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“Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was."

“You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be

“It's not important where u r TODAY, But where you will reach
TOMORROW is important.”
“Never expect things to happen. Struggle and make them
happen. Never expect yourself to be given a good value. Create a
value of your own.”

Life doesn't provide Warranties & only provides

possibilities & opportunities for those who dare to make best use of
"Changing the face” can change nothing. But “facing the change” can
change everything.


OBJECTIVE: Enhance a student’s basic knowledge in Information Technology (IT)

Name of


DAY 1 Computer literacy
Definition of a computer
Advantages & disadvantages of computers
Digital basics of a computer
Types of computers
Computer generations
DAY 2 The major parts of a computer (Computer hardware)
➢ Input and output devices
➢ Central Processing Unit (CPU) and the primary memory
Types of computer Storage
➢ Hard disk – Drive C disks
➢ Floppy disks – Floppy disk drives
➢ Optical disks – CD ROM drives
➢ Flash disks and Magnetic tapes
DAY 3 Keyboarding techniques
➢ Typewriter keys
➢ Numerical keypad
➢ Function keys
➢ Cursor movement keys/editing keys
Special keys:
➢ Space bar and tab key
➢ Backspace & Delete key
➢ Enter / return key
➢ Escape key
➢ Combination keys; Shift, Control and Alt keys
➢ Number lock and Caps lock keys
DAY 4 Mouse techniques
➢ Pointing, Left clicking, right clicking, Double clicking, Triple
➢ Left dragging, right dragging
➢ Marquee select, Scrolling auto-scrolling
Computer Networks
➢ Local Area Network (LAN)
➢ Metropolitan Area Network ( MAN)
➢ Wide Area Networks (WAN)
DAY 5 Computer Software - Definition
➢ Operating Systems – Windows 2000, Mac O/S
➢ Functions of an Operating System
Application software: -
➢ Basic productivity, Specialty programs, Entertainment, and
educational reference.
➢ Word processors, spreadsheets, Database management
systems and presentation graphics.
➢ Integrated software and software suites
➢ Personal finance
➢ Groupware
➢ Web browsers

OBJECTIVE: Enhance a student’s capability to work with Windows operating system and its
related Software and to manage the computer’s resources by setting user preferences.

Name of Student________________________Started_______________Finished_________


➢ Starting and shutting down a computer
DAY 1 ➢ Determining your Windows version
➢ Parts of a computer desktop, The icons, The desktop and, The task bar
➢ Working on your windows desktop i.e.
o Creating folders, subfolders, dragging icons across the desktop
shortcuts, arranging icons, viewing the contents of your diskette.
➢ Definition of a Window
DAY 2 ➢ Opening a Window from your desktop
➢ Parts of a window: Sizing and moving a Window
➢ Using the window control buttons and commands
➢ Identify windows elements such as the Startup menu, Dialogue
➢ boxes, List boxes, Combo boxes and Dropdown menus
Using Window based Programs such as;
DAY 3 ➢ Paint; – Using different tools in paint
o Selecting and moving objects
o Saving your picture in your diskette
o Opening a saved picture from your diskette
➢ Using Notebook/WordPad to write textual data
DAY 4 ➢ Using the shortcut keys in editing text
➢ Saving your document in your diskette
➢ Opening a saved file from your diskette
➢ Using the Windows Calculator
➢ Setting your computer clock
DAY 5 ➢ Setting your computer date
➢ Selecting a time zone
➢ Changing your taskbar options; Setting it on top of open windows, Auto
hiding the task bar, showing small and large icons on the start up menu,
Showing and un showing the clock.
Changing your computers background i.e. tile and center
DAY 6 ➢ Creating your own wall paper in Paint program
➢ Setting a screen saver and its timing
➢ Setting your Windows appearance
Keyboard settings:
DAY 7 ➢ Repeat delay,
➢ Repeat rate
➢ Changing the keyboard language
Mouse settings:
➢ Changing from left hand user to right hand user
➢ Adjusting the double click speed (Testing)
➢ Changing your mouse pointer
➢ Adjusting motion;
➢ Pointer speed and Pointer trail
Find command
DAY 8 ➢ To find a file or a folder using its name
➢ To find a file or a folder using its contents
➢ To find a file or a folder by date last modified
Changing the regional settings
DAY 9 ➢ Language,
➢ Numbers,
➢ Currency,
➢ Time display;
➢ 24hr clock and 12hr clock,
➢ Date display.
Efficiency in using Windows help
DAY ➢ Starting up help
➢ Using the contents feature
10 ➢ Using the index feature
➢ Using the find feature
➢ Using the “what is this” feature

COURSE OBJECTIVE: Develop a student’s capability to compose any information that entails the use of
Word-processing facilities and to perform advance formatting on textual data.

Name of Student________________________Started____________Finished____________


Starting Ms Word
DAY 1 Exploring the Word window, Parts of a Word window
Creating a new document;
➢ Using a blank document
➢ Using a template
Saving a document and opening an already saved document
Exiting from Ms Window
Formatting text in Word
DAY 2 ➢ Bolding Italicizing, Underlining and colouring
➢ Using the format painter tool to copy a format
➢ Using the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands
➢ Changing a font type, font size
➢ Aligning text to the left, right, and center
Saving a document using the Automatic save feature
DAY 3 Undoing and redoing actions
Changing a document background
Applying different styles to text
Moving text by dragging
DAY 4 Spell checking your document;
➢ Using the right mouse button
➢ Using the spelling and grammar tool
Using the thesaurus feature to change vocabulary
Moving around a Word document;
DAY 5 ➢ Using your mouse and scroll bar
➢ Using the keyboard
➢ Using the go to feature or the F5 key
Selecting text;
Using the select all command or Ctr + A keys
Moving between open Word documents using the Windows menu
Arranging open documents
Changing cases
DAY 6 Applying drop caps
Applying bullets and numbering
Paragraph formatting and indenting
Applying shadows and borders around text and pages
Inserting headers and footers in your document
DAY 7 Inserting date and time, Auto text, and symbols
Inserting comments and footnotes
Inserting pictures and word arts
Drawing in Ms Word
Using the find and replace feature
DAY 8 Using the word count feature
Working with columns; Creating newspaper columns
Protecting and un protecting a document using password
Inserting tables;
DAY 9 Splitting cells
Distributing rows and columns evenly
Changing text direction and sorting in tables
Automatically formatting your tables
Adding up numbers in tables
Envelopes and labels
DAY 10 Using the mail-merge feature
Efficiency in using Ms Word help

OBJECTIVE: Build a student’s efficiency in undertaking common spreadsheet tasks and
numerical data analysis using computer systems

Name of Student________________________Started____________Finished____________


Starting and exiting Excel program
DAY 1 Parts of an Excel window
Parts of an excel work book i.e. Cell, Rage, Sheet
Identifying cells and rages by their respective addresses
Selecting cells rages and sheets
Entering and editing data in a worksheet
Using the select all button, Using the column and row select
Selecting non adjacent rages (+ Ctr)
Saving and opening a saved work book
Formatting text in cells
DAY 2 Aligning text within a cell
Using the merge and center command
Inserting rows and columns
Adjusting column width
Formatting cells and borderlines
Hiding and un hiding a column
Using the format painter tool
Using the auto fill to enter a series
DAY 3 Attaching a comment to a cell
Auto formatting a rage of cells
Formatting numbers and currency
Copying, cutting and pasting text in Excel
Undoing and redoing and action
Working with sheets
DAY 4 ➢ Inserting sheets
➢ Renaming sheets
➢ Deleting unwanted sheets
➢ Moving or copying sheets
➢ Changing the sheet background
➢ Hiding and Un hiding sheets
Inserting pictures In a sheet i.e. Clip art, Word art, Shapes
DAY 5 ➢ Creating organization charts and smart art
Inserting embedded objects
Using Excel formulas and calculations
DAY 6 ➢ Additions, Subtractions, Division, Multiplication etc
➢ Using Excel functions e.g. the IF, SUM, MAX, MIN,
➢ Copying formulas to other cells
Formula auditing
Inserting charts in a worksheet
DAY 7 ➢ Using the chart wizard (Create different types of charts)
➢ Resizing and moving a chart and its contents
➢ Formatting your charts
➢ Changing from one chart type to another
Undertaking data management tasks
DAY 8 ➢ Sorting data in an Excel workbook
➢ Sorting ascending
➢ Sorting descending
➢ Filtering data using auto filter
➢ Removing a filter
Importing and exporting objects and text between Excel an other programs
DAY 9 Page setup
Printing a work sheet
Efficiency in using Ms Excel help
DAY 10

OBJECTIVE: Build a student's skills in computerized database management skills

Name of Student________________________Started_____________Finished___________
DAY 1 Launching/Starting MS Access
Definition of a database
Examples of databases
Explore the Ms Access window
DAY 2 Creating a new database using a blank database
Creating a new database using an existing template
Identifying different database objects
DAY 3 Tables – What they are and how they work
Creating tables
Setting field properties
Setting a primary key
DAY 4 Formatting tables;
Changing Column width
Changing the row height
Renaming a column
Freezing and unfreezing a column
DAY 5 Filtering data
Sorting data
Arranging open windows in Access
Hiding and unhiding a window
DAY 6 Queries; What they are and how they work
Creating different queries in design view
Using the find and replace feature to alter records in tables
Navigating through the tables
Adding and deleting rows and columns
DAY 7 Forms; What they are and how they work
Creating forms;
● Using the form wizard
● Using the autoform
Navigating through the forms
Adding entries in a form
DAY 8 Reports; What they are and how they work
Creating reports;
● Using the report wizard
● Using the autoreport
Print previewing a report
DAY 9 Macros: what they are and how they work
Creating and running macros
DAY 10 Using Access help;
Create your college database from scratch

OBJECTIVE: Build a students efficiency in creating and using electronic presentations.

Name of Student________________________Started____________Finished____________


Launching/Starting Ms PowerPoint
DAY 1 Exploring the PowerPoint window
Using the Auto content wizard to create a presentation
Kinds of slide layout
DAY 2 Creating presentation slides
➢ Inserting text and pictures on your slides
➢ Formatting text in slides
Zooming in and out of a slide
DAY 3 Using different kinds of view
● Slide view
● Outline view
● Slide view
● Notes page view
● Slide show view
Animating text and objects
DAY 4 ➢ Setting timings
➢ Selecting animation effects
➢ Setting chart effects
Slide rehearsals
Adding automatic transition to slides
Selecting and applying designs
DAY 5 Applying background to your slides
Using the slide master to format your slides
Formatting your pictures
Working with Word Art
Designing different kinds of charts
DAY 6 ➢ Bar charts
➢ Organization charts
➢ Formatting your charts
Adding a speakers notes to a slide
DAY 7 Applying headers and footers to slides
Moving through a presentation
➢ To previous screen
➢ To next screen
➢ Using the slide navigator
➢ Ending a show
➢ Using the pen in a show
Using PowerPoint drawing tools
DAY 8 Drawing lines and other shapes
Entering text using the text box
Inserting auto shapes
Filling objects with colour and different effects
Applying shadows and three dimensional effects
Rotating objects
Ordering objects
Importing and exporting objects and text between PowerPoint and other
DAY 9 programs
Page setup
Setting a presentations options such as a continuous slide show
Efficiency in using Ms PowerPoint help
DAY 10
OBJECTIVE: Build a student's skills in understanding computer communication and help them
acquire practical knowledge in E-mail and Internet.

Name of Student________________________Started____________Finished____________

Parts of an Internet explorer window
MODULE 1 ➢ The menu bar, address box, Current page, Status bar, Scroll
button, Close button, Restore button, Minimize button,
Standard tool bar and the Title bar.
Definition of a Network
Types of Networks;
➢ Local Area Network (LAN)
➢ Metropolitan Area Network
➢ Wide Area Network (WAN)
How information is secured in a network; Firewall, User name, Password
Advantages of a network
Getting help in your browser program
MODULE 2 ➢ Searching online help using Google search
About the internet
MODULE 3 Definition
Other names of the Internet
Facilities offered by the internet
➢ Electronic mail (e-mail)
➢ Information
➢ Programs
➢ Entertainment
➢ Discussion groups (Chart groups)
Users of the Internet
➢ Facilities needed to connect to the Internet;
MODULE 4 ➢ A computer
➢ Web browsers
➢ Modem (Modulator/Demodulator)
➢ Internet Service Provider (ISP)
➢ User name and password
About the web
MODULE 5 The World Wide Web
Host computers
Web Browsers, Web Page, Home Page, Web Site
Web Address (Uniform Resource Locator) URL
The History feature
Dealing with E-mail
MODULE 6 ➢ Reading an Email message
➢ Replying to an Email message
➢ Formatting an Email message
➢ Components of an Email address
➢ Using the address book
➢ Printing an Email message
➢ Sending and Email message using an address book
Attaching a file to and Email message
MODULE 7 Creating a new folder
Filing Email messages
Searching for information in the Internet
MODULE 8 ➢ Using a page address to search for information
➢ Searching using the Internet explorer search tool
➢ Social networks and their importance
➢ Online Charting

OBJECTIVE: Build a students skills in Desktop Publishing (DTP’s)

Name of Student________________________Started_____________Finished___________


MODULE 1 Launching PageMaker
Document setup
Parts of a PageMaker window
Opening a recently saved publication
Exiting from PageMaker
MODULE 2 Activating and closing the toolbox
Using different tools in the toolbox;
● Rotating tool
● Text tool
● The zooming tool
● Drawing and formatting lines
● Cropping graphics using the cropping tool e.t.c.
MODULE 3 Reshaping polygons and stars
Rounding rectangle corners
Grouping objects
Ungrouping objects
Changing the stacking order of objects
Masking and Unmasking
MODULE 4 Working with the control pallet
Activating and hiding the control pallet
Moving and resizing objects by dragging
Moving an object using the arrow keys
Resizing an object by using the control palette
Skewing objects
MODULE 5 Working with text.
Importing text from other applications
Formatting text
Applying Drop-caps
Editing text in story editor
Cutting, copying and clearing text
Counting stories, words etc
MODULE 6 Wrapping text around graphics
Locking and unlocking objects
Text alignment
Adding and organizing pages
Masking and unmasking
MODULE 7 Choosing a measurement unit
Hiding and displaying rulers
Moving and locking the zero point
Working with nonprinting guides;
● Column guides, Ruler guides’ Margin guides
Hiding and unhiding the scrollbars
The student should design the following;
● A brochure
● 3 Fliers
● One book cover
● 2 job cards
● One ID card
● 5 News paper ads e.t.c.


MODULE 1 Starting/Launching Ms Publisher
Creating a new publication;
● Using publication wizard
● Using publication by design
● Using a blank publication
● Using an existing publication

Saving your publication
Opening a saved publication
MODULE 2 Using the Help feature;
Showing and hiding the office assistant
● Using the Index feature
● Using the Contents feature
● Using the F 1 key
Zooming in and our of a publication
MODULE 3 Using the toolbox tools;
● Drawing basic shapes and lines
● Creating text frames
● Inserting custom shapes
● Inserting pictures and ciparts
Nudging objects
Aligning objects
MODULE 4 Working with the rulers;
● Moving the rulers
● Working with quides
Adding pages to a publication
Working with text;
● Changing font type, font style, font colour and text
● Applying drop caps
● Formatting superscripts and subscripts
MODULE 5 Creating text borders
Filling objects;
● With tints
● With patterns
● With gradient
Adding shadow to objects
MODULE 6 Arranging objects;
● Bring to from
● Send to back
● Bring forward
● Send backward
Rotating and flipping objects

MODULE 7 Grouping objects into a single object

Ungrouping objects
Working with wordart;
● Creating Word arts, Tracking, Shaping, Rotating (Alt key)
Using the Design cheker
MODULE 8 Working with tables;
● Inserting a table in a publication
● Adding and deleting rows and columns
● Cell diagonals
● Merging cells
● Autoformation your table

Computer literacy is having an understanding of what a computer
is and how it can be used as a resource. Literacy, which refers to
having knowledge and understanding, needs to be distinguished
from computer competency, which refers to having a skill.
Computer competency is applying your skill with computers to
meet your information needs and improve your productivity.
Computer competency also means being able to transfer basic
skills to new systems and new software.
Definition of a computer
A computer may be defined as an electronic machine that processes data to generate
information with speed and accuracy.
A computer can also be defined as an electronic device that accepts data and
instructions, stores them temporarily in its memory awaiting processing, automatically
executes/obeys the set of the issued instructions to produce information from the input
raw data.
A computer is a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical
(part electronic, part mechanical) components. By itself a computer has no intelligence
and is referred to as hardware, which means simply the physical equipment. The
hardware can't be used until it is connected to other elements, all of which constitute the
six parts of a computer-based information system.
The following are the components that makeup a computer- based information system.

