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Our friend, the wind

The air around the Earth
is always moving. Wind is
air moving from one place
to another. We use the
wind's energy in several
ways,but very strong
windscan cause serious
damage, and
sometimes people and
are killed.

How are winds

The warmer parts of the
Earth's surface warm the
air above them. Air that is
warmed is lighter than the
surrounding air, so it rises.
In other places, the air
cools and beco.mes heavier
so that it sinks. The wind
blows because cold air
moves to replace the Sea breezes
warmer air that has risen.
Winds often start blowing near the sea.
Sometimes on a hot day you can feel this
when a cool breeze blows from the sea
towards the beach. On a hot day, the land
warms up more quickly than the sea. Air
above the warm land rises, so cooler air
from over the sea moves in to take its place.
At night, the wind blows in the opposite
direction because the land cools more
quickly than the sea.

1he power of the wind

People have used the power of the wind
for thousands of years. Long ago, the
'f From earliest times, sailing boats and ships Chinese flew kites on a windy day to
were pushed along by th� wind, as yachts frighten their enemies.
and dinghies are today.


The earliest windmills were

used to pump water or to
grind corn into flour. There
are still a few of these old
windmills working today,
but many modern
windmills are used as wind
turbines or wind
generators. Thev have
large blades, like propellers,
and when these turn they
drive generators that
produce electricity. Unlike
coal, oil and natural gas,
the wind is a source of
energy which does not
pollute the air and which
will never run out. The
wind is one kind of
renewable energy.

”“ Wind pumps are used in many parts of the world for

pumping water from wells and drainage ditches.

c Make a list of words that describe

d Which is the longest list?
3 People sometimes make or plant
howing the wind- breaks. What is a wind-break
e wind and where and when would a wind-
t ea break be usefu|?
4 Much of the world was explored
can with the help of the wind. Use
the wind. reference books or the Internet to
it describe find out mor about explorers who
used sailing ship and about their
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