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Chapter 1 – General Provisions Article 1768

The partnership has a juridical personality separate

Article 1767 and distinct from that of each of the partners, even in
By the contract of partnership two or more persons case of failure to comply with the requirements of article
bind themselves to contribute money, property, or 1772, first paragraph. (n)
industry to a common fund, with the intention of
dividing the profits among themselves. • Example
Two or more persons may also form a partnership - If A and B form a partnership with X & Co., the property
for the exercise of a profession. (1665a). of X & Co. is not A & B’s property and likewise, A & B’s
property is not X & Co.’s.
• NOMINATE - Since X & Co is a juridical entity, it can acquire any
- There is a name given by the law property since the partners are merely agents.
- Contract of Partnership: CONSENSUAL (meaning it is - Thus the obligations of X & Co are not those of A & B’s.
perfected by both parties) - The partnership of X & Co can file against A & B and be
• PERSONS sued by A & B, likewise, if a third party sues X & Co., A
- Includes not only natural persons but also JURIDICAL & B are not affected.
persons. A corporation may NOT be a partner but it may - The partnership will still be a juridical entity even without
engage in JOINT VENTURES. compliance with A1772.
• BIND THEMSELVES - If X & Co. is exempted from certain things, it does not
- Must be capable and competent, meaning, the following follow that A & B are included.
may are not included: • Consequences of being a Juridical Person
1. Minors - Can sue and be sued
2. Emancipated Minors - Acquire any kind of property
3. Those under civil interdiction – accessory penalty of - Insolvency of a partnership does not mean that the
being convicted of crimes partners themselves are insolvent.
4. Insane persons
5. Incompetent persons (see oblicon notes) Article 1769
- HOWEVER, if the person is only a SUSPECT, he may In determining whether a partnership exists, these
still bind himself into a contract since there is no final rules shall apply:
verdict yet. (1) Except as provided by article 1825, persons who are
• TO CONTRIBUTE MONEY, PROPERTY OR INDUSTRY not partners as to each other are not partners as to
- Makes the contract onerous since this is MUTAL and third persons.
ALL must give either one of the above (2) Co-ownership or co-possession odes not of itself
- Examples: establish a partnership, whether such co-owners or
1. A and B create a partnership with a promise of co-possessors do or do not share any profits made
contributing P10,000 each in cash. A gave his share by the use of the property
while B gave a check worth P10,000. Is the (3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself
issuance a contribution of money? establish a partnership, whether or not the persons
No, unless the check is encashed. sharing them have a joint or common right or
2. Considering the same information above but with B interest in any property from which the returns are
contributing P10,000 in equivalent dollars. derived
No, the contribution must be made using the legal (4) The receipt by a person of a share in the profits of a
tender, in this case, Philippine pesos. business is prima facie evidence that he is partner
- Property contributed may be movable, immovable or in the business, but no such inference shall be
intangible property. (Ex: equipment, land, patents, etc.) drawn if such profits were received in payment:
- If the partnership did not contribute money or property, (a) As a debt by installments or otherwise;
then industry was contributed. (b) As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord
- Note: Contributions may differ for each of the partners. (c) As an annuity to a widow or representative of a
EACH OTHER (d) As interest on a loan, though the amounts of
- The primary objective of partnerships is to make profits. payment vary with the profits of the business
Sharing profits need not be equal. (e) As consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a
- Sharing ratios are determined by the partner’s business or other property by installments or
agreement, and if there was no agreement, then the otherwise. (n)
ratios will be based on the ratio of the partners’
contributions. • Provides the rule in determining partnerships
- Sharing ratios for losses will be the same as the sharing • Example for (1)
ratios for profits. - If A & B say PUBLICLY that they are not partners, then
- The industrial partner shall NOT share in losses. according to A1825, if they told C that they are and C
- The industrial partner is exempt only to the partners but enters into a contract of partnership with them, then A
not to 3rd parties without prejudice to his right. A1816 and B are in a PARTNERSHIP OF ESTOPPEL.
- You can’t join a partnership without the consent of ALL - If A & B inherited land from their parents and
partners. subsequently leased the land out for P50,000/month,
Why? then it can be said that they share profits, but are they in
Because the partnership will need to be dissolved a partnership?
before you are admitted and a new partnership will be No, they are merely co-owners. The P50,000 profit is
made in its place. merely incidental and besides, it was not derived from
- If they bought the land for P1,000,000 each to build a
• Can a partnership be created orally?
house but instead opted to sell it for P2,500,000 then Yes. A partnership may be constituted in any form (as stated
they have a profit of P500,000 but are they partners?
in Article 1771)
No, because even if there was a profit of P500,000, this
• Partnerships are not covered by the Statute of Fraud since
is merely incidental to the sale and not from business
these are not necessarily required to be in writing (contract
operations of A&B.
of partnership can be in any form)
- If the land was instead used to build an apartment that
• If immovable property and/or real rights are contributed to
is rented out?
the partnership, then the contract must be in a public
Yes, because A & B share profits from RENTING, this
instrument (notarized documents)
can be considered as ordinary business operations.
• In order to bind 3rd persons, the transfer of OWNERSHIP of
• Example for (3)
immovable property MUST BE REGISTERED with the
- If a person owns a big tract of land for planting rice and
REGISTRY OF PROPERTY in the province or city where the
entered into an agreement with a farmer that they will
property is located
divide the harvest, is the farmer partners with the owner
• The article shows that partnerships can be perfected by
of the land?
No because of the following reasons:
(1) The farmer had no contribution
(2) The farmer has no say in the disposition of the land Article 1772
Every contract of partnership having a capital of
(3) The farmer has no say in management
P3,000.00 or more, in money or property, shall appear in
(4) In case of loss, the owner shall carry the entire
a public instrument, which must be recorded in the office
burden and the farmer need not pay anything
of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
• Example for (4) Failure to comply with the requirements of the
- A partnership borrowed P50,000 and instead of giving
preceding paragraph shall not affect the liability of the
the creditor a specific amount to be repaid, they agreed partnership and the members thereof to third persons. (n)
that the creditor will receive 1% of the partnership’s
annual gross profit. Is the creditor a partner?
• If the partnership’s capital is P3, 000.00 or more (in any
No because the receipt of share in net income happens
form), it must be in a public instrument, recorded with the
to be because of an existing debt.
SEC and note that property referred to here is MOVABLE
• To determine whether a person is a partner:
since immovable property is covered by Article 1771.
(1) Required contribution
• Failure to comply with the requirements of Article 1772 will
(2) Say in management
not affect the liability of the partnership to 3rd persons.
(3) Share in losses
□ Isn’t this inconsistent with Article 1358?
No, remember that in Article 1358, if the contract terms
Article 1770
exceed P500.00 then the contract must be in writing.
A partnership must have a lawful object or purpose,
This is merely for purposes of convenience and not
and must be established for the common benefit or
validity or enforceability of the law. Also note that
interest of the partners. according to Article 1768, the partnership will still be
When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a
valid and have a juridical entity.
judicial decree, the profits shall be confiscated in favor
□ How do we reconcile this with Article 1358 and 1357?
of the State, without prejudice to the provisions of the Article 1358 is for purposes of convenience and not for
Penal Code governing the confiscation of the
validity or enforceability of the law.
instruments and effects of a crime. (1666a)
Article 1357 states that contracting parties have the right
to compel each other to place the contract into writing.
• The partnership must have a lawful object or purpose
• Purpose of Registration:
- Lawful object refers to CAPITAL
(1) Condition for obtaining a license to engage in business
- Lawful purpose refers to the BUSINESS itself
and in trade
• There must be common interest and benefit (2) 3rd persons want proof that the partnership is existent,
• Unlawfulness of the partnership will cause it to be dissolved who the partners are and what the capitalization is
and profits shall be confiscated before they enter into contracts/engage in business.
• Example of unlawful purpose: (3) The government requires this so that tax liabilities may
- GAMBLING not be avoided (BIR)
A & B are partners where A contributed P100,000 in • Failure to comply with the Article’s requirements will not
cash and B contributes gambling paraphernalia. They prevent the formation of the partnership
were raided and the gambling paraphernalia was • The Statute of Fraud will only apply if there was an
confiscated. Can the P100,000 also be confiscated? agreement made by the contracting parties
No because the P100,000 was not the reason for the
• Example:
crime in anyway. The state is therefore required to return
A and B promise to contribute to their partnership money
this amount to A.
worth P10,000.00 each within one year from their
• Legal effects of a Judicial Dissolution agreement. A contributes early but when the time comes for
- Partnership is considered void from the beginning
B to contribute his share, he refuses to do so. Can A compel
- Profit and instrument of the crime is confiscated
B to give his contribution?
- The only returnable items are those that were never No, A cannot compel B to pay his contribution to the
related to or connected with the crime committed
Article 1771 Because the contract/agreement between the two parties
A partnership may be constituted in any form,
was purely ORAL and never really written, and it has already
except where immovable property or real rights are been one year since they agreed to their contract terms.
contributed thereto, in which case, a public instrument
shall be necessary (1667a)
Article 1773 A contract of partnership is void, whenever
immovable property is contributed thereto, if an inventory
of said property is not made, signed by the parties and (a) Universal Partnership of All Present Property –
attached to the public instrument. (1668a) defined in Article 1778
(b) Universal Partnership of All Profits – defined in
• Refers specifically where one or both of the parties Article 1780
contribute immovable property. The requirements are: (c) Particular Partnerships – defined in Article 1783
(1) The contract must be in a public instrument (2) As to the Liability:
(2) An inventory of the immovable property must be made, (a) General – general partners are liable PRO-RATA
signed by BOTH parties and attached to the public and subsidiarily, sometimes solitarily, with their own
instrument, otherwise the partnership is VOIDED. property/assets if the partnership is insolvent. (may
• Actual Case in Applying Article 1773: include industrial partners)
A and B agree to form a partnership engaging in a fish pond (b) Limited – limited partners are liable only up to the
business where both partners will contribute cash; the cash extent of their contribution
is later used to buy land that is converted into a fish pond. C (3) As to Duration:
comes along and points out that the partnership is void (a) At will – no particular undertaking, can be dissolved
because no inventory of the land was made. Is the at any time
partnership really void? (b) With a Fixed Term – may only be dissolved upon the
No, the partnership is not void because according to the end of its term unless continued by the partners
Supreme Court, Article 1773 need not apply since the land (4) As to Legality of Existence:
was BOUGHT from the CASH CONTRIBUTION. (a) De Jure – complied with ALL requirements
Suppose a partnership contributes immovable property but (b) De Facto – failed to comply with ALL requirements
does not conduct an inventory and enters into a contract with (5) As to Representation to Others:
A. The partnership does not fulfill its obligation to A and A (a) Ordinary/Real – actually exists
sues the partnership. Was A right in suing the partnership? (b) Ostensible/by Estoppel – exists only to partners
No, since the partnership was void from the beginning. A (6) As to Publicity:
should instead file against the “partners” themselves. They (a) Secret – some partners are not known to the public
will be sued under the legal basis of them being partners by (b) Open/Notorious – all partners are known to the
estoppels, as stated in Article 1825. public
If A wishes to be in a partnership with B and promises to (7) As to Purpose:
contribute land but subsequently sells the same plot to C, (a) Commercial/Trading – business transactions
who immediately registers the transfer, who owns the land? (b) Professional/Non-Trading – exercise of professions
C owns the land because A never registered the transfer. • Kinds of Partners:
• Estafa: when the owner of a property sells the same to two (1) Under the Civil Code:
or more different persons. (a) Capitalist – contributes money/property
(b) Industrial – contributes industry
Article 1774 (c) General – liability extends to personal assets
Any immovable property or an interest therein may (d) Limited – liability up to contribution only
be acquired in the partnership name. Title so acquired (e) Managing – manages the partnership
can be conveyed only in the partnership name. (n) (f) Liquidating – responsible during dissolution
(g) By Estoppel – not really a partner
• Being a juridical entity, a partnership can acquire property (h) Continuing – continues business after dissolution
and subsequently become its owner. (i) Surviving – remains after partner’s death
(j) Sub-partner – contracts with partners, Article 1804
Article 1775 (2) Other Classifications:
Associations and societies whose articles are kept (a) Ostensible – active, known to the public
secret among members, and wherein anyone of the (b) Secret – active, unknown to the public
members may contract in his own name with third (c) Silent – inactive, known to the public
persons, shall have no juridical personality and shall be (d) Dormant – inactive, unknown to the public
governed by the provisions relating to co-ownership. (e) Original – member at time of organization
(1669) (f) Incoming – about to become a member
(g) Retiring – about to withdraw
• There is no juridical entity since the members can contract
with 3rd persons in their own name without binding others. Article 1777
• In a partnership: A universal partnership may refer to all the present
(1) The partners are merely agents who cannot act alone property or to all the profits. (1672)
(2) Articles of Partnership are known to ALL partners AND
to the GENERAL PUBLIC. Article 1778
A partnership of all present property is that in which
Article 1776 the partners contribute all the property which actually
As to its object, a partnership is either universal or belongs to them to a common fund, with the intention of
particular. dividing the same among themselves, as well as the
As regards to the liability of the partners, a profits which they may acquire therewith. (1673)
partnership may be general or limited. (1671a)
Article 1779
• Classifications of Partnerships: In a universal partnership of all present property,
(1) As to the Object: the property which belongs to each of the partners at
the time of the constitution of the partnership becomes
the common property of all the partners, as well as all
the profits which they may acquire therewith.
A stipulation for the common enjoyment of any legacy or donation cannot be included in such
other profits may also be made; but the property which stipulation, except the fruits thereof. (1674a)
the partners may acquire subsequently by inheritance,
• Why is the universal partnership of all present property not
• If the articles of universal partnership are doubtful or unclear
popular in the Philippines?
then the presumption is that it is a universal partnership of all
• Property owned at the time of contribution will become profits.
common property of the partnership eventually because only - Because a universal partnership of all profits require
the profits acquired through the contribution will become
less obligations and is less onerous since the partners
common property, unless there was a stipulation that says
get to retain ownership over the property that they
otherwise. contribute.
• Example:
A and B form a Universal Partnership of All Present Property Article 1782
and stipulate that property and profits that are acquired
Persons who are prohibited from giving each other
during business operations will become common property any donation or advantage cannot enter into a universal
even if these were not due to their contributions and that if partnership. (1677)
anyone inherits property, it will become common property as
well. A acquires land as part of his compensation package
• A husband and wife cannot join a universal partnership.
from AyalaLand and B inherits land from his parents. Whose
- They are not allowed to donate to each other and a
property will become common property?
universal partnership essentially requires that the
Only A’s land will become common property because it was
partners donate to each other.
essentially PAYMENT while B’s was inherited. The article
- They can join a particular partnership instead.
prohibits donations to become common property, only fruits
• A partnership formed in violation of this article shall be null
of such can become common property.
and void. It shall not have any legal personality either.
• In a partnership, contributions must be determinate/certain
• Illustrative Case:
and partners are akin to donors. Donations cannot
comprehend future property but profits can be stipulated. A, B and C form a partnership to engage in the importation,
marketing and operation of automatic phonographs, radios,
Article 1780 television sets, amusement machines and their parts
A universal partnership of profits comprises all that accessories, with B and C as limited partners. Subsequently,
the partners may acquire by their industry or work A and B got married and thereafter, C sold his share to A and
during the existence of the partnership. B for a nominal amount. Was the partnership dissolved after
Movable or immovable property which each of the the marriage of A and B and C’s sale to them of his share in
partners may possess at the time of the celebration of the partnership?
the contract shall continue to pertain exclusively to No, the firm was not a universal partnership but a particular
each, only the usufruct passing to the partnership. one.
(1675) • Pertinent Legal Provisions
(1) Article 87: Every donation or grant of gratuitous
• Example: advantage, direct or indirect, between spouses during
Suppose A and B form a Universal Partnership of All Profits their marriage, valid or not, shall be void except
moderate gifts which the spouses may give each other
and A wins in the lotto, P100,000.00. B tries to share in 50%
citing the existence of their partnership and that A used the on the occasion of any family rejoicing.
partnership’s money to purchase the lottery ticket. Can B (2) Article 739: The following donations shall be void:
(a) Those made between persons who were guilty of
really share in the lotto winnings?
No, B cannot since it came from CHANCE, not WORK. adultery or concubinage at the time of the donation
If the P100,000.00 instead came from A’s work in DLSU, can (b) Those made between persons found guilty of the
same criminal offense, in consideration thereof
B share in the profits of A?
Yes, because it came from WORK. (c) Those made to a public officer or his wife,
descendants and ascendants by reason of his
• As long as it is PROFIT, the profit becomes common property
to the partners UNLESS there was a stipulation in their office
Article 1783
• If A and B form a Universal Partnership of All Profits for a
A particular partnership has for its object
Taxi-Cab business and both contribute vehicles that will determinate things, their use or fruits, or a specific
serve as the taxi, what they were actually contributing is the
undertaking, or the exercise of a profession or vocation
USE or the RIGHT TO USE their vehicles. Upon dissolution,
the vehicles will be returned to them since there was never a
transfer of ownership.
• Unique feature of the Universal Partnership of All Profits: • Defines what a particular partnership is
- The partners retain the title of ownership. • Particular partnerships are those that are:
- Neither a universal partnership for all present property
Article 1781 nor a universal partnership for all profits
Articles of Universal Partnership, entered into - Example: Those that are formed for the acquisition and
without specification of its nature, only constitute a sale of property, Accounting Firms, Law Firms, etc.
universal partnership of profits (1676) - Popular because it is easy to join