Figure 1: A computer based information system combines six elements: hardware, software, data/information,
procedures, people, and communication/connectivity

This is the physical or the tangible parts of a computer e.g. the keyboard, mouse,
monitor, system unit, printers etc.
Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the computer hardware
how to perform a task.
Data is the raw material, whether in paper, electronic or other form - which is processed
by the computer. In other words, data consists of the raw facts and figures that are
processed into information. Information is summarized data or otherwise manipulated
(processed) data. For example the raw data of employees' hours worked and wage rates
is processed by a computer into the information of paychecks and payrolls.
People constitute the most important component of the computer system. People
operate the computer hardware, they create and use the computer software, they enter
the data, and use the information the system generates.

Procedures are descriptions of how things are done, steps for accomplishing a result.
Procedures for a computer system appear in documentation manuals, also known as
reference manuals and user guides, which contain instructions, rules and guidelines to
follow when using hardware and software.
Communication also called connectivity is when one computer system is setup to share
data and information electronically with another computer system. Such connections may
be through telephone lines, cables, microwave transmissions etc.
Computers may seem incredibly complicated devices, but their underlying principle is
simple. When you open up a microcomputer, what you see is mainly electronic circuitry.
And what is the most basic statement that can be made about electricity? It is simply this:
It can be either turned on or turned off.
In a two-state on/off arrangement, one state can represent a 1 digit, the other a 0 digit.
Because computers are based on on/off or other two-state conditions, they use the
binary number system, which consists of only two digits - 0 and 1. In the binary system,
each 0 and 1 is called a bit short for binary digit. In turn, bits can be grouped in various
combination represent characters of data-numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and so
on. for example, the letter H could corresponds to the electronic signal 01001000. In
computing, a group of 8 bits is called a byte, and each character is represented by 1

Figure 2: Digital signal represented by 0s and 1s

Computers use digitally coded information to process, and store data and to
communicate with one another.
Advantages of using computers
i.) Computers operate at a high speed.
ii.) The computer results are very accurate.
iii.) Computers can work continuously without getting tired or bored.
iv.) Computers can work on voluminous data items.
v.) Computers can solve any problem, provided the relevant instruction
set/programs is input.
vi.) Computers can operate in risky environment environments e.g. volcanic sites,
lethal chemical plants, where human life is feared.
vii.) The computer is flexible and can adapt to any work load without much strain.
viii.) Computers produce reliable information.
ix.) Large volumes of data can be conveniently stored, assessed and altered.
x.) Computers can provide useful information to management for control and
decision making.
xi.) Computers help to reduce paper work significantly.
xii.) The number of persons required for performing various organizational activities
will be reduced by using computers.
xiii.) The use of computers for office activities reduces the requirement of office
space which otherwise is required.
Disadvantages of computers
i.) Computers are costly
ii.) Due to rapid change in computer technology, the computer and related
facilities can become outdated very fast.
iii.) There is usually the fear that installing computers into an organization might
result in replacing human employees.
iv.) Important data may be lost incase of virus attack or machine breakdown.
v.) Company data may be at risk of illegal copying and unauthorized by hackers.


Computers have developed through four so-called generations, or stages, each one
characterized by smaller size, more power and less expense than its predecessor.
First Generation (1944-1958)
The first large-scale electronic computer, the grandparent of today's handheld machines
was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), which operation in 1946.
This computer weighed 30 tons and occupied about 1800 square feet of floor space.
They were characterized by vacuum tubes which failed oftenly, they were slow, produced
tremendous amount of heat and were very large compared to microcomputers used
today. ENIAC and UNIVAC I - UNIVersal Automatic Computer, which was used by the
U.S. Bureau of the Census from 1951 to 1963 - are examples of First Generation

Figure 3: ENIAC was the first large-scale electronic computer, it weighed 30 tons, filled 1800 sq feet, included
18,000 vacuum tubes and it failed about every 7 Min.

Second Generation (1959-1963)

By the early 1960's, transistors were used in circuitry. (A transistor is an electronic switch
that alternately allows or does not allow electronic signal to pass) Removable magnetic
disks were introduced as storage devices. Second Generation computers tended to be
smaller, more reliable, and significantly faster than First Generation computers.
Third Generation (1964-1970)
In the third period, the integrated circuit (IC) - A complete electronic circuit that packages
transistors and other electronic components on small silicon chip - replaced traditional
transistorized circuitry.
The use of magnetic disks for secondary data storage became widespread, and
computers began to support such capabilities as multiprogramming (running more than
one program at a time) and time sharing (people using the same computer
Fourth Generation (1971-Now)
Large-scale Integrated (LSI) and Very-Large-Scale integrated (VSLI) circuits were
developed that contained hundreds to millions of transistors on a tiny chip. The
microprocessor and VSLI circuit technology caused radical changes in computers - in
their size, appearance, cost, availability, and capability - and they started the process of
miniaturization:-the development of smaller and smaller computers.
Also during this time, computers main memory capacity increased, and its cost
decreased, which directly affected the types and usefulness of software that could be
used. Software application like Word Processing, Electronic Spreadsheets, Database
Management programs, Painting and Drawing programs, Desktop Publishing and so
forth became commercially available giving more people reasons to use computers.
Other than microcomputers, computers still come in a variety of sizes and with a variety
of processing capabilities. We can categorize them as follows;
i.) Supercomputers
ii.) Mainframe computers
iii.) Workstations
iv.) Microcomputers
v.) Microcontrollers

It's hard to give a precise definition to each since computer speeds and storage
capacities change rapidly. Nevertheless, the following definitions will suffice;
First developed in 1970s, they are the fastest and highest-capacity computers. They may
occupy special air-conditioned rooms and are often used for research. Among their uses
are worldwide weather forecasting and analysis of weather phenomena, oil exploration,
aircraft design, prediction of spreads of epidemics, and mathematical research. Unlike
microcomputers, which generally have one processing unit, super computers have
hundreds to thousands of processors and can perform trillions of calculations per second.

Figure 4: A supercomputer may be made up of many cabinet like units working together.
Mainframe computers
The only type of computers available until the late 1960's, mainframe computers are less
powerful than supercomputers, but they are still fast, mid to large-size capacity
machines. Their size varies depending on how many concurrent users they are serving -
from few hundreds to thousands of people. Mainframes are used by many banks,
airlines, insurance companies, mail-order houses, universities etc. Mainframes also have
many processors.

Figure 5: mainframe computers have many process and can work really fast
Workstations introduced in early 1980's are expensive powerful desktop computers used
mainly by engineers, scientists and special-effect creators for sophisticated purposes.
Providing many capabilities comparable to midsize mainframes. Workstations are often
connected to a larger computer system to facilitate transfer of data and information.
Workstations are used for such tasks as designing airplane fuselages, prescription drugs,
and movies' special effects.

Figure 6: a HP workstation

Microcomputers, also called personal computers (PCs) are small computers that can fit
next to a desk or a desktop, or can be carried around. Some microcomputers called
tower units are higher than they are wide. whether desktop, tower, notebook, palmtop,
electronic organizer, or pen-based, personal computers are now found in most

Figure 7: Microcomputers come in different sizes

They are also called embedded, dedicated or hidden computers, microcontrollers are tiny
computers installed in "smart" appliances like microwave ovens and pocket calculators.
They are dedicated to performing a restricted number of tasks.

Figure 8: A microcontroller computer install in a device

As mentioned earlier, computer hardware is the physical or the tangible parts of the
computer. Computer hardware is categorized depending on which of the five computer
operation it performs;
i.) Input
ii.) Processing and memory
iii.) Output
iv.) Storage
v.) Communication

Figure 9: some basic computer hardware

Devices that are connected to the computer and are controlled by the computer are
referred to as peripheral devices. These devices can be external, such as keyboards,
mice, monitors, and printers or internal (inside the computer system unit) such as a
floppy disk, harddisk, modem etc.

Input hardware
The function of input hardware is to accept data and covert it into a form suitable for
computer processing. In other words, input hardware allows people to put data into the
computer in a form that the computer can use.
i.) Keyboard: A keyboard includes the standard typewriter keys plus a number of
specialized keys. The standard keys are used mostly to enter words and
ii.) Mouse: A mouse is a device that is rolled about on a desktop to direct a
pointer on the computer display screen. The pointer is a symbol usually an
arrow, that is used to select items from lists (menus) or to position the cursor.
The cursor also called an insertion point, is the symbol on the screen that
shows where data may be entered next, such as text in a document.
iii.) Scanners, are often used in desktop publishing, translate images and text,
drawings and photos into digital form. The digital images can then be
processed by the computer, displayed on a monitor, inserted in documents,
stored in a storage device or transmitted to another computer.

Figure 10: Scanners convert images into a digital format.
iv.) Tracker ball: A tracker ball is a movable ball on top of a stationery device, the
ball is rotated with the finger or the palm. In fact, a tracker ball looks like an
upside down mouse.

Figure 11: A tracker ball resembles an upside-down mouse

v.) Joystick: A joystick is a pointing device that consists of a vertical handle like a
gearshift lever mounted on a base with one or two buttons. Joysticks are used
mainly in video games, in some computer aided design systems, and
computerized robot systems.

Figure 12: the joystick is mostly used with computer games.

vi.) Touchpads: A touchpad is a flat rectangular device that uses a weak electrical
field to sense your touch. Touchpads let you control the cursor/pointer with
your finger, the cursor follows the movement of your fingertip. You click by
tapping the pad or pressing buttons adjacent to the pad. Some portable
computers used the touchpad to input data and commands.

Figure 13: A touch pad is moustly found on laptop computers.
vii.) Light pen: A light pen is a light sensitive pen like device that is connected to a
computer terminal by a wire. Graphic designers, engineers and illustrators use
light pens.

Figure 14: Light pen

viii.) Bar-code readers - Bar code readers are photoelectric devices that convert
barcode strips into digital code. Barcodes are vertical zebra-stripped marks you
see on most manufactured retail products.

Figure 15: A barcode reader.

Figure 16: Barcodes

ix.) Microphone: The microphone converts human speech into digital code. an
audio input device records or plays analog sound and translates it for digital
storage and processing.
x.) Digital camera: A digital camera uses a light sensitive processor chip to
capture photographic images in digital form on a memory card inserted on the
xi.) Other input devices include; Touch screen, Digital tablet, Fax machines, Mark-
and-Character recognition devices, Automated teller machines (ATM) etc.

Figure 17: The five categories of computer hardware are input, processing and memory, output, storage and
The computers control center is made up of the processing and main memory devices,
the system unit houses that part of electronic circuitry that does the actual and the
memory that support the processing. Together these components are referred to as
processing hardware.

CPU - the processor: The Central Processing Unit is the processor or the computing
part of the computer. It controls and manipulates data to produce useful information. In a
microcomputer the CPU is an approximately 1.5-inch (3.75-cm) square chip called a
microprocessor, with electrical circuit printed on it. This microprocessor and other
components that make it work are mounted on the main circuit board called the
motherboard or the system board.
Figure 18: CPU is the central processing chip
Primary memory - Working storage: Primary memory also called the main memory or
the RAM (Random Access Memory) is the temporary storage where data and programs
needed for immediate processing are held. Computer memory is contained on memory
chips mounted on the motherboard.

Figure 19: RAM is a temporary storage area that stores information that is currently being processed by the

The major characteristics of the main memory are;

i.) It has a quick response time
ii.) It is volatile i.e. all the information stored in it is lost when power is turned off.

The function of output hardware is to provide the user with the means to view and use
information produced by the computer system. Information is output either in hardcopy
output (Information printed on paper) or soft copy output (information displayed on your
computer monitor).

Monitor / Visual Display Unit VDU

The monitor is a television like screen on which you can read text and graphics. Monitors
have knobs or buttons that adjust brightness contrast and positioning of the display

Figure 20: TFT and CRT monitors

Types of monitors
Cathode-Ray Tubes (CRTs)
This is the same technology used on TV sets and involves the use of a vacuum tube. The
CRT's screen display is made up of small dots called pixels. A pixel is the smallest unit
on the screen that can be turned on or off or made into different shades.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

This is a flat panel display that consists of a substance called liquid crystal whose
molecules lineup in a particular way. Under an applied voltage the molecular alignment is
disturbed, which changes the optical properties of the liquid crystal in the affected area.

A printer is an output device that prints characters, symbols, and graphics on paper (The
printed out put is generally referred to hardcopy since it is relatively in a permanent form)
Categories of printers
Impact printers
Impact printers have mechanism resembling that of a typewriter, it forms characters or
images by striking against an inked ribbon leaving an image on paper. The dot-matrix
printer is a good example of impact printer, they are noisy, inexpensive and can print on
several layers of paper at the same time.

Non-impact printers
Non-impact printers are used almost everywhere now, they are fast and quieter than
impact printers.
The two types of non-impact printers often used with microcomputers are laser printers
and ink-jet printers.
Laser printers: - Like dot-matrix printer a laser printer creates image with dots. However,
as in a photocopying machine, these images are created on a drum, treated with
magnetically charged ink like toner (powder) and then transferred from the drum to the

Figure 21: a HP laser printer
Ink-jet printers: - Inkjet printers spray small, electrically charged droplets of ink from four
nozzles through holes in a matrix at high speed onto paper. They are less expensive than
laser printers but print at a slower speed.

Figure 22: An inkjet printer

A plotter is a specialized output device designed to produce high-quality graphics in a
variety of colours. Plotters are used for creating large hardcopy items, such as maps,
architectural drawings, and 3D illustrations. Such items are usually too large to be printed
on regular printers.

Figure 23: Plotter for printing very large images e.g. building plans.

Speakers and headphones

This are devices that synthesis sound output. They are basically used with a computer
having multimedia capabilities e.g. you can listen to music and sounds from your
computer using either the speakers or the headphones.


Secondary storage stores computer software and data in a form that is relatively
permanent, or nonvolatile i.e. the data is not lost when power goes off. For any
information in the secondary storage to be processed it must first be transferred to the
RAM losses all the data when power goes off, but secondary storage retains data even in
the absence of power, that’s why its important to save your work in a secondary storage
device such as a diskette or the hard disk before shutting down your computer.
The process of retrieving data from a storage device is referred to a reading while that of
copying information into a storage device is called writing.

Storage capacity
Capacity refers to how much data/information a storage device will hold. Computer
storage capacity may be represented using the following units;

Unit Description
Bit Short for BInary digiT; a 1 or 0, which the computer
hardware represent as "On" or "Off" (or High voltage or Low
voltage) electrical state.
Byte Usually a group of eight bits make up a byte.
Kilobyte (K or KB) About 1000 (1024) bytes. Bytes and their multiples are
common units of measure for both memory and storage
capacities of personal computers.
Megabytes (M or MB) About 1 million (specifically 1,048,576) bytes.
Gigabyte (G or GB) About 1 billion (1,073,741,824) Bytes.
Terabyte (T or TB) About 1 trillion (specifically 1,009,511,627,776) bytes.

A diskette or a floppy disk is a round shiny plastic that store information as magnetized
spots. Diskettes are called floppy because the plastic is flexible and not rigid. A diskette
measures 31/2 Inches and uses the diskette drive (floppy drive) which is built into the
system unit.
Hard disks are thin but rigid metal or glass platters covered with a substance that allows
data to be held in form of magnetized spots. Hard disks are also sealed within an
enclosed unit to prevent any foreign matter such as dust, smoke etc. from getting inside.
Data may be recorded on both sides of the platter.

Figure 24: The hard disk is sealed and enclosed in the system unit.

The platters spin at a very high speed on the drive spindle, while the read/write heads
read and write information and data on the disk surface.
Computer software and data is basically stored on the computer hard disks since they
have larger capacity compared to floppy disks.
An optical disk is a removable disk on which data is written and read through the use of
laser beams; a high power laser beam is used to represent data by burning tiny pits into
the surface of a hard plastic disk. To read the data, a low-powered laser light scans the
disk surface: pitted areas are not reflected and are interpreted as 0 bits; smooth areas
are reflected and are interpreted as 1 bit.

