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fest 1 answer key ‘Anawer key ” O:= fxanations fn HC 2D aA 48 5D 6C 78 8B explants n far (to 11 such 12why 13. When 14 was H7 variety 18 Innovativefinnovatory 19 blindness _20 experimental 21 assistants) 22 arrangement(s) 23 memorable 24 unforgettable pert 25 AS long 23 | (can) 26 can run NO| further/arther/more than 227 meanfntend to spend | SO much 28 me NEVER to | run unloss 29 CLEAR explanation | of 30 off OWING to Part 5 aC 2A 3B 3B 35D mB Pats a7D 3A ME 4G MF 420 Part 7 $B 440 45D 486A 470 488 4A S08 SIC SIA 109 Test 1 answer key Listening [ cae rower key Part 1 @ wah ona fA aes eat clo ee Aa explanations in Resource bank Pat2 9 International Conservation 10 donkey 14 Medicina Garden 12 stoms 13 bicycle/oke 14 growth 16 sholters 16 (the) ancienVolg vilages 17 terrace 18 sun(eream Pata 19E 20F 218 2H 2D Pata 2B 25C 2A 27A WC 2A BC Audioscript Test one. ‘Lam going to give yu the instructions for this tst | aha itootice ach part ofthe test and give you time to look atthe questions. At he slr ofeach lec you wil Hoar tone ‘You wit hear each pace twice, Remember, whe you are fisting, write your answers on the quoaton paper You wi) ave ve mint a the anc of esto copy your answers ont te Separate sheet ‘There iil now be a pause. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak ring the tot 4 (pause "Now apen your question paper an ook at Part On. (pause) PART Question 1 Question 2 Man Woman: Test 1 answer key ‘You wi hear poopie talking in eight ctferant stations. For questions 1 108, chaoes the ast answer, or C) You hear a woman taking bout learning to play the plano [pause Loarng to play the plana is fer harder than Yd imagined when started, Yourealy ‘can't improve uniss you practise. I'm hopeless at tha, but aftr al have a 2usy Ie, ‘and this is just a hobby. However, sone | enjoy, andthe time can spending is precious. So while |admt Fm sti playing very basi, easy pieces, and playing them | pretty pooey at hat, foleasone, My teacher’ very pation, fortunately, nd never makes me ee sd, £0 ‘maybe finaly be able te mpress my Wands cre dey! (pause) tone (he recording ee io) You hear woman teling a fiend about having celebration anes Ipausal tone 1.4 you have a good weekend? ‘Yes, twas my sista’ bzhday and we cooked a meal for eveyone, Cooking fo oer people canbe so stressful Ithac seemed a good idea to ty pew recipe, a f20t Ine ingreclents ready in advance. I managed to forget ginger tough, so the ste much 0 hd no concen about people going hungry. Sit was grat thal the ‘conversation flawed so wel. nd infact nohedy seemed ta want to leave, There was Fads of clearing up though. [pause tone [The recording is ropeated) Ipsuse} Tr aN UR TRU TET TITRE a TEER EE ER EOE ER EE TOSEE ESSE ESSE ESSE ESSE ESCEEET OSCE OE SE ESSE ERAEOSSEETSESIRSIESITIOS Test 1 answer key uvston 3 Man: Woman Qusston 4 an Yeu neara man eign about avi ta museum ipauee tone 1 you enfoy your vit tothe museum ast week? 1d, hana, You know how much 7 been ooking forward to = we, ted up to see MRbecatone. ke you know teyvo ss ronovate the whole and I stays great Tera exhiston on of partings fhe countryside our her. {Imadesme sag sey ado some ike shat co, £01Vo sled vp for tages pain cure. Great Ad waste gai busy? (Oh yes Ive heard th pac is permanent packed these days. thous wou bron quit ona tony. pause {Tho recong repeated) ipa) ‘ou hear wo mec student takirg about a TV advert they have son. foause} 4 tone Did you se the aaa for tat new health ck? {but thought twas a prety predctabe. You know, ight miley aces Yeung woman leaping abut in iow motion 4 ‘ea here wast a rea deal of novelty, was thre? But then gas here ver in rcrer fora tut ew? Kas cota tcnnicaly iy ood, wisn ‘ledesiond ‘Shoctand snappy .mad is nit elective, Not sure how beleable the leaping stoma as, tough. you Kron, the suggeation that you dink, you immediatly ‘come over al energetic. ‘But surely you weren't meant to take that Heraly. Ipause} tone [the recording Is repeatoc] pause} tion 5 Man Woman Mar: Woman Man Woman Man Test 1 answer key You hear two peopl taking about a work coleague called Jody. [pause] tone Have you heard that Judy leaving? Yeah... euch a lovely person. Link ha novo eaty sacavered fom the dlaapnointment atbaing avecookedor tat promotion. Seemed o/h hor hard ard she was te absious peso far tha job ts bohonest. In many waye she deserved it, sure. But Gavin, who got the ob, Waa... Kind of more ‘bvously