1 PAPER 1 MAIN PAPER. Application of Hybrid RE in 29 Bus System

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Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

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Application of hybrid renewable energy for supplying the emergency

power supply system in case of station blackout in nuclear power plant
Said A. Kotb a,⇑, Magdy M. Zaky b, Adel A. Elbaset c,d, Mohammed Morad e
Reactors Department, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), Egypt
Egypt Second Research Reactor (ETRR-2), Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), Egypt
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt
Department of Electro Mechanics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Heliopolis University, Cairo, Egypt
Electrical Engineering and Computers Engineering Dep., Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, New Minya, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper introduces the applications of renewable energy in contributing to the improvement of the
Received 9 December 2021 electrical system of the nuclear power plant, specifically with regard to energy sources in case of emer-
Received in revised form 7 April 2022 gency to ensure that there is no malfunction in the cooling systems after unplanned shutdown. The
Accepted 18 May 2022
Fukushima accident had an impact on reassessing the design of the electrical systems of nuclear power
Available online 26 May 2022
plants to avoid partial or complete blackout of the nuclear power plants because of its effects on the envi-
ronment and the population. We proposed a new design to add Wind/PV/Battery power system to the
electrical emergency system to enhance the safety and reliability of the electrical emergency systems.
Nuclear power plant (NPP)
Renewable energy sources
This hybrid energy system is used to feed the loads in the event of different scenarios such as startup,
Emergency station blackout normal operation, planned shutdown and unplanned shutdown of the station and the interruption of tra-
ditional sources of the Egyptian first nuclear power plant at El-Dabaa site (1200 MWe). The proposed
Renewable energy systems are designed and analyzed using electrical transient and analysis program
(ETAP), version 19.0.1, assuming different load flow audit scenarios. The study has proven the extent
to which renewable energy can be used to ensure the safety functions and protect the nuclear power
plant in the event of complete blackout.
Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction accidents, indicated that enhancement of the safety systems and

ensuring the performance of their functions in case of plant black-
1.1. General overview out will reduce the consequences of the accident. After Fukushima
accident, March 2011, the nuclear power plants reassessment has
Nuclear power plants (NPPs) are electrical power generation been done to evaluate the safety systems of the plant in case of
systems and are primary generation plants that operate on nuclear plant blackout (Md. AbdusSattar, 2020). This work proposed a
fuels (fissile fuel) and can operate safely for long periods of time. new design of emergency power supplies used to strong the avail-
The use of nuclear energy and renewable energy for power gener- ability against plant blackout. Nuclear power plant as most of com-
ation becomes very important energy mandate of the most coun- plex manufactures place a strong emphasis on equipment
tries in the world to mitigate the carbon dioxide release and reliability and the design-based redundancy and diversity to keep
global warming. Nuclear power plants Operation, planned shut- the emergency power supply available to keep the reactor cooled
down, and unplanned shutdown must be done in a safe manor as after reactor trip. The reactor cooling systems must continue to
well as in case of natural disasters to protect, control and mitigate operate after reactor shut down, to prevent overheating and dam-
the consequence on environment and public (IAEA Nuclear Energy age to the reactor core. Therefore, reliable cooling arrangements
Series, 2012). To guarantee the reliability, safety and operability of must be provided, and this requires robust and diverse sources of
the nuclear power plant, it must include a reliable and operable reliable electrical supplies. The plant electrical power system
emergency power supplies to feed all after shutdown systems to should be designed and constructed in accordance with national
be sure that the safety functions are verified. History of nuclear and international nuclear standards and national safety codes to
ensure a high level of reliability and availability in all modes of
plant operation (IAEA, 2016). Electrical power systems supply
⇑ Corresponding author.

0306-4549/Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222


AC Alternative current fd derating factor (%) of PV panel

DC Direct current GT hourly global solar radiation (kW=m2 )
DG Diesel generator Gs standard incident radiation (1kW=m2 )
DoD Depth of discharge V wind ðt Þ wind speed at the time (t)
EEPS Emergency Electric Power System V cutin wind speed at cut-in
EM-SBO Emergency SBO V cutout wind speed at cut-out
ETAP Electrical transient and analysis program V rated Rated wind speed
HRES Hybrid renewable energy source Prated rated power of the WTG
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency C Ah total capacity of battery bank (Ah)
MDG Mobile Diesel generator nautonomous autonomy days
NPP Nuclear power plant Eloaddaily energy of daily load demand, (kWh/day)
SBO Station blackout ebatt Battery efficiency * inverter efficiency
SLD Single line diagram einv inverter efficiency
STC Standard test condition VB rated voltage of the battery
WTG Wind turbine generator nbatt the total number of required batteries
LPS loss of power supply C Wh the total capacity of battery bank (Wh)
Pg ðt Þ the generated power from PV/Wind power system C batt:Wh nominal capacity of one battery (Wh)
a the penetration level of PV system Ppeak electrical power of peak load, (kW)
NPV the number of PV panels Pload ðtÞ the load demand
PPV ðt Þ the output power of PV generator EBSS ðt Þ energy stored in battery bank at a timeðt Þ
gPV the PV panel efficiency e storage losses
NWT the number of wind turbines EPV ðt Þ energy of PV at a time (t)
PWT ðtÞ the power output from WTG Ewind ðt Þ energy of wind at a time (t)
gWT the wind turbine efficiency Eload ðt Þ energy of load at a time (t) LPS
PR maximum power output of PV panel (kW)

