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Are you struggling with writing your master's thesis on Crowdfunding? If so, you're not alone.

Crafting a well-researched and coherent thesis can be an arduous task, requiring extensive
knowledge of the subject matter, critical analysis skills, and precise academic writing abilities.

The process of developing a master's thesis on Crowdfunding involves conducting thorough research,
analyzing various sources of information, and synthesizing complex ideas into a cohesive argument.
From formulating a research question to presenting findings and conclusions, every step demands
meticulous attention to detail and rigorous academic standards.

For many students, navigating through the intricate landscape of Crowdfunding theory and practice
can be overwhelming. The abundance of literature, diverse perspectives, and evolving trends in the
field often pose significant challenges to those attempting to articulate their ideas effectively.

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By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can benefit from:

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Don't let the challenges of writing a Crowdfunding master's thesis deter you from achieving your
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INGOs. What is even more interesting is that Government funding accounts for bigger. Finally, all
project owners write project descriptions on the Kickstarter platform with the highest number of
word descriptions in the project being 964 words. Subsequently, the prospect theory is a behavioral
model which reveals how individuals determine, among choices that comprise risk and vagueness, a
course of action ( Kahneman and Tversky 1979 ). If entrepreneurs are risk-averse, they may attempt
as much as conceivable to reduce the risk, and they prefer to assign their assets to low-risk
investments. Therefore, we use the odds ratio in order to understand and interpret the relationship
between the success in the crowdfunding campaign and independent variables which are in
categorical or dummy format. Attracting more than 4,000 comments in its first month, the First
Direct Innovation Lab demonstrates that a community can be more than willing to engage to keep
you on track. In Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. We use cookies on
our website to ensure you get the best experience. Educational achievement is an aspect of risk
tolerance because well-educated people have better knowledge and thus better recognize the type of
risk than persons with decreased stages of academic achievement. Contrary it is popular in the West,
there have been no studies about crowdfunding for. There are two different crowdfunding models:
Donation, “raising non-equity capital. And some current active NGOs, especially the local ones, are.
This research question plays the main role of the research study. The better the individual’s financial
literacy, the better the financial risk tolerance that the person has. Furthermore, in some previous
studies, Mollick, Liu and Liu, and also Lagazio and Querci found that updates in crowdfunding
platforms have a positive effect on the success of crowdfunding project campaigns ( Mollick 2014;
Liu and Liu 2016; Lagazio and Querci 2018 ). International Journal of Translational Medicine
(IJTM). The characteristics of entrepreneurs are more likely to be aggressive in tolerating high risk
because they have confidence in the ability of their investment portfolio. The logic behind the
question is that the researcher wants to get insight of the extent. Moreover, the theory of planned
behavior (TPB) approach states that individuals are more likely to intend to follow a certain action if
they feel they have the resources and support from the surrounding environment to perform the
behavior ( Ajzen 1991 ). The research shown in Table 4 reveals the coefficients of the study model.
Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia already have legal frameworks to support the use of
crowdfunding. The higher the financial risk tolerance of the entrepreneur, the more mature financial
planning will be in their old age. Figure 2.1: 2016 online technology benchmarks among NGOs in
Africa (Nonprofit Tech. They may decrease the fundraising target, hire more people, add more
reward categories, frequently give updates, provide the website of the project, and actively interact
with potential backers through the comment sections. Through this approach, potential funders will
increasingly make investment decisions on the project providing more transparent and reliable
information. In gaming crowdfunding projects, the study shows that. Steen, Johan, Tom Loeys,
Beatrijs Moerkerke, and Stijn Vansteelandt. 2017. Flexible Mediation Analysis with Multiple
Mediators. Table 6 shows the results of probit regression models that identify both organizational and
marketing aspects that affect the success of crowdfunding campaigns. So, very detailed text