Figure 25: Data on optical disks is written using a strong laser beam and read using a weaker laser beam.
Categories of optical disks
CD – ROM disks – Compact Disk-Read Only Memory are the commonly used optical
disks, Read only means that once information has been written on the disk it cannot be
changed. They are mainly used in storage of computer programs, music, movies and
other data files. These disks are inserted in a CD-ROM drive.
CD-R – Compact Disk-Recordable is a CD format that allows users with a CD writer/ CD-
R drive to write data only once onto a new blank CD. Once data is written it cannot be
changed. A special CD writing software may be necessary when writing to a CD. e.g.
Nero Burn

CD-RW Disks – Compact disks rewritable, are disks that allow the user to write and
rewrite data on the CD i.e. the disk can be used over and over again.
DVD/DVD ROM – This is a silvery, 5-inch optically readable digital disk that looks like an
audio compact disk but can store over 17 gigabytes, allowing greater data storage, studio
guilty video images, and theater-like surround sound.
Advantages of DVDs
i.) They have large storage capacity and a fast data transfer rate.
ii.) Better audio quality
iii.) They offer a better picture quality and video.
iv.) They are available in both Recordable and rewritable capabilities.

Flash disk
They consist of a circuitry that is enclosed in a plastic or metal casing, they are usually
connected to the computer using the USB port. Flash disks are small and convenient
since the can carry lots of data. They are mainly used in transferring information from one
computer to another they come in different capacities e.g. 32MB, 62MB, 128Mb, 256MB,
512MB, 1GB, 2GB and above.

Figure 26: Flash disks are very convenient due to their small size.
Tape storage
Magnetic tape is a thin plastic tape that has been magnetically coated for storing data as
magnetic spots. They are primarily used for backing up and archiving data. They are
slightly smaller than the music cassettes. They can store large quantities of data raging
from 10 GB to 70 GB. They are used with the tape drive.

Figure 27: magnetic tapes.

The computer keyboard is the basic input device that converts letters, numbers and other
characters into electrical signals that are machine-readable. The keyboard resemble the
typical typewriter but has additional keys that perform some specialized functions.

Figure 28:The keyboard is the primary input device, the figure above shows the common layout of a keyboard.
Standard typing keys
Typing keys are the familiar QWERTY arrangement of letters, numbers and punctuation
keys found on any typewriter. QWERTY refers to the alphabet keys in the top left row on
a standard typewriter keyboard.

Cursor movement keys

The cursor also called the insertion point, is the symbol on the display screen that shows
where data may be entered next. The cursor-movement keys, or arrow keys, are used to
move the cursor around the text on the screen. These keys move the cursor left, right,
up, or down. The keys labeled PgUp stands for Page Up, and the key labeled PgDn
stands for Page Down. These keys move the cursor the equivalent of one page or one
screen at a time up (towards the beginning of the document) or down (towards the end of
the document).

Numeric Keys
On a standard 101/102 key board, a separate set of keys, 0 through 9 known as the
numeric keypad, is laid out like the keys on a calculator. The numeric keypad has two

Figure 29: The numeric keypad

i.) When the Num Lock key is on the keys may be used to manipulate numbers as on
a calculator.
ii.) When the Num Lock key is off the numeric keys may be used as cursor movement
Function Keys
The function keys are labeled with an F and a number, such as F1 and F2. They are
used for issuing commands not typing in characters. The purpose of each function key is
defined by the software you are using. For example in one program pressing F2 may
print your document while in another program it may save the document to the disk.
Desktop microcomputers basically have 12 function keys while portable computers have

Figure 30: Function keys are labeled from F1 - F12

Special keyboard keys

Enter key – You can press the Enter to tell the computer to carry out a task. In a word
processing this key starts a new paragraph.
Backspace key – You can press Backspace to erase the character to the left of the
Delete key – You can press Delete to erase the character to the right of the cursor.
Num Lock key – You can switch it on to enter numerical data and perform calculations,
You can switch it off to use the numeric keys as cursor movement keys.
Application key – You can press the Application key to quickly get a shortcut menu for
an item on your screen.
Spacebar – You can press the Spacebar to insert a blank space.

Windows key – You can press the Windows key to quickly display the Start menu when
working in a windows operating system.

Ctrl key – You can use the Ctrl key in combination with another key to perform a specific
task e.g. Ctrl+C = Copy, Ctrl + X = Cut, Ctrl + V = Paste, Ctrl + P = Print etc.
Alt key – This is also a combination key and has to be combined with other keys to
perform a task e.g. Alt + Ctrl + Del to restart the computer, Alt + F4 to exit from a window.
Shift key – This a combination key that produces the uppercase/capital letter of a
character, it is also used when typing in special character such as !@#$%^&*()_+|}{“:>?<.
Caps Lock Key – This key lets you enter text in uppercase or lower case, it has an
indicator light at the top right side of the keyboard; when the light is on typed characters
appear in upper case.
Escape key – You can press the Esc key to quit a task you are performing or when
exiting from a menu selection.
Num Lock key – This key switches the numbers in the numeric key pad on or off. When
it is on you can type in numbers and perform calculations, when off the numeric key pad
acts as cursor movement keys.

Computer ergonomics

Ergonomics is the study of physical relationships between people and their work
environment. Keyboard manufacturers as result of ergonomic studies have developed
ergonomically sound keyboards to help prevent injuries to the computer users.

The mouse is a pointing device that is rolled on the desk surface, to direct a pointer on
the computer screen. The mouse pointer is the symbol that indicates the position of the
mouse on the display screen. The pointer changes from an arrow to an I-beam
depending on the task that you are currently performing.
If you click the mouse button when the I-beam is positioned within text, a cursor which is
a blinking vertical line appears, the cursor indicated where text will appear when typed.
Different kinds of mouse come in different colours and shapes, some may have two to
four buttons or even a wheel. They are usually connected to the computer motherboard
using a cable but we also have wireless/cordless ones which are battery powered and
use a receiver hooked on the motherboard.
Some brands of mouse such as the Microsoft intellimouse, have a wheel between the left
and right mouse button with which one can scroll through the contents of a file.

Figure 31: A mouse

Mouse operation Description

Point Move the pointer to the desired spot on the screen, such as
over a button or a word
Click Press and release the left mouse button once. A click often
selects an item on the screen.
Double-click Press and release the left mouse button twice in rapid
successions. A double click will open a document or
Drag Press and hold the left mouse button while moving to a
different location.
Drop Release the mouse button after dragging. Dragging and
dropping is and easy way of moving items on the screen.
Right-click Press and release the right mouse button once, in windows
programs, this brings up a pop-up menu with options for the
clicked item.
Triple-click Press the left mouse button thrice in rapid successions; in a
word processor this will select an entire paragraph.
Right-drag Drag with the right mouse button, right dragging an item will
prompt you to copy, move or create a shortcut.

Marquee-select Dragging the left mouse button within a given range,
marquee select is used for multiple selection of items.

Note: If you are left-handed, you can switch the functions of the left and right mouse
buttons to make the mouse easier to use.

A computer network is an interconnection of two or more computers to facilitate
exchange of information and sharing of expensive equipments such as printers, fax
machines etc.
Types of computer networks
Wide Area Network (WAN)
A wide area network is a communication network that connects computers within a large
geographical area, such as a state or country.

Figure 32: A wide area network connects several LAN

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
A metropolitan area network is a communication network that connects computers within
geographic area the size of a city or suburb.

Figure 33:MAN may connect different branches in an organization

Local Area Network (LAN)

A local area network is a privately owned communication network connecting computers
within a small geographic area, perhaps an office, within a building, or buildings close to
each others such as a college campus.

Figure 34: LAN connects computers within a small geographical area

Definition: Computer software is the logic that guides the computer hardware when
performing a task.
A computer has not intelligence of its own and must be supplied with instructions that tell
it what to do and how to do it. Software is made up of groups of related programs written
in a specific code called a programming language and based on the computers language
of 0s and 1s. Software acquired to perform a general business function is called a
software package. Software are generally created by professional software programmers
and come in CD-ROM, Disk, or online.

Figure 35: software may come in CD or DVD

Software can generally be grouped into
1.) System software
2.) Application software

System software
System software is software designed to allow the computer to manage its own
resources and run the hardware and basic operations. It lets the CPU communicate with
the keyboard, the screen, the printer and the disk drive.
Examples of Operating Systems include, DOS and Windows 3x , Windows 95/98,
Windows NT/2000, Window XP, OS/2 Warp, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS, Netware etc.

Functions of the operating system

1. Memory allocation and loading of programs
2. It manages the computer resources
3. It performs input output controls
4. Provides scheduling and accounting

Application software
Application software is the software that is designed to meet the users specific needs. It
performs tasks to directly benefit the user and increase their productivity and creativity.
Applications software come in four categories;
1.) Basic productivity software – Most of the common applications software
packages used today are productivity software, their purpose is the make the user
more productive when performing general tasks e.g. Word-processing,
spreadsheets, personal finance, presentation graphics, database managements,
integrated and web browsing applications.

2.) Specialty tools – This is software designed for application is particular occupation
and businesses. examples include, desktop publishing, project management,
Computer Aided Designing and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
drawing and painting, multimedia authoring software etc.
3.) Entertainment software – this includes computer games.
4.) Educational reference software – This are electronic research and training
materials e.g. Encyclopedias, Phone books, Library searches, bible software etc.

Productivity software
Word processing
Word processing software allows you to use computers to create, edit, store and print
documents. you can easily insert, delete, and move words, sentences and paragraphs.
Examples of word-processing programs include, Microsoft word, Word perfect etc.

Spreadsheet software
An electronic spreadsheet is grid of columns and rows that allows the users to enter
details and financial schedules and later perform calculations on the entered data. A
spreadsheet document is called a worksheet, and several worksheets make up a
workbook. Examples of spreadsheet programs include, Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3

Database Management system software

A database is a collection of data stored electronically in a computer system. Database
management system is a program that controls the structure of a database and access to
the data. Today the principal database programs are Microsoft Access, FoxPro, Oracle,
Claris Filemaker Pro. etc.

Personal finance software

Personal finance software lets you keep track of income and expenses, write checks, and
plan financial goals. Examples include Quicken, Microsoft Money, Win Check etc.

Group ware
Groupware is software that is used on a network and serves a group of users working
together on the same project. Groupware improves productivity by keeping members
continually aware of what their colleagues thinking and doing. Examples include Lotus
note and MS outlook.
Integrated Software and Software Suites
Integrated software packages combine features of several application programs such as
Word-processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Graphics and communications into one
software package. Examples include Apple Works, Claris Works, Lotus Works, Microsoft
Works and Perfect Works.
Software suites are simply the primary applications that are bundled and sold together
Presentation graphics
Presentation graphics are some of presentation software, which uses graphics and data
to make a presentation to others e.g. clients, supervisors etc. presentations may make
use of some analytical graphics such as charts, and include animations. Such programs
include Microsoft PowerPoint, Aldus Persuasion, Lotus freelance graphics, SPC Havard
Graphics e.t.c.

Web browsers
A web browser is a software that enables you to move between different websites. You
can move from page to page by clicking a hyperlink, which is either underlined text or a
graphic or by typing in the address of a web page.
Examples include, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer etc.

Revision Questions (Write question and answer at the back or your book.
Introduction to computers
1.) Define the term computer in simple terms
2.) What are the major components of a computer system?
3.) List TEN advantages that may be realized by the use of computers in the modern society.
4.) Give FOUR disadvantages of computers
5.) State FOUR computer generations that you know.
6.) List and explain the types of computers that are in use today.
7.) What does the term hardware mean?, cite some common examples of computer hardware.
8.) Draw a well-labeled diagram showing the different components of a computer hardware.
9.) List down TEN types of computer input devices that you know.
10.) List four types of optical disks that are used with computers.
11.) What do the initials RAM stand for?
12.) Give TWO characteristics of Random Access Memory
13.) Name FOUR types of computer storage devices that may be used to store data in a computer.
14.) Draw a well-labeled diagram showing the logical organization of a computer disk.
15.) Diskettes are known to be delicate and floppy, state the maintenance rules for diskettes.
16.) Define an output device and cite FIVE examples of output devices.
17.) The keyboard keys are basically categorised into four groups, which are they?
18.) Some keys on a computer keyboard are referred to as special keys, give an example of SIX such keys and
explain their functions.
19.) Differentiate between the following mouse operations;
a.) Pointing and clicking
b.) Scrolling and auto scrolling
c.) Dragging and dropping
d.) Double clicking and triple clicking
e.) Right clicking and right dragging
20.) What do you understand by the term computer network?
21.) Differentiate between a Local Area Network and a Wide Area Network.
22.) What is meant by the term ergonomics?
23.) Computer software is divided into TWO categories, which are they?
24.) Which other names can be used to identify a computer monitor?
25.) Give three examples of software used as word processors.
26.) Explain the meaning of the following terms citing examples of programs that fall under them;
a.) Word processors
b.) Spreadsheet programs
c.) Database management systems
d.) Web browsers
e.) Software suites
27.) What is an operating system?, list SIX types of operating systems that you know.
28.) Which drive is used as a slot for the floppy disk?
29.) State FOUR internal components of a computer hard disk
30.) Explain the following units of measure ments as used in computer storage;
a.) Bit
b.) Byte
c.) Kilobyte
d.) Megabyte
e.) Gigabyte
d.) Terabyte


OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course, the learners should be able to:
i. Switch the computer on and off using the proper procedure
ii. Identify windows elements and work in windows environment
iii. Change settings of different computer resources e.g. keyboard, mouse, monitor etc.
iv. Search for different types of files in the computer
v. Save and retrieve files from folders and other storage devices
vi. Use the Windows help facility
DAY ONE Starting and shutting down a computer
Definition of terms i.) Switch on the wall switches and the UPS
Graphical User Interface (GUI) – ii.) Press the power button of the system unit and the monitor
A computer program that allows Determining your Windows version
the user to work with visual i.) Double click My Computer Icon
elements such as icons, buttons, iii.) Click on the Help menu
iv.) Click About windows
and menu bars. Windows is a
v.) Details of the Windows version are displayed.
good example of a GUI. Parts of a computer desktop
Folder - A container for Desktop-The screen area where different activities can be
programs and files in graphical undertaken
user interfaces, symbolized on Icon – Graphical Images that represent programs, file or folders
the screen by a graphical image Taskbar-A Continuous bar usually located at the bottom of the
(icon) of a file folder. A folder is screen and contains the start button, clock and any running
a means of organizing programs program.
and documents on a disk and
Creating folders
can hold both files and
Right click on a blank area on the desktop
additional folders.
Point on New
Icon - A small image Click Folder and type the folder name.
displayed on the screen to Press Enter
represent an object that can be
Creating a Subfolders
manipulated by the user.
Icons serve as visual Double click to open a folder
mnemonics and allow the user Click on file menu and select New folder
to control certain computer Type subfolder name and press Enter
actions without having to Dragging icons across the desktop
remember commands or type Point on a folder or file
them at the keyboard.
Hold down the left mouse button and move
Desktop - The on-screen work
Release mouse button to drop
area on which windows, icons,
menus, and dialog boxes Creating a shortcuts
appear. Right click a file or a folder
Click Create Shortcut
Arranging icons
Right click the desktop
Point on arrange
i.) Choose an arrangement style
ii.) Double click My Computer icon
Viewing the contents of your diskette.
i.) Insert the diskette in drive A
ii.) Double click the 3 ½ Floppy icon
iii.) The contents of the floppy disk are displayed in a
DAY 2 Opening a window from the desktop
Definition of terms Method 1. Double click a file or a folder
Window-A portion of the screen Method 2. Right click a file or folder then click open
where programs and processes Method 3. Single click a file or folder then press the enter
can be run. You can open keys.
several windows at the same Parts of a window
time. Windows can be closed, -Title bar -Menu bar
resized, moved, minimized to a -Standard toolbar -Formatting toolbar
button on the taskbar, or -Vertical and horizontal ruler -Insertion point
maximized to take up the whole -Document window -Vertical and horizontal
screen. scroll bars
Dialog box - A secondary -Office assistant -View buttons
window that contains buttons -Status bar -Control box
and various kinds of options -Control buttons
through which you can carry Sizing a window by
out a particular command or Method 1. by dragging
i.) Position the pointer on the window border
List box – A control that
ii.) The pointer turns into a resize handle
holds a list of values.
iii.) Drag and release the mouse button
Check box – A control that
Method 2. Using keyboard
used to indicate a value that
i.) Click on the control box
may be true or false
ii.) Select Size
Option button – a control that
iii.) Use the arrow keys to size the window.
is used to indicate an option
Moving a window
that may be true or false.
Command button – A Method 1. By dragging
control used to activate a i.) Point on the title bar
procedure. ii.) Drag to a different position
Text box – A control for data iii.) Release the mouse button to drop the window
entry: its value can be entered Method 2. By Using the keyboard
and changed by the user. i.) Click on the control box
Tool bar – a group of buttons ii.) Select the Move command
beneath the menu bar; used as iii.) Use arrow keys to move the window.
shortcuts for menu Using the window control buttons
commands. i.) Maximize - Click the Maximize button (at the right of
Menu – A list of choices; it the title bar), or press ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressing
displays available commands X.
in a list e.g. a dropdown list. ii.) Minimize – Click the Minimize button (at the right of the title
Message box – A dialog box bar), or press ALT+SPACEBAR and the press N.
displaying a message for the ii.) Restore – Click on the restore button (
user, it requires the users
iv) Close – Click on the close button (at the right of the title
bar), or press ALT+F4
Combo box – A control that
is a combination of a list box
and a text box.
Maximize - To enlarge a window
to its largest size. Maximizing an
application window causes it to
fill the screen.
Minimize – To shrink a
window to its minimum size.
Minimizing an application
window reduces it to a button
on the Windows taskbar.
Restore – Return a window to
its original size after it has
been maximized or
Close – Exit from a window
Window Elements
Start up Menu – The menu
displayed when you click the
start button.