safety and safety-related systems should be essential to the safety nuclear power plant there is a good variety to use different power
and security of nuclear power plants. Design of the electrical power generation strategy to supply both on-site emergency direct cur-
systems of nuclear power plants includes on-site and off-site rent (DC) source and alternative current (AC) source.
power systems. On-site power systems and off-site power systems The most commonly utilized energy storage system for nuclear
provide the necessary power for the plant in all conditions of nor- power plant is the DC batteries, based on the electrochemical prin-
mal operation, planned shutdown, unplanned shutdown and con- ciple of electricity storage. These systems have been in use at fossil
sider the plant blackout. Nuclear power plants designed based on power plants, and other industry for many years and have provided
defense in depth philosophy to achieve the maximum safety of highly reliable service. The most popular is the lead acid type, uti-
the plant. Nowadays plant blackout is analysis and the feedback lized as the main DC energy storage (International Atomic Energy
from the plant blackout accidents is considered to minimize their Agency, 2012).
risks on public and environment (Vucetic and Kameswaran, 2015). Nowadays the renewable energy plays an important role in
History of nuclear accidents, indicated that enhancement of the micro grid and it can be a part of the hybrid energy system. Hybrid
safety systems and ensuring the performance of their functions in energy systems integrate a number of different energy sources.
case of plant blackout will reduce the consequences of the acci- Hybrid energy system is an umbrella of systems which include
dent. After Fukushima accident, March 2011, the nuclear power multiple sources of energy and multiple storage devices and sys-
plants reassessment has been done to evaluate the safety systems tems with hybrid energy processes.
of the plant in case of plant blackout (Vucetic and Kameswaran, Generally, these energy systems can be connected to the
2015). national grid, microgrid, or they can be off-grid or stand-alone sys-
After Fukushima accident, the designers of nuclear power tems). Multiple sources of energy generation in a hybrid energy
plants, electrical systems and the emergency electrical system con- system can be nonrenewable-nonrenewable (like coal and gas),
cerned on new ideas to enhance the reliability of the emergency nonrenewable-renewable (like coal-solar), renewable-renewable
power supply, which affects the safety functions of the plant. (like solar-wind), nuclear-nonrenewable (like nuclear-gas), or
One of these new applications is to use the mobile diesel generator nuclear-renewable (like nuclear-solar). For renewable sources, fur-
(MDG) and micro-grid. On the other hand, the applications of ther breakdown in non-dispatchable (like solar and wind) and dis-
hybrid energy become attractive to be implemented as a part of patchable (like biomass, geothermal, hydro, etc.) is required. This
the station power supply to optimize the reliability of the electric- differentiation also requires different strategies for implementa-
ity at the nuclear plant site during the unplanned events (Geng and tion, particularly due to intermittent nature of solar and wind
Bevrani, 2019; Swamynathan et al., 2020). The impact of redun- energy. All of these combinations are unique and situation depen-
dancy and diversity electrical power systems such as solar/wind dent and are aimed toward reduction of carbon emission with dif-
and Battery to the electrical systems of the plant will enhance ferent degrees of success. Multiple sources also include
the consequence of plant blackout (Vucetic and Kameswaran, considerations of process-generated sources like waste heat or
2015). waste product. The present book considers all of these options
To create a broader ability to deal with malfunctions and emer- (International Atomic Energy Agency, 2012). An important part of
gencies so that these multiple energy sources cover each other and hybrid renewable energy source (HRES) design is the energy stor-
thus there remains the ability to prevent the complete plant age and it takes different techniques to be suitable for utilization.
blackout and ensure that all safety requirements of the plant are In the design of HES the energy storage takes place in the design
met. Therefore, when designing the electrical systems of the and storage demand is mainly related to the surplus of electrical

