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American Economic Association

Attracting "Otherwise Bright Students" to Economics 101

Author(s): Robin L. Bartlett
Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 85, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the
Hundredth and Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Washington,
DC, January 6-8, 1995 (May, 1995), pp. 362-366
Published by: American Economic Association
Stable URL:
Accessed: 10/02/2010 11:38

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Attracting"Otherwise BrightStudents" to Economics 101


There is growing concern over the decline introductorycourse in physicsor chemistry.

in the number of economics majors. John J. To study this phenomenon,she hired eight
Siegfried and Charles E. Scott (1994) exam- first-yeargraduate students who had ma-
ined data from the National Center for Ed- jored in the humanities or the social sci-
ucational Statistics and found that the ences as undergraduatesto audit introduc-
number of degrees awarded in economics at tory physics and chemistry courses. They
the bachelor's level increased between were requiredto keep diaries of the activi-
1977-1978 and 1989-1990. The percentage ties in these courses and their reactionsto
of female economics majors peaked at 34.5 them.
percent in 1984-1985. Then, in 1990-1991 Eric, one of the eight students, audited
the number of economics degrees awarded an introductoryphysics course. His diary
dropped 2 percent. Siegfried and Scott used illustrated his frustrationwith the lack of
information from the AEA's Universal "why" questions in physics.The instructor
Questionnaire to construct a comparable seemed only concerned with "how" ques-
data set to update these figures. Between tions. Eric also felt that the pace of the
1990-1991 and 1992-1993 the number of course was too fast. After a topic was cov-
economics majors fell 14.2 percent. Women ered, students were tested, and then the
accounted for a quarter of the decline. instructormoved to the next topic. When
Reasons offered for the decline include Eric asked about the big picture, the in-
(i) declining enrollments at small liberal-arts structor provided some insights, but the
colleges, (ii) students being less prepared in connectionswere missing.Additionally,Eric
math and science, and (iii) students being found no sense of communityin the class-
more interested in interdisciplinary majors room. Studentswere competitiveand inter-
such as environmental or international stud- ested in getting the right answer and not
ies. Reasons for the fall in the percentage of why the question was important. Exams
female economics majors are being ex- elicited simple technical skills and never
plored. This paper suggests that the content higher thinking skills. Moreover, the in-
and the climate of the introductory eco- structor used a curve, which hindered his
nomics course may discourage students, motivation. Eric's favorite classes were
particularly female students, from pursuing demonstrationsafter which the instructor
economics. invited students to speculate about the re-
In "They're Not Dumb, They're Differ- sults. Eric's entries suggest that otherwise
ent: Stalking the Second Tier," Sheila bright students are interested in learning
Tobias (1990) reports that capable students, problem-solvingtechniques if they are a
or otherwise bright students, were dis- means to answeringan importantquestion
suaded from the sciences after taking an and not an end in themselves.Tobias con-
cluded that physics and chemistryare de-
manding subjects, and the pedagogy and
* Department of Economics, Denison University, classroom dynamics made them more de-
Granville, OH 43023. I thank the National Science mandingfor some students.
Foundation for its generous funding of Integrating the If an "otherwise bright student" were
Latest Scholarship on Race and Gender into the Intro-
ductory Economics Course (Grant No. DUE - 9354006)
asked to audit an introductoryeconomics
and the 1993 and 1994 NSF workshop participants who course and keep a diary, similar observa-
shared their ideas. tions might occur. Introductoryphysicsand


economics have striking similarities.1The market structures,and the determinantsof