DAY THREE Using the paint program

i) Click on the start button
ii) Click the run command
iii) Type MSPAINT then click OK
iv) The Paint program opens
v) Select a tool on the tool box the drag to obtain the
tool effects
vi) You can choose different colours from the colour
Saving an image/picture
i.) Click on the File menu
ii.) Select Save
iii.) Chose a location to save the file e.g. 3 ½ Floppy
iv.) Type the file name the click the Save button.
Opening an image/picture
i.) Click on the File menu
ii.) Select Open command
iii.) Choose the location of the file
vii) Click on the file then click Open button. For further
help on using the paint program click on the help
menu and use the help search to get information.
DAY FOUR Using WordPad
i.) Click on the Start button
ii.) Click on the Run command
iii.) Type WORDPAD then click ok
iv.) Type text in the typing area provided
v.) Highlight text and apply preferred formatting
Using the calculator
i.) Click on the Start button
ii.) Click the Run command
iii.) Type the word Calc the click OK
iv.) Use the keyboard numeric key and mathematical
operators to perform calculations.
v.) You can also enter figures and mathematical
operators by clicking using the mouse.

vi.) To get assistance on a given item on the calculator,
right click then on the item then click “What’s this”.
A short description is displayed
DAY FIVE Setting the computer clock & Date
Definition of terms i.) Right click on the clock on the taskbar
Lock the task bar - Locks the ii.) Select Adjust Date/Time
iii.) Select the month, day and year
taskbar at its current position on
iv.) To set time Click in the Hour, Min, Sec and AM/PM
the desktop so that it cannot be
area the click the spin buttons to change time.
moved to a new location and v.) To set the Time zone, click on the Time zone tab
also locks the size and position and select an appropriate time zone from the list.
of any toolbar displayed on the vi.) Click OK to apply the settings.
taskbar so that it cannot be N/B: Right click on an item then click “What’s this” to get a
changed. description of the item.
Hide task bar - Hides the Changing the taskbar options
taskbar. To redisplay the i.) Right click on a blank area of he taskbar
ii.) Click Properties
taskbar, point to the area of
iii.) Click on the check boxes to Lock, Autohide, Show
your screen where the taskbar is
clock, Group similar icons etc.
located. iv.) Click OK to save the changes
N/B: Right click on an item then click “What’s this” to get a
description of the item.

DAY SIX Changing the display setting

Screen saver – is a feature that Changing the background
displays moving images that i. Right click on the desktop
prevent damage to your screen. ii. Click on properties command
iii. Click on the Desktop tab
The screen saver starts
iv. Under the list of background pictures select a picture
automatically if your computer v. Click OK to save the changes
is idle for a specified amount of N/B: You can click on the browse button and search for a
time. picture to use as the background.
Hyperlink - Coloured and Setting a screen saver
underlined text or a graphic that i. Right click on the desktop
you click to go to a file, a ii. Click on properties command
location in a file, an HTML page iii. Click on the Screen saver tab
iv. In the screen savers list choose a screen saver e.g. 3D
on the World Wide Web etc.
v. Click on the settings button to make adjustments to the
screen saver
vi. Set the Idle time then preview the screen saver
vii. Click OK to save the settings.
Changing appearance
i.) Right click on the desktop
ii.) Click on properties command
iii.) Click on the Appearance tab
iv.) Select Classic style under windows and
buttons area
v.) Choose a colour scheme e.g. Pumpkin, Rose
vi.) Choose a font size
vii.) Click OK to apply the settings

DAY SEVEN Changing the Keyboard settings

Definition of terms i.) Click on the Start button
Repeat delay - Adjusts the ii.) Click Control panel
amount of time that elapses iii.) In the control panel window double click
the Keyboard icon
before a character begins to
iv.) Make adjustments as follows;
repeat when you hold down a a.) To change the repeat delay, drag the slider.
key. b.) To change the cursor blink rate, drag the slider.
Repeat rate - Adjusts the speed c.) To change the repeat rate, drag the slider.
at which a character repeats d.) To prevent the cursor from blinking, drag the slider to
when you hold down a key. the left end of the bar.
Cursor blink rate - Adjusts the v.) Click OK to save the changes.
Changing the Mouse settings
speed at which the cursor (or
i) Click on the start button
insertion point) blinks.
ii) Click on the control panel
iii) Double click the mouse icon
iv) Click the buttons tab;
a.) Clear the check box if you
are right-handed and the
left mouse button is the
one you use most often.
b.) Select the check box if you
are left-handed and use the
right mouse button most
c.) The picture at the right
indicates the selected
primary mouse button.
v) Click the Pointers tab;
a.) Select a pointer scheme,
which is a list of predefined
sets of mouse pointers you
can use.
b.) Each pointer shape is a
visual cue that indicates
what the operating system
is doing or what you can do
in various situations.
vi) Click on the pointer options tab;
a.) Drag the slider to adjust
pointer speed
b.) Click the check boxes to set
options such as, Enhance
pointer precision, Move
pointer to default button,
Display pointer trails, Hide
pointer while typing or
show pointer location
when you press Ctrl key.
c.) Drag the visibility slider to
adjust pointer trails
vii) Click the wheel tab to adjust the wheel
scroll settings
viii) Click OK to save the settings
DAY EIGHT Searching for files and folders
Definition of terms a. Click on the Start button
b. Click on the search command
wildcard character - A keyboard c. Select a search category e.g. pictures and video
character that can be used to d. Type the name or part of the name
represent one or many e. Click the Search button.
characters when conducting a
search. The question mark (?)
represents a single character,
and the asterisk (*) represents
one or more characters.

DAY NINE Changing the Regional and Language options

i.) Click on the start button
ii.) Click on the control panel
iii.) Double click the Regional and language options
iv.) Under the Regional Options tab select how you
want programs to display dates, times, currency,
and numbers. Select the locale to control how
these items are displayed. An example of the
formatting for the current selection is shown under
v.) Click the Customize button to change individual
settings. For example, you can change how the date
is displayed in short or long format.
vi.) To change the keyboard language, Click on the
Languages tab then click the details button
vii.) Select one of the installed input languages to use
when you start your computer
viii.) Click OK to save the settings
DAY TEN Using Windows XP help
Definition of terms i.) Click on the Start button
Context sensitive help – Use of ii.) Select Help and Support
the F1 function key to direct iii.) Click on a hyperlinked topic to view contents
iv.) Type a phrase or word in the search area then click
access to the topic relating to an
Start searching button.
open dialog box. v.) Windows will search and display available topics
vi.) Click on a related topic to view contents
Using the Index
i.) On the toolbar click Index
ii.) Type a keyword e.g. time
iii.) Click start search button to search for the topics
iv.) Click on a topic to view its contents.
Using the “What’s this” feature
i.) Open a dialog box
ii.) Right click on an item e.g. a button
iii.) Click the “What’s this” button that appears
iv.) You can also click on the question mark on the top
right of a dialog box.
v.) The pointer turns in to a question mark pointer
vi.) Click on an item to get a short description of the

Microsoft Windows Revision Questions
1) Explain the procedure of starting and shutting down a computer.
2) The desktop is the working area on your screen, name the THREE main components of a computer desktop.
3) Give short definition of the following terms;
a) Task bar
b) Icons
4) Explain how you can create folders and subfolder on your desktop
5) What is the importance of shortcut and how can they be created from the desktop?
6) Moving icons across the desktop while holding the left mouse button is known as __________.
7) List down TEN types of wallpapers that you can use on your computer background.
8) State FIVE categories you can use when arranging icons on the desktop.
9) Outline the procedure followed when changing your computer background.
10) What is a window?
11) How can you determine the Windows version in your computer?
12) State EIGHT parts of a window.
13) Explain the function of the following window buttons.
a) Maximize button
b) Minimize button
c) Close button
d) Restore button
14) State TWO methods you can use when moving a window.
15) State FOUR methods you can use when shutting down a window.
16) How can you start up Windows help?
17) List down FIVE keyboard key combination you may use as short cuts to enter commands into your computer.
18) How can you obtain a short cut menu when working in a window.
19) Dialogue boxes enable the user to communicate with the computer. Name FOUR dialogue boxes your may
come across when working in a windows environment.
20) Explain different methods of starting Windows application/programs.
21) How can you arrange open widows on your computer desktop.
22) Windows operating system has a unique capability known as multitasking or multiprogramming, what does
this mean?
23) State FOUR settings you can apply to the taskbar and the startup menu.
24) How can your determine the space available on your computer disk?
25) What is meant by disk formatting and how can you format a diskette?
26) What is the main purpose of using scandisk?
27) Explain the procedure of changing your mouse from a right-hand user to a left-hand user.
28) How can you adjust the double click speed of your mouse?
29) A screensaver protects your screen from getting damaged due to burning-in. Explain the procedure of setting
up a screen save and list down FIVE types of screen savers present in your computer.
30) Which procedure will you follow when adjusting your computer time and date?
31) Assume that you have transferred your computer from Kenya to Casablanca, how can you adjust the time zone
and other regional settings such as Number, Currency and Date?
32) Which procedure is followed when starting the Calculator accessory?
33) When is it necessary to use the find/search feature?
34) How can you activate the “what is this” feature?
35) Why is it important to save your Bitmap picture or your Wordpad documents in your diskette?

1) Create a folder on the desktop using your name as the folder name, Create two subfolders in your folder and
name them My pictures and My documents respectively.
2) Using the right mouse button, send your folder to the your personal diskette and delete the folder that remains
on the desktop by dragging it into the recycle bin.
3) Open the Paint program and draw a diagram that has the following pictures.
a. A house
b. A car
c. Clouds
d. Trees
e. Birds
f. A cow

g. A tarmac road
h. Hills
Save your picture in My Pictures folder in your personal diskette as My Homestead.
Set the picture as a wallpaper centered on your desktop.

Assume that you are one of the candidates in class 8 in Ndithekaga Primary School taking the K.C.P.E. examination in
English composition. Open the word pad program in Windows Accessories and type down the composition.
The title of the composition should be “THE DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET” Please let it be a true story. Your
composition should be at least 3 paragraphs.
Save your composition in My documents subfolder in your diskette.

Draft the following table in your book and analyse your computer as required.
Total hard disk capacity C:
Used space of hard disk
Free space of hard disk
Total capacity of my flash disk
Used capacity of my flash disk
Free space of my flash disk
Windows version in my computer
RAM (Random Access Memory)

Your are required to type down the following Bible passage in Wordpad and perform the tasks that follow;


Proverbs 7:6-27 – At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. I saw among the
simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgement. He was going down the street
near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the
dark of night set in.
Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. (She is loud
and defiant, her feet never stay at home; now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she
lurks.) She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: “I have fellowship
offerings at home today I fulfilled my vows. So I came out to meet you; I looked for your and have
found you! I have covered my bed with coloured linens from Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with
myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.
Come, let’s drink deep of love till morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love! My husband is not at home;
he has gone on a long journey. He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon.”
With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with smooth talk. All at once he followed
her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a trap, little knowing it will cost him his
Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. Do not let your heart turn to her way or
stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her
house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.

1) Center align the title of the passage and change it to colour red size 18
2) Change the body text to colour blue size 14, Comic Sans Ms font.
3) Format your title to BOLD and UNDERLINED
4) Italicize the body text

5) Save your work in My documents Subfolder in your personal diskette with Chunga maisha as the file name.



DAY ONE Starting Ms Word
Definition of terms i.) Click on the start button
Microsoft word – is ii.) Point on all Programes (winxp)
word processing software iii.) Select Microsoft office
programmed designed to iv.) Click on Microsoft word 2007
make the creation of Exploring the word window (parts of the window)
professional documents - Microsoft office button
fast and easy. - Quick access toolbar
- Title bar
Templates – a special
- Ribbon
kind of document that
- Ruler
provides the basic tools - Text area
and text for creating a - Vertical and horizontal scroll bars
document. - Status bar
Getting help and assistance
i.) Click the help button on the far right side of the ribbon or
press F1
ii.) Type your question on the word help
iii.) Click search
iv.) Select from the topic from the options
Creating a new blank document
i.) Click on the office button
ii.) Select New
iii.) On the New document dialogue box select Blank and recent
iv.) Select Blank document
v.) Click Create
Creating a new document from a template
i.) Click on the office button
ii.) Select New
iii.) On the New Document dialogue box select Installed
iv.) Under Installed Templates select a template e.g. Equity Fax
v.) Click Create
vi.) Replace the text in the template with your preferred details
Saving a document
i.) Click on the office button
ii.) Select the Save command
iii.) Type the name of the file
iv.) Choose a location to save the file e.g. in my desktop
v.) Click Save
Opening a document
i.) Click on the office button
ii.) Select the Open command
iii.) Select the source of the document e.g. desktop
iv.) Click on the document
v.) Click the Open command button
Exiting from the ms word program
i.) Click on the office button
ii.) Select the Close command