Chapter 2 – Obligations of the Partners

Section 1 – Obligations of the Partners amongst

• Relations created by a contract of partnership
(1) Relations among the partners themselves
(2) Relations of the partners with the partnership
(3) Relations of the partnership with third persons
(4) Relations of the partners with third persons
Article 1784
A partnership begins from the moment of the Every partner is a debtor of the partnership for
execution of the contract, unless it is otherwise whatever he may have promised to contribute thereto.
stipulated. (1679) He shall also be bound for warranty in case of
eviction with regard to specific and determinate things
• Partnership is perfected by mere consent and if ALL the which he may have contributed to the partnership, in the
requirements are met same cases and in the same manner as the vendor is
• Notwithstanding the fact that the partners have not given bound with respect to the vendee. He shall also be liable
their contributions yet for the fruits thereof from the time they should have
• Example: been delivered, without the need of any demand. (1681a)
A and B agree to form a partnership that will begin on
December 1 and upon the arrival of certain machinery Article 1787
needed by the business. In this situation, are A and B in When the capital or a part thereof which a partner is
already in a partnership? bound to contribute consists of goods, their appraisal
As long as the agreement remains executory, then A and B must be made in the manner prescribed in the contract
are NOT partners therefore there is no partnership yet. of partnership, and in the absence of stipulation, it shall
• Partners may agree to form a partnership to take effect in be made by experts chosen by the partners, and
the future according to current prices, the subsequent changes
• Example: thereof being the account of the partnership. (n)
A and B agree to form a partnership 1.5 years later, with
contributions of P100,000.00 each. A contributes his share Article 1788
early but when the time comes for B to contribute his share, A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum
he refuses and says he no longer wants to partake in the of money and fails to do so becomes a debtor for the
partnership. Can A compel B to contribute his share to the interest and damages from the time he should have
partnership? complied with his obligation.
NO. Because they cannot enforce the contract since it was The same rule applies to any amount he may have
perfected 1.5 years ago and the contract was only oral. taken from the partnership coffers, and his liability shall
Since the contract was for 1.5 years, it was greater than 1 begin from the time he converted the amount to his own
year and should have been written instead. use. (1682)
• The Statute of Fraud does not usually apply but to some
particular cases such as the example above, it will. • Suppose A, B and C are partners. A promises to contribute a
• If the contribution is immovable property, comply with Article RED CAR, B promises to contribute GOODS WORTH
1773 otherwise the partnership will be void. P50,000.00 and C promises to contribute P50,000.00 IN
CASH on October 2011. On October 2011, none of them
Article 1785 comply. What happens?
When a partnership for a fixed term or particular A, B and C thus become debtors to the partnership.
undertaking is continued after the termination of such • Suppose B and C contribute their parts but A does not. Can
term or particular undertaking without any express B and C ask for the recission or annulment of the contract?
agreement, the rights and duties of the partners remain NO. If one of the partners fails to comply with his
the same as they were at such termination, so far as is requirements, then the others can request for specific
consistent with a partnership at will. performance with damages from the defaulting partner A.
A continuation of the business by the partners or • What are the obligations of A before October 2011?
such of them as habitually acted therein during the term, (1) To contribute what he promised
without any settlement or liquidation of the partnership (2) To be held liable to answer for eviction if the partnership
affairs, is prima facie evidence of a continuation of the is deprived of his contribution
partnership. (n) (3) To take care of the contribution with the diligence of a
good father of a family.
• A partnership with a fixed term/particular undertaking is • Suppose A leased the car out and gets it back by December
continued without express agreement 2011.
- Rights and duties remain the same as they were at Then A must deliver the car and the fruits (profits from lease)
termination. to the partnership because there was a delay.
• Example: • Suppose that after A contributes the car, a 3rd person, D
If A and B form a partnership to last until December 30, 2011 claims to the real owner of the car and is able to prove so.
and A is the manager and they share profits 50-50 and after Then A is held liable for eviction because the partnership is
December 30, 2011 they continue with their partnership. deprived for a specific thing. A is also held liable for damages
What happens? to BOTH the partnership and to D.
A and B retain their rights, meaning A is still the manager • What about B? Can the partnership determine the value of
and they still share profits 50-50. the goods he contributed?
• If there was express agreement for the term of existence, In Article 1787, it clearly states that the goods SHOULD be
then when the term expires, the partnership is dissolved and appraised by the partnership. If there was no
becomes a partnership at will agreement/stipulation, then the partnership shall have the
• Continuation is when there is NO settlement/liquidation. goods appraised by an expert.
There must be prima facie evidence, meaning it must be • What if the goods appreciate/depreciate?
seen on first glance. It will be charged to the partnership’s account.
• What will happen if C fails to comply with his obligation?
Article 1786 C will be liable for his contribution plus interest and damages
from the date he was supposed to contribute. The same rule
will apply if the partners take money from the partnership’s
funds without everyone’s consent. He will however, not be
charged for theft or estafa and his obligation will only be to
return the money he took plus interest and damages from the capital, except an industrial partner, to sav4e the
the time he took the money. venture, shall be obliged to sell his interest to the other
• When will a partner be held criminally liable? partners. (n)
Suppose the partners set aside P10,000.00 for payment to
one of their creditors. A takes this amount from the fund and • If there is an imminent loss in the partnership, the partner
is subsequently discovered to have done so. who refuses to contribute additional funds, IF HE IS
- Then A can be charged for estafa since he CAPABLE TO DO SO, shall sell his share TO THE
misappropriated the money ALREADY SET ASIDE. PARTNERS, unless he is an industrial partner.
- Imminent Loss
Article 1789 □ There is a need for the capitalist partners to
An industrial partner cannot engage in business for contribute additional funds to save the partnership
himself, unless the partnership expressly permits him to □ The industrial partner need not do so because he
do so; and if he should do so, the capitalist partners has already given 100% of his efforts
may either exclude him from the firm or avail □ If the capitalist partner is WILLING but NOT
themselves of the benefits which he may have obtained FINANCIALLY CAPABLE, the article will NOT apply
in violation of this provision, with a right to damages in to him because he is already insolvent
either case. (n) - Selling of interest
□ Refusal to contribute additional funds to save the
• An industrial partner contributes his industry partnership means that the partner no longer has
- Partnership has the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to his industry any interest in the partnership
- Prohibited from the engaging in business of ANY kind □ He should not be allowed to reap the benefits that
unless the partnership has expressly permitted him to the other partners have worked hard for because
do so. he had not done anything to help anyway
• Example: □ He cannot complain of being removed from the
Suppose that a partnership is engaged in a automobile partnership because he will be paid what is due to
repair shop. A is the industrial partner (chief mechanic) and him for his share in the interest of the partnership
works only up to 5PM every working day. Can he go home - Agreement that the partner need not contribute
and work on the partnership’s customers’ autos, even if he additional funds in cases of loss
says it to the capitalist partners EVERY DAY before he □ The capitalist partner will not be required since it
leaves? was in their agreement in the first place.
The law says that there must be EXPRESSED permission, □ Note that more contribution to the partnership
in this situation, all A has is IMPLIED permission. The capital would mean you share more in the profits
capitalist partners’ remedy is therefore to either: (only one) but this should be voluntary
(1) Avail of the benefits from A’s “business” • Things to consider:
(2) Exclude A from the partnership and demand for (1) There must be an IMMINENT LOSS
damages (2) The partner who is unwilling to contribute must be
• Capitalist partners are prohibited from engaging in SIMILAR SOLVENT/FINANCIALLY CAPABLE
businesses only. (3) There was no agreement that the partners will not have
• Industrial partners have the same remedies as capitalist to contribute additional funds in cases of loss
partners. • If the purpose of additional contribution is simply to raise
capital, then this article will not apply.
Article 1790
Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the Article 1792
partners shall contribute equal shares to the capital of If a partner authorized to manage collects a
the partnership. (n) demandable sum, which was owed to him in his own
name, from a person who owed the partnership another
• The partners shall contribute to the capital of the partnership sum also demandable, the sum thus collected shall be
as per their agreement, except if there was no agreement in applied to the two credits in proportion to their amounts,
the first place, in which case, they shall contribute equally. even though he may have given a receipt for his own
• Example: credit only; but should he have given it for the account
A and B decide to form a partnership and agree to contribute of the partnership credit, the amount shall be fully
to the capital in the ratio of 60:40, how much should the applied to the latter.
partners contribute to the partnership? The provisions of this article are understood to be
The partners shall contribute in the ratio of 60:40, meaning if without prejudice to the right granted to the debtor by
their partnership capital is a combined total of P10, 000.00 Article 1252, but only if the personal credit of that
then A contributed P6, 000.00 and B contributed P4, 000.00. partner should be more onerous to him. (1684)
A and B decide to form a partnership but did not say how
much the other should contribute, how much should each • A and B are in a partnership where A is the managing
partner contribute to the partnership? partner. C owes A a sum of P5,000.00 and the partnership a
Since the partners did not give any sort of agreement as to sum of P10,000.00. The credit to A is due on September 1
the ratio of their capital contribution, we shall assume that while the partnership’s is due on September 15, both debts
they will contribute in equal proportions, meaning if the are due and demandable. A collects from C a total of
partnership capital is a combined total of P10, 000.00, then P3,000.00 only and A subsequently issues a receipt in his
each partner contributed P5, 000.00. name. Is the partnership entitled to share in the P3,000.00?
Yes but in proportion to their respective debts so A gets
Article 1791 P1,000.00 and the partnership gets P2,000.00.
If there is no agreement to the contrary, in case of • Supposing there was no mention as to who the managing
imminent loss of the business of the partnership, any partner is, will the requisites of Article 1792 still be present?
partner who refuses to contribute an additional share to
Yes, in the absence of information relating to the identity of painted RED. Damages are suffered by the partnership for
the managing partner, the assumption shall be that ALL P30,000.00 due to the repainting. Can A compensate this
partners are managing partners. loss using the profits he earned for the partnership?
• If A issues a receipt on the name of the partnership instead, A cannot compensate it with the profits he earned because it
to whose credit will the P3,000.00 be put? is his obligation to bring profits in the first place. The
The entire P3,000.00 will go to the partnership. responsibility of the P30,000.00, however, may be mitigated
• Supposing the credit of A carries 18% while that of the by the court if by other activities, A is able to bring about
partnership carries only 10%. C pays A and says that the unusual or extraordinary profits, meaning, he may be
P3,000.00 shall be applied to A’s credit. Is the partnership allowed by the courts to pay back just P15,000.00 instead.
entitled to share in the P3,000.00 still? • Follows that if the partner is guilty of fraud or damages, he
No, the debtor is given the right to apply payment to shall be liable for that.
whichever debt is more onerous.
• Things to remember: Article 1795
The two conditions should be both present in order for the The risk of specific and determinate things which
Article to apply, otherwise, the entire amount will go to are not fungible, contributed to the partnership so that
whoever collects payment from the debtor. only their use and fruits may be for the common benefit,
(1) 2 debts and both are due and demandable shall be borne by the partner who owns them.
(2) The one collecting should be the managing partner If the things contributed are fungible, or cannot be
kept without deteriorating, or if they were contributed to
Article 1793 be sold, the risk shall be borne by the partnership. In the
A partner who was received, in whole or in part, his absence of stipulation, the risk of things brought and
share of a partnership credit, when the other partners appraised in the inventory, shall also be borne by the
have not collected theirs, shall be obliged, if the debtor partnership, and in such case the claim shall be limited
should thereafter become insolvent, to bring to the to the value at which they were appraised. (1687)
partnership capital what he received even though he
may have given receipt for his share only. (1685a) • Refers to rules as to who bears the risks made by
• In this case, there is only ONE debt but 2 or more debtors, • If the contribution is determinate and non-fungible but only
both of which are partners. the use is contributed, when it is lost, then the one who
• Example: contributes it is liable for it.
A and B are partners and C owes the partnership a sum of • If fungible things are contributed, the partnership shall be the
P10,000.00. B is the managing partner but A collects his one to shoulder the risks
share in the P10,000.00 and C pays A P5,000.00 to which A • The partnership shall also be the one to bear the risk for
issues a receipt in his name. When B’s turn to collect comes, items brought for sale in inventory for appraisal for the value
C is already insolvent. What should A do? at which they were appraised.
A shall return his P5,000.00 to the partnership and split it
with B because C has already become insolvent. Article 1796
• Take not that whoever collects doesn’t matter as it doesn’t The partnership shall be responsible to every
make a difference partner for the amounts he may have disbursed on
• If you get your share early and the other parties cannot get behalf of the partnership and for the corresponding
theirs because the debtor has become insolvent, then you interest from the time the expenses are made; it shall
must return YOUR share to the partnership so that no one also answer to each partner for the obligations he may
gets more than he should have. have contracted in good faith in the interest of the
partnership business, and for the risks in consequence
Article 1794 of its management. (1688a)
Every partner is responsible to the partnership for • Refers to the obligation of the partnership to the partners
damages suffered by it through his fault, and he cannot • The partners are merely agents so they are not personally
compensate them with the profits and benefits which he liable except if they are at fault or if they exceeded their
may have earned for the partnership by his industry. expressed authority
However, the courts may equitably lessen this • Obligations of the Partnership:
responsibility if through the partner’s extraordinary (1) To reimburse any amount disbursed by the partners in
efforts in other activities of the partnership, unusual behalf of the partnership
profits have been realized. (1686a) - Example:
A partnership borrows from the bank a sum of
• Why compensation will not apply: P10,000.00 for additional funds but cannot pay it
Compensation will not apply because in compensation, you back when it is due to be paid back. A pays back
should be both a debtor and a creditor at the same time. the P10,000.00 using his personal funds. Should he
However, the partner here is only a DEBTOR for damages be reimbursed by the partnership?
and he cannot compensate using his profits and benefits Yes, the partnership should reimburse A for the sum
earned for the partnership because it IS HIS DUTY to do so of P10,000.00 PLUS legal interest starting from the
in the first place. date A disbursed the P10,000.00.
• Responsibility may be equitably mitigated by the courts if, (2) To answer for any obligation contracted in good faith
through extraordinary efforts of the partner, unusual profits - Example:
are recognized/realized. A partnership needs office supplies so B contracts
• Example: for P10,000.00 worth of supplies. Who will pay for
A partnership between A and B is engaged in an autoshop the contract price of P10,000.00?
business. A customer brought his car in to be painted
YELLOW but A bought RED paint instead and the car is
The partnership shall be the one to shoulder the overstep his authority.
cost as it was made in good faith and B did not
If it was stated that the partners cannot contract for A P 30,000.00 3/6 P 7,500.00 - P 7,500.00
more than P5,000.00 worth of supplies and B still
contracts for P10,000.00, how much will the B P 20,000.00 2/6 P 5,000.00 - P 5,000.00
partnership pay?
The partnership will only pay what was allowed, C P 10,000.00 1/6 P 2,500.00 P 2,000.00P 4,500.00