goal of the introductorycourse is to give output, employment,and prices in a market
students an appreciationfor how physicists economy.The pages of an introductoryeco-
or economists go about their trade and to nomics textbookreveal that economistsuse
expose students to the various areas within lots of numbersand graphs.Studentsinter-
the field. They both rely heavilyon abstract ested in historicalor contextualdebatesfind
modeling. Introductoryeconomics instruc- only tangentialreferencesto them.
tors tend to lecture, entertain a few ques- Susan F. Feiner and BarbaraA. Morgan
tions fromstudents,and givemultiple-choice (1987) found that the numberof times race
or short-answertests. Studentswho are tac- and gender issues are mentioned are few,
tile learners, who need to make connec- and when they are mentioned, they are of-
tions, and who need to communicateideas ten found in separatechapterson "women's
to understand them will find the content issues" or "minorityconcerns." Marianne
and pedagogyof economicsforeign to their A. Ferber (1995) found that several major
ways of knowing. trendsaffectingfemale studentsare ignored
or minimizedin current textbooks.For ex-
I. The Content and Pedagogy ample, Ferbernoted that fewer than half of
of Introductory Economics the leading textbooks mentioned the dra-
matic increase in the labor force participa-
The content of the introductory eco- tion of women since WorldWar II.
nomics course is spelled out in the syllabus The classroomdynamicscan also be un-
and the table of contents of the introduc- invitingto some students. The interactions
tory economics textbook. Introductoryeco- between studentsand the instructorare lim-
nomics course syllabilook remarkablysimi- ited. Introductoryeconomics is taught in
lar.2 Under the course title and number, similarways at both large research institu-
objectives,if explicit, are outlined. One ob- tions and at small liberal-artscolleges. Be-
jective typicallyincludedis learningto think cause females accounted for a quarter of
like an economist. A list of required texts the drop in economics majors, gender dif-
follows, along with the schedule of meeting ferences in the classroom are important.
dates and chapters to be covered on these Roberta M. Hall and Bernice R. Sandler
dates. Rarely do introductory economics (1982) observedthat instructorsallow male
course syllabipaint an inclusiveand exciting students to talk more than female students
picture of what studentswill learn and how and allow male studentsto interruptfemale
they will go about learningit. students. Female students' questions aie
A quickflip throughthe table of contents taken less seriously or ignored. Male stu-
of an introductoryeconomics textbook re- dents are coached more and asked to de-
veals that economics is about the determi- velop their answers. Instructorsmake less
nants of supply and demand, costs curves, eye contact with female students than with
male students.Studentsof color face similar
obstacles. A recent work by Polly A.
Fassinger (1995) reviews statistical studies
that confirm many of Hall and Sandler's
'The Association of American Colleges put eco- Interactions between students are also
nomics and physicstogetherin its wrap-upconference
(February 1990) on "Liberal Learning, Study-In- limited. Students face forward and rarely
Depth, and the Arts and SciencesMajor"because the have activitiesthat provideopportunitiesfor
curriculumand pedagogyof the two fields were so students to interact. They sit and listen to
similar. lectures, read the text, and study on their
2At the beginning of the two NSF-fundedwork- own. Introductoryeconomicscan be a lonely
shops, course syllabiwere collected from participants
for comparison.Exceptfor time and place, the syllabi place to learn. With respect to gender dif-
closely resembledeach other. ferences, Fassinger(1995) found that when

students are given opportunitiesto respond students"maybe turnedoff in the introduc-