Definition of terms Formatting text
Format – the way text i.) Select the text to be formatted
appears on a page ii.) Click the home tab
Font – a name given to a iii.) On font group select the style, size , color, underline style e.t.c
collection of text
characters at a certain Using the format painter tool
weight, size and style. i.) Select the text containing the preferred style
Font is also referred to as ii.) Click on home tab
typeface. Examples iii.) On clipboard group select format painter tool
iv.) The pointer turns into a brush
include; Times New
v.) Drag it over another potion of the text to transfer the style
Romans, Arial, Bookman
Old Style, Comic Sans
Cutting information into the clipboard
Ms e.t.c
i.) Select the information
Font style – refers to ii.) Click the home tab
whether text appear s as iii.) Go to clipboard group select cut
Bold, Italized or iv.) Click on a different section of your document
underlined. v.) Select paste
Clip board- a temporary
storage area for cut or Text alignment
copied text and graphics. i.) Select the paragraph or text to be aligned
Cut- to remove selected ii.) Click the home tab
text or a graphic from a iii.) On paragraph group select alignment options e.g. left, right,
document to the center, justify
clipboard so that it may
be reinserted elsewhere Line spacing
in the document or in i.) Select the paragraph or text to be spaced
another document. ii.) Click the home tab
iii.) On paragraph group click line spacing
Copy- copies selected
iv.) On the drop down menu select the preferred spacing
text or graphic into the
Paste- to insert cut or
copied text into a
document from the
Alignment- the
horizontal position of text
within a line or between
tab stops. Words
alignment option are
right, left, centered and
Line spacing- the height
of line of text often
measured in lines or
DAY THREE Setting The Automatic Save Features
Definition of terms i.) Click on the office button
Automatic save- a ii.) Select the Save As command
feature that automatically iii.) Click on tool command on the bottom side of the Save As
saves document changes dialogue box
in a temporary file at iv.) Select Save options
v.) Under the save auto recovery info area, type a time interval
specified intervals.
If power to the printer is vi.) Click Ok
interrupted the changes Undo an action
in effect from last saved i.) On the quick access toolbar click on undo (Ctrl + Z)
are retained. Redo an action
Undo- it reverses the last i.) On the quick access toolbar click on redo (Ctrl + Y)
command. Changing a document background
Redo- reverses the i.) Click on the page layout tab
action of the undo ii.) On the Page Background group
iii.) choose page color and select a color
iv.) You can get other fill effects by clicking on the fill effects
Style- a group of
options, e.g. gradient, patterns, patterns or picture.
formatting instructions Applying different styles
that you name and store
i.) Select text
and are able to modify. ii.) On the Home tab Styles group, select a style from the group
When you apply a style
to a selected character
and paragraphs all the
formatting instructions of
that style are applied at
DAY FOUR Moving text by dragging
Thesaurus - a feature i.) Select text
that replaces a word or ii.) Position the pointer in the selected text
phrase in the document iii.) Drag and drop in different location
with a synonym, antonym N/B: You can hold down the Ctlr key to copy by dragging.
or related word. Using the right mouse key to check spelling
i.) Red zigzag underline indicates possible spelling mistakes
ii.) While green ones indicate possible grammar mistakes
iii.) Position the pointer in the zigzag underlined word
iv.) Right click and choose a suggestion e.g. the correct word, Add
to dictionary, the Ignore e.t.c
Using the spelling and grammar tool
i.) Click on the Review tab
ii.) On the Proofing group select Spelling and Grammar (F7)
iii.) Choose a suggested word then click change button
iv.) Click Add to Dictionary to add a word to the custom
dictionary ignore to ignore the rule e.t.c
N/B: after the correction a message appears indicating that
spelling has been completed.
Using the thesaurus feature
i.) Select a word in the document
ii.) Click on the Review tab
iii.) On the Proofing group select Thesaurus (Shift + F7)
iv.) On the right side choose a synonym or antonym
v.) Click replace
DAY FIVE Moving around a word document using the mouse
i.) Click on the scroll buttons to move up and down the document
one line at a time.
ii.) Drag the scroll box to move to a desired location.
iii.) Click a blank area within the scroll bar to move up and down
one page at a time.
iv.) Click on the twin arrows to move to the next or previous page.
v.) Turn the scroll wheel to move up and down the document
Moving around a document using the keyboard

i.) Press the home key to move the cursor to the start of the
current line and end key to move the cursor to the end of the
ii.) Press page up to scroll up one screen at a time and page down
to scroll down one key at a time.
iii.) Press Ctrl + Home to move at the beginning of the document
and Ctrl +End to move at the end of the document
iv.) Press Ctrl + left or right mouse button to move one word at a
v.) Press up and down arrow keys to move the cursor up one line
and down one line at a time.
Using the F5 key (Ctrl + G)
i.) Press F5 key
ii.) Type the page you want to go to
iii.) Click Go To
Selecting text using the mouse
i.) Drag across text on a document to select
ii.) Click on the left margin to select an entire line
iii.) Double click within a word to select it
iv.) Triple click within a paragraph to select it
Selecting text using the keyboard
i.) Hold down the shift key
ii.) Press the cursor movement keys to select text
iii.) You can also press Ctrl + A to select the entire document
Moving between open word documents
i.) Click on View tab
ii.) On Window group select Switch Windows
iii.) Click on the document of interest
Arranging open word documents
i.) Click on the View tab
ii.) On Windows group select Arrange All
Day Six Changing cases
Definition of terms i.) Select text
Sentence case – ii.) Click on the Home tab
capitalizes the first letter iii.) On the Font group select Change Case
of the first word in the iv.) Select an appropriate case
selected sentences. Applying drop cap
Lower case – changes i.) Click on the Insert tab
ii.) On the Text group select drop cap
all selected text to
iii.) Click on an appropriate drop cap
lowercase letters.
iv.) Go to Drop Cap Options to change font types, number of lines
Upper case – changes
to drop, distance from the text e.t.c
all selected text to capital Applying bullets and numbering
letters i.) Select a list of items
Title case – capitalizes ii.) On the Home tab on the Paragraph group select Bullets
the first letter of each iii.) To apply numbers select Numbering, then select appropriate
word in the selection number
Toggle case – Paragraph formatting and indenting
capitalizes all uppercase i.) Select the paragraph
letters to lower case and ii.) On Home tab paragraph group click on the paragraph
vice versa. activator tool
iii.) Choose an option under the indentation e.g. first line under
the special indentation
iv.) Choose the spacing between the paragraphs

v.) You can also change the spacing between line by choosing a
line spacing
vi.) Click Ok to save the changes
Applying shadows and borders
i.) Select text or paragraph
ii.) On Home tab the Paragraph group click on Bottom Border
iii.) Select Borders And Shadings option
iv.) Click Borders tab to apply borders around text
v.) Click on Page Border tab to apply a border around the page
vi.) Click Shadings tab to apply a shading or pattern around the
selected text
vii.) Click Ok to save the changes
DAY SEVEN Inserting headers and footers
Header – the contents of i.) Open a document
the header will appear at ii.) Click on Insert tab
the top of each printed iii.) On the Header & Footer group click on header for header and
page footer for footer
Footer – the contents of iv.) select edit header
Inserting date and time
the footer will appear at
i.) Click on the Insert tab
the bottom of each
ii.) On the Text group Select date and time
printed page
iii.) Choose an appropriate date
iv.) Click Ok to save the changes
Inserting AutoText
i.) Click on the Insert tab
ii.) On Text group select Quick Parts
iii.) Select the Field option
iv.) Select a field name e.g. author under field names
v.) Click Ok
Inserting symbols
i.) Click on the Insert menu
ii.) On the Symbols group select Symbol
iii.) Select an appropriate symbol
Inserting a comment
i.) Select a word
ii.) Click on the Review tab
iii.) On the Comments group select New Comments
iv.) Type your comment
Inserting Footnotes and End notes
i.) Select a word
ii.) Click on the Reference tab
iii.) On Footnotes group click either a Footnote or End Note
Inserting clipart pictures
i.) Position the cursor where you want to insert the picture
ii.) Click on the Insert tab
iii.) On the illustrations group click Clip Art
iv.) Click Go
v.) Select the picture
vi.) Click Insert
Inserting word art
i.) Position the cursor where you want the word art to appear
ii.) Click the Insert tab
iii.) On the Text group select Word Art
iv.) Select an appropriate word art style then click Ok

v.) Type appropriate words
vi.) Click Ok
Drawing in Ms Word
i.) Click the Insert tab
ii.) On Illustrations group select shapes
iii.) On shapes click on a tool and drag the mouse to draw
iv.) Select an object then on Format tab shapes styles select shape
v.) Select shape outline to shape the outline color
vi.) To apply 3D effect click the object then Format tab, on 3D
Effects group choose an appropriate 3D effect
vii.) To apply shadows click on the object then Format tab on
Shadow Effects group click on Shadows then choose an
appropriate shadow
viii.) To rotate an object click the object then Format tab, on
Arrange group click rotate then select an appropriate degree
to rotate the object
DAY EIGHT Using the find and replace feature
Password to open – the i.) Click on Home tab
document will open when ii.) On editing group select Replace option (Ctrl + H)
a user types the correct iii.) Under the Find What area type the word to be replaced
password. If you forget or iv.) Under the Replace With area type the word to replace with
lose the password you v.) Click Replace button or Replace All to replace all such words
cannot open a document. in the document.
Using the word count feature
Password to modify – if
i.) Ensure the document is open
you type a password to
ii.) Click on Review tab
modify in the document
iii.) On Proofing group select Word Count
the document opens for iv.) A message box appears displaying the statistics of your
editing. If you forget or document.
lose the password the v.) Click Close
document will open as Applying newspaper columns
read only. i.) Select text
ii.) On the Page Layout select Columns
iii.) Select the number of columns
Protecting a document using password
i.) Click the Office button
ii.) Select Save Us
iii.) Click the Tools command at the bottom of the Save Us
dialogue box
iv.) Select General Options
v.) Enter password to open and to modify
vi.) Re-enter password to confirm
vii.) Note that passwords are case sensitive
viii.) Click Ok then save the document
Unprotecting a document
i.) Click the Office button
ii.) Select Save Us
iii.) Click the Tools command at the bottom of the Save Us
dialogue box
iv.) Select General Options
v.) Click on the password area and press backspace to delete
vi.) Click Ok to save the changes
DAY NINE Inserting tables
i.) Position the cursor where you want to insert the table

ii.) Click on Insert tab
iii.) Click Table
iv.) Select Insert Table
v.) Under the table size option indicate the number of required
columns and rows
vi.) Click Ok
vii.) Enter details on the table
Splitting cell
i.) Click on a cell
ii.) Click on the Layout tab
iii.) On Merge group click Split Cell
iv.) In the dialogue box that appears indicate the number of
columns and rows
v.) Click Ok to split the cell
Merging cells
i.) Select multiple cells in a table
ii.) Click on the Layout tab
iii.) On Merge group click Merge Cells
iv.) Cells are merged into a single cell
Distributing rows and columns evenly
i.) Select rows and columns in the table
ii.) Click the Layout tab
iii.) On Cell Size group select Distribute Columns evenly for even
sized columns, select Distribute Rows evenly for even sized
Changing text direction in a table
i.) Select the row or column that contain the text
ii.) Click the Layout tab
iii.) On Alignment group click on Text Direction
Sorting entries in a table
i.) Select the cells containing the data
ii.) Click on the Layout tab
iii.) On Data group Click on Sort
Automatically formatting your table
i.) Select your table
ii.) Click on the Design tab
iii.) On Table Styles group click on the styles of the table
iv.) Scroll up and down to find a suitable format
Adding numbers in the table
i.) Select the cell to contain the answer preferably the cell under
a the numbers to be added
ii.) Click on the Layout tab
iii.) On Data group select formula
iv.) Click Ok to add
DAY TEN Envelopes and labels
i.) Click on Mailings tab
ii.) On Create group Select Envelopes
iii.) Click on the Envelopes tab
iv.) Enter the address of the recipient
v.) Enter details of the delivery address and the return address
vi.) Set appropriate envelope options e.g. size then click print
vii.) To print labels click the Labels tab
viii.) Enter details of the labels
ix.) Set label option such as type of label and size

x.) Click Print to print the labels
Using the mail merge features
i.) Open a new document
ii.) Type the common contents of the letter leaving out the details
of the recipient
iii.) Click on Mailings tab
iv.) On start Mail Merge click select recipients
v.) select Type A New List
vi.) fill in the blank entries of interest the click New Entry to go to
the next entry
vii.) click Ok button
viii.) type an appropriate name then click Save
ix.) on Write& Insert Fields group click the Address Block
x.) on the Preview Results group click Preview Results use the
next and previous buttons to scroll through your recipient



Type down the following articles in separate documents and format them as required;


James Maina Otieno

P.O.BOX 36524
19 Jan 1992

P.O.BOX Private Bank
11 Mar 1987

Dear sir /madam

Please accept this letter as an expression of interest in the position of Areas Sales Manager

I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. I am familiar with the requirements for success in the
Sales profession and believe I possess the right combination of marketing and management skills.

My current position coordinating two local area sales teams has provided the opportunity to work in a high-
pressure, team environment, where it is essential to be able to work closely with my colleagues in order to
meet sales deadlines.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my
potential contributions to your company with you. Please telephone me at after 4.00 p.m. to suggest a time
that we may meet. I look forward to your reply.

James Maina Otieno


About a hundred years ago, a man looked at the morning newspaper and to his surprise and
horror, read his name in the obituary column. The news papers had reported the death of
the wrong person by mistake. His first response was shock. Am I here or there? When he
regained his composure, his second thought was to find out what people had said about him.
The obituary read, "Dynamite King Dies." And also "He was the merchant of death." This
man was the inventor of dynamite and when he read the words "merchant of death," he
asked himself a question, "Is this how I am going to be remembered?" He got in touch with
his feelings and decided that this was not the way he wanted to be remembered. From that
day on, he started working toward peace. His name was Alfred Nobel and he is remembered
today by the great Nobel Prize.
Just as Alfred Nobel got in touch with his feelings and redefined his values, we
should step back and do the same.
Ask you’re self
What is your legacy?
How would you like to be remembered?
Will you be spoken well of?
Will you be remembered with love and respect?
Will you be missed?


The descendants of Adam and Eve had become evil and wicked, and God was sorry He had
ever created mankind. He decided the only thing to do was destroy them all and start over!
But there was one man, Noah, who was obedient to God and found God's favor.
God told Noah to build a big boat, called an ark, and He told Noah exactly how to do it. The
ark was to be 450 ft. (137 m) long, 75 ft. (23 m) wide and 45 ft. (14 m) high. It was to have
three decks, be divided into rooms and have a door in the side.
Noah was to find one male and one female of every kind of animal and bird and take them
into the ark. He also had to take food for all those animals. It took Noah 120 years to build
the ark and find all the animals to put in it, but Noah obeyed God and did just as he was
Noah was 600 years old by the time everything was ready. God told Noah to go into the ark
with his wife, his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives. Then it started to
rain. It rained without stop for forty days and nights! The water got so deep that even the
mountains were covered. Every living creature on earth died in the flood. But the ark
floated on top of the flood waters and the people and animals in the ark were safe.
Eventually, the water started to go down again, and the ark came to rest in the mountains of
Ararat. After being on the ark about 11 months, Noah sent out a dove to see if it would find
land, but it found no place to rest and returned to the ark. Seven days later, Noah sent the
dove out again. This time it flew back carrying an olive leaf, and Noah knew it had found
land. After a full year on the ark, God said to Noah,

Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind
of living creature that is with you — the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move
along the ground — so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number
upon it.


The twins Jacob and Esau were very different from one another. One was a man’s man. Esau
loved outdoor activities like tending the sheep and hunting. Jacob preferred to stay at
home and learn from his mother.
One day Esau came in from the field famished. He begged Jacob to give him something to
eat. In return Jacob sold a bowl of soup to his older twin in exchange for the birthright.
Esau traded the larger portion of their inheritance for a bowl of beans. (Genesis 25:29-34)
The deception continued. When their father Isaac knew he was near death he requested
that his manly son Esau kill a deer to prepare a fine meal before dividing the estate.
Rebecca, the mother of the twins, heard the request and helped Jacob pull off a grand
scheme to fool Isaac into giving Jacob the larger portion of the inheritance.
In the end, Jacob had to run for his life. He fled to another country to find his mother’s
relatives who would care for him. It was many years before he returned to his own family.
When he did, he heard that his brother Esau was looking for him. The deceiver Jacob was
scared. He devised a plan so that his brother could only destroy half of Jacob’s wealth if he
was caught. (Genesis 32)
When they finally met, Esau ran to Jacob and hugged him and kissed him and showed
forgiveness and mercy. He had so forgiven Jacob that he was surprised Jacob would even
think that there might be hard feelings between them. (Genesis 33)

Hilton Ndogo cafe
weekly sales sheet
item breakfast lunch dinner
Monday 20000 40000 30000
Tuesday 14000 36000 20000
Wednesday 34000 50000 20000
Thursday 20000 50000 49000
Friday 20000 45000 48000
Saturday 30000 38000 26000
Sunday 34000 29000 50000

You’re required to;
i.) Create a new document and go to help and assistance and type underline text click underline
from the options and type the procedure on your new word document save your work on the
ii.) Create a new blank document and type the text on DOCUMENT 2
iii.) Using a template, create a memo and a letter
iv.) Save your document on the desktop using your name
v.) Close your memo document, then open it again using word
You’re required to;

i.) Type the paragraphs on DOCUMENT 3
ii.) Underline the heading and center align it, color it red, and double underline it
iii.) Select the first paragraph and apply the following formatting; bold, color green, size 12, italic and
font bookman old style
iv.) Use the format painter tool to copy the format of the first paragraph to the second paragraph
v.) Justify all the paragraphs and give them 1.0 line spacing
vi.) remove the space before and after a paragraph
vii.) Cut the first paragraph and paste it behind the last paragraph
viii.) Copy the whole paragraphs four times
You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and set the automatic save feature at 1min
ii.) Type the paragraph on DOCUMENT 4 and color it yellow first then bold it
iii.) Undo the bolding and underlining
iv.) Redo the underlining only
v.) Select your whole document and change it to a style of your choosing
vi.) Change the document background to color yellow first then a woven matt