that is, P5,000.00 and B will pay the remaining P 15,000.00P 2,000.00P
TOTALP 60,000.00 6/6
balance since B overstepped his authority. 17,000.00
(3) To answer for risks in management
- Example:
• The same rules shall apply for losses in the partnership’s
A partnership is engaged in selling goods and a operations, however the industrial partner shall not share in
customer keeps asking for discounts and an the losses as there is no way for him to retract his industry
argument ensues between the customer, C and the and in the event of losses, his efforts would have been for
partner A. A gets injured and is brought to the vain and it can thus be said that he has already shared.
hospital. Who shall shoulder the hospital bills?
• What is the legal effect of having a stipulation that excludes
The partnership shall shoulder the hospital bills as it a partner from sharing in the profits or losses?
was during A’s time in managing the business that Under Article 1799, the stipulation shall be void because
he was injured.
there must be mutual sharing of profits and losses.
• Can the partners appoint a 3rd person to designate the
Article 1797
division of their profits and losses?
The losses and profits shall be distributed in
Yes and they will not be allowed to question his decisions
conformity with the agreement. If only the share of each
unless the designation of shares is manifestly inequitable.
partner in the profits has been agreed upon, the share of
each in the losses shall be in the same proportion. • 2 cases where partners ABSOLUTELY cannot question
designated shares by the 3rd parties:
In the absence of stipulation, the share of each
(1) When a partner begins to execute the 3rd party’s
partner in the profits and losses shall be in proportion to
what he may have contributed, but the industrial partner decision
(2) When complaints are raised AFTER three months from
shall not be liable for the losses. As for the profits, the
the point of knowledge of the designation
industrial partner shall receive such share as may be
• Can the partners designate one of themselves to distribute
just and equitable under the circumstances. If besides
profits or losses?
his services, he has contributed capital, he shall also
receive a share in the profits in proportion to his capital. No, the law prohibits this situation because there may be
disparities when it comes to the distribution of net profits.