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

energy stems from renewable energies. The belief that renewable AC system. This system is backed up with batteries and provides
energies in themselves are a good thing, but the method is com- an uninterrupted AC power supply to the connected loads. The
bined appropriate storage of a large share of renewable energies AC-DC converter normally supplies load through inverter and also
so that it can be integrated into the grid (IAEA, 2011). Electrical charges the batteries which provides input to the inverter in the
energy storage methods can be divided based on the type of event of Class III AC power system failure. During the failure of
energy, method of transportation, cost and energy density to other DC-AC inverter, the maximum interruption time for restoration
parameters related to energy storage. All of these classifications are of Class-II power supply is commensurate with the interruption
available for specific purposes related to the selection and imple- time tolerable for the connected loads as governed by safety
mentation of the appropriate method of energy storage. It can be analysis.
said that one of the images used in energy storage is batteries
and is widely used as part of small networks (Juhn et al., 2000).
In this work, electrical transient and analysis program (ETAP) is 2.1.3. Class I power supply system
used to model the electrical system of nuclear power plant and Class I power source in a DC power supply system, usually sup-
electrical emergency systems. ETAP is the most comprehensive plied from the AC power system of an emergency electric power
analysis tool for electrical system design and performance analysis. system (EEPS) through an AC transformer. In the event of an AC
It is also used to test power systems through the use of standard power outage, the batteries feed the loads without interruption
offline simulators, and ETAP can use real-time operating data for (Ma and Javed, 2019).
advanced monitoring, real-time simulation, optimization, power
management and high-speed intelligent load dumping.
The proposed design scheme fulfills the requirements to keep 2.2. Emergency power supply
the plant in a safe condition, which keep redundant and diversity
emergency supply available during plant blackout. This will guar- The emergency power supply system for safety-related loads is
antee the plant confinement, heat removal after shutdown and a separate power system, consisting of its own on-site power gen-
control the consequences of loss of offsite power supply and plant erators, diesel generator (DG), AC and DC power distribution, as
blackout. well as batteries. Uses available emergency power sources and
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the recharges from a Group 1 if the off site is lost. In most design of
classes of power supply in the nuclear power plant. Section 3 illus- NPP’s emergency power system two emergency DGs are provided,
trates the design methodology of PV/Wind/Battery HRES while each capable of starting when loss of main power supply and sup-
Section 4 shows the application of HRES. Section 5 introduces the plying the minimum power requirements for plant safe shutdown.
simulation and results of different cases study, while Section 6 Section 2 explains the nuclear power plant electrical system and
gives the conclusion. the classes grouped in two groups. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram
of NPP’s classes of power supply and their connection with the
electrical grid. The energy classes are divided into two groups
2. Classes of power supply in nuclear power plant
including classes (IV, III, II, I) and the emergency (Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board, 2020; Ma and Javed, 2019).
Design of the electrical systems of nuclear power plants, the
power systems should be divided into four different levels of
energy supplies as follows: Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV.
2.3. Problem to be addressed
In addition, it must include an emergency power supply system.
In most nuclear power plants, the design complies with interna-
The electrical sources of power supply used to supply safety
tional standards and international recommendations (Juhn et al.,
systems and systems related to plant safety require an additional
2000). The first, second, third and fourth categories are defined
Class II and Class I power source for emergency use SBO in fulfill-
as the first group supplies and the second group emergency power
ment of the recommendations following the Fukushima accident
supplies as shown in Table 1 (Vucetic and Kameswaran, 2015).
issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency to enhance the
SBO power supply for the safe shutdown of power reactors During
2.1. Class IV power supply system acute emergencies such as plant blackout. The trend has increased
to use renewable energy systems and integrate them with the
The main power supply derives power from the grid, plant gen- power system of the plant to create a hybrid energy system. This
erator or a combination of these sources. This power supply is gen- is due to fuel availability and diesel engine malfunctions including
erally referred as Class IV power supply system and is interruptible limitations on automatic modes as well as electrical faults in the
for long duration without affecting the safety of the NPP. Class IV DG transmission. Hence reliable emergency power sources for
supply system is normally used to provide power supply to emer- the plant emergency (EM-SBO) such as renewable energy and bat-
gency electric power system and non-safety loads. teries can be used to avoid the plant blackout.

2.1.1. Class III power supply system

Class III power supply system is the AC power supply system, 3. Design methodology of PV/wind/battery HRES
which normally fed from Class IV power supply system and its
backup is formed by standby AC power sources. The NPP can toler- The HRES is designed to operate multiple sources with grid syn-
ate loss of loads connected to this power supply system for a short chronization mode as well as islanded mode. Also at normal condi-
duration from seconds to few minutes as supported by the plant tion, hybrid renewable energy system is synchronized with main
safety analysis (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, 2020; Ma and electrical grid (Elbaset and El-Tamaly, 2011). The total size of
Javed, 2019). renewable is estimated according to the emergency load calcula-
tion, is equal to 2Mw and it is designed based on the cost
2.1.2. Class II power supply system optimization.
Class II AC supply system derives the supply normally through The designed PV/wind power system is subjected to three main
DC-AC inverter fed by AC-DC converter connected to a Class III factors that are:
S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Table 1
Classes of power supply of NPP (Vucetic and Kameswaran, 2015).

