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SSO Requirement Review : Eagle MMIF

SSO Request No :
Review Date :

SSO Onboarding Checklist

Key Meeting Notes :
 This is a new request. Application supports web access
management. Request is for Eagle MMIF.
 Only one environment, Prod URLs are provided and correct.
 Internally facing, internally hosted, on prem managed
application with no external access.
 Fully custom coded application. (COTS product customized
and developed by RTX)
 There is no user-friendly DNS name for this application.
 Application is configured with HTTPS.
 There is a load balancer in front of a web server.
 Application does not use any reverse proxy model.
 Application currently using SiteMinder, App team will modify
configuration and HTTP headers accordingly.
 Application supports WS Federation protocol.
 Hybrid MFA is required.
 Application is not currently integrated with SSL, and does not
need to maintain SSO with other applications.
 Application does require authorization based on LDAP or
Active Directory Group membership.
 Application provided list of URL’s and paths that requires
 Application requires HTTP header variable passed from SSO
 User accounts will be provisioned via internal IDP/LDAP.
 Users are onboarded through application portal and
application-level authorization is managed through an internal
 The account unique identifier is people soft ID/RTX ID. To
integrate with new SSO service, application team will create
new SSOID for all the existing accounts.
 App team needs to provide confirmation - for additional user
access requirement information.
o U.S. employees, US Contractor, US persons
 Exim checks/ US person check is not needed.
 Other checks – export control data allowed check is needed.
 ATO Clara process is done. App team to provide SAP number.

Application Readiness 
Project Target Go live date  31st August, 2023
Environments/Instances  Production
Unique Identifier and other  Attributes:

Meeting Agenda | Page 1

Attributes o FirstName, LastName, givenName, Email
 Unique Identifier:
User Provisioning  No user provisioning
Next steps/action items  Shiva to send meeting notes and UAT test scenarios with
application team.

Meeting Agenda | Page 2

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