Article 1798 Article 1800

The partner who has been appointed manager in the
If the partners have agreed to entrust to a third
person the designation of the share of each one in the articles of partnership may execute all acts of
profits and losses, such designation may be impugned administration despite the opposition of his partners,
unless he should act in bad faith; and his power is
only when it is manifestly inequitable. In no case may a
partner who has begun to execute the decision of the irrevocable without just and lawful cause. The vote of
third person, or who has not impugned the same within the partners representing the controlling interest shall
be necessary for such revocation of power.
a period of three months from the time he had
knowledge thereof, complain of such decision. A power granted after the partnership has been
The designation of losses and profits cannot be constituted may be revoked any time. (1692a)
entrusted to one of the partners. (1690)
• 2 Kinds of Managing Partners:
Article 1799 (1) Appointed DURING the Constitution of the Partnership
A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from - May execute all administrative acts unless he acted
any share in the profits or losses is void. (1691) in bad faith. His power may not be revoked unless
there is a JUST and LAWFUL cause and the vote
of the partners with controlling interest
• Lays out the rules in the distribution of profits and losses
- Even if there are objections as to his decisions
• A, B and C are partners with the following capital
coming from the partners, his authority will prevail
contributions, P30,000.00, P20,000.00 and P10,000.00
UNLESS he has acted in bad faith
respectively, where C is a capitalist-industrialist partner. For
- Acts of administration: ordinary business and
one year of their operations, their partnership had earned net
profits of P17,000.00. How shall these profits be divided administrative transactions
among the partners? (C is entitled to receive P2,000.00 out - Why can he note be revoked for no reason?
of the entire P17,000.00) Because if you revoke his power, you are in effect
(1) In accordance with any existing agreement between the changing the terms of the contract of partnership.
partners as to how they shall share. (2) Appointed AFTER the Constitution of the Partnership
- May have his power revoked with or without cause
(2) If there was no agreement, then the partners shall share
on a pro-rata basis - Decided upon by those partners who own
(3) The industrial partner shall get what is JUST and controlling interest in the partnership
EQUITABLE in the circumstances. (BONUS TO
PARTNER) Article 1801
If two or more partners have been entrusted with the
management of the partnership without specification of
SHARE IN TOTAL their respective duties, or without stipulation that one of
CONTRIBUTIONRATIODISTRIBUTABLE them shall not act without the consent of the others,
PROFIT each one may separately execute all acts of
administration, but if any of them should oppose the shall bind the partnership, without prejudice to
acts of the others, the decision of the majority shall the provisions of article 1801.
prevail. In case of tie, the matter shall be decided by the (2) None of the partners may, without the consent of
partners owning the controlling interest. (1693a) the others, make any important alteration in the
immovable property of the partnership, even if it
• Assume that A, B, C and D are all managing partners. A may be useful to the partnership. But if the
appoints E as a secretary but B objects to this. Is the refusal of consent by the other partners is
appointment of E valid? manifestly prejudicial to the interest of the
Yes since majority votes are first counted by head. If C&D partnership, the court’s intervention may be
were the ones to object, and they owned a combined total of sought. (1695a)
51% of partnership interest, then the appointment will not be
valid. However, if B was still the one who objected and he • If there is no agreement as to who will be the managing
owns 51% of partnership interest, the appointment will still partners, during constitution and after constitution of the
be valid because majority votes are first counted by head. partnership, then the assumption shall be that ALL the
• If the partnership cannot make a decision and ends up in a partners are managing partners, without prejudice to Article
tie (head count and interest), then the partnership is to be 1801, meaning Article 1801 will then apply to their case.
dissolved. This will be the only remedy, unless one of the • The second paragraph of this article provides that the
other partners will relent. partners cannot simply alter immovable property owned by
the partnership without the consent of the other partners
Article 1802 because this is NOT an act of administration but of
In case it should have been stipulated that none of OWNERSHIP.
the managing partners shall act without the consent of • Note that consent here is no qualified, so it may be
the others, the concurrence of all shall be necessary for expressed or it may be implied.
the validity of the acts, and the absence or disability of • Example:
any one of them cannot be alleged, unless there is
Suppose A, B, C and D are in a partnership where the
imminent danger of grave or irreparable injury to the managing partner is not specified and A decides to put up a
partnership. (1694) warehouse in a piece of land owned by the partnership
without consent of other partners because he believes it to
• This is a case wherein two partners, A and B, stipulate that be useful and beneficial to the partnership. His partners
one cannot act without the consent of the other. Thus, there come over, once the warehouse is finished, to look at it and
must always be concurrence between the two before any did not object to its existence. Was this valid?
transactions may be entered into, the absence of the other’s Yes, since the partners did not object, then there is IMPLIED
consent shall not be used as an excuse. consent. Since consent was never qualified in the article, it is
• Illustrative Case: assumed that implied consent is enough.
A sold to B, one of the managing partners of Partnership X, Suppose before A builds the warehouse, he asks for the
the other being C, a certain number of mining claims without consent of the other partners, who refuse to give it. When A
the consent of C. In an action by A to recover the unpaid tries to convince them and asks why they refuse to give
balance of the purchase price against Partnership X, C consent, they simply say that they do not want it to be there,
claims that the contract is not binding upon the partnership making their objection manifestly prejudicial, meaning, there
for the reason that under the articles of partnership, there is is really no reason for their objection, what then, is the
a stipulation that one of the partners cannot bind the firm by remedy of A in this situation?
a written contract without the consent of others. Is the A may bring the matter to court. If the court finds the other
transaction made by B binding upon the partnership? partners of having no solid reason to object, it may compel
According to the Supreme Court, the stipulation applies only the other partners to give their consent.
to B and C. A has the right to assume that B was authorized
to complete the transaction. Therefore, the partnership is Article 1804
liable, and since B violated the terms of contract between Every partner may associate another person with
himself and C, he is required to reimburse C for the amount him in his share, but the associate shall not be admitted
C will be paying A on behalf of the partnership, the reason into the partnership without the consent of all the other
being, it would be unfair to C who had no knowledge of B’s partners, even if the partner having an associate should
transaction to have to pay when he never agreed anyway. be a manager. (1696)
• The only instance in which a partner may transact without
concurrence is when there is imminent danger of grave or • Refers to SUBPARTNERSHIP
irreparable damage to the partnership if he does not do so. • A, B and C are in a partnership wherein A is the managing
However, the party involved must be able to prove so else partner. A enters into a contract with D that states D will
he shall become liable for what he has done. receive 50% of A’s share in partnership profits. Can A do this
• Example: even without the consent of the other partners?
A and B are in a partnership where they sell fruits, B notices Yes, because a sub-partnership will not affect the
that the fruits in the warehouse are starting to rot so, without composition of the partnership and D will not be able to
consent of A, he sells them. interfere with the partnership’s management anyway.
This will be alright because if the fruits rot, then it would have • When are you required to share your partnership profits with
been bad on the part of the partnership. 3rd persons?
When you contract with 3rd persons because perhaps in
Article 1803 some past event you needed money and they provided you
When the manner of management has not been with it, and in your contract, it was agreed upon that you will
agreed upon, the following rules shall be observed: share in the partnership profits.
(1) All of the partners shall be considered agents The 3rd person can also opt to receive ALL profits.
and whatever any one of them may do alone
• Can D become a partner without the consent of the other
partners, if he associates with the managing partner?
No, D would need to get the consent of all partners because
• Example:
this would change the partnership composition. A and B are partners engaged in the operation of a cinema
business. The theater was mortgaged to C who foreclosed
Article 1805
the mortgaged debt. A, in his own behalf, redeemed the
The partnership books shall be kept, subject to any
property with his own private funds. Subsequently, A files a
agreement between the partners, at the principal place
petition for the cancellation of the old title of the partnership
of business of the partnership, and every partner shall
and the issuance of a new title in HIS name alone. Did A
at any reasonable hour have access to and may inspect
become the absolute owner of the property?
and copy any of them. (n)
No, the law says that he will only hold the property as the
trustee and will be entitled to reimbursement plus interest
• The partnership books shall be kept in the following places,
from the time he redeemed the property.
in order:
(1) In accordance with partnership agreements Article 1808
(2) If there were no agreements, then the partnership books The capitalist partners cannot engage for their own
shall be kept in the principal place of business of the account in any operation which is of the kind of
partnership (ex: headquarters) business in any operation which is of the kind of
• Each partner will have access to ALL partnership books. business in which the partnership is engaged, unless
• When will the partner be allowed to access the partnership there is a stipulation to the contrary.
books? Any capitalist partner violating this prohibition shall
The partner is allowed to access partnership books during bring to the common fund any profits accruing to him
REASONABLE HOURS OF BUSINESS (8am-5pm), from his transaction, and shall personally bear all the
according to the law. The one who is keeping the partnership losses. (n)
books cannot state when it can be inspected.
• The article is with regards to a capitalist partner engaging in
Article 1806 other businesses.
Partners shall render on demand true and full • Is the capitalist partner allowed to engage in other
information of all things affecting the partnership to any businesses aside from the one he has with the partnership?
partner or legal representative of any deceased partner Yes, as long as the business he engages in is something
or of any partner under legal disability. (n) dissimilar or different from the of the partnership’s.
• What will happen if the capitalist partner violates the law
• The article does not mean that the partners need wait for regarding his ability to engage in other businesses?
demands before disclosing information, when they get hold Then he shall have to bring the profits he gained from the
of the information, they should disclose it immediately, other business to the partnership and be liable for losses
although additional details may be demanded. suffered by the partnership.
• If information is not disclosed and it is found out later on, the • Why is the capitalist partner not allowed to engage in a
partner/s who did not disclose such will be held liable for it similar line of business?
and be charged for misrepresentation. Because he might take advantage of the information in the
• Suppose A, B and C are in a partnership wherein A is sent to partnership or of their clients, resulting in a conflict of interest
inspect partnership property in Mindanao. A realizes that the between himself and the other partners.
property contains oil deposits and does not disclose this • The capitalist partner can engage in a business similar to the
information to B and C. He also lies and says that the partnership if there was a stipulation in the contract of
property is completely useless for their business and offers partnership and if the business he operates exists in a
to buy B and C’s interests in the partnership. When A is the different area or place.
only one holding the business, he develops the land and
gains substantial profits from the oil deposits. B and C later
Article 1809
on learn about the information A kept hidden from them and
demand that they be given their shares in the oil profits. The Any partner shall have the right to a formal account
as to partnership affairs:
question now is, can B and C, after having sold their
(1) If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership
interests in the partnership, still share in the profits?
Yes, they will be allowed to share in the profits because the business or possession of its property by his co-
information regarding oil deposits was present when they
sold their share to A, just that it was hidden from them. (2) If the right exists under the terms of any
(3) As provided by Article 1807
Article 1807
Every partner must account to the partnership for (4) Whenever other circumstances render it just and
reasonable. (n)
any benefit, and hold as trustee for it any profits derived
by him without the consent of the other partners from
• General Rule:
any transaction connected with the formation, conduct
or liquidation of the partnership or from any use by him During existence, a partner is not required to demand for an
of its property. (n) accounting because his interest is already protected by two
Articles of the law, Article 1805 and Article 1806. But for
specific cases, the law provides that he can DEMAND for an
• A partner who receives benefits or profits derived without
consent of others shall account for it as the partnerships. accounting of the partnership books.
• If particular property is mortgaged and foreclose, the partner • 4 Cases where a partner can demand for an accounting:
(1) When he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership
who uses personal funds is able to get the property back will
not become the new owner, he will only be its trustee. operations (business and property possession)
(2) If the right exists under their agreement
• If the partner gets the property back after ONE year from the
(3) Under Article 1807
3rd party involved, then it shall become his as it was a private
transaction, so long as he uses his own funds. (4) Other circumstances which render it just and
(1) DURING operations, the partner’s interest is his share in
Section 2 – Property Rights of a Partner profits and losses
Article 1810 interest is in the surplus of partnership assets after all
The property rights of a partner are: debts have been cleared.
(1) His rights in specific partnership property • Interest can be subject to attachment or execution because it
(2) His interest in the partnership belongs to the partner, not the partnership.
(3) His right to participate in the management. (n)
Article 1813
• The partner has the following rights: A conveyance by a partner of his whole interest in
(1) Right to the ownership of partnership property the partnership does not of itself dissolve the partner,
(2) Right to his interest in the partnership or, as against the other partners in the absence of
(3) Right to participate in partnership management agreement, entitle the assignee, during the continuance
of the partnership, to interfere in the management or
Article 1811 administration of the partnership business or affairs, or
A partner is co-owner with his partners of specific to require any information or account of partnership
partnership property. transactions, or to inspect the partnership books but it
The incidents of this co-ownership are such that: merely entitles the assignee to receive in accordance
(1) A partner, subject to the provisions of this Title with his contract the profits to which the assigning
and to any agreement between the partners, has partner would otherwise be entitled. However, in case of
an equal right with his partners to possess fraud in the management of the partnership, the
specific partnership property for partnership assignee may avail himself of the usual remedies.
purposes; but he has no right to possess such In case of dissolution of the partnership, the
property for any other purpose without the assignee is entitled to receive his assignor’s interest
consent of his partners; and may require an account from the date only of the
(2) A partner’s right in specific partnership property last account agreed to by all the partners. (n)
is not assignable except in connection with the
assignment of rights of all the partners in the • How can a partner convey his interest in the partnership
same property; without getting the partnership dissolved?
(3) A partner’s right in specific partnership property (1) By selling it to a 3rd person
is not subject to attachment or execution, (2) By donating it to a 3rd person
except on a claim against the partnership. When (3) By using it as security on a loan from a 3rd person
partnership property is attached for a • Example:
partnership debt the partners, or any of them, or D offers to buy A’s interest of P50,000.00 for P1,000,000.00
the representatives of a deceased partner, and A agrees to sell his interest. What happens now?
cannot claim any right under the homestead or D becomes the assignee and A becomes the assignor but
exemption laws; the partnership will not be dissolved because his interest in
(4) A partner’s right in specific partnership property profits and surplus is the one being sold. A will also continue
is not subject to legal support under Article 291. to be the partner but D will be the one to receive his profits.
(n) • This is similar to sub-partnerships, so the consent of others
is not required for interest to be conveyed.
• The partners are considered co-owners of specific • The assignee does not have any say in the management
partnership property
• Rights of the Assignee:
• If A, B and C are partners who own specific property under (1) He shall get the assignor’s share in profits/surplus
the partnership’s name, what are their rights?
(2) He may avail of legal remedies of the partners in cases
(1) They can use it for partnership business purposes
of fraud by the assignor
(2) They cannot use it for personal purposes WITHOUT the (3) He can demand for an accounting upon dissolution but
consent of others.
only starting from the date of the last accounting
• Why can’t A simply assign his right with respect to the undertaken by the partnership
partnership’s property? (4) Can ask for the dissolution of the partnership if it has
(1) It doesn’t belong to him
reached the end term or anytime if the partnership is
(2) The extent of his interest with regards to the property one at will, because he is interested in the surplus.
cannot be determined before dissolution
• The assignee, however, cannot become a partner without
• The partnership can altogether assign a 3 rd party with the the consent of the other partners because it will entail a
right to use the property for partnership business purposes. change in the partnership’s composition.
• The right of the partners as to the property is not subject to
attachment unless it is a claim against the partnership due to Article 1814
the reason that any one partner is not the owner of it. Without prejudice to the preferred rights of a
• Under Article 291, the specific partnership property cannot partnership creditor under Article 1827, on due
be used as the subject of legal support because it does not application to a competent court by any judgment
belong to any one of the partners. creditor of a partner, the court which entered the
judgment, or any other court, may charge the interest of
Article 1812 the debtor partner with payment of the unsatisfied
A partner’s interest in the partnership is his share of amount of such judgment debt with interest thereon;
the profits and surplus. (n) and may then or later appoint a receiver of his share of
the profits, and of any other money due or to fall due to
• The article defines what the partner’s interest in the him in respect of the partnership, and make all other
partnership is. orders, directions, accounts and inquiries which the
• What is the partner’s interest in the partnership?
debtor partner might have made, or which the The interest charged may be redeemed at any time
circumstances of the case may require. before foreclosure, or in case of a sale being directed by
the court, may be purchased without thereby causing Any stipulation against the liability laid down in the
dissolution: preceding article shall be void, expect as among the
(1) With separate property, by any one or more of partners. (n)
the partners
(2) With partnership property, by any one or more of • As to 3 rd persons, ALL partners are liable pro-rata and
the partners with the consent of all the partners subsidiary, but as to each other, they are liable in proportion
whose interests are not so charged or sold to their capital contribution.
Nothing in this Title shall be held to deprive a • Examples:
partner of his right, if any, under the exemption laws, as (1) A, B and C are in a partnership where C is the industrial
regards his interest in the partnership. (n) partner and a sum of P26,000.00 is owed to D. A and B
contributed P15,000.00 and P5,000.00 respectively.
• Refers to a partner who obtained a loan from a 3rd person How shall the debt be shared?
and was unable to repay such. As to D, the partners will share equally in the debt left
• For example, PARTNER A failed to pay CREDITOR C a after exhausting all assets (P6,000.00) so they will each
sum of P50,000.00, so C files against A, knowing that A, have to pay P2,000.00 regardless of C being an
being a partner, will receive his interest. C wins the case but industrial partner. If C is insolvent, or if B died, or if A
A is still unable to pay, so C asks that A’s interest be attached has left the country, the liability of the partners cannot
so that it goes to C and cancels out A’s debt. be increased.
- Done to protect C’s interest As to each other, they are liable in proportion to their
- Attached interest can be redeemed using the property of capital contribution, so B and C will be reimbursed by A.
the partners or the partnership’s property, as long as all (2) A, B, C, D and E are sued in court but E is later cleared
partners consent to this, and are given reimbursement of his charges. The court orders A, B, C and D to pay
from the defaulting partner their creditor, but C moves to reconsider that all should
- Amount charged must e sufficient to pay the loan plus be charged, but this move was denied. Can A, B, C and
legal interest D alone be liable for the debt?
According to the Supreme Court, the 4 partners cannot
SECTION 3 – Obligations of the Partners as to 3 rd Persons alone be liable for the debt because in excluding E, they
have increased the other partners’ liability and this is
Article 1815 prohibited by the law. The law states that the liability of
Every partnership shall operate under a firm name, the partners cannot be increased such that they
which may or may not include the name of one or more shoulder the liability of another partner.
of the partners. (3) What if there was an agreement that stated B is only
Those who, not being members of the partnership, liable up to P5,000.00? How will A, B and C share in
include their names in the firm name, shall be subject to their liability?
the liability of a partner. (n) The stipulation shall be void as to 3 rd persons, so they
will still share pro-rata. Anyway, B and C will be
• Firm names are required for partnerships because they are reimbursed by A, because as among themselves, the
juridical persons in need of separate names so that they are stipulation is valid and C is an industrial partner.
distinguishable from the partners and other partnerships.
The name can come from any of the partners or 3rd persons. Article 1818
• If a 3rd person’s name is used with his consent, then he shall Every partner is an agent of the partnership for the
be liable as a partner without the rights of a partner because purpose of its business, and the act of every partner,
the partnership uses his name. including the execution in the partnership name of any
• Partnership name must be registered with the (DTI) instrument, for apparently carrying on in the usual way
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDSUTRY because if there the business of the partnership of which he is a member
was already such an existing name, there might be cases of binds the partnership, unless the partner so acting has
duplication. in fact no authority to act for the partnership in the
• You cannot choose the name of a deceased partner as his particular matter, and the person with whom he is
death caused the partnership’s dissolution. dealing has no knowledge of the fact that he has no
• Sample General and Limited Partnership Names: such authority.
(1) GENERAL – A & Company An act of a partner which is not apparently for the
(2) LIMITED – A, Ltd. carrying on of business of the partnership in the usual
way does not bind the partnership unless authorized by
Article 1816 the other partners.
All partners, including industrial ones, shall be Except when authorized by the other partners or
liable pro-rata with all their property and after all the unless they have abandoned the business, one or more
partnership assets have been exhausted, for the but less than all the partners have no authority to:
contracts which may be entered into in the name and for (1) Assign the partnership property in trust for
the account of the partnership under its signature and creditors or o the assignee’s promise to pay the
by a person authorized to act for the partnership. debts of the partnership
However, any partner may enter into a separate (2) Dispose of the goodwill of the business
obligation to perform a partnership contract. (n) (3) Do any other act which would make impossible
to carry on the ordinary business of a
Article 1817 partnership
(4) Confess a judgment
(5) Enter into a compromise concerning a
partnership claim or liability
(6) Submit a partnership claim or liability to
(7) Renounce a claim of the partnership
No act of a partner in contravention of a restriction (4) Land title belongs to one or more or all of the partners or
on authority shall bind the partnership to persons a 3rd person in trust for the partnership.
having knowledge of the restriction. (n) Only the equitable title will pass to D if the seller had no
authority to sell such to D.
• Qualifies the authority of partners. (5) A, B and C ALL sell the land to D, with the land title
• Authority must be in the usual course of business. belonging to ALL of them.
