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Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities(Professional Communication In English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. The antonym of monarchy is
a) Failure b) antipathy
c) ignoble d) anarchy
2. Something which is incapable of being pierced or penetrated is
a) inexpressible b) impenetrable
c) insurmountable d) invincible
3. One who is unable to pay one’s debt is
a) insolvent b) renegade
c) obsolete d) animate
4. One who can speak many languages
a) linguist b) polyglot
c) alien d) ignorant
5. The synonym of the word ‘verbose’ is
a) to give up b) oral
c) too full of words d) wonder
6. A………………………. of camels
a) series b) cluster
c) caravan d) crowd
7. The synonym of the word ‘unison’ is
a) combination b) harmony
c) short lived d) disposition
8. Animals living on human flesh are known as
a) omnivorous b) carnivorous
c) homicide d) cannibals
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9. The noun form of the word ‘think’ is

a) thinking b) thought
c) thoughtful d) thinks
10. Tom has……...English lesson on Thursday
a) Your b) her
c) his d) him
Group – B
[Short Answer Type Questions] [3×5=15]
Answer Any Three of the Following.
2. Define Communication. What are the elements of Communication? [2+3]
3. Discuss in brief the different aspects of non-verbal communication? [5]
4. How is a Resume different from CV? ]5]
5. Rewrite the following as directed: [5×1]
a. He said to me, ‘’I won’t do it again’’. (Change the sentence into indirect speech).
b. He requested me not to leave him alone in the room. (Change the sentence into
direct speech).
c. One should keep one’s promises. (Change the voice)
d. He is so clever that I can’t keep place with him. (Turn it into a simple sentence)
e. There have…………………. Been disputes with our suppliers.
(Use the correct firm of the word ‘rare’).
Group-C [15×3=45]
[Long Answer Type Questions]
Answer Any Three of the Following:
6. What are some of the effective reading strategies that you would adopt in order to
become an efficient reader?
7. Write a letter of application along with your resume in response to the
advertisement [given below] Published in the telegraph on 15th November 2009.
A reputed pharmaceutical company requires young. Presentable Marketing
Executives with good interpersonal skills and aptitude for sales and marketing of
pharmaceutical products. Salary at per industry for right candidates. Apply with your
resume to P.O. Box No 16283. The telegraph, Kolkata-72.
8. Imagine that you are doing a project on Marketing Strategies on pharmaceutical
companies in India. Write a letter to the CEO. Sun pharmaceutical Industries,
Jammu-181133. Requesting him to send you information about the company’s
marketing strategies. Tell him that you need the information for research purpose
and include the details of what you want to know.
9. Write an essay on any one of the following:
i) The fight for a clean and clear earth
ii) Student politics
iii) India in the 21st Century.
Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. The synonym of ‘grandeur’ is
a. Smoothness b) briefness
c)vastness d) softness
2. A……………. of cards
a) stack b) pile
c) pack d) bunch
3. The fleet…………………...set sail.
a) have b) has
c) was d) had
4. The synonym of ‘infliction’ is
a) imposing b) impale
c) immobile d) impair
5. One who is affectionate:
a) endorse b) endow
c) endanger d) endear
6. Curry and rice………... favourite dish in India.
a) was b) is
c) are d) were
7. She has a taste………………. western culture.
a) of b) for
c) off d) in
8. One who see a thing before it happens:
a) forecast b) insight
c) foresee d) foreshadow
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9. The exam commences………………………...4th October.
a) in b) on
c) from d) for
10. He is…………………. honour to his profession.
a) a b) the
c) an d) with

