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hungry 饿的;starving 很饿;

a break 休息;tired 疲惫的;

In that case 如果那样的话;

It’s on me. 我请客;

sunglasses 太阳镜;jewelry 珠宝;

department store 商场;boutique 精品店;

art gallery 艺术馆;gym 健身馆;

jazz band 爵士乐队;rock music 摇滚音乐;

comedy 喜剧;poetry reading 诗歌朗诵


What time is it?

11:30. Are you hungry? I’m starving.

Me too. I don’t usually have breakfast in the mornings.

No, me neither. Do you know any good places to eat around here?

Well, there’s a new café over there.

It looks kind of nice.

Right. But I bet it’s expensive. Let’s try somewhere else.

I know. But don’t worry – it’s on me today.

Oh. Well, in that case, let’s go there!


I like ice cream.

I like ice cream too.

Me too.

I don’t like vegetables.

I don’t like vegetables either.

Me neither.


1. 我很饿。我也是。

2. 我有很多朋友。 我也是。

3. 我不喜欢快餐。 我也是。

4. 我从不去咖啡厅。 我也是。


1. Jason and Sophia

You know, I need some new sunglasses.

Yeah, me too. My sunglasses are really old.

So, let’s go to the mall. There’s a big department store there. They have

sunglasses, I think.

You know, I don’t really like big department stores. They’re always so


Actually, there’s a store over there—next to the gym.

OK. Let’s try there.

2. Tyler and Jen

I really need a break from work.

Oh, I know. I’m tired.

Well . . . I have an idea . . . Let’s do something fun after work.

Yeah, let’s go out somewhere. Do you know any good places?

Well, there’s a new club near here. There’s a jazz band tonight, I think.

You know, I’m not a big fan of jazz. I mean, it’s OK, but . . .

Well, what about the Rock Club? It’s a fun place to go. I’m a big fan of

rock. I love rock music.

Me too. That’s a great idea.

The bands usually start around seven o’clock.

OK. That sounds perfect. Let’s do it.

3. Michael and Anna

I’m kind of hungry. How about you?

Yeah, me too. Uh, do you know any good places to eat?

Well, there are a lot of nice restaurants around here.

Right. But I, uh, don’t have a lot of money with me.

No, me neither . . . Let’s just go to a fast-food place.

You know, I never eat fast food. I mean, I don’t really like it.

Right. . . . Well, there’s an outdoor café over there. It’s not very

expensive. Are you sure?

Yeah, I go there a lot.

OK. Well, let’s eat there.

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