• Transactions beyond a partner’s authority is binding if it is in Title passes to D because ALL partners sell to him.
the usual course of business because the 3 rd person is
assumed to have no knowledge of his lack of authority. Article 1820
• When are transactions not binding? An admission or representation made by any
(1) When a transaction is not in the usual course of partner concerning the partnership affairs within the
business and has no consent from all other partners scope of his authority in accordance with this Title is
(2) When the 3rd person had knowledge of the lack of evidence against the partnership. (n)
authority of the acting partner
• Anything a partner says or admits, as long as it is concerning
Article 1819 the partnership affairs and it is within the scope of his
Where title to real property is in the partnership authority, is sufficient evidence against the partnership.
name, any partner may convey title to such property by • This article is a rule of evidence
a conveyance executed in the partnership name; but the • In order that admission/representation made can be used as
partnership may recover such property unless the evidence, the existence of the partnership must be
partner’s act binds the partnership under the provisions established and proved first.
of Article 1818, or unless such property has been • Example:
conveyed by the grantee or a person claiming through (1) Partner A borrows money from the bank and declares
such grantee to a holder for value without knowledge that the money borrowed is for the partnership.
that the partner, in making the conveyance, has This statement, made by A, is enough evidence against
exceeded his authority. the partnership and the bank may use this in case the
Where title to real property is in the name of the partnership does not pay back the money borrowed.
partnership, a conveyance executed by a partner, in his (2) A, B, and C are partners. A told D, a 3rd person, that the
own name, passes the equitable interest of the debtor already paid his obligation to the partnership. Is
partnership, provided the act is one within the authority this enough evidence against the partnership?
of the partner under the provisions of Article 1818. YES, since it concerns partnership affairs and the
Where title to real property is in the name of one or partner has authority to say so.
more but not all the partners, and the record does not
disclose the right of the partnership, the partners in Article 1821
whose name the title stands may convey title to such Notice to any partner of any matter relating to
property, but the partnership may recover such property partnership affairs, and the knowledge of the partner
if the partner’s act does not bind the partnership under acting in the particular matter, acquired while a partner
Article 1818, unless the purchaser of his assignee, is a or then present to his mind, and the knowledge of any
holder for value without knowledge. other partner who reasonably could and should have
Where title to real property is in the name of one or communicated it to the acting partner, operate his
more or all partners, or in a 3trd person in trust for the notice to or knowledge of the partnership, except in the
partnership, a conveyance executed by a partner in the case of a fraud on the partnership, committed by or with
partnership name, or in his name, passes the equitable the consent of that partner. (n)
interest of the partnership, provided the act is one
within the authority of the partner under Article 1818. • IN SHORT, notice to ANY of the partners is notice to the
Where title to real property is in the names of all the partnership. (You don't have to notify EVERY partner in
partners a conveyance executed by all the partners relation to partnership affairs).
passes all their rights in such property. (n) • Knowledge of a partner acting in a particular manner
(meaning the partner is a managing partner), or knowledge
• Refers to the conveyance of immovable property of any partner who SHOULD HAVE communicated it to the
• Suppose A, B and C are partners engaged in the buying and managing partner, is knowledge to the partnership.
selling of property, and the following situations occur: • This is so EVEN IF the non-managerial partner does not
(1) A, without authority, sells land to D in the partnership’s communicate the information he knows regarding
name but D immediately sells it to E. The land title was partnership affairs. The partner SHOULD have
originally under the partnership’s name. Can the communicated this. Non knowledge by other partners is not
partnership recover the land? a reason to evade from obligations.
Title passes to D, then to E. The partnership cannot • If notice is delivered to a partner, that is an effective
recover the land once it has transferred to E but if the communication to the partnership, notwithstanding the failure
land was still with D, they could have recovered it if the of the partner to communicate such notice or knowledge to
contract was not binding . the other partners.
(2) What if A sells the property under his name? • Example:
Only the equitable title passes to D. (1) A, B, and C are partners where B is the managing
(3) What if A sells the property and the land title is partner. D, a 3rd person, filed a case against the
registered under his name? partners AND the partnership for some unknown reason.
Title passes to D because land is registered under the Does D need to notify all of them?
partner’s names. This will hold true if A, B and C are co- If this is done, D just needs to notify either A, B, or C,
owners of the land, even if only A sold it to D. but doesn't have to notify ALL OF THEM (imagine if
there are 100 partners, it would be burdensome and
costly to notify all 100). So if A is notified about the
case, that is considered by D as notice to EVERYONE (a) A, B, and C are partners. A made an act of
even if A is not a managerial partner (since A should omission with D as the victim. He caused
communicate this to all partners). P50,000 worth of injury to D. What can D do?
(2) Suppose D wants to sell a piece of land to the D can go to A for the full amount of P50,000 OR
partnership and notifies B (the managing partner) about FROM B OR C.
it, but warns him that the land is under litigation and (b) Can D go to B for the whole e P50,000 since B
there is a possibility of the land to be claimed by E. B is the richest among the partners?
took the risk and purchased the land. Later on, E still This is allowable since the partners have a
claimed the land. Can the partners reclaim this? solidary obligation through A’s act of omission.
Even though ALL partners were not informed about the B will be entitled for reimbursement from the
litigation, the partnership cannot get the land anymore one responsible, A.
since B was informed about it. Notice to B, the acting - Any one of A, B, OR C, or all partners including the
partner, is already notice to the partnership. partnership can pay without prejudice to the rights
(3) Suppose before B became a partner, D was able to talk of partners to get reimbursement from the one
to him about the piece of land under litigation. Later on, responsible for the crime
B became a managing partner and purchased the land (2) A partner, within the scope of his authority, receives
D told him about a long time ago. E won the litigation money or property from a third person and misapplies it.
and was able to claim the land. Can the partnership - Example:
reclaim the land? A partnership is engaged in a pawnshop business.
The partnership cannot get it anymore. Even if D was D, a 3rd person, pawned his watch to A and A sells
not informed WHILE he was a partner, the information it. Who is liable for the watch?
was still present in his mind. The issue here would be: If All partners are solidarily liable to D since A
B can still recall the conversation he had with D before misapplies the watch received from D.
he became a managing partner. (3) The partnership, in its ordinary course of business,
(4) Suppose D informed C (who is not a managing partner) receives money or property from a 3rd person and a
about the land under litigation. Later on, D sold the land partner misapplies it while in the custody of the
to B, the managing partner, without informing him that partnership.
the land was under litigation (take note: the information - Example:
was given to C). Is notice to C, a notice to B? The partnership is engaged in a pawnshop
YES, because C should have communicated the business where it received a watch from D to be
information. pawned. The watch is placed in the partnership
• In cases (2), (3) and (4), the partnership can't file action VAULT. B, a partner, gets the watch from the vault
for damages against D since the "partnership had and sells it. Who is liable for the watch?
knowledge" about the litigation but the partners still took All partners are solidarily liable.
the risk of buying the land.
Article 1825
Article 1822 When a person, by words spoken or written or by
Where, by any wrongful act or omission of any conduct, represents himself, or consents to another
partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of representing him to anyone, as a partner in an existing
the partnership or with the authority of his co-partner, partnership or with one or more persons not actual
loss or injury is caused to any person, not being a partners, he is liable to any such persons to whom such
partner in the partnership, or any penalty is incurred, the representation has been made, who has, on the faith of
partnership is liable therefore to the same extent as the such representation, given credit to the actual or
partner so acting or omitting to act. (n) apparent partnership, and if he has made such
representation or consented to its being made in a
Article 1823 public manner he is liable to such person, whether the
The partnership is bound to make good the loss: representation has or has not been made or
(1) Where one partner acting within the scope of his communicated to such person so giving credit by or
apparent authority receives money or property of with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the
a third person and misapplies it; and representation or consent to its being made:
(2) Where the partnership in the course of its (1) When a partnership liability results, he is liable
business receives money or property of a third as though he were an actual member of the
person and the money or property so received is partnership;
misapplied by any partner while it is in the (2) When no partnership liability results, he is liable
custody of the partnership. (n) pro rata with the other persons, if any, so
consenting to the contract or representation as
Article 1824 to incur liability, otherwise separately.
All partners are liable solidarily with the partnership When a person has been thus represented to be a
for everything chargeable to the partnership under partner in an existing partnership, or with one or more
Articles 1822 and 1823. (n) persons not actual partners, he is an agent of the
persons consenting to such representation to bind them
• In the following cases, obligation is not pro-rata or equal, but to the same extent and in the same manner as though
a solidary obligation. Any partner MAY pay for the obligation he were a partner in fact, with respect to persons who
(Unlike in article 1816, each partner should only pay for their rely upon the representation. When all the members of
SHARE): the existing partnership consent to the representation, a
(1) When by an unlawful act or omission, loss or injury is partnership act or obligation results; but in all other
caused to 3rd person. cases it is the joint act or obligation of the person acting
- Example: and the persons consenting to the representation. (n)
• 2 things being mentioned: - There is an existing partnership, and partners
(1) PARTNERSHIP by estoppels misrepresent themselves together with a 3rd person.
(a) Suppose there is a partnership, X, with
• Personal creditors of partners have BETTER RIGHT than a
partners A, B, and C. D told E that he is a partnership creditor with regards to PERSONAL PROPERTY
partner of A, B, and C. E verified from the of the partner.
actual partners of X partnership if D is really a
partner, A, B, and C consented. E entered in a
(1) A, B, and C are partners. A OWES E P6,000.00. The
contract with D, believing he was a partner.
PARTNERSHIP OWES D P28,000.00. The total
This is partnership by estoppels since A, B, and
partnership assets amount to P40,000.00. Who has
C verified D as a partner. In this case, E can go
better right to the partnership property?
after A, B, and C.
In this case, D, the partnership creditor, has a better
(b) Suppose only A and B consented, is there a
right to the partnership property. When obligation to D
partnership by estoppels?
is paid, what will be left for the partners to share is
There will be no partnership by estoppels since
P4,000.00. If E, the personal creditor of A, demands
only A and B, not all partners, consented to D’s
to be paid out of partnership property, he will only get
P4,000.00 from it since the priority is the partnership
(2) PARTNERS by estoppels
creditor. The P2,000.00 will be paid out from A’s
- 2 or more persons pretend to be partners in the
personal property.
eyes of 3rd persons.
(2) If total partnership assets is only P28,000.00, and the
- Example:
liability of the partnership is P40,000,, how shall the
A, B, AND C said they were partners to D and
debt be paid?
entered in a contract with the “partners”. When it
A, B, and C will have to pay E P6,000.00 each.
was time for them to pay D for their obligation, they
(3) If A only had P6,000.00 of personal property, who will
cannot for the reason that they are not partners.
have the better right to this?
What is their obligation to D?
A’s priority is his personal creditor, E. So D cannot
Their obligation to D will be pro rata, as if they were
collect A’s share of P4,000.00. D cannot, also,
partners (since they are partners by estoppels)
increase the obligation of the other partners to be able
to collect their debt.
Article 1826
A person admitted as a partner into an existing Chapter 3 – Dissolution and Winding Up
partnership is liable for all the obligation of the
partnership arising before his admission as though he Article 1828
had been a partner when such obligation were incurred,
The dissolution of a partnership is the change in the
except that this liability shall be satisfied only out of
relation of partners caused by any partner ceasing to be
partnership property, unless there is a stipulation to the associated in the carrying on as distinguished from the
contrary. (n) winding up of business. (n)
• A new partner admitted to an existing partnership is also Article 1829
liable to the obligations existing before he was admitted, but On dissolution, the partnership is not terminated,
his liability only extends to his contribution to the partnership but continues until the winding up of partnership affairs
UNLESS stipulated.
is completed. (n)
• A new partner is liable to his separate property when the
obligation was incurred when he was already a partner. Article 1830
• Example Dissolution is caused:
A, B, and C are the original partners of the partnership X (1) Without violation of the agreement between the
with contributions of P10,000.00 each. X partnership owes partners:
D P40,000.00. Later on, E entered the partnership and (2) In contravention of the agreement between the
contributed P4,000.00. How shall the debt be paid? partners, where the circumstances do not
P34,000.00 will be paid to D out of the partnership assets, permit a dissolution under any other provision
and the P6,000 will be paid through A, B, and C’s personal of this article, by the express will of any partner
assets. The P6,000.00 will be divided among the 3 original at any time;
partners pro rata. (3) By any event which makes it unlawful for the
business of the partnership to be carried on or
Article 1827 the members to carry it on in partnership;
The creditors of the partnership shall be preferred (4) When a specific thing, which a partner had
to those of each partner as regards the partnership promised to contribute to the partnership,
property. Without prejudice to this right, the private perishes before the delivery; in any case by the
creditors of each partner may ask for the attachment loss of the thing, when the partner who
and public sale of the share of the latter in the contributed it having reserved the ownership
partnership assets. (n) thereof, has only transferred to the partnership
the use or enjoyment of the same; but the
• Partnership creditors have BETTER RIGHTS to partner partnership shall not be dissolved by the loss of
obligation WITH REGARD TO PARTNERSHIP PROPERTY. the thing when it occurs after the partnership
has acquire the ownership thereof;
(5) By the death of any partner;
(6) By the insolvency of any partner or of the
(7) By the civil interdiction of any partner;
(8) By degree of court under the following article.
(1700a and 1701a)
• Dissolution is usually caused by change a change of relation • If there is dissolution, no new partnership business may be
between partners. undertaken
• Upon dissolution, partnership continues until winding up and (1) After the termination of the specific term or
liquidation is completed.
particular undertaking
• CAUSES OF DISSOLUTION: (2) At any time the partnership was a partnership at
(1) WITHOUT VIOLATION OF AGREEMENT will when the interest was assigned or when the
(a) Termination/expiration of term or specific
charging order was issued. (n)
(b) Upon express will of any partner if there is no term
• When can a partnership be dissolved judicially?
or specific undertaking AS LONG AS PARTERS
(1) When a partner is DECLARED insane
ACT IN GOOD FAITH. (2) When he becomes incapable of performing his part in
(c) Upon the will of the partners whose interest is not
the partnership
assigned or charged. (3) Misconduct of a partner prejudicially to the business
- Example: (4) Persistent breach of partnership agreement
A sold his interest to E, and B’s interest is
(5) The business can only be carried out on a loss
charged to F because he borrowed P50,000 (6) Other circumstances:
from him. C and D are the only ones who can (a) Abandonment of the business
ask for dissolution since their interest is not (b) Fraud
assigned or charged. (c) Refusal to render an accounting
(d) Expulsion bona fide of a partner (a partner is (7) On application of 3rd parties’ (who purchased or have
expelled in good faith in accordance with
charged a partner’s interest) right as per Articles 1813
agreement. and 1814
(e) Expulsion has the effect of decreasing the # of
Article 1832
Except so far as may be necessary to wind up
- Example:
partnership affairs or to complete transactions begun
A, B, and C agreed that the term of their
but not then finished, dissolution terminates all
partnership is only until Dec. 31, 2011. A goes to authority of any partner to act of the partnership:
premature resignation (resigns early from
(1) With respect to the partners
partnership). No one can prevent A from resigning,
(a) When the dissolution is not by the act,
but the partners can ask for damages for not insolvency or death of a partner
staying with the agreement.
(b) When the dissolution is by such act,
(3) When it becomes unlawful for a partnership to carry on
insolvency or death of a partner, in cases
the business or partner to carry on his role
where Article 1833 so requires
(4) When specific thing is contributed, and before deliver, it
(2) With respect to persons not partners, as
is lost. declared in Article 1834
- If it is lost after delivery, partnership is not dissolved.
- If use is contributed, it is lost before or after delivery
• General Rule:
(it doesn’t matter when it was lost), partnership is
When partnerships are dissolved, partners cannot engage in
new business transactions because their authority to do so
- If what is to be contributed is generic, and it is lost,
terminates upon the occurrence of dissolution.
there is no dissolution.
• 2 Cases with are Contrary to the General Rule:
(1) During the WINDING UP of Business
Article 1831
On application by or for a partner, the court shall - Transactions relating to the winding up of business
such as the liquidation of partnership assets can be
decree dissolution whenever:
entered into because the partners’ authorities to do
(1) A partner has been declared insane in any
so shall continue.
judicial proceeding or is shown to be of unsound
(2) To complete unfinished transactions during dissolution
- Example:
(2) A partner becomes in any other way incapable of
A and B are in a partnership where they have
performing his part of the partnership contract;
contracted with C to deliver goods in two
(3) A partner has been guilty of such conduct as
installments. B resigns after the first delivery is
tends to affect prejudicially the carrying on of the
made, thus dissolving the partnership. Can A and B
cease to continue with their obligation?
(4) A partner willfully or persistently commits
NO. A and B must continue on with their obligation
breach of the partnership agreement, or
to complete unfinished transactions.
otherwise so conducts himself in matters
relating to the partnership business that it is not • If dissolution is not by an act, insolvency or death, the
authority of partners as among themselves is terminated.
reasonably practicable to carry on the business
- Example:
in partnership with him;
(5) The business of the partnership can only be A partnership was dissolved due to the expiration of the
term. If C transacts with D after this and he defaults, he
carried on at a loss
will be the only one liable AS TO THE PARTNERS. If A
(6) Other circumstances that will render dissolution
equitable & B are to pay D, C shall reimburse them.
On the application of the purchaser of a partner’s
Article 1833
interest under Article 1813 or 1814:
Where the dissolution is caused by the act, death or
insolvency of a partner, each partner is liable to his co-
partners for his share of any liability created by any
partner acting for the partnership as if the partnership
had not been dissolved unless:
(1) The dissolution being by act of any partner, the (2) The dissolution being by death or insolvency of a
partner acting for the partnership had partner, the partner acting for the partnership
knowledge of the dissolution
had knowledge or notice of the death or act is appropriate for winding up partnership
insolvency affairs; or
(2) Where the partner has become insolvent; or
• If dissolution is caused by an act, insolvency or death, then (3) Where the partner had no authority to wind up
each partner shall share in the liability of the partnership due partnership affairs; except by a transaction with
to the actions of a partner, unless he had knowledge of an one who –
act, insolvency or death, or notice of the insolvency or death. (a) Had extended credit to the partnership prior
• Example: to dissolution and had no knowledge or
(1) B told A that he is resigning TODAY. The partnership is notice of his want of authority; or
thus dissolved. Should A enter into a contract with D, (b) Had not extended credit to the partnership
who shall be liable? prior to dissolution, and, having no
As among themselves, only A because he had knowledge or notice of his want of
knowledge of B’s resignation, thus knowing that they are authority, the fact of his want of authority
no longer in a partnership. has not been advertised in the manner
(2) If B texts his resignation to A because A is in Mindanao provided for advertising the fact of
and A contracts with D, was his authority terminated dissolution in the first paragraph, No. 2 (b).
when the text arrived? Nothing in this article shall affect the liability under
No, A’s authority was not terminated as he has only article 1825 of any person who after dissolution
received a NOTICE. Mere notice cannot terminate the represents himself or consents to another representing
authority of partners because the grounds are BY AN him as a partner in a partnership engaged in carrying on
ACT, and because of this it should be PERSONALLY business (n)
KNOWN by the acting partner.
(3) If C texts A that B had died, does their authority • Partners may still bind the partnership to transactions even
terminate once A gets the text message? after dissolution if the transactions are with respect to the
Their authority is terminated because in this case, the winding up or the completion of unfinished transactions.
cause of dissolution is death. Mere notice is sufficient to • The transaction will be binding if:
terminate authority if the grounds are due to the (1) Credit was extended without knowledge of the
insolvency or to the death of a partner. dissolution before the dissolution
(2) No credit was extended but there was knowledge of the
Article 1834 partnership’s existence and none of the dissolution
After dissolution, a partner can bind the • The partnership is required to have the dissolution be
partnership, except as provided in the third paragraph of announced in general circulation newspapers of the place of
this article: operations. As long as they do this, then it is sufficient notice
(1) By an act appropriate for winding up to all third persons. (If you don’t read broadsheets, that’s
partnership affairs or completing transactions your fault, not the partnership’s)
unfinished at dissolution • Liabilities shall be satisfied out of partnership assets alone if
(2) By any transaction which would bind the the partner being dealt with is a DORMANT partner.
partnership is dissolution had not taken place, • Upon dissolution, the partnership is no longer bound by
provided the other party to the transaction: transactions :
(a) Had extended credit to the partnership prior (1) When it becomes unlawful to carry on the business
to dissolution and had no knowledge or (2) Insolvency of a partner
notice of the dissolution; or (3) Unauthorized winding up, except when
(b) Though he had not so extended credit, had (a) Credit was extended and there was no knowledge
nevertheless known of the partnership prior of the lack of authority
to dissolution, and, having no knowledge or (b) No credit was extended and there was no
notice of dissolution, the fact of dissolution knowledge of the dissolution because there was no
had not been advertised in a newspaper of advertisement of such
general circulation in the place (or in each
• In the case wherein “A” still represents himself as a partner
place if more than one) at which the even if the partnership has already been dissolved, then he
partnership was regularly carried on. is a PARTNER BY ESTOPPEL.
The liability of a partner under the first paragraph,
No. 2, shall be satisfied out of partnership assets alone Article 1835
when such partner had been prior to dissolution: The dissolution of the partnership does not of itself
(1) Unknown as a partner to the person with whom discharge the existing liability of any partner.
the contract is made; and A partner is discharged from any existing liability
(2) So far unknown and inactive in partnership upon dissolution of the partnership by an agreement to
affairs that the business reputation of the that effect between himself, the partnership creditor and
partnership could not be said to have been in the person or partnership continuing the business; and
any degree due to his connection with it such agreement may be inferred from the course of
The partnership is in no case bound by any act of a dealing between the creditor having knowledge of the
partner after dissolution: dissolution and the person or partnership continuing
(1) Where the partnership is dissolved because it is the business.
unlawful to carry on the business, unless the The individual property of a deceased partner shall
be liable for all obligations of the partnership incurred
while he was a partner, but subject to the prior payment
of his separate debts. (n)

