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Catch Me If You Can

Movie Review

Who are the main characters in the movie? Choose five (5) and describe them.

 Frank Abagnale Jr.- worked as a pilot, doctor a lawyer all before his 18th birthday. He is also
brilliant in forgery.
 Carl Hanratty- An FBI agent who is obsessed to catch Frank Abagnale.
 Frank Abagnale Sr.- father of frank Abagnale jr.
 Paula Abagnale- Mother of frank Abagnale jr.
 Branda Strong- a sweet innocent nurse and also a fiancé of frank Abagnale jr.

Briefly describe Frank’s story from leaving his house, pretending to be a pilot, doctor, and lawyer.

 Frank Abagnale Jr. leaves his home in New York after his parent’s divorce and runs away to
begin a life of deception and fraud.
 He starts by pretending to be a Pan American World Airways pilot, forging documents and
uniforms to create the illusion of being a successful and experienced airline captain.
 He uses his fake identity to fly for free and stay in luxurious hotels while charming his way into
the company of flight attendants and other women.

What do you think is the main reason why the police did not arrest Frank from the beginning?

 the main reason why the police did not arrest Frank Abagnale Jr. from the beginning is that he
was very skilled at forging documents and creating false identities, which made it difficult for law
enforcement to track him down.

What is the contribution of Frank in the history of a questioned document?

 Frank's expertise in creating false documents also helped law enforcement agencies to develop
new techniques for detecting and investigating forgeries. His case helped establish the field of
forensic document examination, which involves analyzing handwriting, ink, paper, and other
elements of a document to determine its authenticity.

What is the possible theme or moral of this story?

 The theme of the movie is the importance of family and the impact of divorce on children. The
film portrays the difficult relationship between Frank and his parents, who divorce early in the
story. Frank's desire for a stable and loving family life is a driving force behind his initial attempts
at deception, as he tries to create a sense of belonging and identity for himself. The film
highlights the importance of healthy family relationships and the negative consequences that
divorce and family instability can have on children.

Who would like this movie?

 a movie that is sure to entertain and captivate a wide range of viewers, from fans of true crime
stories and Leonardo DiCaprio to those who simply appreciate a good story.
What is your opinion of the film?

 Catch Me If You Can is a well-made and enjoyable film that offers a compelling story and strong
performances. Whether you are a fan of true crime stories, Steven Spielberg, or Leonardo
DiCaprio, this movie is worth a watch.

Would you recommend the movie? Why or why not?

 I highly recommend Catch Me If You Can as an entertaining and well-crafted movie that offers a
thought-provoking story and strong performances from its cast.

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