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Cold Rush: The Changing Dynamics of Arctic Geopolitics and Resource Exploration

1. Introduction
● quote
● social,physical, geo-economic and geopolitical
● issues
● economic & environmental

Geographical region of The Arctic Circle / The Arctic as an Ocean: Geography and weather/
The Arctic: A description of its dimensions
● definition of arctic circle
● geographical region
● human civilisation (education and opinions of people living there)
● transportation medium
● vegetation and habitat
● nature of maritime power
● Weather conditions
● Population of the Arctic

2. Climate of the Arctic Circle

● climate
● global warming and melting glaciers
● warming temperature and a more intense water recycle
● Land based issues ecosystem
● polar ice breaking

3. Geopolitical concerns
● Borders connectivity and security
● military presence
● china’s economic interest
● us,russia,china strategic The Arctic as a Disposal Site for Nuclear Waste
● competition
● October 2021 National Intelligence Estimate
● economic and environmental

4. Resource exploration
● Oil, Gas, and Mineral Exploration
● mineral exploration
● energy development

5. summits
6. The Arctic as a Disposal Site for Nuclear Waste
7. Conclusion
● concluding remarks
● way forward
● learning outcomes
● challenges and controversies

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