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A summary is used to convey another person’s work, idea, or opinion.

characteristics of summary:

• summaries have fewer words than in the original source;

• summaries are limited to the main idea(s) of the source;

• summaries are objective, not changing the meaning of the source.

Structuring a summary
One of the challenges in writing a summary is giving it an independent organization. It should not be a
list of the main points in the same order as the original text. Here is an outline of how to structure a
summary from Gagich and Zickel (2018).

Summary introduction:

A summary’s introduction should give key background information about the original source, such as the
author, date and place of publication. It should also briefly express the main idea and any other helpful
contextual information.

Summary body:

The body of a summary depends on its purpose. Typically, it includes the main points of the source text.
For example, if the purpose of the summary is to analyze the original piece, the summary will include
specific details from the text. Alternatively, if the purpose of the summary is to relate it to the writer's
own, or someone else’s, ideas as a part of a larger piece of writing, the writer will condense the
summary to just the main points that are relevant to their focus.

Summary conclusion:

If the writer's purpose is only to summarize, they can reiterate the most important points from the
original text. If they are using it as support for something else, they can write a transition to make a
connection to the next point.


Original Paragraph:

"The invention of the internet revolutionized communication, connecting people across the globe in
unprecedented ways. It has transformed how we interact, conduct business, and access information.
With the advent of social media platforms, individuals can now share ideas and experiences
instantaneously, fostering virtual communities and facilitating collaboration on a global scale.
Additionally, the internet has become a powerful tool for education, offering vast repositories of
knowledge accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Despite its many benefits, concerns about
privacy, cybersecurity, and digital divide persist, highlighting the need for responsible usage and
equitable access to online resources."
Summary: The internet, a groundbreaking invention, has reshaped global communication since its
inception. Its impact spans various realms, from enhancing interaction and business practices to enabling
instantaneous sharing through social media platforms. Moreover, it serves as a vast educational
resource, accessible worldwide. While its benefits are undeniable, challenges like privacy issues and
digital inequities underscore the importance of responsible usage and equal access to online

Summary Introduction: The internet, a groundbreaking invention, has reshaped global communication
since its inception.

Summary Body: Its impact spans various realms, from enhancing interaction and business practices to
enabling instantaneous sharing through social media platforms. Moreover, it serves as a vast educational
resource, accessible worldwide.

Summary Conclusion: While its benefits are undeniable, challenges like privacy issues and digital
inequities underscore the importance of responsible usage and equal access to online opportunities.

Paraphrasing means expressing the meaning of a piece of text from a source in the writer's own words. A
paraphrase may be about the same length or shorter than the original piece of text.

Here are some guidelines for successful paraphrasing recommended by Gagich and Zickel (2018).

• Paraphrases must have both unique vocabulary and sentence structure. It is not enough to just switch
out words. This is called patchwriting and is considered unethical.

• Sometimes there are key terms in the source text that the writer cannot or does not want to change. In
that case, they should put quotation marks (“”) around those words to indicate that they are not their

• Paraphrases should have signalled words or phrases to show where the information from the source
text begins.

• In-text citations must be provided for paraphrases.

Original Text

“Plagiarism is something that many people understand to be a bad thing, but few people truly
understand. Plagiarism can be intentional (such as copying and pasting large chunks of a website into
your paper), or it can be unintentional (such as a weak paraphrase or a lack of reference to authors or
sources). But plagiarism is plagiarism, whether it is intentional or not, and it is a serious offense in
academic writing” (p. 174).
Unsuccessful paraphrase

Plagiarism can be a thing that many writers think is not good, but not a lot of people really comprehend.
Plagiarism can be meant (like pasting and copying a large portion of a site into your essay), or it can be
accidental (as in poor paraphrasing or missing references to sources). But plagiarism is plagiarism, even if
it is intended or not, and it is a grave mistake in scholarly writing.

The following characteristics make this a bad paraphrase:

• words copied directly from the original source (“But plagiarism is plagiarism”);

• patchwriting, where the sentence structure is the same as the original, with some words changed
(“understand” / ”comprehend”, “unintentional” / ”accidental”);

• no citation or signal phrase to indicate the original source.

Successful paraphrase

Not many people understand why plagiarism is an issue, though many can tell you that it is a problem.
Plagiarism takes a variety of forms, accidental or on purpose, from directly copying source material to
forgetting to indicate the author of the original text. Regardless of intention, plagiarism is a serious issue
for writers to be aware of.

This successful paraphrase has the following characteristics:

• sentence structure different from the original

• minimal words repeated from the original, other than key words like “plagiarism”

• in-text citation to indicate the original source (Gagich & Zickel, 2018).

Summary Paraphrase
What does it look like? A shorter presentation An idea from the original text
of the main points of the expressed in the writer’s own
original text in the words
writer’s own words
Why might I use it? To give background To demonstrate an
information or another understanding of the source
perspective on the topic text
To maintain my voice as To maintain my voice as a
a writer writer
Example Babin et al. (2017) Unless the exact wording of
describe why the original is necessary,
summary is often writers should paraphrase text
preferable to quotations. to keep writing in their own
voice. Quotations should be
used if the language uses
specialized vocabulary that
can’t be paraphrased
Original Paragraph:

"In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed numerous industries, from
healthcare to finance. AI technologies, such as machine learning algorithms, enable companies to
analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, leading to more informed decision-making
processes. In the healthcare sector, AI-powered diagnostic tools have improved disease detection and
treatment planning, saving both time and lives. Similarly, in finance, AI algorithms have revolutionized
trading strategies, making predictions based on complex market data with unprecedented precision.
However, concerns about job displacement and ethical implications persist, prompting discussions about
responsible AI development and deployment."

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