You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and type the paragraph on DOCUMENT 2
ii.) Highlight the first two sentences and color them red
iii.) Drag the first two sentences which are already red to the back of the document
iv.) Spell check and grammar check your document
v.) Using the thesaurus feature replace the following words with their respective synonyms
✓ Surprise
✓ Horror
✓ Death
✓ Mistake
✓ Peace
You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and type =rand(99,99) then press enter
ii.) Use the following to move around your document;
iii.) Your mouse wheel
iv.) Your keyboard arrow keys to move line by line and paragraph by paragraph
v.) Use your F5 key to go to page 51
vi.) Use your mouse to select the first paragraph
vii.) Use your keyboard to select any text in page 20
viii.) Open two other word documents and try moving around them
ix.) Arrange the word documents
You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and type the paragraph on DOCUMENT 2
ii.) Change the first paragraph to uppercase
iii.) Apply a drop cap to the first letter of the first paragraph
iv.) Apply bullets under the text underlined Ask you’re self
v.) Indent the paragraph to first line

vi.) Apply; box border, page border shadow and color green shading with 50% color
You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and type the paragraph on DOCUMENT 4
ii.) Insert a header and footer on your document
iii.) On your header insert a; date, symbol color the data green
iv.) On your footer insert any auto text and a different symbol color the symbol red
v.) Type your name at the beginning of the paragraph and insert a comment reading ; “am the
author of this paragraph”
vi.) Type two words; giraffe and buffalo attach a footnote on giraffe saying; this is a footnote for
giraffe, type and endnote for buffalo saying; this is an end note for buffalo
vii.) Insert any clipart picture named woman
viii.) Recolor the clipart
ix.) Insert a word art with your name on it
x.) Insert a round shape and put the following properties;
✓ Fill green
✓ Outline color red
✓ weight 3pt
✓ 3D effect
✓ Shadow effect
xi.) Draw the no smoking symbol using word and apply the appropriate style and coloring
You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and type the paragraph on DOCUMENT 2
ii.) Using the find and replace feature replace the following words
✓ Surprise with shocked
✓ Horror with awfulness
✓ Death with demise
✓ Mistake with error
✓ Peace with calm
i.) Check the statistics of your document using the word count feature and type them below
your paragraph
ii.) Apply a two newspaper columns in your paragraph
iii.) Protect your document using the name “NIBS” as a password to modify and “college” as the
password to open

You’re required to;
i.) Open a new document and create the table on DOCUMENT 5
ii.) Center align the table and bold the text
iii.) Attach a comment to Sunday saying we recorded the highest number of customers compared
to other days
iv.) Change the color of the titles to blue and size 14
v.) Change the text direction of the title to an upside down manner
vi.) Change the figures to color green
vii.) Distribute breakfast lunch and dinner columns evenly
viii.) Insert a new row under Sunday and add up the figures using auto sum
ix.) Right align the figures in your table and save your work on the desktop
You’re required to;
i.) create the letter on DOCUMENT 1 and leave out the recipient address
ii.) Mail merge your letter with the following addresses;
Company Email Phone no. Address line1 country Title City
Hilton hotel 072779593 P.O. BOX Kenya Chief Kiambu
9 45615 Director
Kenya 075852369 P.O. BOX Kenya Director Nairobi
breweries 1 25582
Safaricom 075943289 P.O. BOX Kenya C.E.O Kisumu
1 36542
Coca-Cola 079632541 P.O. BOX Kenya President Mombas
9 private bank a
Dell 079632145 P.O. BOX china C.E.O Beijing
6 78418
Samsung 079678965 P.O. BOX South C.E.O Seoul
4 36985 Korea
Nokia 020644494 P.O.BOX India Regional New
85214 director Delhi
Microsoft 023599019 P.O. BOX U.S.A C.E.O New York
s 48413
HP 065236448 P.O. BOX U.K Regional London
48415 president
Sony 116814846 P.O. BOX Japan President Tokyo



DAY ONE Starting and exiting Ms Excel
Definition of terms Method I
Ms Excel is a spreadsheet i.) Click on the Start Button
program designed to word with ii.) Point on All Programs
predominantly numeric data iii.) Click Ms Excel
and support performance of Method II
advanced mathematical, i.) Click on the Start Button
scientific, financial e.t.c ii.) Click Run
Workbooks – in Microsoft excel iii.) Type excel then click Ok
a work book is a file in which Parts of an excel window
you work and store your data. - Microsoft office button
Because each work book - Quick access toolbar
contains many sheets you can - Title bar
organize various kinds of - Ribbon
information in a single file - Ruler
Worksheet-use worksheet to - Sheet area
list and analyze data. You can - Sheet tab
enter and edit data on several - Formula bar
worksheets simultaneously and - Vertical and horizontal scroll bars
perform calculations based on - Status bar
data from multiple worksheets. Using excel help
When you create a chart you i.) Click on the Help command button at the far right side of
can place the chart on the the ribbon
worksheet with its related data ii.) Type your question
or on a separate chart sheet. iii.) Click Search
Cell-an intersection between a iv.) Choose a topic
column and a row Indentifying cells and ranges by their respective addresses
Range- is a group of By default excel uses the A1 reference style, which refers to
neighboring cells or a block of columns with letters (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns) and
cells refers to rows with numbers (1 through 65536). This letters and
numbers are called row and column headings. To refer to a cell
enter the column letter followed by the row number. For example,
D50 refers to a cell that is at the intersection of column D and row
50. To refer to a range of cells, enter the reference for the cell in
the upper left corner of the range, a colon (:) and the reference to
the cell in the lower right corner of the range
Select text, cells, ranges, rows, columns &sheets
To select Do this
Text in cell If editing in cell is turned on, select the
cell, double click in it, and then select the
text in the cell.
If editing in a cell is turned off, select the
cell and then select the text in the
formula bar.

A single cell Click the cell, or press the arrow keys to
move the cell.
A range of cells Click the first cell of the range and then
drag to the last cell.
All cells on a Click the select all button
Nonadjacent cells or Select the first cell or range of cells then
cell ranges hold down the Ctrl key and select other
cells or ranges.
A large range of cells Click the first cell in the range and then
hold down shift and click the last cell in
the range. You can scroll to make the last
cell visible.
A entire row Click the row heading
An entire column Click column heading
Adjacent rows or Drag across the row or column headings.
columns Or select the first row or column; then
hold down shift and select the last row
or column
Nonadjacent rows or Select the first row or column then hold
columns down Ctrl key and select the other row
and columns
More or fewer cells Hold down shift and click the last cell you
than the active want to include in the new selection. The
section rectangular range between the active
cell and the cell you click become the
new selection.
Select a sheet Click on the sheet tab
Enter number, text, a date or a time
i.) Click the cell you want to enter the data
ii.) Type the data and press enter or tab
iii.) Use a slash or hyphen to separate the parts of a data; for
example type 18/1/1992 or 18-dec-1988
Edit cell contents
i.) Double click the cell that contains the data you want to
ii.) Make any changes to the cell contents
iii.) To enter you changes press enter
iv.) To cancel you changes press esc
Create a new workbook
i.) On the Office button click New
ii.) On New Workbook select Blank Workbook the click
N/B; to create a new work book based on the default workbook
template click new
Save a new unnamed workbook
i.) On the Office button click Save Us
ii.) In the save in list select the drive and folder you want to
save your workbook
iii.) In the File Name box type the name of your workbook
iv.) Click Save
v.) Save an existing workbook click Office button then select
Open a workbook on your hard disk or network
i.) Click the Office button
ii.) Select Open or click open on the quick access tool bar.
iii.) In the look in list click the drive or folder
iv.) Double click the workbook you want to open
DAY TWO Formatting text in cells
i.) Select whole cells or the specific text in a single cell that
you want to format
ii.) click on the Home tab
iii.) On the Font group choose the font type, style, size,
underline, style, font color e.t.c.
Center, align, indent , rotate data in a cell
In cell that have the default general format, text data is left
aligned and numbers and dates are right aligned changing the
alignment does not change the type of data. To center align
data that spans several columns of rows such as column and
row labels. You can merge a selected range of cells and align
cells within the resulting merged cell.
i.) Select the cells you want to format
ii.) On the on the home tab alignment group, click Align
Text Left for left alignment, Align Text Right for right
alignment, Center for center alignment.
To align text Click
To the left
0Align left
To the right
Align right
Rotate text in cell
i.) Select the cells in which you want to rotate the text.
ii.) On the Home tab Alignment group select Orientations
iii.) In the Orientation drop down menu, click a degree point,
or drag the indicator to the angle you want.
Align data at the top center or bottom of a cell
i.) Select the cells you want to format
ii.) On the Home tab Alignment group select Top Bottom or
Middle Align
Merge cells to span several columns or rows
i.) Select more than one cell you want to Merge
ii.) On the Home tab Alignment group select Merge &Center
iii.) Select Merge cells
Insert blank cells

i.) Select cells were you want them inserted and select the
same number of cells as u want inserted
ii.) On Home tab Cell group select Insert
iii.) Select Cells
Insert rows
i.) Select rows were you want them inserted and select the
same number of rows as you want inserted
ii.) On Home tab Cell group select Insert
iii.) Select Insert Sheet Rows
Insert columns
i.) Select columns were you want them inserted and select
the same number of columns as u want inserted
ii.) On Home tab Cell group select Insert
iii.) Select Insert Sheet Columns
Change column width
i.) Drag the boundary on the right side of the column heading
until the column is the width you want.
ii.) To change the column width of multiple columns select the
columns then drag on the right side of the column heading
until the column is the width you want.
iii.) To change the boundary of all the column select all
columns then drag the column to the width you want.
iv.) To manually change the width select the column click
home tab and on cells select format on the drop down
menu select column width and type an appropriate width
click ok
Apply borders to cells
i.) Select the cells you want to apply borders to
ii.) On Home tab Font group click on Bottom Border then
choose an appropriate border from the drop down menu
Shade cells with solid colors
i.) Select the cells you want to shade
ii.) On Home tab Font group click on fill color
iii.) Select an appropriate color
Hide/unhide rows or column
i.) Select the row or column you want to hide
ii.) On Home tab Cells group click on Format
iii.) Select Hide & Unhide
iv.) Select Hide Rows to hide a row
v.) Select Hide Columns to hide a column
Copy format from one cell or range to another
i.) Select the cell or rage that has the formatting you want to
ii.) On Home tab Clipboard group select Format Painter Tool
iii.) Drag your pointer to the range or cell to be copied to

Automatic filling of data in adjacent cells
You can fill in several types of series by selecting cells and dragging
the fill handle e.g.
Initial selection Extended series
1,2,3 4,5,6
9:00 10:00, 11:00, 12:00
Mon Tue, wed, Thu
Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Jan Feb, Mar, Apr
Jan, Apr Jul, Oct, Jan
Text 1, text A Text2, text B, text3, text C
1 period 2 periond,3rd period ,4th period

1999,2000 2001,2002, 2003

Note; you can create a custom filled series for frequently used
text entries, such as your company sales regions
Add a comment to a cell
i.) Select the cell you want to add a comment to
ii.) Right click on the cell
iii.) Click Insert Comment
Edit comment
i.) Select the cell you want to edit a comment to
ii.) Right click on the cell
iii.) Click Edit Comment
iv.) Type appropriate comment
Add or remove currency symbol
i.) Select the cells containing the numbers
ii.) In the Home tab Number group select Accounting Number
iii.) Select an appropriate currency format for your numbers
iv.) To remove the currency symbol
v.) Select the cells containing the numbers
vi.) In the Home tab Number group click Number format
vii.) Select General
Increase or decrease the number of a decimal place shown
i.) Click on the cells containing the numbers
ii.) On Home tab Numbers group select increase decimal for
more decimal places and decrease decimal for few decimal
Move or copy cell data
i.) You can copy a cell by dragging or by clicking cut or copy or
paste. Microsoft excel copies the entire cell including
formulas, and their resulting values comments and their
cell formats
N/B; Microsoft excel copies hidden cells. If the paste area is hidden
u may need to unhide the area to see all of the copied cells.
Move or copy whole cells
ii.) Select cells you want to move or copy
iii.) Point to the border of the selection
iv.) To move the cells, drag the selection to the upper-left cell
of the paste area
v.) Microsoft excel replaces any existing data in the paste area
vi.) To copy cells hold down Ctrl as you drag
vii.) To insert the cells between existing cells hold down SHIFT
(if moving) or shift + ctrl (if coping as you drag.)
viii.) To drag the selection to a different sheet hold down Alt
N/B: to move your selection to a different work book or a long
distance use the copy cut and paste commands
Undo mistakes
i.) To undo the last action, click undo on the Quick Access bar
ii.) To undo a series of actions click the arrow next to Undo
and select from the choices below it.

DAY FOUR Inserting a sheet

Method 1
i.) click the Home tab
ii.) on the cell group click the Insert command
iii.) select Sheet
method 2
i.) right click the Sheet Tab
ii.) choose Inset from the popup menu
iii.) on the insert dialogue choose Worksheet
Renaming Sheets
Method 1
i.) click the Home tab
ii.) on the Cell group click the Format command
iii.) select Rename sheet
iv.) type the name you want then press enter
i.) double click the Sheet tab
ii.) type the name you want
iii.) press enter
i.) right click the Sheet tab
ii.) select Rename
iii.) type the name you want
iv.) press enter
Deleting unwanted sheets
i.) click the Home tab
ii.) on the Cell group click the Delete command
iii.) select Delete Sheet
Moving or copying sheets
i.) click the Home tab
ii.) on the Cell group click the Format command
iii.) select Move Or Copy sheets
iv.) on Move Or Copy select the Before Sheet
v.) check Copy to copy the sheet
vi.) click Ok to save changes
Changing the sheet background
i.) Click on Page Layout tab
ii.) On Page Setup group select Sheet Background
iii.) Choose an appropriate image
iv.) Click Ok
Hiding and unhiding sheets
i.) click the Home tab
ii.) on the Cell group click the Format command
iii.) select Hide Sheet
to unhide
i.) click the Home tab
ii.) on the Cell group click the Format command
iii.) select Unhide Sheet
iv.) on Unhide select the sheet you want to unhide
v.) click Ok to effect the changes
DAY FIVE Insert pictures in a sheet
i.) Select the cell you want to insert
ii.) Click the Insert tab
iii.) On Illustration group select Picture
iv.) Choose a picture of your choice
v.) Click Ok to effect the changes
Inserting word art
i.) Select the cell you want to insert
ii.) Click the Insert tab
iii.) On Text group select Word Art
iv.) Select and appropriate Word Art
v.) Type appropriate words
vi.) Click Ok
Inserting shapes
i.) Select the cell you want the shape
ii.) Click the Insert tab
iii.) On Illustration group select Shapes
iv.) Click on the shape you want
v.) Drag to draw
Creating hierarchy charts
i.) Select the cell you want the chart
ii.) Click the Insert tab
iii.) On Illustrations click SmartArt
iv.) On Choose A Smart Graphic select Hierarchy
v.) Select an appropriate chart
vi.) Click Ok
vii.) Type appropriate details e.g. a C.E.O and below you can
have his/her juniors and co-workers
Inserting embedded objects
i.) Click Insert tab
ii.) On Text group select Object command
iii.) Select the object type e.g. bitmap e.t.c
iv.) You can insert or create a new one
v.) Click Ok to insert

DAY SIX Using Excel Formulas and Calculations
Definition of terms Arithmetic operators. To perform basic mathematical operations
Calculations such as addition, subtraction, or multiplication; combine numbers;
Is the process of computing and produce numeric results, use the following arithmetic
formulas and then displaying operators.
the results as values in the cells Arithmetic operator Meaning (Example)
that contain the formulas. + (plus sign) Addition (3+3)
Formulas are equations that -(minus sign) Subtraction (3-1)
perform calculations on value Negation (-1)
in your worksheet. A formula *(asterisk) Multiplication (3*3)
starts with an equally sign (=). /(forward slash) Division(3/3)
For example the following %(percentage sign) Percent (20%)
formula multiplies 2by 3 and ^(caret) Exponential(3^2)
then adds five to the result.
=5+2*3 Additions, subtractions, division , multiplication e.t.c
Function - A pre-written ➢ Using excel functions e.g. the if sum max, min , average,
formula that takes a value or count
values, perform an operation ➢ Copying formulas to other cells
and then returns a value or ➢ Using the now function to enter date and time
values. Use functions to ➢ Checking for precedents and dependents
simplify and shorten formulas
on a worksheet, especially
those that perform lengthy or
complex calculations.