Group – B
[ Short Answer Type Questions] [3×5=15]
Answer Any Three of the Following:
2. Convert the following from Active to Passive voice: [5×1]
1) You can’t pump the ocean dry
2) Give the order
3) Circumstances will oblige me to go.
4) They asked me my name
5) We expect good news.
3. Convert thew following from Direct to Indirect Speech: [5×1]
1) The poor man exclaimed,’’ Will none of you help me?’’
2) ‘’Do you write a good hand?’’ he said
3) He said, ’Oh that’s a nuisance.’’
4) ‘’Hurry up’ ’he said to his servant, ’do not waste time.’’
5) ‘’Halt ‘’ Shouted the officer to his men.
4. Answer the following questions: [5×1]
1) What is communication? What are the different components of communication?
2) What is verbal communication? What is non- verbal communication?
3) write your resume. Give the basic differences between a resume and CV.?
4) What are the general rules of group discussion?
Group- C
[ Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer Any Three of the Following:
5. Write an essay for any one of the following” [15]
1) To err is human
2) Gluttony kills more than sword.
6. Write a letter: [15]
You have recently changed your residential address. Inform this to the local post master
with a request to deliver your mails to your new address.
7. Write a letter of Application: [15]
Wanted a few young hard working technical assistants for Kolkata based firm. Candidates
should be at least science graduates. Sportsmen will be given preference. Write in
confidence To, S. Sen and co., 5, College Street, Kolkata- 700 012.
8. Write a letter to the professor of English in Bangalore University requesting him
to inaugurate your Literary Association. [15]
Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours
The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. Gandhiji………..have his evening meal soon after his evening prayer. This was his habit.
a) Shall b) should
c) would d) was leaving
2. After reaching the station, we found that the rain
a) left b) has left
c) had left d) was leaving
3. Students should not………. Unfair means in the examination
a) adept b) adopt
c) adapt d) none of these
4. After the accident, the field was covered
a) corps b) crops
c) corpses d) none of these
5. She writes so hastily that her handwriting sometimes becomes
a) eligible b) illegible
c) legible d) illegal
6. I didn’t expect you to ………………………..and lose the argument so easily.
a) cave out b) cave in
c) cave up d) cave down
7. The synonym of ‘opaque’ is
a) non- transparent b) gleaming
c) lucid d) intelligible
8. Natural resources must not be squandered fact, they should be
a) used up b) exploited
c) conserved d) preserved
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9. Memo is
a) Written communication b) oral communication
c) non-verbal communication d) all of these
10. The antonym of ‘anarchy’ is
a) failure b) monarchy
c) ignoble d) antipathy
Group- B
[Short Answer Type Questions] [5×3=15]
Answer any three of the following:
2. Discuss in brief the four types of special reports. [5]
3. What are the problems of group presentation? [5]
4. What aspects of style needs to be followed to speak effectively? [5]
5. Discuss in brief the different aspects of non-verbal communication? [5]
6. Assuming that you are the purchase Manager of global pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.,
place an order for certain chemicals needed for the production of medicines in your
company with M/s Vishal chemicals, Kalyani, invent necessary details. [5]
[Long Answer Type Questions]
Answer any three of the following: [15×3=45]
7.1. a. He is……………………………... that committee.
b. The patient died………………. swine flu.
c. He is absent………………... the meeting.
d. I congratulated him…………..his success.
e. He flies everyday……………Bangalore and Kolkata.
2. Correct the grammatical errors;
a. He lives in USA.
b. It is raining for a week.
c. He is senior than me.
d. his father is a SDO.
e. One of the boys there have stolen the book.
3. Rewrite the following as directed:
a. He confessed that he was guilty. (make it simple)
b. Without your guidance, we are sure to lose the track. (Make it complex).
c. I saw him opening the box. (Change the voice)
d. ‘’Shut the door after you’’, she told him curtly. (make it indirect)
e. John is brighter than all other students in his class. (change into positive
8. Write a report (in not more than 50 word) on the evil effects of drug addiction.
9. Write an essay on any one of the following:
1. Failures are the pillars of success.
2. Pleasure of reading.
3. The need for alternative sources of energy.
4. Value of time.
10. Write an application letter for the post of a sales executive manager in an MNC.
Include a fully formatted resume.
Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. Since the journey, I never……………. again
a) sailed b) have sailed
c) shall sail d) would sail
2. “Let me know immediately she……………,’’ he shouted.
a) will arrive b) would arrive
c) arrives d) is arriving
3. If I………….one more question, I would have passed.
a) had answered b) would have answered
c) would answer d) answered
4.several years have passed since I……Rajasthan.
a) have visited b) visited
c) has visited d) have been visiting
5. My friends warned me that I……better be careful.
a) should b) would
c) could d) had
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6. The tower was struck by………and fell down

a) lightning b) lightening

c) lightning d) none of these

7.The act of taking the work or an idea of someone else and passing it off a one’s

own is

a) Copying b) imitation
c) plagiarism d) none of these
8. The antonym of the word ‘amateur’ is
a) average b) experienced
c) professional d) skilled
9. Fecund means
a) fertile b) loyal
c) Powerful d) strange
10. A…………………. of stars. (Fill in the gap)
a) pile b) bundle
c) heap d) galaxy

Group- B
[Short Answer Type Questions] [5×3=15]
Answer any three of the following:
2. What do you mean kinesis in communication? [5]
3. Write in brief on how to communicate in group discussion? [5]
4. Are the three the same a CV a biodata and a resume? Give reasons for your
answer? [5]
5. What are the different types of writing a report? [5]
6. Discuss in brief some ways un which an individual can improve his/her listening
skill. [5]
[Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer any three of the following:
7.a. Insert appropriate prepositions: [5×1]
1. We have free access……………………...the library.
2. Swimming is beneficial………………. health.
3. Great books deal……………. persistently unsolved problems of life.
4. He persisted………………hoping against hope.
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5. I cannot account……………..his absence.

b. Correct the grammatical errors: [5×1]

1. It is an unique privilege to welcome our guests.

2. The choice lies between honour or dishonour.

3. If you will run, you will catch the train.

4. I have already availed if all the casual leave due to me.

5. he boasts his achievements now and then.

c. Rewrite the following as directed; [5×1]

1. you are too early for the show.