Class IV Normal Alternating Current

- Supplied from main generator and /or grid

AC system Group-1
Class III - Normally supplied from Class IV supply

Upon loss of Class IV, from standby generator

AC system
Uninterrupted power supply (UPS supply)
Class II - Normally supplied from Class III system
- Backup battery and inverter system

Class I DC system
- Normally supplied from Class III via
- Backup battery supply
Emergency - dedicated low voltage Ac power supply supply
power Backup by MDG, HRES and /or
supply UPS with battery storage

Fig. 1. Block diagram of NPP’s classes of power supply (Ma and Javed, 2019).

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

& Solar radiation: The energy output from a PV system is directly The power output from wind turbine generator (P WT ) is (Yan
proportional to the incident solar radiation under certain ambi- et al., 2020; Khatib et al., 2016);
ent temperature. 8
> 0; forV wind ðt Þ < V cutin orV wind ðt Þ > V cutout
& Wind speed: The energy output from a wind turbine generator <
V 3 ðt ÞV 3cutin
(WTG) is directly proportional to the cubic wind speed input PWT ðt Þ ¼ Prated  Vwind ; forV cutin < V wind ðtÞ < V rated ð3Þ
V 3cutin
under certain air density and hub height of wind turbine. : rated

& Load demand.

Prated ; forV rated < V wind ðt Þ < V cutout

The design of PV/wind power system interconnected to utility where V wind ðt Þ; V cutin ; V cutout ; V rated are wind speeds as; at the time
grid depends on dividing the load into two parts between PV and (t), cut-in, cut-out and rated. P rated is rated power of the WTG.
wind energy system. The power generated by PV array and wind
energy system at any time, t, can be expressed as follows, 3.3. Battery bank sizing
Pg ðt Þ ¼ a N pv  PPV ðtÞ  gPV þ ð1  aÞ½NWT  PWT ðtÞ  gWT  ð1Þ To relieve the discrepancy between load demand and power
generation, batteries are utilized as storage devices. Because of
where its low initial cost and high depth of discharge (DoD), lead-
acid batteries are frequently utilized in power systems (Yan
Pg ðt Þ is the generated power from PV/Wind power system, et al., 2020). In this work, the battery storage capacity sizing
a is the penetration level of PV system (0.28 is chosen in this methodology is developed using intuitive method (Khatib et al.,
work), is to optimize the cost (Subramony et al., 2017). 2016).
N PV is the number of PV panels, The design of storage battery bank, which meets the required
PPV ðtÞ is the output power of PV generator, days of autonomy, is developed as follows (Hemeida et al., 2020;
gPV is the PV panel efficiency, Elbaset et al., 2014);
N WT is the number of wind turbines,
PWT ðtÞ is the power output from WTG, nautonomous  Eloaddaily
C Ah ¼ ð4Þ
gWT is the wind turbine efficiency. ebatt  einv  DoD  V B
3.1. PV system output power
C Ah : The total capacity of battery bank (Ah).
The mono-crystalline PV panel 240 W rated power is employed
nautonomous : Autonomy days that are the total number of days at
in this work. The PV panel efficiency under the standard test con-
which the loads are energized by only the storage bank when
dition (STC) is 14.9%. The output power of PV generator P PV ðtÞ is
there is no sun irradiance.
calculated using the following equation (Li et al., 2013;
Eloaddaily : Energy of daily load demand, (kWh/day).
Deshmukh and Deshmukh, 2008);
ebatt : Battery efficiency * inverter efficiency.
  einv : Inverter efficiency.
GT ðtÞ
PPV ðt Þ ¼ Pm f d ð2Þ DoD: allowed depth of discharge (%).
V B : rated voltage of the battery bank and inverter, or DC bus
where system voltage (V).

PR is maximum power output of PV panel (kW) at STC; To determine the number of required batteries, the following
f d is derating factor (%) of PV panel due to the ambient sizing approach is used.
GT is hourly global solar radiation on PV module surface nbatt ¼ ð5Þ
Cbatt: Wh
(kW=m2 );
Gs is standard incident radiation (1kW=m2 ). where

nbatt : The total number of required batteries.

3.2. Wind turbine output power
C Wh : The total capacity of battery bank (Wh).
C batt:Wh : Nominal capacity of one battery (Wh).
The generated power from the wind turbine is limited by the
range of the wind speed in the site as illustrated in the wind tur-
The rated power of the inverter (Pinv) is determined as follows
bine characteristic curve shown in Fig. 2.
(Elbaset et al., November 2016);
In this work, five WTGs are connected to each EM-SBO bus. The
technical is the hub height, andx is the friction coefficient. Ppeak
Pinv ¼ ð6Þ
PWT(t) where Ppeak : Electrical power of peak load, (kW).
The battery bank storage system performance is defined with
an energy balance model through four cases as listed in Table 2.
Prated where

Pload ðtÞ is the load demand;

EBSS ðt Þ and EBSS ðt  1Þ are the energies stored in battery bank
Wind system at a timeðt Þ and ðt  1Þ, respectively;
Vcut-in Vrated Vcut-out speed e is storage losses;
EPV ðtÞ, Ewind ðt Þ, and Eload ðtÞ are the energies of PV, wind, and load,
Fig. 2. Wind turbine characteristic curve (Subramony et al., 2017). respectively, at a time (t).
S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Table 2
A mathematical models for energy balance to define battery bank system performance.