• Dissolution does not discharge the partnership and/or the

partners from existing liabilities
Suppose A, B and C are in a partnership (X & Co.) and owe manner indemnify him against all present or
D a sum of P 26,000.00. Total partnership assets equate to future partnership liabilities.
a sum of P 20,000.00. (3) A partner who has caused the dissolution
(1) What if C dies and his total assets are worth P2,000.00? wrongfully shall have:
The law says that C’s individual property shall be used (a) If the business is not continued under the
to clear his liabilities when he was still alive. In all cases, provisions of the second paragraph, No. 2,
the PERSONAL CREDITOR has priority. all the rights of a partner under the first
(2) What if A resigns? Can he ask to be discharged from his paragraph, subject to liability for damages
obligation to pay D? in the second paragraph, No. 1 (b), of this
A can only be discharged from his obligation to pay D article.
the sum of P2,000.00 if it was agreed upon by all (b) If the business is continued under the
concerned parties. Agreement can be EXPRESSED or second paragraph, No. 2, of this article, the
IMPLIED, based on our interpretation of the law. right as against his co-partners and all
claiming through them in respect of their
Article 1836
interests in the partnership, to have the
Unless otherwise agreed, the partners who have not
value of his interest in the partnership, less
wrongfully dissolved the partnership or the legal
any damage caused to his co-partners by
representative of the last surviving partner, not the dissolution ascertained and paid to him
insolvent, has the right to wind up the partnership
in cash, or the payment secured by a bond
affairs, provided, however, that any partner, his legal
approved by the court, and to be released
representative or his assignee, upon cause shown, may from all existing liabilities of the
obtain winding up by the court. (n)
partnership; but in ascertaining the value of
the partner’s interest the value of the
• Who can wind up partnership affairs? goodwill of the business shall not be
(1) Whoever is so assigned by the agreement
considered. (n)
(2) Partners who did not wrongfully cause the dissolution
(3) Legal representatives of the last surviving partner (who
• Suppose there is a situation wherein A, B and C are in a
is not insolvent) partnership, X & Co., with total assets of P 26,000.00 and
(4) The court in a judicial winding up of partnership affairs.
liabilities to D amounting to P 20,000.00. If the partnership is
Article 1837 naturally, the liability will be cleared because the partnership
When dissolution is caused in any way, except in assets are more than enough, and the surplus will be given
contravention of the partnership agreement, each to each of the partners in proportion to their interest in the
partner, as against his co-partners and all persons partnership or as per their agreement.
claiming through them in respect of their interests in the • What if the partnership was dissolved due to EXPULSION?
partnership, unless otherwise agreed, may have the Suppose that A was the one expelled from the partnership,
partnership property applied to discharge its liabilities, then he can only get a share in the NET PROCEEDS of the
and the surplus applied to pay in cash the net amount surplus that would have originally been his.
owing to the respective partners. But if dissolution is • What if the partnership was dissolved due to VIOLATION
caused by expulsion of a partner, bona fide under the OF AGREEMENTS?
partnership agreement and if the expelled partner is Determine the rights of the INNOCENT and GUILTY parties.
discharged from all partnership liabilities, either by Suppose that in this situation, A was the one guilty of
payment or agreement under the second paragraph of violating an agreement. Then B and C will be allowed the
Article 1835, He shall receive in cash only the net following rights:
amount due him from the partnership. (1) Apply partnership assets to partnership liabilities and
When dissolution is caused in contravention of the distribute the cash surplus amongst themselves.
partnership agreement the rights of the partners shall be (2) To be indemnified for the damages that A has caused.
as follows: (3) To continue the business up to the agreed term.
(1) Each partner who has not caused dissolution (4) To possess partnership property.
wrongfully shall have: While A will have the following rights:
(a) All the rights specified in the first (1) Partners decide not to continue the business
paragraph of this article, and (a) Right to claim his share in the cash surplus, but
(b) The right, as against each partner who only the net proceeds of such meaning, the cash
caused the dissolution wrongfully to surplus less damages.
damages for breach of the agreement (2) Continue the business
(2) The partners who have not caused the (a) Ascertain his interest in the business.
dissolution wrongfully, if they all desire to (b) Freedom from existing and future liabilities of the
continue the business in the same name either partnership.
by themselves or jointly with others, may do so,
during the agreed term for the partnership and Article 1838
for that purpose may possess the partnership Where a partnership contract is rescinded on the
property, provided they secure the payment by ground of the fraud or misrepresentation of one of the
bond approved by the court, or pay to any parties thereto, the party entitled to rescind is, without
partner who has caused the dissolution prejudice to any other right, entitled:
wrongfully, the value of his interest in the (1) To a lien on, or right of retention of, the surplus
partnership at the dissolution, less any of the partnership property after satisfying the
damages recoverable under the second partnership liabilities to third persons for any
paragraph, No. 1 (b) of this article, and in like sum of money paid by him for the purchase of
an interest in the partnership and for any capital (2) To stand, after all liabilities to third persons have
or advances contributed by him; been satisfied, in the place of the creditors of the
partnership for any payments made by him in (b) Those owing to partnership creditors
respect of the partnership liabilities; and (c) Those owing to partners by way of
(3) To be indemnified by the person guilty of the contribution (n)
fraud or making the representation against all
debts and liabilities of the partnership. (n) • Considers the case of liquidation and the distribution of
partnership assets
• Considers a case wherein a partner was induced to join the • Liquidation is when all the assets of the partnership is
partnership by means of fraud or misrepresentation converted to cash.
• The victim can ask for the recision or restitution of the • Total assets will include GOODWILL as well as the original
contract of partnership (return of all his contributions) CONTRIBUTIONS of the partners.
• He has the right to the surplus for certain purposes • Order of payment during liquidation:
• He has the rights of a 3rd person or a subrogated creditor (1) 3rd persons/outside creditors
after the liabilities have already been paid to recollect what (2) Partner creditors (partners who have claims)
he paid when he entered into the partnership. (3) Normal partners (all partners)
• He is entitled to be indemnified for all debts and liabilities (a) In accordance with the agreement
that he paid for during his time in the partnership. (b) In proportion to their contribution
Article 1839 Article 1840
In settling accounts between the partners after In the following cases, creditors of the dissolved
dissolution, the following rules shall be observed, partnership are also creditors of the person or
subject to any agreement to the contrary: partnership continuing the business:
(1) The assets of the partnership are: (1) When any new partner is admitted into an
(a) The partnership property existing partnership, or when any partner
(b) The contributions of the partners necessary retires and assigns (or the representative of the
for the payment of all the liabilities deceased partner assigns) his rights in
specified in No. 2 partnership property to two or more of the
(2) The liabilities of the partnership shall rank in partners, or to one or more of the partners and
order of payment, as follows: one or more third persons, if the business is
(a) Those owing to creditors other than continued without liquidation of the partnership
partners affairs;
(b) Those owing to partners other than for (2) When all but one partner retire and assign (or
capital and profits the representative of a deceased partner
(c) Those owing to partners in respect of assigns) their rights in partnership property to
capital the remaining partner, who continues the
(d) Those owing to partners in respect of business without liquidation of partnership
profits affairs, either alone or with others;
(3) The assets shall be applied in the order of their (3) When any partner retires or dies and the
declaration in No. 1 of this article to the business of the dissolved partnership is
satisfaction of the liabilities continued as set forth in Nos. 1 and 2 of this
(4) The partners shall contribute, as provided by article, with the consent of the retired partner or
Article 1797, the amount necessary to satisfy the representative of the deceased partner, but
the liabilities without any assignment of his right in
(5) An assignee for the benefit of the cr4editor or partnership property;
any person appointed by the court shall have (4) When all the partners or their representatives
the right to enforce the contributions specified assign their rights in partnership property to
in the preceding number. one or more third persons who promise to pay
(6) Any partner or his legal representative shall the debts and who continue the business of the
have the right to enforce the contributions dissolved partnership;
specified in No. 4, to the extent of the amount (5) When any partner wrongfully causes a
which he has paid in excess of his share of the dissolution and the remaining partners continue
liability. the business under the provisions of Article
(7) The individual property of a deceased partner 1837, second paragraph, No. 2, either alone or
shall be liable for the contributions specified in with others, and without liquidation of the
No. 4 partnership affairs;
(8) When partnership property and the individual (6) When a partner is expelled and the remaining
properties of the partners are in possession of a partners continue the business either alone or
court for distribution, partnership creditors with others without liquidation of the
shall have priority on partnership property and partnership affairs.
separate creditors on individual property, The liability of a third person becoming a partner in
saving the rights of lien or secured creditors the partnership continuing the business, under this
(9) Where a partner has become insolvent or his article, to the creditors of the dissolved partnership
estate is insolvent, the claims against his shall be satisfied out of the partnership property only,
separate property shall rank in the following unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
order: When the business of a partnership after
(a) Those owing to separate creditors dissolution is continued under any conditions set forth
in this article, the creditors of the dissolved partnership,
as against the separate creditors of the retiring or
deceased partner or the representative of the deceased
partner, have a prior right to any claim of the retired
partner or the representative of the deceased partner business, on account of the retired or deceased partner’s
against the person or partnership continuing the interest in the dissolved partnership or on account of any
consideration promised for such interest or for his right • Who can demand to know how much his interest is in the
in partnership property. partnership and from whom?
Nothing in this article shall be held to modify any All involved parties can demand to know how much his
right of creditors to set aside any assignment on the interest is. He can demand to know these from the
ground of fraud. SURVIVING, CONTINUING and WINDING UP partners.
The use by the person or partnership continuing the
business of the partnership name, or the name of a CHAPTER 4 – LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
deceased partner as part thereof, shall not of itself make
the individual property of the deceased partner liable for Article 1843
any debts contracted by such person or partnership. (n) A limited partnership is one formed by two or more
persons under the provisions of the following article,
• Explains the rights of the creditor in case of partnership having as members one or more general partners and
dissolution because of membership changes and the one or more limited partners. The limited partners as
business is continued without liquidation. such shall not be bound by the obligations of the
• The membership changes include RETIREMENT, partnership.
• Note that the creditor of the OLD partnership will still be the • Defines what a limited partnership is.
creditor of the NEW partnership if there is still an old • It is sufficient that there is 1 general and 1 limited partner in
partner/original partner with the NEW partnership. (debt will a limited partnership.
not be cleared or discharged) • The reason for the existence of a limited partnership is to
• The creditor will continue to be the creditor of the address the needs of all those who wish to join a partnership
remaining/new partnership in all cases except when: without the risk of losing any personal property.
(1) Rights are assigned to other people (no old partners) • Characteristics:
(2) Unless there is a promise to pay debt from the new (1) Comply with the statutory requirements of Article 1824
partners or if the creditor can set aside the right of the (2) General partners control the partnership and are
new partners on the ground of fraud. personally liable for partnership debts.
(3) Limited partners contribute capital and are not liable
Article 1841 personally for partnership debts.
When any partner retires or dies, and the business
is continued under any of the conditions set forth in the Article 1844
preceding article, or in Article 1837, second paragraph, Two or more persons desiring to form a limited
No. 2, without any settlement of accounts as between partnership shall:
him or his estate and the person or partnership (1) Sign and swear to a certificate, which shall state
continuing the business, unless otherwise agreed, he or (a) The name of the partnership, adding thereto
his legal representative as against such person or the word “Limited”
partnership may have the value of his interest at the (b) The character of the business
date of dissolution ascertained, and shall receive as an (c) The location of the principal place of
ordinary creditor an amount equal to the value of his business
interest in the dissolved partnership with interest, or, at (d) The name and place of residence of each
his option or at the option of his legal representative, in member, general and limited partners being
lieu of interest, the profits attributable to the use of his respectively designated
right in the property of the dissolved partnership; (e) The term for which the partnership is to
provided that the creditors of the dissolved partnership exist
as against the separate creditors, or the representative (f) The amount of cash and a description of
of the retired or deceased partner, shall have priority on and the agreed value of the other property
any claim arising under this article, providing by Article contributed by each limited partner
1840, third paragraph. (n) (g) The additional contributions, if any, to be
made by each limited partner and the times
• Suppose that A retires but B and C continue the business at which or events on the happening of
without liquidation. What are the rights of A? which they shall be made
The rights of A are as follows: (h) The time, if agreed upon, when the
(1) That his interest be ascertained as of dissolution date contribution of each limited partner is to be
(2) Collect his interest in the partnership plus interest or returned
profits by the use of his right to these as a creditor (i) The share of the profits or the other
If A dies, and the same situation occurs (he did not retire), compensation by way of income which
then his legal representatives have the same rights as each limited partner shall receive by reason
mentioned above. of his contribution
(j) The right, if give, of a limited partner to
Article 1842 substitute an assignee as contributor in his
The right to an account of his interest shall accrue place, and the terms and conditions of the
to any partner, or his legal representative as against the substitution
winding up partners or the surviving partners or the (k) The right, if given, of the partners to admit
person or partnership continuing the business, at the additional limited partners
date of dissolution, in the absence of any agreement to (l) The right, if given, of one or more of the
the contrary. (n) limited partners to priority over other
limited partners, as to contributions or as to
compensation b way of income, and the
nature of such priority
(m) The right, if given, of the remaining general interdiction, insanity or insolvency of a
partner or partners to continue the general partner
business on the death, retirement, civil
(n) The right, if given, of a limited partner to If the certificate contains a false statement, one who
demand and receive property other than suffers loss by reliance on such statement may hold
cash in return for his contribution liable any party to the certificate who knew the
(2) File for record the certificate in the Office of the statement to be false:
Securities and Exchange Commission. (1) At the time he signed the certificate
A limited partnership is formed if there has been (2) Subsequently, but within a sufficient time before
substantial compliance in good faith with the foregoing the statement was relied upon to enable him to
requirements. cancel or amend the certificate, or to file a
petition for its cancellation or amendment as
• Two requirements in a limited partnership: provided in Article 1865.
(1) Sign and swear to a certificate containing the data
mentioned in the article (a) to (n) • If there are false statements in the certification and 3 rd
(2) Have the certificate recorded with the SEC persons should suffer loss due to these, then he can hold
• Can a limited partnership be formed orally? liable all those who had knowledge of the false statement at
No. A limited partnership contract is not perfected by mere the time certification was signed.
agreement as it requires formal proceedings. • The same shall apply if the partners concerned had sufficient
• Partnership must SUBSTANTIALLY comply with the time to have the certificate cancelled but did not do so.
• What if the partnership does not comply with the Article 1848
requirements? Will it be void? A limited partner shall not become liable as a
No, it will only become a GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. general partner unless, in addition to the exercise of his
• Why is it that the certificate must be registered? rights and powers as a limited partner, he takes part in
Registration is the notice, to all 3rd persons who will be the control of the business.
dealing with or are dealing with the partnership, that there
are partners with limited liability. • The limited partner who, aside from his powers, participates
• The presumption is that when a partnership deals with a 3rd in the management of the partnership becomes liable as a
person, the partnership is a GENERAL partnership. general partner.