DAY SEVEN Inserting charts in a worksheet

i.) Select a range that will supply values to your charts
ii.) Click on the Insert tab
iii.) On the Chart group select Column, Pie, Line, Bar, Area,
Scatter Or Others
iv.) Select an appropriate chart on the drop down menu
Resizing and moving a chart and its contents
i.) Click on the chart
ii.) Position the pointer on the resize handles
iii.) Drag to increase and reduce size
iv.) Release the mouse button
v.) To move the chart, position the pointer within the chart
area then drag and drop In a different location.
Formatting your charts
i.) Right click on a given element of the chart e.g. chart area,
legend , plot area, data series, chart title etc.
ii.) Choose format item option
iii.) Select appropriate fonts under the font tab and patterns
under the pattern tab.
Changing from one chart type to another
i.) Click the chart to select it
ii.) Click on the Insert tab

iii.) On the chart group select click on the chart you want to
change e.g. Pie Chart

DAY EIGHT Undertaking data management tasks

Definition of terms Sorting data in an excel workbook
Ascending – arranging numbers i.) Select the range of data to be sorted
and alphabets from lowest to ii.) Click the Data tab
highest iii.) On sort and filter group select sort form lowest to largest
Descending – to arrange or sort from largest to lowest
numbers and alphabets from Filter data using auto filter
highest to lowest i.) Select the data to be filtered
ii.) Click the Data tab
iii.) On Sort & Filter Group select filter command
Removing auto filter
i.) Select the filtered data
ii.) Click the Data tab
iii.) On Sort & Filter group click Filter command
DAY NINE Importing and exporting object and text
i.) Open a source program e.g. word program
ii.) On word cut or copy the information e.g. text or graphic
iii.) Open excel program
iv.) Select a cell
v.) On the Home tab, Clipboard group select Paste
i.) Select the information in a given range
ii.) On the home tab clipboard group select cut
iii.) Open the destination program e.g. word
iv.) Right click on the text area to paste
Page setup
i.) Click the page layout tab
ii.) On page setup group select the page orientation, page
size, page margins e.t.c by clicking on the commands then
selecting an appropriate size from the drop down menu
iii.) N/B: you can preview your work at this stage by clicking on
the page setup launcher on the page setup group.
Printing a work sheet
i.) Ensure that the worksheet is open
ii.) Click on the Office button
iii.) Select the Print option
iv.) Choose Quick Print for direct printing
v.) Choose Printer Options to set further settings e.g. number
of copies to be printed, page range e.t.c
vi.) Click the Preview button to preview your work before
vii.) Click Print to obtain hard copies


Sarova sternly hotel
weekly sales sheet
day Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Monday 20000 40000 30000
Tuesday 14000 36000 20000
Wednesday 34000 50000 20000
Thursday 20000 50000 49000
Friday 20000 45000 48000
Saturday 30000 38000 26000
Sunday 34000 29000 50000

no of items price of cost of gross allowanc
year sold each sale sales goods profit expenses net profit commission e salary
2010 10 5000 4500 200
2011 9 13000 10000 600
2012 9 25000 20000 300
2013 17 4000 2500 780
2014 20 15000 10000 1200
2015 32 36000 30000 3000
2016 21 1000 700 140
2017 25 1800 1300 500
2018 23 6200 5000 350
2019 14 7400 6200 450
2020 15 23000 20000 890

Lydia A 200 32
dorcas K 230 30
david M 250 31
J 150 25
gladys 130 27
peter 160 28
june 180 26
paul 190 29
e 190 30
darius 100 30
k 200 26

Name Windows Word Excel P.Point Access
rachel 85 56 98 85 54
alfalfa 78 85 78 74 64
solomon 85 96 68 84 69
d 96 54 54 96 73
khalifa 54 74 45 85 91
njoroge 78 48 87 54 82
khadija 45 64 23 89 71
ephatus 65 87 52 47 93
dorcas 85 36 99 63 58
fracis 65 65 75 89 47
i.) Open and close the excel program 5times using the methods just illustrated
ii.) Draw TABLE 1
iii.) Select the first and the last row
iv.) Save your workbook on the desktop using your name then close
v.) Open the same workbook using excel
i.) Create TABLE 1
ii.) Center Align the heading of the table above
iii.) Merge and center all the cells adjacent of the 2headings
iv.) Insert an extra row below the first title and type all you can eat, merge to fit this words
v.) Adjust the column width of the day to fit its contents
vi.) Apply borderlines to your cells
vii.) Color the border lines green
viii.) Hide the breakfast and dinner column
ix.) Unhide the breakfast column
x.) Bold and italize the day column and color it red
xi.) Copy the formatting of the day column to the dinner column using the format painter tool
xii.) Apply size 14 to the headers
You’re required to;
i.) Do the following in auto filling series
Initial selection Extended series
1,2,3 Extend it to 10
9:00 Extend it to 8:00
Mon Extend it sun
Monday Extend it to Sunday
Jan Extend it to dec
January Extend it to December
Text 1, text A Extend it to Text10, Text J
1 period Extend it to 10th period
1999,2000 Extend it to 2012
1-jan, 1-mar Extend it 10cell below
Qtr3 Extend it to Qtr 10
Product 1, on back order Extend it 10 cells to the right
ii.) draw the TABLE 1 and do the following;
➢ Attach a comment to Sunday saying “this is the first day of the week”
➢ Auto format your table
➢ Autoformat the figures in the table to a currency form
➢ Cut the table above and paste it on sheet 2
➢ Copy the table and paste it on sheet3, 5times
➢ Color the first column yellow first and then underline
➢ Undo the underlining and the color
➢ Redo the color
iii.) Make TABLE 1 on sheet 1
iv.) Insert a sheet between sheet one and sheet two, insert a second sheet after sheet three
v.) Rename sheet 1, sheet2, sheet3, sheet4; Jan, Feb., Mar and Apr
vi.) Delete the sheet named Apr
vii.) Move the first sheet between the second and third sheet
viii.) Copy the first sheet and take it to behind the last sheet
ix.) Insert a suitable background to the second sheet
x.) Hide the first and last sheet
xi.) Unhide the first sheet
i.) Insert a clip art and recolor it
ii.) Insert a word art reading; NIBS COLLEGE COLLEGE
iii.) Use your imagination to draw and color a no phone in class symbol
iv.) Create an organization chart of fruits and 5 varieties of fruits
v.) Create another organization chart showing continents 5 of their countries, and at least two cities
vi.) Insert an embedded object drawn in paint program
i.) Draw the TABLE 2 and do the following
➢ Sales = no of items sold * price of each sale
➢ Gross profit = sales – cost of goods
➢ Net profit = gross profit – expenses
➢ Commission = 30% of net profit
➢ Salary = commission + allowance
ii.) Draw TABLE 3 and do the following
➢ Basic pay = hours worked * hourly rate
➢ Allowances = 15% of basic pay
➢ Gross pay = basic pay + allowances
➢ Tax deduction = 5% of gross pay
➢ Net pay = gross pay – tax deduction
➢ Using the now function insert the date into your table
Draw TABLE 4
You’re required to;
i.) Add the figures
ii.) Draw a line chart comparing the performance in all the packages
iii.) Draw an area chart displaying the performance of students in windows
iv.) Draw a bar chart showing the students performance in word
v.) Draw a pie chart showing the performance in excel
vi.) Draw a pyramid chart showing performance in p.point
vii.) Draw a bubble chart showing the performance in excel
i.) Draw TABLE 1
ii.) Sort the data beginning from Friday to Sunday
iii.) Copy table and paste it somewhere else on the sheet
iv.) Sort the copied table by the figures in the first column form smallest to highest
v.) Copy this table again
vi.) Sort the new copied table by the figures in the last column starting from highest to smallest
vii.) Copy the table again and filter Monday and Saturday
viii.) Remove the filter
i.) Create a word art in excel then export it to word
ii.) Import a clip art to excel
iii.) Go to page set up an set the following; landscape orientation, 75% normal size, top 0.8, bottom
0.85, right 0.75, left 0.7, header 0.25, footer 0.35

DAY Topics to be covered
DAY 1 Launching and starting Ms Power Point
i.) Click the Start button
ii.) Point on All Programs
iii.) Select Microsoft office
iv.) Click ms PowerPoint 2007
Method 2
i.) Click the Start Button
ii.) Select the Run command
iii.) Type the word powerpnt
iv.) Click Ok or press enter key
Exit the PowerPoint program
i.) Click on the Office button
ii.) Select Close
iii.) Or click the Close button on the far right side of the top corner
Parts of a PowerPoint window
- Microsoft office button
- Quick access toolbar
- Title bar
- Ribbon
- Ruler
- slide
- horizontal scroll bars
- Status bar
Getting help and assistance
v.) Click the Help button on the far right side of the ribbon or press
vi.) Type your question on the word help
vii.) Click Search
viii.) Select from the topic from the options
Creating a blank presentation
i.) Click the Office button
ii.) Select New
iii.) On New Presentation dialogue box select Blank presentation
iv.) Click Create
Creating a presentation with templates
i.) Click the Office button
ii.) Select New
iii.) On New Presentation dialogue box select Installed Templates
iv.) Select a suitable template
v.) Click Create
vi.) Replace the suggested contents with personal information
DAY 2 Kinds of slide layout
Definition of terms Slide layout include; title slide, title only, blank layout, comparison,
Layout – it refers to the content with caption e.t.c
way things are arranged Inserting a new slide
on a slide a layout i.) Click the Home tab
contains place holders ii.) On Slide group select New slide command
which I turn hold text N/B click the arrow below to select a suitable slide layout
such as titles and bulleted Deleting a slide
list and slide content such i.) Make sure the slide is displayed by clicking on it
ii.) Click the Home tab

as tables, chart, pictures, iii.) On Slide group select Delete slide
shapes and clip art. Duplicating a slide
i.) Click the Home tab
ii.) On Slide group select New slide
iii.) Click Duplicate Selected Slide
Inserting text in a slide
i.) Ensure that the slide has a place holder for text
ii.) Click the text place holder and type
iii.) You can also insert text by manually drawing a text box. By
clicking Insert tab on Text group choose Text Box.
Inserting pictures in a slide
i.) Click Insert tab
ii.) On Illustrations group select Picture
iii.) Select a suitable picture on the Insert picture dialogue
iv.) Click Insert
Formatting text in slide
i.) Select the text to be formatted
ii.) Click the Home tab
iii.) On Font group select the size, color, style, underline, font type
DAY 3 Zooming in and out of a slide
i.) Click the View tab
ii.) On Zoom group select Zoom
iii.) Select the appropriate magnification e.g. fit to window
Using different kinds of view
i.) Click the View tab
ii.) On Presentation Views group choose any of the following;
Normal view – switches to normal view, were you can work on one
slide at a time or organize the structure of all the slides in your
Slide sorter view – displays miniature versions of all slides in a
presentation, complete with text and graphics. In slide sorter view you
can reorder slides, add transitions, and animation effects, and set
timings for electronic slide shows.
Note page view – displays note pages for the selected slide, were you
can create speaker notes for the slide.
Slide show view – runs your slide show, beginning with the current

DAY 4 Animating text and objects

Definition of terms i.) Display the slide
Animate: to add a special ii.) Click on Animations tab
visual or sound effect to iii.) On Animations group select Custom Animation
text or an object. For iv.) Check to select item to be animated by;
example you can have Click on the text or object, then click on Add Effects
your text bullet points fly v.) Choose an Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths
in from the left, one word vi.) On transition to Slide group select;
at a time or hear the Transition speed, transition sound, select whether on mouse click or
sound of applause when automatic on advanced slide
a picture is uncovered.
Slide transition:
Adds or changes the
special effects that
introduces a slide during
a slide show. For example
you can play a sound
when the slide appears,
or you make the slide
fade from black
DAY 5 Selecting and applying designs
i.) Click the Design tab
ii.) On Themes group select a suitable design
iii.) Click on colors to choose a suitable color
iv.) Click on fonts to change the font of text
Applying background to your slides
i.) Select the Slide
ii.) Click on Design tab
iii.) On Background group click Background Styles
iv.) Select any background
v.) For more background options select Format Background
vi.) Select the preferred fill and picture
Using the slide master to format your slides
i.) Click the View tab
ii.) Select the Slide Master on Presentation Views
iii.) Apply the appropriate formatting, animations and images in the
Formatting your picture
i.) Click the Insert tab
ii.) On Illustrations group select Clip Art
iii.) Insert a clip art and select it
iv.) Click Formating tab
v.) On the Adjust group adjust the brighteness, contrast, recolor
Working with word art
i.) To insert word art click on the Insert menu
ii.) On Text group select Word Art
iii.) Select a word art style
iv.) Type your text

DAY 6 Designing different kinds of charts

➢ SmartArt
i.) Process
ii.) Cycle
iii.) Hierarchy
➢ Charts
i.) Line
ii.) Pie
iii.) Bar
➢ formatting your charts
DAY 7 Adding a speakers notes to your slide
i.) Click View tab
ii.) Select Note Page command on Presentation Views group
iii.) Zoom to an appropriate magnification
iv.) Type appropriate words to accompany the selected slides
v.) Zoom to any other magnification when finished
Applying header and footer to your slide
i.) Click on the Insert tab
ii.) On the Text group select the Header& Footer command
iii.) Under the Slide tab click the check boxes to apply a date, slide
number or slide footer
iv.) Click on the Notes& Handouts tab to apply Headers & Footers
to the notes and handouts
v.) Click on the check boxes to include date &time page number,
Header &Footer Text.
vi.) Click Apply to All button to apply the changes
Moving through a presentation
Starting a presentation
i.) Click on the Slide Show tab
ii.) On start Slide Show group select From Beginning to start from
the first slide, From Current to start for the currently selected
iii.) Press F5 to start the show
Ending the show
i.) Press esc key
ii.) Right click within the show and click End Show option
Moving through a presentation
i.) While in Slide Show View click on the button that appears at the
bottom left corner
ii.) Click the next option to move to the next slide or object
iii.) Click on the previous option to move to the previous slide or
iv.) Point on the go to and move to a specific slide using the slide
v.) Click Speaker Notes to view or add notes for the slide
vi.) Under the pointer option you can choose to use a pen in the
slide show and also select a pen color
vii.) Use the meeting minder to take minutes and actions items
during the presentation and late import them into a word
DAY 8 Using PowerPoint drawing tools
i.) To draw an object in ms PowerPoint click Insert tab
ii.) On Illustrations group click Shapes
iii.) Choose a Shape tool then drag to draw the object
iv.) Select the object click Home tab and select shape fill on
Drawing group
v.) Shape outline for outline color, shape effects for 3D and
additional effects
Rotate an object
i.) Select the object by clicking on it
ii.) Click on Format tab
iii.) On Arrange click Rotate
iv.) Select an angle
i.) Click the object to display the rotating handles
ii.) Position the pointer on the rotating handles
iii.) Hold down the mouse button and move to rotate
Arranging overlapping objects
i.) Select an overlapping object
ii.) On the Home tab, Drawing group click Arrange
iii.) Choose any of the following; bring to front, send backward,
send to back, bring forward.
DAY 9 Importing and exporting text and objects
i.) Open the source program e.g. ms word
ii.) Cut information e.g. text or graphics
iii.) Open PowerPoint program
iv.) Paste the information
i.) Cut the information e.g. text or graphics in PowerPoint
ii.) Open a destination program
iii.) e.g. word
iv.) paste the information there
page setup
i.) click the Design tab
ii.) select Page Setup on Page Setup group
iii.) set the slide and note page orientation
iv.) click Ok to save the settings
setting a presentation options such as a continuous slide show
i.) click Slide Show tab
ii.) on Set Up group select Set Up Slide Show command
iii.) click to check the loop continuously until escape check box
iv.) click Ok to save the settings