committed, don't you thek? Very energetic, yos. Judy was quer I ues .. she went about her dally business ‘with no fuss. Ard what ahe cd, she id vary efit, so you coud lyon her Work being tee of mistakes, which s very important in our ine of business, (pause) [The recordings reposted} [pause You hear two tends taking about a local project to start a communty garden tpause} tone ‘Are you coming tothe meeting tomorrow? We're going to discuss the design othe ‘community garden, "No, community projects arent my thing. Everyone sas of bing realy enthusiastic. and then one by one the all op Te seent happen so may times. Ard where ae the plants coming kom? [Al he plants, ofan and equipment fe beng provided fee of charge bythe local ‘une. The residents ae rally Koon and we've ected a committe to run tings too. Let ta again in ix month tim [paueo) tone [The recording srpested| ipause} 1d 200 ial ontrack! Test 1 answer key Question 7 Woman Man Question 8 114 Yiu haar two fends cscussing watching fs based on books, Ipause) tone 1p you fancy going to soe Trapped a the cinema tomorrow? realy enjoyed reading the book. | don't know how you can watch tlm afer youve read the book ate tit ‘as fatto the tonne Yes, but once you" right int the fm, you forget about hat.’ ol lator that you think oh hang on that dd happen inthe book! Lis you miss so much you. hava read. You con’ know the inner thouohts of te characters that motivation fordoing tinge t does malter how good the rector i, some things ust can't be ‘brought to the soreen, Mme. pause} tone [The eecrcing sree (pause) You hear a men teling a lend about a now sports cont. (pause) 5e cil you enjoy your val tothe naw sperts cont in town? Yes, went fora swim and had look round to gy. Oniy look ound? ‘Yes. hac’ realeed, but you have to Become a mamber to use the ym, But anyone can swim? ‘Yes, or ven use the athletics track, But they sald the gym ont open access they want everyone to have an diction programm to snow thom tow to use the ‘machines safely Wiha tack, theros an afhotls club you.can jini ave 0 that's thecfrence, ec) [pause ‘That isthe end of Part One Now tum to Pat Two [pause Test 1 answer key You wit hear a student called Patra Dsan taking about er recent work experence as «2 volinteor in the Cioud Forastn Eouador i South Amc For questions 9 1, ‘Completa the sentences witha worl or short phrase You now have forty-five seconds to lok at Part Two, tpause} tone Helo, my names Petra Dean and ke to tol you about my amazing tp to te ‘Goud Forest in Ecuador South Amerie, I voluntored there fora month ast fummeron the Cloud Forest Project, "ma postgraduate student now anc my ft degree was in Bology. Whi was doing ‘hat, reseed that wants ta continu my stucios but spacialse more = 20 chose. Inteationa’ Ganseraton, when love dng, Going to Esvador was a way forme to getin some practical exoeronce ‘When Lavan Ecuador, | spent my fst night @ hostel inthe capital, uit. The xt day set of forthe nature reserve, whichis stuated inthe Coud Foret. The Journey began witha tree-hour bs ie out no the courtside. The sacond art was mow unexpected. A donkey was the designated mode of ansaa up thesteep forest paths tothe reserva, ‘Tae reserve had ts own farm, and at et | was assigned to work nthe two gardens. ‘Te one which they caled the Macicine Garden was where plants that can be vse fo treat lnese were grown = iLgave me a eal buzz to krow that was growing plats for reach fat might heal people. The other was te organic vogetable garden where we grew our own delicots ft and vegelabes “The weather was porect for dolng outside work. | was there ding the rainy season, 0 the tamperatres were very confortable, Thare ee storms each evening en thoy ‘nate realy drama fo watch, Wo wore surounded bythe mest amazing maurtain, bul foc daye on end they weren't visible due tothe blanket of oud thal descerded verte forest Tore wore goats on the reserve, and one of my tasks was taking the mk down to the nearest vilage every iy, which wace’t uch fan. The bares of fresh ak Wore loaded onto bicycle and hao ster foun ha tosp paths. twas exhausting because i-saemed to have amindf ts own When | got to he village, the milk was Joadod into alekety ld loc fr the rest of the way down tho muna, (One sspact ofthe programme that | eally appreciated was the forety pograrime, \olunteers had to asst in callecting and panting 296d, malntaring te pant rursory ‘and my partculer tak conducting fret inventories, Ta invoivad