description of the project campaign does not play a significant role anymore to persuade potential
Moreover, our paper also shows the remarkable result with the funding target which has negative
influence to probability success of crowdfunding. With the provision of the external website link,
potential funders can access a variety of more detailed and comprehensive project-related
information aside from the official crowdfunding platform. There are currently few studies that focus
on the development of crowdfunding in ASEAN even though countries in ASEAN have shown
development in technology literacy and crowdfunding as the alternative source of financing. Matan,
2015; p. 5). This means that the crowdfunding owners have to show the public. In the context of
crowdfunding platforms in Southeast Asia, many pro-social projects have received funding, such as
the platform of in Indonesia. Lagazio and Querci also stated that endorsement by
public institutions and government can boost the pro-social crowdfunding project fundraising
performance ( Lagazio and Querci 2018 ). Lagazio and Querci stated that the presence of videos in
crowdfunding project campaigns is not automatically able to increase persuasion of potential backers
( Lagazio and Querci 2018 ). That represents a 167 percent increase from 2013 and it is set to raise
more than double. This indicates that most projects in ASEAN-5 countries are still run by small
teams, not by large teams. On average there are 8 prize categories offered by project owners to
potential backers for their financial contributions. These results provide insight and bring a
contribution to the crowdfunding literatures in ASEAN. The personal preference of risk was
assessed as an individual’s personality and eagerness to grasp a financial risk if they have some
precautionary money for saving or investment ( Kusairi et al. 2019 ). People are eager to achieve a
convinced target, where deeds result as vague and are commonly attended by the likelihood of some
shortfall ( Grable 2008 ). There are limits to this study which inspire some upcoming research
suggestions. RQ1. What extent does funding from crowdfunding account for compared with annual.
We evaluated convergent validity by assessing loading factors that must be higher than 0.7,
composite reliabilities higher than 0.8, and the average extracted variance (AVE) higher than 0.5 for
all variables ( Fornell and Larcker 1981 ). Deci, Edward L., and Richard M. Ryan. 1985.
Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination. There are aspects with
significant correlations between retirement planning and the ability to have good saving behavior for
their retirement years ( Hassan et al. 2016; Yap et al. 2017 ). Reserving adequate money in one’s
savings account can preserve living standards during the pension period. That way, project reliability,
as well as crowdfunding project owners, will increase. These organizations are sometimes referred to
as social. He authored four influential books on the topic and defined BPR as the fundamental
rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical
measures like cost, quality, service and speed. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses
(JETA). Thus, researchers put forward the following hypotheses. Table 4 shows that the Pearson Chi-
square of this research model is 598.73 with a probability of 0.6090. When the probability value is
greater than 0.05, it indicates that the model is an already good fit ( Hosmer and Lemeshow 2013 ).
But the findings did not rule out the possibility that, on the other hand, there are also some backers
who are able to provide large amounts of funds ( Lagazio and Querci 2018 ). Therefore, determining
the media to convey the narrative is very important. Brushing fluctuations in the pension background
have tarnished the primary catalyst for this improved self-sufficiency of consumers evading financial
judgments, involving saving, investing, and decumulating fortune to workers and pensioners. Having
been involved in NGO work for several years, I am frustrated with how funding. This is also in line
with the goal setting theory which states that when the project funding target is set very high, the
element of rationality of the target will decrease and this will consequently, at the same time,
demonstrate that the target is beyond the reach of potential funders. Saving proposes spending less
than a specified amount of income to expend it in the forthcoming years, whereby the actual reason
to accrue savings for future consumption ( Mori 2019 ). Reproductive Health Alliance (RACHA),
working on project concerning family planning. Third, we enhanced the interaction effects between
financial literacy and retirement planning through saving behavior. This paper examined how
financial literacy significantly influences retirement planning and further explored how saving
behavior and risk tolerance bridge the gap between financial literacy and retirement planning.
