter the Philippine Archipelago
every year of which five (5) are said to be
 As an archipelago with 7,107 islands,
the threat of tsunami affecting the
country’s coastal areas is not far-fetched.

- Disaster preparedness refers to measures FOCUS ON REDUCING DISASTER RISKS
taken to prepare for and reduce the effects IDNDR (International Decade for Natural Disaster
of disasters. That is, to predict and, where Reduction) : to reduce, through concerted international
possible, prevent disasters, mitigate their action, especially in developing countries, loss of life,
impact on vulnerable populations, and poverty damage and social and economic disruption
caused by natural disasters
respond to and effectively cope with their
consequences. ISDR (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction):
o Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) focus on ways and measures to reduce the impact of
 Policy objective of anticipating
and reducing risk
o Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
 Refers to the implementation
of DRR.

Republic Act 10121, May 2010

- is the law that strengthen the Philippine
disaster risk reduction and management
system, provide for the national disaster risk
reduction and management framework and
institutionalize the national disaster risk
reduction and management plan,
appropriate funds therefor and for other OFFICE OF THE CIVIL DEFENSE
purposes related to disaster risk reduction - Has the primary task of coordinating the activities
and management programs and functions of various government agencies
- The Act shifted the policy environment and and instrumentalities, private institutions and
the way the country deals with disasters from civic private institutions and civic organizations
for the protection and preservation of life and
mere response to preparedness. RA 10121
property during emergencies.
provides a comprehensive, all-hazard, multi-
- The operating arm and secretariat of the acceptable standards during or
NATIONAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND immediately after a disaster.
MANAGEMENT COUNCIL i. Rapid Damage Assessment
and Needs Analysis
ii. Issuance of advisories and
situation reports
iii. Activation of Clusters and
Incident Command System
iv. Mobilization of responders
v. Humanitarian Assistance
(eg relief distribution)
vi. Provision of financial
vii. Management of evacuation
viii. Vice Chairperson: DSWD
4. Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
a. Restore and improve facilities and
living conditions and capacities of
affected communities, and reduce
risks in accordance with the
THE FOUR DRRM THEMATIC “building back better” principle.
AREAS i. Post-Disaster Needs
1. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Assessment
a. Avoid hazards and mitigate their ii. Review of policies and
potential impacts by reducing plans
vulnerabilities and exposure and iii. Reconstruction using “build
enhancing capacities of back better” approach
communities. iv. Resettlement
i. Early warning systems v. Provision of new sources of
ii. Flood forecasting and livelihood
monitoring vi. Vice Chairperson: NEDA
iii. Hazard and risk mappings (National Economic and
iv. Structural interventions Development Authority)
v. Vice Chairperson: DOST
2. Disaster Preparedness EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (EWS)
a. Establish and strengthen - the provision of timely and effective information,
capacities of communities to through identified institutions, that allows
anticipate, cope and recover from individuals exposed to a hazard to take action to
the negative impacts of emergency avoid or reduce their risk and prepare for
occurences and disasters. effective response
i. Planning and policy-making
ii. Prepositioning and stock-
iii. Capacitating and organizing
iv. Training, drills and
v. Pre-Disaster Risk
vi. Vice Chairperson: DILG
3. Disaster Response
a. Provide life preservation and meet
the basic subsistence needs of
affected population based on

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