asaossia the ‘Hossa, This provided invaluable nformatn for scents tying to learn about ‘whats going on nthe forest. it wasat al work though. We also had the chanos to got to know the fret bt. “Th local people taught us about the te05 that are native to tho are. We alco fad a min-survvel course and visa Intrused an the best ayo Du up shelters hig wp In ‘he branchea. Our guides showed us edb plants, but! found impossble to dently them Test 1 answer key “There was plenty of roe time athe weekend. A fond ant spent one waekened ycing through the countylce, stoping off to explore the runs of ancient lags. never frget na! Over tho next few weckonds, wo vsted the nearby towns and ssw the local tes of tonal inert, whioh wer auprisingy foe of eowds 3s was Cute the ture seaeon. “The volunior house had everthing you could want ~ cold showers, electity and omorable bedrooms to unwind in afer along day of physlal exertion. Then after a Setcious deer of home-grown food srved Inthe ning room, Lvantes noting more than fo stout on the teace and listen tothe sounds of te wii. That was jut magica. | can honesty say tha | woul’ change a thing about this experience, Oh, OK, maybe ono thing. picked a meaqute net, ineect spray anc, ofcourse, sun cream. ‘2 suggosted- but nowhere naar enough, was surprisingly hare to come By whi ras thee, andit wes very expensive, But deepte all tat | would say that it roa was the tipo a ieiet (pause ‘Now you wit hear Part Two sgn tone [The recorng i repeated] (pause) Thats the end of Part Tio, ‘Now sue to Pan The. pause) 118 Test 1 answer key You wit hear ve short extracts nich peopl ak about ar jobs on a cris shia Fer quoatons 19 0.23, choose fiom thelist Ato H) what each speaker says about ‘working na crise shin, Use the lttars ony once. Thee are tres extra ltr which youde not reed 1 use. You now hove tity cond to lok a Pat Tree. [pause toe Speaker 1 | work nthe ot offce on board ship, answering passenger quetis and 0.0.1 ‘sed to work in tho back office bu | wanted to batter mysel, $0 | took some customer orice evening couroee at my loalcallag belwouncfulses and then re-appled for ‘work onthe ep, That's whats good about this ine of work ~ you. can move up aul. ‘icy, What Nave about this job stat you ely get to Interact with peasongors. Wo ‘Get people from al walks of Melts of coupla, but fail too, Toy come forthe Robday of iste at ofkixury = and why not? Ipauee} Speaker 2 “There's common misconception that aveyone who works ona ose ship sin thelr ary twenties but most people hore are older than me. [was going nowhore professional, 20 tought ay my hand har. Most ofthe crise singers ~ myself ‘nl aeam of being ‘covered by a passenger uo so happens to bo a record producer ~ abit unkely I know Ee ‘Deter my bedtom hack ama! And the soil es grat oo, Wo Nave some ‘anasto staf partes and we even put on our own concerts sometimes! Ipausel Speakers Wiel, mbit ota ody actualy because 'm.a wale nt oer than most pxoole, ‘whe wndconboard tm 68 Alga, cant get pai! Tats raft Many people asc me ‘why Ido but tae the chance to goon ll these wonderful crs for abscutely nothing! My role isto accompany tho groupe wen thy go ashove and make ure ning runs smooihy Ie perfact! | spend all my toa withthe passongers anc Fre mad some lovely frends ova the yoar, My husband does the same thirg, but ite ashame its on another ship, though. Atleast we have lot ota about Ipause} Speaker rma chet. Catering hare work it's ely fl on most ofthe ene. Some nights ‘can't wat to get back to the eabi and aut my fost up, even if ho apace 2 Bt sal ‘My uitaa chidimindor onbears. and aough we work completly differant ous. Rida realy ‘cos otherwise I wouldnt see much of her | qualified and worked in ‘estaurantn Canal, bull aways wanted fo Wave. I's not a luxurious Hest forte ‘staff onboard but the ob does allow me to see new places. Ipause 7 Test 1 answer key Speaker 5 tpausel | workin the tur ofl organising the tours thatthe passengers can goon whan we rake our vaious stops, Although the pay st eat especialy as we dont make Sry Se tke they do inthe restaurant there are other pars. Thom are He loads of ‘sovenes we can do ve learnt Haan and bnished.un my comauter skis since 2 been doing this ob, The staf seis act's ao fantastic ~ alist as geod asthe passengers! entertainment! On tha whole the passangors ae res rice. I mean, lve Bening them all dressed up in thoi posh clothes going nfo net (pause Now you wi hear Part Thre apan. tone {Te recording