Case Mathematical Model Description

Case 1: – No change in battery bank energy level.
P PV ðt Þ þ P WT ðtÞ ¼ P load ðtÞ
Case 2: EBSS ðtÞ ¼ EBSS ðt  1Þð1  eÞ þ ebatt ½EPV ðtÞ þ ðEwind ðtÞ  Eload ðtÞÞ=einv  The battery bank will be under charging mode.
P PV ðt Þ þ P WT ðtÞ > P load ðtÞ&P WT ðt Þ > P load ðtÞ
Case 3: EBSS ðtÞ ¼ EBSS ðt  1Þð1  eÞ þ ebatt ½EPV ðtÞ  ðEwind ðtÞ  Eload ðtÞÞ=einv 
P PV ðt Þ þ P WT ðtÞ > P load ðtÞ&P WT ðt Þ < P load ðtÞ
Case 4: EBSS ðtÞ ¼ EBSS ðt  1Þð1  eÞ  ebatt ½Eload ðtÞ  ðEwind ðtÞ þ ðEPV ðtÞ  einv ÞÞ The battery bank discharges until reaching its
P PV ðt Þ þ P WT ðtÞ < P load ðtÞ DoD (80 %).

Table 3 Energy storage efficiency for discharging

Transient analysis of cases study and actions.
Discharged energy of the battery
Case study 1200 MW NPP operation Action summery ¼
battery referential energy
Case 1 Class IV power supply of NPP Event-1: at 2Sec. a three Secondly, efficiency calculations related to power electronics:
Shutdown/ is supplied from grid 220 KV, phase (L-L-L) fault occurs
startup EDG-1,2,3 and 4 and MDG-1 at NPP 220 kV bus.
Output power
and MDG-2 are off, The bus Event-2: at 2.2Sec, fault Efficiency ¼
coupler of EM-SBO bus-1 and cleared at NPP 220 kV Output power þ Conduction losses þ Switching losses
EM-SBO bus-2 is open and its
capacitor bank OFF. EM SBO In this work; the inverter efficiency is 90%, the DC converter
buses getting power from grid efficiency is 80%.
220kv and HRES bus (WTG
and solar in operation)
supplied power to 220kv grid.
Case 2 Class IV power supply of NPP Event-2: At 2Sec. a three 4. Application of HRES in NPP’s electrical systems
Normal is supplied from NPP bus 21 phase (L-L-L) fault occurs
operation KV,– EDG-1,2,3 and 4 and at NPP 500 kV bus.
of NPP MDG-1 and MDG-2 OFF, The Event-2: at 2.2Sec. fault
The power flow diagram of the 1200MWe NPP is considered to
bus coupler of EM-SBO bus-1 cleared at NPP 500 kV design and analyze the details of emergency SBO power supply
and EM-SBO bus-2 is open and issues. A typical flow diagram of the 1200NPP along with its class
its capacitor bank OFF. EM of power supply is illustrating in Fig. 3. It may be noticed that in
SBO buses getting power from
the single line diagram (SLD), the proposed 1200MWe NPP is con-
grid and HRES bus (WTG and
solar in operation) supplied nected into two buses of 500 and 220 kV respectively as indepen-
power to 220kv grid. dent grid lines to evacuate the generated power as well as to
Case 3 Class-IV supply not available, Event-2: at 2 Sec., a three receive the offsite power supply.
Unplanned while class-III supplied from phase (L-L-L) fault occurs There is a 70 MVA transformer and 3 winding, 220/6.6/6.6 kV to
shutdown DG3 and 4, DG1 and DG2 are at EM-SBO bus-1 step-down the grid power supply for auxiliary distribution. Also,
(SCRAM) standby, MDG-1 and MDG-2 Event-2: at 2.2 Sec., fault four main serve transformers of ratings 35 MVA, 21/6.6 kV each
are OFF, the bus coupler of cleared at EM-SBO bus-1
EM-SBO bus-1 and EM-SBO
are there to step down the own generated power.
bus-2 bus is open and its The class-IV power is normally supplied from four different
capacitor bank is ON, EM-SBO sources, feeding from independent buses. Further, the class-III
buses getting power from DG buses are supplied from the class-IV buses with supported by inde-
and HRES bus (WTG and solar
pendent 8 MW DG sets. Class IV and class III buses are 6.6 kV rated
are in operation) and supplied
power to 220 KV grid. and they are feeding to the respective loads as per the required
voltage. The low-tension loads are supplied from stepping down
Case 4 loss onsite and offsite power Event-2: at 2 Sec., three
Station supply (plant blackout). Class- phase (L-L-L) fault occurs through 6.6 kV/0.4 V auxiliary transformers. There are two busses
blackout IV, III, DG1,2,3,4 are not at EM-SBO bus-1 of 0.4 V, three phase, three wires, 50 Hz named EM-SBO buses pre-
available, while MDG-1 and Event-2: at 2.2 Sec., fault sent in the NPP and are directly supplied from class III bus. The
MDG-2 are ON, the bus cleared at EM-SBO bus-1 plant emergency class I and class II power supply are derived from
coupler of EM-SBO bus-1 and
EM-SBO bus-2 is open and its
the SBO buses. During failure of class-IV and class-III power supply,
capacitor bank is ON, EM-SBO it depends on emergency power supply from 1 MW MDG sets
buses getting power from (Subramony et al., 2017; Li et al., 2013).
MDG and HRES bus (WTG and We have proposed the use of renewable energy to enhance dis-
solar power supply is in
tributed energy resources based on SBO power supplies. These SBO
loads are required for the normal operation of the nuclear reactor
as well as emergency situations to ensure a safe shutdown. the
The efficiency calculations related to energy storage and power plant total load is 6 MVA for EM SBO states, which are distributed
electronics are beyond the scope of this paper, But, generally: on bus 1 and bus 2 of 1200 MVA and are distributed into two sec-
Firstly, efficiency calculations related to energy storage: tions of 3 MVA each. And that during the normal operation and
Energy storage efficiency for charging emergency of the plant, only 50% of the connected loads should
be operated, that is, each EM SBO bus has a design capacity of
Battery referential energy
¼ 100% of the rated power requirements (Elbaset et al., November
Charged energy of the battery
2016; Das et al., 2021).