Article 1845 Article 1849

The contributions of a limited partner may be cash After the formation of a limited partnership,
or other property, but not services. additional limited partners may be admitted upon filing
an amendment to the original certificate in accordance
• Limited partners can only contribute cash or other property, with the requirements of Article 1865.
not services because if he does so, then he shall become a
GENERAL INDUSTRIAL PARTNER. • Suppose that in a limited partnership, there are only 2
• Contribution must be given immediately. If he has promised general partners and 1 limited partner. Can you add another
additional contribution, then it should be given on the date limited partner?
promised or agreed upon. Yes, amend the certificate under Article 1865 and do so.

Article 1846 Article 1850

The surname of a limited partner shall not appear in A general partner shall have all the rights and
the partnership name unless: powers and be subject to all the restrictions and
(1) It is also the surname of a general partner liabilities of a partner in a partnership without limited
(2) Prior to the time when the limited partner partners. However, without the written consent or
became such, the business had been carried on ratification of the specific act by all the limited partners,
under a name in which his surname appeared a general partner or all of the general partners have no
A limited partner whose surname appears in a authority to:
partnership name contrary to the provisions of the first (1) Do any act in contravention of the certificate
paragraph is liable as a general partner to partnership (2) Do any act which would make it impossible to
creditors who extend credit to the partnership without carry on the ordinary business of the
actual knowledge that he is not a general partner. partnership
(3) Confess a judgment against the partnership
• The surname of the limited partner should not appear except (4) Possess partnership property, or assign their
if it is also the surname of a general partner or if at the time rights in specific partnership property, for other
of his admission, it was already being used. than a partnership purpose
• If the limited partner allows that his surname be used, then (5) Admit a person as a general partner
he shall be held liable as a general partner as to 3rd persons (6) Admit a person as a limited partner, unless the
who extended credit not knowing he was a limited partner. right to do so is given in the certificate
• If the creditor has knowledge of his being a limited partner, (7) Continue the business with partnership
then this rule shall not apply. property on the death, retirement, insanity, civil
interdiction or insolvency of a general partner,
Article 1847 unless the right to do so is given in the

