NSTP 102 Narrative Report

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NSTP Narrative Report

Despite not attending the NSTP class on February 3, 2024, due to religious
obligations as a Seventh-Day Adventist, I aim to provide a narrative on how the
National Service Training Program (NSTP) contributes to shaping today's youth.
Drawing from materials and resources shared by Ma'am Cheza Canedo on the student
canvas, it's evident that the NSTP curriculum is designed to equip students with the
skills and mindset to actively participate in uplifting community welfare and
enhancing various facets of society. Additionally, the inclusion of the University of
Cebu's mission, vision, institutional goals, and core values underscores the program's
significance for students' overall development.

The resources provided by Ma'am Cheza Canedo underscore the immersive

nature of the NSTP curriculum, emphasizing activities aimed at empowering students
to contribute to the betterment of their communities. These activities are tailored to
address key areas such as health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation, and morals, reflecting a holistic approach to community development. By
engaging in these activities, students not only gain practical skills but also cultivate
a sense of civic responsibility and empathy towards others, essential qualities for
active citizenship. Moreover, the integration of the University of Cebu's mission,
vision, institutional goals, and core values into the NSTP curriculum further enhances
its relevance and impact on students. By aligning NSTP objectives with the
university's overarching principles, students are encouraged to embody these values
in their service to the community, thereby fostering a strong sense of identity and
purpose. This integration ensures that NSTP becomes not just a mandatory program
but a meaningful journey of personal and collective growth for students, reinforcing
the university's commitment to producing socially responsible graduates.

In conclusion, while I was unable to attend the NSTP class, the resources
provided by Ma'am Cheza Canedo offer valuable insights into the program's role in
shaping today's youth. Through its focus on community immersion and alignment
with the University of Cebu's mission and values, NSTP emerges as a pivotal platform
for fostering civic engagement, social responsibility, and holistic development among
students. Moving forward, it is essential for students to actively engage with the NSTP
curriculum and embrace its principles, recognizing the opportunity it presents to
make meaningful contributions to society and fulfill their roles as future leaders and
University of Cebu- Main Campus
College of Business and Accountancy

NSTP 102- 33043

National Service Training Program
Schedule (10:30-1:30 SATURDAY)

NSTP Narrative Report


Adriaque, Ivan Rey C.


Ma’am Cheza Canedo


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