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Table 4
Load flow analysis at time (t = 0sec.).

Case/parameters Cass IV Class III bus 3 HRES bus 1 HRES bus 2

and 4
Grid 1 Grid 2 DG 3 DG 4 PV 1 WTG 1 MDG 1 PV 2 WTG 2 MDG2
Case 1 MW X 36.2 X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Shutdown/startup MVAR X 23 X X 0 1.157 X 0 1.157 X
Amp X 112.5 X X 826 2000 X 832 2014 X
PF % X 84 X X 100 76.3 X 100 76 X
Case 2 MW 36 X X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Normal operation of NPP MVAR 23.2 X X X 0 1.145 X 0 1.15 X
Amp 1180 X X X 826 2000 X 832 2015 X
PF % 84 X X X 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 3 MW X X 3.3 3.36 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Unplanned shutdown (SCRAM) MVAR X X 1.7 2.2 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp X X 323 350 826 2000 X 832 2016 X
PF % X X 89 84 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 4 MW X X X X 0.56 1.35 0.518 0.56 1.35 0.55
Station blackout MVAR X X X X 0 1.14 0.78 0 1.15 0.8
Amp X X X X 827 2002 1214 826 2014 1284
PF % X X X X 100 76 55 100 76 55

5. Simulation, discussion, and results bus coupler of EM-SBO bus-1 and EM-SBO bus-2 is open and its
capacitor bank is on. In this case, the EDG-3 and EDG-4 are
5.1. Transient stability analysis independently feeding class-III buses due to non-availability of
class-IV, which is the grid supply. The EM-SBO bus-1 and bus-2
The following different scenarios indicate the variations in the are supplied from both EDG-3 and EDG-4 bus independently with
effective parameters of the nuclear plant. opening the bus coupler breaker of SBO bus-1 and bus-2. When
three phase short circuit transient fault (L-L-L) happened at EM
SBO bus-1 at time t = 2Sec. and the fault cleared at time
5.1.1. Planned shutdown and startup t = 2.2Sec. The transient response of voltage, current, frequency
In case of normal shutdown or startup of the 1200MWe NPP, and power of different buses including EM-SBO buses of NPP are
the auxiliaries are operating with class-IV grid power supply from simulated and result are illustrated in Fig. 6.
grid 220kv. Generally, EDG-1, EDG-2, EDG-3, EDG-4, MDG-1 and
MDG are not operational but it acts as standby when grid supply
5.1.4. Loss of onsite and offsite power supply (plant blackout) scenario
is available due to the cost effectiveness. Here, the EM-SBO bus-1
In case of loss of onsite and offsite power supply (plant black-
and bus-2 are supplied power from the grid as well as the HRES-
out), the grid supply is not available and EDG-1, EDG-2, EDG-3,
1 and HRES-2 through solar PV and WTG. The solar and WTG are
EDG-4 are also not available. In this case, the MDG-1 and MDG-2
operating by taking 220KV grid supply as a reference. When the
are operating; the solar and WTG sets of HRES buses are operating
three-phase short circuit fault (L-L-L) happened at the grid 220
by considering MDG-1 and MDG-2 as a reference. At time t = 2Sec.,
Switchyard bus at time t = 2Sec. and the fault cleared at time
three phase (L-L-L) fault was created at EM-SBO bus-1 and, at
t = 2.2Sec. The transient response of voltage, current, frequency
2.2Sec, the fault has been cleared. Fig. 7 shows the load flow and
and power of different buses including EM-SBO buses of NPP are
response of the different buses including HRES buses for the plant
simulated. Fig. 4 shows the variations in the parameters related
blackout case study. Fig. 8 illustrates the transient of the electrical
to the transient response for the first case study as follows:
parameters due to plant blackout.