• Refers to the power, liabilities and limitations of general

partners in a limited partnership.
• A general partner has the same rights, powers and
limitations in a limited partnership as when he would have
been in a general partnership.
• A general partner, without written consent from ALL limited (1) Do any act in contravention of the certificate
partners, cannot:
(2) Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on
• Suppose A, B and C form a limited partnership, with C being
the ordinary business of the partnership the limited partner with a contribution of P20,000.00. The
(3) Confess a judgment against the partnership
certificate that they sign says that C is a general partner.
(4) Possess partnership property, or assign their rights in
What, then, if C, believing himself to be a limited partner,
specific partnership property begins to exercise his rights as such?
(5) Admit a person as a general partner C cannot be held liable, as a general partner, if upon his
(6) Admit a person as a limited partner, unless the right to
realization of the error, he promptly renounces his
do so is given in the certificate involvement with the partnership, except:
(7) Continue the business with partnership property on the (1) If he participates in the management of the partnership
death, retirement, insanity, civil interdiction or insolvency
(2) If his surname is used in the partnership name
of a general partner, unless the right to do so is given in
• Consider the situation above, but this time, C’s name is not
the certificate
mentioned at all. What happens then?
• If there are 100 general partners and 1 dies, the partnership If that is the case, then there is no limited partnership
will be dissolved. However, this rule will not apply in the case because there is no limited partner mentioned .
of limited partners. If there are 5 limited partners and 1 dies,
• The law anticipates a situation where in the person is a
then the partnership will still continue.
limited partner but his name is not mentioned as such or not
• A limited partnership will continue (not dissolve) even in mentioned at all in the certificate.
cases of the death of a limited partner as long as there is still
ONE surviving limited partner in the partnership. Article 1853
A person may be a general partner and a limited
Article 1851 partner in the same partnership at the same time,
A limited partner shall have the same rights as a
provided that this fact shall be stated in the certificate
general partner to: provided for in Article 1844.
(1) Have the partnership books kept at the principal A person who is a general, and also at the same
place of business of the partnership, and at a
time a limited partner, shall have all the rights and
reasonable hour to inspect and copy any of powers and be subject to all the restrictions of a general
them partner; except that, in respect to his contribution, he
(2) Have on demand true and full information of all shall have the rights against the other members which
things affecting the partnership, and a formal he would have had if he were not also a general partner.
account of partnership affairs whenever
circumstances render it just and reasonable • A partner can be a limited and general partner at the same
(3) Have dissolution and winding up by decree of time provided that this fact is STATED IN THE CERTIFICATE
court that he signs.
A limited partner shall have the right to receive a
• Who are they to 3rd persons then?
share of the profits or other compensation by way of
They are general partners as to 3rd persons but as amongst
income and to the return of his contribution as provided
the partners themselves, they are seen as limited partners
in Articles 1856 and 1857.
with regards to their contribution.
• This Article is important as far as the limited partner is Article 1854
concerned as it shows them what rights they have.
A limited partner also may loan money to and
• A limited partner is given the same rights as the general transact with other businesses with the partnership,
partner, that is: and, unless he is also a general partner, receive on
(1) They can require that the partnership books be kept at
account of resulting claims against the partnership, with
the principal place of business.
general creditors, a pro rata share of the assets. No
(2) Inspect and copy partnership books. limited partner shall in respect to any such claim:
(3) Demand true and full information regarding all matters
(1) Receive or hold as collateral security any
concerning the partnership. partnership property
(4) Demand for legal winding up or dissolution (2) Receive from a general partner or the
(5) Share in profits, other compensation by way of income
partnership any payment, conveyance, or
and the return of contributions.
release from liability, if at the time the assets of
the partnership are not sufficient to discharge
Article 1852
partnership liabilities to persons not claiming
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 1848, as general or limited partners.
a person who has contributed to the capital of a
The receiving of collateral security, or a payment,
business conducted by a person or partnership
conveyance or release in violation of the foregoing
erroneously believing that he has become a limited provisions is a fraud on the creditors of the partnership.
partner in a limited partnership, is not, by reason of his
exercise of the rights of a limited partner, a general
• Provides that a limited partner can extend credit or transact
partner with the person or in the partnership carrying on with partnerships that he is part of.
the business, or bound by the obligations of such
person or partnership, provided that on ascertaining the • He is also entitled to partnership assets pro rata to creditors
but it cannot be used as collateral from the partnership.
mistake he promptly renounces his interest in the
profits of the business, or other compensation by way of • Suppose X & Co. owes D a sum of P20,000.00 and C, a
income. limited partner, P20,000.00. The total assets of the
partnership is P50,000.00. How shall these be settled?
Both C and D can simultaneously collect from the
• Refers to a failure to create a limited partnership.
partnership as partnership assets are sufficient to cover
BOTH. However, if partnership assets are only P20,000.00,
C cannot share in it because it would prejudice D’s claim.
Article 1855 partners shall have a priority over other limited partners
Where there are several limited partners the as to the return of their contributions, as to their
members may agree that one or more of the limited compensation by way of income, or as to any other
matter. If such an agreement is made, it shall be stated partner, irrespective of the nature of his contribution,
in the certificate, and in the absence of such a has only the right to demand and receive cash in return
statement, all the limited partners shall stand upon for his contribution.
equal footing. A limited partner may have the partnership
dissolved and its affairs wound up when:
• Suppose that there are three limited partners. These (1) He rightfully but unsuccessfully demands the
partners can agree (because there are more than 1) that one return of his contribution
of them can have priority over the others provided that such (2) The other liabilities of the partnership have not
SHOULD BE STATED IN THE CERTIFICATE. been paid, or the partnership property is
insufficient for their payment as required by the
Article 1856 first paragraph, No. 1, and the limited partner
A limited partner may receive from the partnership would otherwise be entitled to the return of his
the share of the profits or the compensation by way of contribution.
income stipulated for in the certificate; provided, that
after such payment is made, whether from the property • What are the requisites for the limited partner to be entitled
of the partnership or that of a general partner, the to the return of his contribution?
partnership assets are in excess of all liabilities of the (1) When, after deducting partnership liabilities, partnership
partnership except liabilities to limited partners on assets are sufficient to do so.
account of their contributions and to general partners. (2) If he has the consent of all partners unless the right can
be demanded.
• The limited partner is entitled to share in payment by share (3) The certificate must be amended to reflect the return of
in profits or other compensation by way of income provided his contribution.
that the partnership assets are sufficient to meet such. • When may a limited partner rightfully demand the return of
• To determine total liability, do not deduct contributed capital. his contribution?
• Liabilities owed to general partners are not considered part (1) During dissolution
of the partnership’s total liabilities. (2) Upon arrival of the date of return of his contribution
• The ability of the limited partner to share is based on the (3) After he has given 6 months’ notice, WRITTEN, and
total liability, which must be known. there was no date of return nor dissolution
• Suppose that A, B and C are in partnership wherein C is the • The limited partner is only entitled to the return of his
limited partner and total assets are P50,000.00. They owe D contribution, IN CASH, except:
a sum of P10,000.00, C P15,000.00 and A P50,000.00, is C (1) If it was agreed upon
still entitled to share in the surplus after clearing liabilities? (2) He has the consent of all the partners
Yes, because total liabilities in this case is only P25,000.00 • When can a limited partner ask for dissolution?
and the assets are still sufficient to pay out the surplus. (1) He rightfully but unsuccessfully demanded the return
(2) If he was entitled to receive his contribution and the
Article 1857 certificate was already amended but partnership assets
A limited partner shall not receive from a general are not sufficient to pay off partnership creditors.
partner or out of partnership property any part of his
contribution until: Article 1858
(1) All liabilities of the partnership, except liabilities A limited partner is liable to the partnership:
to general partners and to limited partners on (1) For the difference between his contribution as
account of their contributions, have been paid actually made and that stated in the certificate
or there remains property of the partnership as having been made
sufficient to pay them (2) For any unpaid contribution which he agreed in
(2) The consent of all members is had, unless the the certificate to make in the future of the time
return of the contribution may be rightfully and on the conditions stated in the certificate
demanded under the provisions of the second A limited partner holds as trustee for the
paragraph partnership:
(3) The certificate is cancelled or so amended as to (1) Specific property stated in the certificate as
set forth the withdrawal or reduction contributed by him, but which was not
Subject to the provisions of the first paragraph, a contributed or which has been wrongfully
limited partner may rightfully demand the return of his returned
contribution: (2) Money or other property wrongfully paid or
(1) On the dissolution of a partnership conveyed to him on account of his contribution
(2) When the date specified in the certificate for its The liabilities of a limited partner as set forth in this
return has arrived article can be waived or compromised only by the
(3) After he has given six months’ notice in writing consent of all members; but a waiver or compromise
to all other members, if no time is specified in shall not affect the right of a creditor of a partnership
the certificate, either for the return of the who extended credit or whose claim arose after the
contribution or for the dissolution of the filing and before a cancellation or amendment of the
partnership. certificate, to enforce such liabilities.
In the absence of any statement in the certificate to When a contributor has rightfully received the
the contrary or the consent of all members, a limited return in whole or in part of the capital of his
contribution, he is nevertheless liable to the partnership
for any sum, not in excess of such return with interest,
necessary to discharge its liabilities to all creditors who
extended credit or whose claims arose before such
• Suppose A promises to contribute P20,000.00 but only pays • Suppose C, the limited partner, promises to contribute
P15,000.00. What is his obligation to the partnership? P20,000.00 more. What should be done?
Then A must pay the P5,000.00 difference NOW. It should be paid on the date he promised to pay it.
• When can a limited partner be held as trustee? (2) If the limited partner is empowered by the certificate to
(1) When he promises specific things but does not follow constitute a substituted limited partner, and the
through with the promise of delivery certificate is amended under Article 1865
(2) In circumstances of wrongful returns
• What are the rights of a substituted limited partner?
(3) In cases of money and/or property that is wrongfully He has all the powers, limitations and liabilities as his
assignor except those which he was ignorant of at the time
• Can the partnership waive the difference of contributions? he became a limited partner and those that could not be
(EX: the first situation)
ascertained from the certificate.
Yes, as long as it will not affect creditors who had extended
• What about the assignor?
credit before the waiver of such.
The assignor is still liable for false statements and claims
• Can the partnership reclaim the returns if it is needed? (EX: before the admittance of a substitute limited partner, as in
C’s contribution was already returned but the partnership Articles 1847 and 1858.
needs it to finish paying off D, a creditor)
Yes, as long as the claim came into existence before the
Article 1860
return of contribution. The retirement, death, insolvency, insanity or civil
interdiction of a general partner dissolves the
Article 1859
partnership, unless the business is continued by the
A limited partner’s interest is assignable.
remaining general partners:
A substituted limited partner is a person admitted to
(1) Under a right so to do stated in the certificate
all the rights of a limited partner who has died or has (2) With the consent of all the members
assigned his interest in a partnership.
An assignee, who does not become a substituted
• Again, this does not apply to limited partners because as
limited partner, has no right to require any information
long as there is ONE limited partner still living, then the
or account of the partnership transactions or to inspect partnership is continued.
the partnership books; he is only entitled to receive the
• General partners can only continue the business if:
share of the profits or other compensation by way of
(1) The right was stated in the certificate
income, or return of his contribution, to which his
(2) All partners consent to such.
assignor would otherwise be entitled.
An assignee shall have the right to become a
Article 1861
substituted limited partner if all the members consent
On the death of a limited partner, his executor or
thereto or if the assignor, being thereunto empowered
administrator shall have the rights of a limited partner
by the certificate, gives the assignee that right.
for the purpose of settling his estate, and such power as
An assignee becomes a substituted limited partner
the deceased had to constitute his assignee a
when the certificate is appropriately amended in
substituted limited partner.
accordance with Article 1865.
The estate of a deceased limited partner shall be
The substituted limited partner has all the rights and
liable for all his liabilities as a limited partner.
powers, and is subject to all the restrictions and
liabilities of his assignor, except those liabilities of
which he was ignorant at the time he became a limited • The executor/administrator has the power to settle the dead
partner’s estate and those to constitute his assignee as a
partner and which could not be ascertained from the
substituted limited partner, if the limited partner originally had
the power to do so, or was allowed such.
The substitution of the assignee as a limited partner
• The estate of a limited partner will pay for all his liabilities as
does not release the assignor from liability to the
a limited partner.
partnership under Articles 1847 and 1858.
Article 1862
• The interest of a limited partner can be assigned. His interest
On due application to a court of competent,
is his share in profits, other compensation by way of income
or his return. jurisdiction by any creditor of a limited partner, the court
may charge the interest of the indebted limited partner
• A substituted limited partner is the person admitted and has
all the rights of a limited partner who dies or has assigned with payment of the unsatisfied amount of such claim,
his interest. and may appoint a receiver, and make all other orders,
directions, and inquiries which the circumstances of the
• What if the person is not qualified to be a substituted limited
partner? case may require.
The interest may be redeemed with the separate
Then he shall remain an assignee with the following rights
property of any general partner, but may not be
and limitations:
redeemed with partnership property.
(1) Receive share in profits, other compensation by way of
The remedies conferred by the first paragraph shall
income or return of contribution
not be deemed exclusive of others which may exist.
(2) Cannot demand information on partnership activities nor
Nothing in this Chapter shall be held to deprive a
inspect partnership books.
limited partner of his statutory exemption.
• When will the assignee become a substituted limited
• Similar to Article 1814 for general partnerships.
(1) If consent from all other partners was given
• If a 3rd person files a case against the limited partners for
non-payment or non-compliance with their contract, he can
ask for the partners’ interests to be attached.
• The attached interest may be redeemed using separate
general partners’ property but not partnership property
UNLESS all partners have consented to such.

Article 1863
In settling accounts after dissolution, the liabilities (1) Upon DISSOLUTION
of the partnership shall be entitled to payment in the (2) When ALL limited partners cease to be such
following order: • When should the certificate be amended?
(1) Those to creditors, in the order of priority as In all cases other than those that will cause the certificate to
provided by the law, except those to limited be cancelled.
partners on account of their contributions, and
to general partners Article 1865
(2) Those to limited partners in respect to their The writing to amend a certificate shall:
share of the profits and other compensation by (1) Conform to the requirements of Article 1844 as
way of income on their contributions far as necessary to set forth clearly the change
(3) Those to limited partners in respect to the in the certificate which it is desired to make
capital of their contributions (2) Be signed and sworn to by all members, and an
(4) Those to general partners other than for capital amendment substitution a limited partner or
and profits adding a limited or general partner shall be
(5) Those to general partners in respect to profits signed also by the member to be substituted or
(6) Those to general partners in respect to capital added, and when a limited partner is to be
Subject to any statement in the certificate or to substituted, the amendment shall also be
subsequent agreement, limited partners share in the signed by the assigning limited partner.
partnership assets in respect to their claims for capital, The writing to cancel a certificate shall be signed by
and in respect to their claims for profits or for all members.
compensation by way of income on their contribution A person desiring the cancellation or amendment of
respectively, in proportion to the respective amounts of a certificate, if any person designated in the first and
such claims. second paragraphs as a person who must execute the
writing refuses to do so, may petition the court to order
• Who has priority over distribution of assets in a limited a cancellation or amendment thereof.
partnership? If the court finds that the petitioner has a right to
(1) Creditors, including limited partners who have a claim have the writing executed by a person who refuses to do
against the partnership. so, it shall order the Office of the Securities and
(2) Limited partners’ share in profits Exchange Commission where the certificate is recorded,
(3) Limited partners’ return of capital contribution to record the cancellation or amendment of the
(4) General partners who have claims against the certificate; and when the certificate is to be amended,
partnership the court shall also cause to be filed for record in the
(5) General partners’ share in profits said office a certified copy of its decree setting forth the
(6) General partners’ return of capital contribution amendment.
• The difference of this with general partnerships is that in a A certificate is amended or cancelled when there is
general partnership, capital contributions are returned filed for record in the Office of the Securities and
BEFORE profits from surplus are shared. Exchange Commission where the certificate is recorded:
(1) A writing in accordance with the provisions of
Article 1864 the first or second paragraph
The certificate shall be cancelled when the (2) A certified copy of the order of court in
partnership is dissolved or all limited partners cease to accordance with the provisions of the fourth
be such. paragraph
A certificate shall be amended when: (3) After the certificate is duly amended in
(1) There is a change in the name of the accordance with this article, the amended
partnership or in the amount or character of the certificate shall thereafter be for all purposes
contribution of any limited partner the certificate provided for in this Chapter.
(2) A person is substituted as a limited partner
(3) An additional limited partner is admitted • What are the requisites for certificates to be amended or
(4) A person is admitted as a general partner cancelled?
(5) A general partner retires, dies, becomes (1) It must be in writing
insolvent or insane, or is sentenced to civil (2) It must be signed AND sworn by ALL concerned parties
interdiction and the business is continued (3) It must be registered with the SEC
under Article 1860
(6) There is a change in the character of the Article 1866
business of the partnership A contributor, unless he is a general partner, is not a
(7) There is a false or erroneous statement in the proper party to proceedings by or against a partnership,
certificate except where the object is to enforce a limited partner’s
(8) There is a change in the time as stated in the right against or liability to the partnership.
certificate for the dissolution of the partnership
or for the return of a contribution • A limited partner is a mere contributor, meaning, he is
(9) A time is fixed for the dissolution of the practically a stranger. This is because he has no participation
partnership, or the return of a contribution, no in management and control and is only liable to the
time having been specified in the certificate partnership, not to 3rd persons and if he is filed against as a
(10) The members desire to make a change in any general partner, he can file a counterclaim for wrongful
other statement in the certificate in order that it inclusion.
shall accurately represent the agreement • 2 exceptions to this rule:
among them. (1) To enforce his right against the partnership
• When should a certificate be cancelled?
(2) If he refuses to restore his contribution when the
partnership assets are not sufficient to pay creditors

Article 1867
A limited partnership formed under the law prior to
the effectivity of this Code, may become a limited
partnership under this Chapter by complying with the
provisions of Article 1844, provided the certificate sets
(1) The amount of the original contribution of each
limited partner and the time when the
contribution was made\
(2) That the property of the partnership exceeds
the amount sufficient to discharge its liabilities
to persons not claiming as general or limited
partners by an amount greater than the sum of
the contributions of its limited partners.
A limited partnership formed under the law prior to
the effectivity of this Code, until or unless it becomes a
limited partnership under this Chapter, shall continue to
be governed by the provisions of the old law.

• This is a transitory law.

• Articles 145 to 150 of the Code of Commerce used to govern
limited partnerships.
• What happens to a limited partnership existing before the
Civil Code?
The partnership must first comply with the following
requirements before they can become a limited partnership
under the Civil Code:
(1) State the amount of contribution and the time it was
(2) After paying off all liabilities, the total assets of the
partnership must be greater than the contribution of all
limited partners, otherwise, it will continue to be
governed by the Code of Commerce.

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