Ultimately, it seems crowdfunding is primed as a unique. Individuals who have saving behavior that
is driven by future interests will be very helpful in the process of accumulating pension fund assets.
There are aspects with significant correlations between retirement planning and the ability to have
good saving behavior for their retirement years ( Hassan et al. 2016; Yap et al. 2017 ). Reserving
adequate money in one’s savings account can preserve living standards during the pension period.
Poverty project Poverty project SocialMapsForACity SocialMapsForACity Public Safety: A Social
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Public Safety: A Social Experience Thesis Nicholas Tancredi Public Safety: A Social Experience
Thesis Nicholas Tancredi Essay Crowdfunding Essay Crowdfunding Sornnimul Khut's Master
Thesis-A Case Study of Cambodian Crowdfunding Framing for Development Projects 1. References
Andreoni, James. 1990. Impure Altruism and Donations to Public Goods: A Theory of Warm-Glow
Giving. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). The situation has provided a
view into the involved individual, suggesting that well-ready people will obtain a better post-
retirement financial situation with retirement planning to create retirement funds. This knowledge
will be very beneficial for me and my. For example, respondents were requested to declare the
substance of financial literacy to increase their retirement planning, utilizing a five-point scale, from
“Strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). Since the purpose of the study is to examine
Crowdfunding. Dikaputra, Rinaldo, Liyu Adhi Kasari Sulung, and Sebastian Kot. In the context of
crowdfunding, the presence of website links in crowdfunding project campaigns has a positive effect
on the success of crowdfunding project campaigns ( Lagazio and Querci 2018 ). Tropical Medicine
and Infectious Disease (TropicalMed). The self-employed, such as entrepreneurs, have a better
tendency to plan for pension, but they are unprotected by social security mainly because of limited
financial knowledge. The below figure 4.1 shows the connection among the three elements in a
triangle. This research contributes to theory as it merges three different research fields creating a
unique perspective to deal with this question: it combines relevant aspects from consumer behaviour,
behavioural finance and social psychology. A mixture of a person’s eagerness and capability to secure
financial risks is financial risk tolerance (FRT) ( Faff et al. 2008 ). Then, to assess one’s FRT
precisely, the degree of financial literacy should be regarded together with other psychological traits,
time perspective, fiscal sources, and capability to mitigate risk. According to his research, Locke
explained human actions towards specific work conditions. The success of a company is a reflection
of the ability of the team to combine the talents and abilities of its members in a creative and well-
coordinated management process ( Ensley et al. 2002 ). In addition, adding members to a team can
add elements of heterogeneity to a team and can improve the quality of each given decision (
Chandler et al. 2005 ). In applying this concept to crowdfunding, big-sized teams can produce better
performance. The authors identified four constructs based on the literature evaluation (financial
literacy, financial risk tolerance, saving behavior, and herding behavior) influencing retirement
planning. Also there are not many studies globally about crowdfunding for. The alliance between
financial literacy on financial risk adoption (i.e., investing in the capital market) has obtained
substantial consideration by academics and stakeholders. NGOs to sneak money into the country’
(Naren and Petter, 2015). Attracting more than 4,000 comments in its first month, the First Direct
Innovation Lab demonstrates that a community can be more than willing to engage to keep you on
track. There are currently few studies that focus on the development of crowdfunding in ASEAN
even though countries in ASEAN have shown development in technology literacy and crowdfunding
as the alternative source of financing. The respondents used were medium-sized business persons
who have their place of business in Bekasi City. With the introduction of the Internet to the
Cambodian society, the people have been able. Conversely, On the other hand, entrepreneurs often do
not think about their old age, so they do not have a definite pension guarantee, especially related to
sound financial management and independent retirement planning. So, in order to solve the outlier
data problem (e.g., extreme values of numeric variables), the numeric variables in this study are
transformed to log. The success of a crowdfunding project campaign is influenced by the
organizational factors that involve the campaign’s specification and design, and marketing factors
that connect the potential backers to the campaign ( Lagazio and Querci 2018 ).

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