5.1.2. Normal operation scenario of NPP

In normal operation scenario of the NPP, and all its auxiliary 5.2. Simulation results
systems are operating with class-IV is feeding power from the
main generator (NPP) power supply, while EDG-1, EDG-2, EDG-3, The simulation results of the plant load-flow analysis for the
EDG-4, MDG-1 and MDG are used as standby due to operation cost proposed four cases study listed in Table 3 and for time period at
optimization. 0.0Sec is shown in Table 4. The load flow results for the rest of
The EM-SBO bus-1 and bus-2 are supplied from the grid as well the transient time at 2Sec., 2.2Sec, and 20Sec are shown in Tables
as HRE-1 and HRE-2 through solar and WTG. The solar and WTG 5, 6, 7. These faults scenarios are simulated based on the different
are operating taking grid supply as reference. source configurations of 1200MWe NPP power system as illus-
Actually, when three phase short circuit fault (L-L-L) happened trated in Fig. 3. Table 4 indicates that there is a transient L-L-L fault
at NPP 500 kV switchyard bus at time t = 2Sec. and the fault cleared occurred at 2Sec and the same got cleared at 2.2Sec. This configu-
at time t = 2.2Sec. The transient response of voltage, current, fre- ration has been simulated using ETAP software for studying the
quency and power of different buses including EM-SBO buses of transient behavior of HRES as well as the transient stability
NPP are simulated and illustrated in Fig. 5. response of EM-SBO bus.
As mentioned in Table 3; case 3, class-III supplied from DG3 and
5.1.3. Unplanned shutdown (SCRAM) scenario 4. While, MDG-1 and MDG-2 are OFF. In case 4, class-IV, III DG 1, 2,
In case of reactor trip, class IV and auxiliary bus 220 kv are not 3 and 4 are not available, while MDG-1 and MDG-2 are ON. The
available, class-III is supplied from EDG-3 and EDG-4, the EDG-1 21Kv is the voltage of the main generator (plant) which feed the
and EDG-2 are standby, but the MDG-1 and MDG-2 are off, the on-site load in case of normal operation, while 220Kv is the voltage
S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Fig. 3. Typical power flow diagram of a 1200MWe NPP.

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

5.1.1 = Planned S..d and S..u

Fig. 4. Transient response for case study normal operation (a) voltage of all bus, (b) real power loading of different buses, (c) active power loading of different buses (d) active
power of WTG-1 and WTG-2, (e) reactive power of WTG-1 and WTG-2 and (f) output current response of WTG-1 and WTG-2.

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Fig. 5. Transient response of the normal operation of the NPP: (a) voltage of all, (b) real power loading of different buses, (c) reactive power loading of different buses (d)
active power of WTG-1 and WTG-2, (e) reactive power of WTG-1 and WTG-2 and (f) output current response of WTG-1 and WTG-2.

5.1.2 Normal operation of NPP

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Fig. 6. Response of the loss of offsite power supply case study: (a) voltage of all buses, (b) active power of all buses, (c) reactive of all buses (d) active power of EDG 3& EDG 4
&WTG-1 and WTG 2 (e) Reactive EDG 3 & EDG 4 &WTG-1 and WTG-2, (f) output current of EDG 3 & EDG 4 &WTG-1 and WTG-2.

5.1.3 SCRAM

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Fig. 7. SLD with all parameters simulated for transient analysis of the plant blackout case study.
Load flow not TA, read 5.1.4 (POSSIBLE LABELLING MISTAKE)

of the auxiliary external grid, which feed the plant in case of shut- down and it fulfills the requirements to keep the plant in a safe
down and/or start up. condition in loss of power supply (LPS) and the plant blackout. In
this paper, the use of HRES to stabilize the energy sources required
6. Conclusion for keeping the nuclear power plant safe during unplanned shut-
downs and EM-SBO. Also, load flow analysis was performed to
This paper presented the design and analysis of an emergency address transient stability problems. However, it is essential to
power supply scheme for a 1200MWe NPP as it became necessary study the reliability of all HRES.
to integrate the various energy sources for use in improving the
availability of energy sources that are used as emergency. The cur-
rent emergency power supply scheme has been analyzed and it is 7. Future work
found that there are only sets of DGs to meet the emergency power
requirements of the station during unplanned shutdown and the The proposed scheme is currently tested under various chal-
complete plant blackout. This study enhanced the EM-SBO power lenges, to check its validity and capability to solve these challenges,
sources through integration of different power sources included as:
wind, solar and batteries as storage units. ETAP-19 is successfully
used in design and analysis of the HRES where load flow study  Analysis of reliability with renewable energy system.
and transient stability analysis were performed. The results are  Availability and feasibility analysis of renewable energy for sup-
investigated and indicated that the proposed design enhanced plying the emergency power supply system in nuclear power
the reliability and the safety of the plant during unplanned shut- plant.