Is reposted Ipaueo) ‘That is the anc of Part Theoa- Now ture to Part Four (pause PART 4 wy Interdwer: wy Intorower Guy: Interower: uy Intenvower: Test 1 answer key You wit near an interview witha man called Guy Riordan, who works as a stuntman performing dangerous scones in movies. Fr questions 28f0 30, choose the best fnswor (A, Bor Ch You now have one minuto to ook at Prt Four [pause tone yen you 28 a ficht ora car chase in a mowe i often a stuntman or voran taking {the ike = not areal actor Guy Redan’ atop stuntman, Guy, do you usualy work inivaly or na tean? It depend. ny ist job | was par ofa team of other stuntmen . several of us had to um off fourth-foor rooftop together and get caught by the group on the ground “Tha Inve lng on everyone ese to do thogs pmoats whch yasnit something LLenioyed! Dospt that tnoertainty, hoped my strength and sence of ering vould ‘get me trough, Aiclances rarely appreciate ta lengths wo goo to provide her tntertiement (Obviously its dangerous, bat whats the most chalonging thing for you bout the work? t's a wondartul jo, but Hike any carer, you Rave to have tools fora stunt i's is ‘cher body —and if stunt goes wrong, you can end up badly hurt. thought about that though, I'd never do ths job. Buti he nevs-encingproonss to. up your game. expand atd exnd what youre god at=that's te tughast i. Of couse, here's ‘ot of competion in the stunt word that makes exc. ‘What wa ke working onthe movie Rew Stu? Ite based ona tue story about sors in action, cot was extremly importent that the stats dnt fk ike standard moule scion sequences. Tho mourtans we ‘ee fling in wer ening, which made up fr having to hike up wih 25 Kis ot {eapment on our backs. you ust int tice the weight! Tho vw rom the top ‘was sensational, Th ticky part was tumbling. onto racy mmauniain eda 20 thatthe ‘aneva could be as close a posable, and ho acences would seo and fel what those solar went tough, Yeu've offen acted asa stunt double forth actor Marty Wlker ‘Yeah, Marty ad get a. He varies his sze drastically om ono move to tho ‘ext ~be-can g ram athlaic ation hero to skiny professor ln some maior kay. transformations, His deciston to ding thats amazing flects me a8 wo... nas {o put on weight or his ast move. Mavty wanted to do the motorbike stuns himsel, but we porsuaded him not to. waived jumping of thigh epoed.. prety sly for an tntanad person t try and do, or oven sturtman hich movi do you remember fing mest? Light at Dawn, They wanted ms ta say some nes ~ rel acting. Aer afew ates | gave up and asked for somone eae fo doit. The drector Peter Levene was vary ‘ambitious ~ some things he esked for had been ie before. was uly a pleasure ‘hen we go things rig, We med all ove the wera everyone on what was aruge ‘im crow was completly exhausted thing rom one piace to the next! Haw long have you been inthe movi industy? 119 Test 1 answer key ow: 120 Twenty years. ve seen some changes. There's mere technology hese days, but thorwe ust as greta need fr stunt actors. Some things can only be performed by a ‘eal human. tv worked with soma great peope in some great lotions — and had alot oflaughs = someting tha’ Increasingly missing these cays because there's 50 much at stake, But that does msn the financial evar for these who gt nto the big movies ae genealy worth eat sy Ive been unlucky in at respect ‘What would you advise someone wanting todo your ob? ‘Stunt wor’s become hichy specialised over the years. There's hich fal, ft scenes, horse stuns, car ches, host goes on. Theres no easy answer tothe question ‘of whether ite batter to bacame sie atone thing or be avers. don't by an tlscourage peopl rom geting Into stunts, but Lao te canvinca them ta have another cource of income fo aback on, Most stunimen know aso do things ke Construction, secur, web design nd though everyone has anagant to fn thom ‘Wor, 90 offen about your oun contacts rather than anything oso. Ipause) Now you wit hear Part Four sgn [Th recorcing is repeated (pause) ‘That sth and of Pat Four ‘There wil now be pause of fve minute for you to copy your answers onto the ‘separate aneiver shoot. Be eur to folow the numbering of athe evestion. hall ‘emind you whe there is ene minute ef, so tat you ro sure fo his n tine. Ipause — four minutes) You have one more minut let {pause ~ one mine] Thats the end ofthe teat. Please stop now. Your superior wi ow collect a the question papers and answer shoots,

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