to questions, male students hesitate to par- tory economicscourse by its content, by the
ticipate if they are unprepared.Female stu- abstractmodeling,or by the pedagogy.
dents hesitate to participate if the class-
room climate is tense and competitive. II. MakingIntroductoryEconomics
The evaluation of the students' under- Attractiveto "OtherwiseBrightStudents"
standingof the materialcan be destructively
competitivefor some students. Females are For good students to be attracted to
at a competitive disadvantagewhen multi- physics or economics, several things have to
ple choice questions are the sole evaluative change. First, the content and methodology
instrument (Keith G. Lumsden and Alex have to be more inclusive.Sportsreferences
Scott, 1986). Moreover,instructorstend to may elicit interest from some students and
use competitive as opposed to absolute boredom from others. To illustrate,Ferber
grading schemes. In the former case, the (1990) arguesthat increasingthe numberof
instructoruses a curve.The top 5 percentof examplesthat may be of interest to female
studentsreceive an A. The class averageis a students may encourage them to pursue
C. With the latter scheme, students com- economics. Economic theory needs to be
pete with themselves. If students get 90 appliedto a range of economicproblemsof
percent of the questions right or complete interest to a variety of groups.To do this,
90 percent of the educational tasks, then however, economic instructorswould have
they receive an A. The latter environmentis to know their students.Taking time for in-
preferableto students because more is un- troductions could help instructors get a
der their control. sense of who their studentsare. In addition,
Many nontraditionaleconomics students, studentscan identifyothers of similarback-
women, and studentsof color, may find the grounds to form academic and social sup-
abstractmodelingof economicsnot so much port groups.
daunting,as tangentialto their interestsand Second, there needs to be less emphasis
primaryways of knowing(MaryF. Belenky on developing abstractmathematicalmod-
et. al., 1986;CarynM. Musil, 1992;and Uri els and more emphasis on developing the
Treisman, 1992). While studies show that "big picture"for students.The context and
some gender and racial/ethnic differences historyof an economictheorystimulatedis-
exist in verbal and mathematicalaptitudes cussion. Methods other than mathematical
(EducationalTesting Services[ETS], 1994), or graphical techniques might facilitate
the observed differenceswithin groups are learningamong more students.Other disci-
much larger than the observed differences plines use a variety of methodologies for
between groups.ETS cautionsagainstusing developingtheoretical concepts. For exam-
any one kind of test as the sole criterionfor ple, sociologists use flow charts; philoso-
selection. Whether mathematicalability is phers use argument and rhetoric; and
the best screen for studentswho will make Englishmajorsidentifyand analyzethemes.
good economicsmajorsis rarelyquestioned. "Otherwisebrightstudents"could use their
Students with excellent writing and critical better-developedskills to understandeco-
thinkingskills may be discouragedfrom try- nomics and at the same time develop their
ing economicsbecause there are few oppor- analyticalskills.
tunities for them to use their talents. Third,the writtenmaterialneeds to come
Novice instructorstend to teach as they alive with the excitement of economics.
were taught or in ways that are easiest Course descriptionsin catalogs and course
for them to learn. Their courses are de- syllabi need to be rewritten to describe a
signed for students much like their more inclusive introductory economics. Un-
instructors-students with an interest in til textbooks become more inclusive, in-
economics,with stronganalyticaland math- structors can supplement texts with data
ematical skills, and probably with similar from government sources or contemporary
cultural heritages. Many "otherwisebright literature.

Fourth, the classroom climate has to III. Summary

change from a passive competitive experi-
ence to a more active cooperative experi- Who are the "otherwise bright students?"
ence. Fassinger's (1995) results suggest that No doubt, many of them are women and
the most important thing an instructor can people of color. Yet, many are going to be
do to increase the performance of both male white males, like Eric, who learn in differ-
and female students is to design an "emo- ent ways from the traditional economics stu-
tionally positive" classroom-one that is dent. These students have the capabilities
supportive and interactive. William E. and background to be capable economics
Becker and Michael Watts (1995) review majors but typically choose not to do so.
the variety of teaching techniques that have Students weigh the costs and benefits of
been tried. Given that different students being an economics major. Students want to
have different learning styles (Phillip have a major that is relevant to them and
Saunders and William B. Walstad, 1990), a one in which they feel they can succeed.
combination of these techniques would in- After taking the introductory economics
crease the likelihood that more students are course, many "otherwise bright students"
reached. For example, lectures would be may decide that economics is not for them.
more effective if accompanied by coopera-
tive learning or "hands-on" exercises (David REFERENCES
W. Johnson et al., 1991; and Chet Meyers
and Thomas Jones, 1993). Abstract mathe- Becker, William E. and Watts, Michael.
matical modeling would be more connected "Teaching Methods in Undergraduate
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