A FLIGHT TO - B2 - Cloze

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Read the text below and decide which word, A, B, C or D, best fits each space.

I always remember the toy plane that gave us so much pleasure during a sunny summer holiday on the
coast of North Wales. We stood in a field (1) ………… the top of the cliffs, and time (2) ………… again we
hurled the little glider towards them, into the warm sea (3) ………. … . It always took a similar flight path,
curling upwards, looping the loop above our heads and landing in the grass (4) ………… us.
Gradually we became more daring. Each flight (5) ………… nearer the edge of the cliffs, and the wind
always (6) …………our little plane back. Finally, standing right at the edge, I (7) ………… to hurl it seawards
with all the power I could muster.
It (8) ………… out that I’d made the mistake of defying fate and the elements just once too (9) ………. This
time the plane failed to return. It darted downwards towards the waves then levelled off a metre or two
above the spray. Seagulls flew close to examine it as it (10) ………… its unsteady way out to sea.
And that’s the last I saw of it. It (11) ………… into the distance, with only the flock of inquisitive birds to
tell me that it was (12) ………… in the air. I suppose it soon came down and got torn (13) ………… by the
sea. Even so, our main (14) ………… as we turned for home was joy at having (15) ………… such a glorious
final flight.

1 A by B at C to D up
2 A or B yet C and D but
3 A wind B draught C water D breeze
4 A behind B beyond C nearby D among
5 A began B was C flew D travelled
6 A brought B took C landed D returned
7 A thought B decided C commenced D tried
8 A worked B turned C broke D went
9 A frequently B much C many D often
10 A journeyed B floated C flew D made
11 A hovered B went C departed D disappeared
12 A now B staying C still D yet
13 A open B about C apart D up
14 A idea B attitude C feeling D sense
15 A ended B achieved C done D produced

1. B 9. C
2. C 10. D
3. D 11. D
4. A 12. C
5. A 13. C
6. A 14. C
7. B 15. B
8. B

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