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Fig. 8. Transient response of loss of onsite and offsite power supply: (a) Voltage response of all buses (b) Buses frequency (c) MDG &WTG active power (d) MDG & WTG
reactive power (e) Angle of MDG1&MDG2 (f) MDG&WTG output current.

Read section 5.1.4

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

Table 5
Load flow analysis at time (t = 2sec.).

Case/parameters Cass IV Class III bus 3 HRES bus 1 HRES bus 2

and 4
Grid1 Grid 2 DG 3 DG 4 PV 1 WTG 1 MDG 1 PV 2 WTG 2 MDG2
Case 1 MW X 36.2 X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Shutdown/startup MVAR X 23 X X 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp X 112.5 X X 826 2001 X 832 2016 X
PF % X 84 X X 100 76.4 X 100 76 X
Case 2 MW 36 X X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Normal operation of NPP MVAR 23.3 X X X 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp 1180 X X X 826 2002 X 832 2017 X
PF % 84 X X X 100 76.4 X 100 76 X
Case 3 MW X X 3.29 3.86 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Unplanned shutdown (SCRAM) MVAR X X 1.8 2.12 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp X X 318 347 826 2002 X 832 2016 X
PF % X X 90 84 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 4 MW X X X X 0.56 1.36 0.483 0.56 1.36 0.51
Station blackout MVAR X X X X 0 1.1 0.78 0 1.3 0.82
Amp X X X X 830 2010 1186 833 2030 1258
PF X X X X 100 78 53 100 77 52.5

Table 6
Load flow analysis at time (t = 2.2sec.).

Case/parameters Cass IV Class III bus 3 HRES bus 1 HRES bus 2

and 4
Grid1 Grid 2 DG 3 DG 4 PV 1 WTG 1 MDG 1 PV 2 WTG 2 MDG2
Case 1 MW X 1900 X X 0.185 0.155 X 0.17 0.164 X
Shutdown/startup MVAR X 19,008 X X 0.155 0.519 X 0.135 4.7 X
Amp X 50,066 X X 2741 4620 X 2627 2626 X
PF % X 10 X X 76 29 X 78 3.5 X
Case 2 MW 0.55 X X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Normal operation of NPP MVAR 0.134 X X X 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp 100 X X X 826 2001 X 832 2016 X
PF % 97 X X X 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 3 MW X X 3.23 3.36 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
MVAR X X 7.8 2.12 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp X X 1420 347 826 2009 X 832 2016 X
PF % X X 38 85 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 4 MW X X X X 0.1 0.28 0.519 0.56 1.36 0.516
Station blackout MVAR X X X X 0.15 5.3 3.2 0.03 1.1 0.8
Amp X X X X 2937 5015 5015 831 2022 1259
PF % X X X X 55 5.2 16 99 77 53

Table 7
Load flow analysis at time (t = 20sec).

Case/parameters Cass IV Class III bus 3 HRES bus 1 HRES bus 2

and 4
Grid1 Grid 2 DG 3 DG 4 PV 1 WTG 1 MDG 1 PV 2 WTG 2 MDG2
Case 1 MW X 32.4 X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Shutdown/startup MVAR X 22.3 X X 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp X 103.2 X X 826 2001 X 832.4 2015 X
PF % X 82.4 X X 100 76.2 X 100 76 X
Case 2 MW 36 X X X 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Normal operation of NPP MVAR 23 X X X 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp 1180 X X X 826 2000 X 832.4 2015 X
PF % 84 X X X 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 3 MW X X 3.25 3.35 0.56 1.35 X 0.56 1.35 X
Unplanned shutdown (SCRAM) MVAR X X 1.66 2.15 0 1.14 X 0 1.15 X
Amp X X 322 348 823 2000 X 832.4 2015 X
PF X X 89 84 100 76 X 100 76 X
Case 4 MW X X X X 0.53 1.37 0.6 0.58 1.36 0.24
Station blackout MVAR X X X X 0.04 1.16 0.6 0.6 1.14 1.2
Amp X X X X 759 1986 1115 1515 2000 1732
PF % X X X X 99.9 76 70 70 76 19

S.A. Kotb, M.M. Zaky, A.A. Elbaset et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 175 (2022) 109222

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