Slide 1: interesting quotes
Slide 2: Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. [Anonymous]
Slide 3: I think the biggest mistake most people make when they pick their first job is they don't worry
enough about whether they'll love the work, and they worry more about whether it's good experience.
[Steve Ballmer]
Slide 4: He who is hit by a club return, but he who is hit by justice never turns [Jomo Kenyatta]
Slide 5: The white man has the clock, but the African has the time. [African saying]
Slide 6: Be who you are and say what you mean because those who mind don't matter and those who
matter don't mind. [Dr. Seuss]
Slide 7: The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of
everything. [Jayaram]
Slide 8: Honesty without compassion is brutality.[anonymous]
Slide 9: Strive to realize a state of inward happiness, independent of circumstances. [J.P. Greaves]
Slide 10: You cannot be so afraid of failure that you don't attempt to succeed. [David LeGrant]
Slide 11: I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his own opinion, however
different that opinion might be to mine. He who denies another this right makes a slave of himself to his
present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it. [Thomas Paine, 1783]
Slide 12: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. [Steve Jobs]
Slide 13: Free speech exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country
where people are themselves free. [Theodore Roosevelt, 1918]
Slide 14: What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that
they are intolerant. [Robert F. Kennedy, 1964]
Slide 15: Stand on each others shoulders not on each others toes. [Anonymous]
Slide 16: the only way to have a friend is to be one. [Emerson]
Slide 17: Is the grass always greener on the other side? [Anonymous]
Slide 18: Tradition is just the illusion of permanence. [Woody Allen]
Slide 19: He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question
remains a fool forever. [Tom Connelly]
Slide 20: An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. [Mahatma Gandhi]

vi.) Open and close the PowerPoint program 5times using the methods just illustrated
vii.) Make a new PowerPoint presentation using blank new presentation
viii.) Make a 3 new PowerPoint program using templates
ix.) Fill the templates with appropriate messages

i.) Go to power point and use help find out about the various kinds of slide layout
ii.) Make the slides on PRESENTATION 1
You’re required to,
i.) Color the text green, font size 40, font Arial
ii.) Notice the names of people responsible for the quotes above at the end of each quote let those
names appear at the right lower side of your slide, bold then italize and give them font size 20,
color purple
Create the first ten slides on PRESENTATION 1 and use observe them through this views,
i.) Note page view
ii.) Slide sorter view
iii.) Normal view
iv.) Slide show view
i.) Create the first 12 slides on PRESENTATION 1 Add an appropriate chart in slide one, four, six,
eight, ten and twelve
ii.) Animate the slides with the necessary entrance, emphasis exit, and motion paths
iii.) Apply automatic slide transition to the slides so they play one at a time in a smooth continuous
i.) Apply different slide designs to slide 1 up to 20 in PRESENTATION 1
ii.) On slide 1, 5, 8, 10,12 apply as suitable background to them
iii.) Insert a clip picture in slide 3,5,6,10,11 and format the pictures into different colors
iv.) Notice the names of the people who wrote the quotes at the end of each quote, write their
names and insert them as a word art in the presentations, insert them were a heading should be.
i.) Create at least 10 presentations, and insert at least 10 different types of charts

ii.) Format the charts into beautiful colors and fonts
iii.) Format the data in the charts and see what happens
i.) Create slide one to fifteen
ii.) Add a speaker note to your slides each having the name of the person who wrote the quote
iii.) Apply a footer saying; these are wise sayings
iv.) Go to slide show view and move through your presentation
v.) Try using a blue pen to highlight the quote in the show
i.) Using the power point drawing tool create PRESENTATION 2
ii.) Color the presentation
iii.) Animate the presentation so that the different parts of the presentation move individually
iv.) Apply a 3D effect to your picture
v.) Group your presentation
vi.) Animate the “smoking kills” text
iv.) Create a word art in word then export it to PowerPoint
v.) Import a clip art to PowerPoint

DAY 1 Launching/starting ms access
Definition of terms i.) Click the Run command
Database – a collection of data ii.) Type msaccess
or objects related to a particular iii.) Press enter or click Ok
topic or purpose Kinds of databases
Asset tracking, contact management, event management, order
entry, time and billing, resource scheduling e.t.c
Parts of an access application window
- Microsoft office button
- Quick access toolbar
- Title bar
- Ribbon
- Access objects
- Data sheet
- Formula bar
- Status bar
Getting help and assistance
ix.) Click the help button on the far right side of the ribbon
or press F1
x.) Type your question on the word help
xi.) Click Search
xii.) Select from the topic from the options

DAY 2 Creating a new blank database

Definition of terms i.) Start Access.
i.) Table is a database ii.) Click Blank Database.
object used to collect iii.) Type the name you want to give your database in the
and store data relating File Name field.
to a particular subject or iv.) Click the Browse button. The File New Database window
topic. appears.
ii.) A query is a database v.) Locate the folder in which you want to store your
object that you use to database. Note that the name of the file appears in the
ask a question about File Name field.
your database. The vi.) Click OK.
results from a query are vii.) Click the Create button. Access creates the database and
typically displayed using opens a datasheet with the Table Tools available to you.
a datasheet. Creating a new database using templates
iii.) Form is a database i.) Start Access.
object used to display ii.) Click local templates
table data one record at iii.) Choose a template e.g. events, contacts, faculty
a time. iv.) Type the name you want to give your database in the
iv.) Report is a database File Name field.
object used for viewing, v.) Click the Browse button. The File New Database window
compiling, summarizing appears.
and printing vi.) Locate the folder in which you want to store your
information. database. Note that the name of the file appears in the
v.) Data access page is a File Name field.
special type of web page vii.) Click OK.
designed for viewing viii.) Click the Create button. Access creates the database
and working with data and opens a datasheet with the Table Tools available to

from and internet or
vi.) Macro is a set of one or Identifying different types of database
more actions i.) Table
ii.) Query
iii.) Macro
iv.) Reports
v.) Form
DAY 3 Tables – what they are and how they work
Introduction Creating tables
Definition of terms Method 1
a) Field – an element of a i.) Click Create tab
table that contains a specific ii.) On Tables group select the Table command
item of information, such as an Method 2
ID number, name of student Creating tables using templates
e.t.c i.) Click Create tab
b) Record – a collection of ii.) On Tables group select the Table Templates command
data about a person, a place, an iii.) Select a suitable option on the menu
event or some other item. A Adding properties such as name, primary key and additional
record is represented in a row fields in your table
in the datasheet of a table, i.) After creating your table make sure it’s well displayed
query or form. ii.) On the Datasheet tab Views group click on the View
c) Wizard – a Microsoft command
access tool that asks you iii.) Select Design View
questions and creates an object iv.) Type the name of your table
according to your answers v.) Click Ok
d) Datasheet view – a vi.) Enter appropriate field names, data type, descriptions
window that displays data from and field properties.
a table, form, query, view or vii.) Select a unique field and set it as a Primary Key
stared procedure in a row and viii.) Once done go back to Datasheet View to fill in the
column format. in datasheet records
view you can add and delete Closing your table
records. To delete and rename your tables you will need to close them
e) Design view - a window i.) To close your table right click at your tables object tab
that shows the design of a ii.) Select Close from the menu
table, query, form, and macro. iii.) Save the table if it was not saved by clicking Yes
in datasheet view you can Opening your table
create new database access i.) To open your table right click at your tables object tab
objects and modify new ones. ii.) Select Open from the menu
Deleting your table
i.) Make sure you close the table your about to delete
ii.) Select the table of interest at the all tables window
iii.) Click Home tab
iv.) On Records group select the Delete command
v.) Click Yes to delete

Renaming your table

i.) Make sure you close the table about to be deleted
ii.) Right click the table to be renamed at the all tables
iii.) Select Rename
iv.) Type a suitable name
v.) Press enter when done


Definition of terms Changing font types
a) Font – a graphic design i.) Open your table and make sure it’s well displayed
applied to all numerals, symbols, ii.) Click the Home tab
and alphabetic characters. E.g. iii.) On Font group select the bold, italic, size or font
Arial and Calibri (body) fonts command to change the style.
come in different sizes, and Formatting cells
styles. i.) Click the Home tab
b) Freezing a column – ii.) On Fonts group click the Dialogue Launcher
making a column visible at all iii.) Choose appropriate cell effect and background and grid
times no matter where you line colors
scroll. iv.) Click Ok to effect the changes
Changing column width
i.) Point to the right boundary of the column heading until
the pointer turns into a double pointed cross.
ii.) Double click or drag the boundary to the requited width.
Changing row height
i.) Point to the bottom boundary of the row header u want
to change until the pointer changes into a double
pointed cross
ii.) Drag to an appropriate height to accommodate the data
Renaming a column
i.) Double click the field title
ii.) Type a new name
iii.) Press enter
iv.) Or Datasheet tab  Fields &Columns group Rename
Freezing and unfreezing a column
i.) Select a column
ii.) Right inside the selection
iii.) Select Freeze Column
iv.) Or Home tab Records group More Freeze
Replacing record details
i.) Click Home tab
ii.) On Find group click Replace
iii.) In the Replace With area type new data
iv.) Click Replace or Replace All then Close
Navigating through the tables
i.) Click the Home tab
ii.) On Find group click Go To
iii.) Select First, Last , Next or Previous to move to different
Adding and deleting rows and records
i.) Open the table
ii.) On the Home tab Record group select New
iii.) Enter the details of the new record
iv.) To delete a record select the record
v.) Click delete on the Record group

Inserting and deleting columns

i.) Right click the column heading were you want the new
one to be inserted
ii.) Select insert
iii.) Or Datasheet tab  Fields &Columns group Insert
iv.) To delete the column Right click the column heading that
you want to delete then select Delete from the menu

v.) Click yes to delete
vi.) Or Datasheet tab  Fields &Columns group Delete
Definition of terms Filter by selection
Filter – a set of criteria applied i.) Filtering using Advanced Filter
to data in order to show a ii.) Click the Home tab
subset of the data or to sort the iii.) On Sort And Filter click Advanced Filter command
data. In Microsoft access you iv.) Select Advanced Filter/Sort from the dropdown menu
can use a variety of ways to filter v.) Select the required fields by double clicking them
records such as filter by vi.) Enter the appropriate criteria
selection and filter by form. vii.) Click Save
Sort order – the order at which Sorting data
records are displayed are either i.) Click the field you want to use for sorting
ascending (A to Z or 0 to 100) or ii.) Click the Home tab
descending (Z to A or 100 to 0). iii.) On Sort & Filter group click either Ascending or
DAY 6 Creating different queries in design view
i.) Click Create tab
ii.) On Other group select Query Design
iii.) Choose the required table then click Add then Close
when you’re done
iv.) Double click to insert the required fields
v.) Enter the required criteria then click Run on the Results
group of the Design tab
Creating queries using query wizard
i.) Click Create tab
ii.) On Other group select Query Wizard
iii.) On New query select Simple Query Wizard
iv.) Click Ok
v.) Select the source table or query
vi.) Select the required fields then click Next
vii.) Type the query title
viii.) You can choose to modify the query via Design View or
you can open it in to view data
ix.) Click Finish
Creating forms
i.) Click Create tab
ii.) On Forms group select Form command
Formatting your form
i.) Click the Formatting tab
ii.) To change the form font click on a field
iii.) The select the different styles, colors and sizes on the
Font group
iv.) To AutoFormat your form select any autoformating style
on the AutoFormat group
Navigating through the form
i.) Click the Home tab
ii.) On Field group click Go To
iii.) Select First, Last , Next or Previous to move to different
iv.) Or you can use the navigation bar at the bottom of your
Creating reports
i.) Click Create tab
ii.) On Reports group select the Report command
Formatting your report
i.) Click the Formatting tab
ii.) To change the report font click on a field
iii.) Then select the different styles, colors and sizes on the
font group
iv.) To AutoFormat your form select any autoformating style
on the AutoFormat group
Creating macros
i.) Click Create tab
ii.) On Other group click Macro
iii.) Select Macro
iv.) Fill in the appropriate action
v.) Fill In the action arguments
vi.) Click Save command
vii.) Type in the macros name
viii.) Click Ok
Running a macro
i.) Click the Database Tools tab
ii.) On Macro group select Run Macro command
iii.) Select the required macro
iv.) Click Ok


Staff members
James Mamati H. Teacher 36 Male 73738399 33000
Pauline Akinyi Teacher 29 Female 98873849 20000
Jannet Nzimbi Tea girl 27 Female 03749484 8000
Gilbert Emonyi Teacher 41 Male 98763745 18000
Charles Ambani Driver 45 Male 87454849 12000
Dama Akoth Teacher 33 Female 93464785 20000
Alphonse Giwa Teacher 34 Male 84384874 20000
Dennis Kimani Cook 52 Male 36478484 7000
Agnes Mumbi Secretary 35 Female 73876387 10000
Tom Kamae Messanger 34 Male 98737384 8000
Pam Wanjiru Librarian 23 Female 86367438 10000
Fatma Ali Cleaner 44 Female 86537374 7000

Students table
Charles Omondi Form 1 8383 5000 Male
Shem Ochuotho Form 2 7379 23000 Male
Gladys Achieng Form 3 7411 12000 Female

Charity Achieng Form 1 9374 2000 Female
Gilbert Deya Form 2 7636 30000 Male
Clement Nyamwea Form 2 4374 40000 Male
Agnes Karanja Form 4 2274 23000 Female
Phoebe Akoth Form 3 7638 4000 Female
Daniel Nkanuma Form 3 9374 1000 Male
Tomas Olwande Form 4 4533 5000 Male
Mary Mamati Form 2 8376 7000 Female
Gladys Elude Form 1 7838 Female
Elphas Mwendwa Form 2 8937 3000 Male
Gregory Itotia1 Form 3 7364 7000 Male
Grace Mwala Form 2 7744 10000 Female
Joyce Watene Form 4 9037 2000 Female
Judy Atoti Form 1 4523 1000 Female
Eunice Mitiani Form 3 9038 2000 Female
Alice Muthoni Form 4 7363 3000 Female
Thomas Kimani Form 4 6345 15000 Male
Anthony Kamande Form 1 7874 12000 Male
Eliud Ndambuki Form 4 9354 13000 Male
Fenadad Oliech Form 1 1233 18000 Male
Erastus Juma Form 4 6378 1000 Male
Eunah Wakanga Form 3 1342 9000 Female


Assets Table
School bus Mm34 2000000 Good
Desks Mm32 300000 Fair
Seats Mm24 200000 Fair
Buildings Mm23 600000 Fair
Land Mm35 12000000 Leasehold
Cattle Mm45 400000 Freehold
Pick up van Mm53 1200000 Second hand
Decker beds Mm27 200000 Fair
Office furniture Mm11 60000 Fair
Kitchen ware Mm44 50000 Good

Practical 1
i.) Launch and close ms access in the several ways shown by your tutor
ii.) Go to msaccess help and search for the definitions of
➢ Database
➢ Table
➢ Field
➢ Record
Practical 2

i.) Create 5 new databases using a black database. Create a database for
➢ Pumwani national hospital
➢ Mombasa primary school
➢ Jumhuri secondary school
➢ safaricom
➢ Umoja catholic church
ii.) Make 5other databases using database templates
Practical 3
Create a database for Jumhuri secondary school and create three tables then fill in the data In Table1,
Table 2 and Table 3
You’re required to,
iii.) Set a primary key
iv.) Set currency data type on fee BAL and salary
v.) Set the look up wizard on gender
vi.) Set the number data type on Adm no and Id no
vii.) Set the Adm no and the id no so that they only take four numbers only
viii.) Rename table 1 to workers
Use your imagination to create a table for Kenyatta national hospital it has to have two tables staff and
patients, the one for staff should have the following fields; name, salary, position, Adm no, gender and
age. The one for patient should have fields for; name, balance, diagnosis, patients no, gender, weight and
Practical 4
Create table 1, table 2 and table 3
You’re required to;
i.) Change the font types of the table 1 to Arial, table 2 to comic sans ms, and table 3 to bookman
old style and font size 16
ii.) Format table 1 to sunken cell effect, format table 2 to raised cell effect and format table 3
background to color green and gridlines to color red
iii.) Adjust the row and column width of the tables to fit in the data
iv.) Rename the field Adm no. to read serial number
v.) Rename the field position to read job description
Practical 5
i.) Create table 1, table 2 and table 3
ii.) Sort data on table 1 in an ascending manner by the name field
iii.) Sort data on table 3 in a descending manner using the name field
iv.) filter all males out so that we are left with females only on table2
Practical 6
1) Create the following queries;
i.) Students with fee balance of more than Kshs. 20000
ii.) Students with fee balances of less than Kshs. 5000
iii.) Female students in form three
iv.) All male students
v.) Students with names starting with G
vi.) All the candidates
vii.) Teachers in the school
viii.) All employees paid less than Kshs. 15000
ix.) All assets in fair condition
x.) All employees aged more than 35 years
2) All students with balances exceeding Kshs. 30000 are to receive a 40% Bursary create a calculate
query to perform the adjustments
Practical 7
Create table 1, 2, 3
Create the following forms;
i.) Male students form; format it to font size 12,bold the field color the records red, module
ii.) Teachers forms; format it to font size 13, bold the fields and color them green use concourse
iii.) Assets forms; format font size for the fields to bookman old style size 15 color red use windows
vista autoformat
iv.) Students forms; center align the records, color the background yellow, use trek autoformat
v.) Staff forms; right align the records color the background green and the records red, use Arial font
and font size for field should be 16
Practical 8
Create table 1, 2, 3
Create the following reports;
i.) Students report; format it by, coloring the records red with a yellow background
ii.) Teachers report; use paper autoformat
iii.) Assets report; font size for records 16, font color green, font for field Algerian
iv.) Staff report, use module autoformat

Practical 9
Create table 1, 2, 3
Create a macro for opening
Table 1, 2 and table 3


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