2. we are sure of his honesty. (make it complex)

3. Did she commit all the mistakes. (change the voice)

4. he said on the telephone, ’we kept on doing our work till late night’’.

(make it indirect).

5. the old man made a great effort and stood up.(make it simple)

8. what do you understand by professional communication? As a student of

pharmaceutical science why do you think that there is a need for

professional communication. [15]

9. Write in brief the advantages and disadvantages of paperless offices in

Business organisations. [15]

10. As the purchase manager of sun pharmaceuticals co Ltd 22 M.GF. Road, Kolkata-
700 009, you had placed an order with M/s Jyoti chemicals, 9 V.B. Patel Road,
Kerala-685509. When the consignment arrived, you found some of the chemicals
are in partially damaged condition. Write a complaint letter to the sales manager
of the company asking for replacement or compensation. [15]
Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours
The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. A……………... of sheep
a) Bunch b) pack
c) fleet d) flock
2. when I returned home, he still…………...the job
a) did not finish b) finished
c) had not finished d) has not finished
3. The crops will die before the rains
a) are failing b) fall
c) fell d) have fallen
4. He assured that he
a) would come b) will come
c) should come d) is coming
5. There must be a course of…………after the dinner.
a) desert b) deserts
c) dessert d) sweet dish
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6. Public…………...should be invited on this issue.

a) Conscious b) conscientious

c) consensus d) none of these

7. He is a candid politician. ‘candid’ means

a) fearless b) soft spoken

c) frank d) faithful.

8. She has an insatiable love for music. ‘insatiable’ stands for

a) unchanging b) unsatisfied

c) undesirable d) irreconcilable

9. We are looking forward to a good winter this year. Replace the italicized words.

a) hoping b) predicting

c) encouraging d) getting

10. The bus has to go back and forth every six hours. Replace the italicized words.

a) cross b) shuttle

c) travel d) run

11. Collector of stamps is called

a) collectorate b) philatelist

c) numismatist d) none of these


[Short Answer Type Question] [5×3=15]

Answer any three of the following:

2. What do you mean by grapevine communication? [5]

3. Write in brief on organisation barrier to communication? [5]
4. What is the difference between solicited and unsolicited application letter? What is a
cover letter? Justify whether application letter and cover letter are same. [5]
5. Discuss in brief some ways in which an individual can improve his/her speaking
skills? [5]
6. What are the function of non-verbal communication? [5]
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[Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer any three of the following
7. What is public speaking? What are the skills required for speaking effectively before
8. Write briefly about the advantages of effective communication?
9. Write a conversation between two friends on the benefits of student counselling on
educational institutions.
10. Write a report [in not more than 150 words] on the problems of noise pollution on a
crowded city.
11. Write an essay on any one of the following:
a) Man is the architect of his own safe
b) The plastic menace and its combat strategies
c) The role of the media.
Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. He was ‘appalled ‘at the sight of the the monstrous figure appearing from the dark
cave. ‘Appalled’ means
a) Softened b) cried
c) scared d) excited
2. They knew he……………...come.
a) will b) is going
c) shall d) would
3. Their answer…………………. the teacher unhappy as she had expected much better
a) Makes b) made
c) is making d) will make
4. He is a hard worker and his indefatigable work brought him success. ‘Indefatigable’
a) untiring b) careless
c) unending d) continuous
5. Grape vine communication network was propounded by
a) Richard Davis b) Kate devis
c) Hoben d) Newman and summer
6. She exchanged…….one thousand rupee note as she needs change.
a) the b) a
c) an d) were
7. Bread and butter………….loved by all in breakfast
a) is b) are
c) was d) were
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8. She prefers tea…………………. Coffee
a) Then b) to
c) for d) against
9. The policeman is……...duty
a) on b) off
c) in d) from
10. He called………... the meeting owing to an unavoidable circumstance.
a) out b) in
c) off d) against
[Short Answer Type Questions] [5×3=15]
Answer Any Three questions:
2. Discuss in brief the three forms of non-verbal communication. [5]
3. Briefly discuss the salient points to be remembered while delivering a speech. [5]
4. Write an unsolicited letter to the manager of a pharmaceutical company for the post
of scientific project leader in the company. Add your experience and highlight your
strengths and proficiency in the C.V. as well. [5]
5. Draft an advertisement for the new medicine your company has manufactured that
is goiung to be launched very soon on the market. [5]
6. What are the differences between a notice and a circular. [5]

[Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer any three of the following
7. Write an essay in any one of the following:
1) Life saving drugs are a boon to health science.
2) The pivotal role of epics for the druggists and chemists.
3) Spreading awareness for safety from common diseases in the rural areas.
8. Write a report (in about 150 words) about the sudden attack of dengue in your
city. [15]
9. Frame a conversation between you and your friend on the use of antibiotics very
frequently and its aftermath. [15]
10. Prepare a project report on the vaccination campaign that your club had organised a
week before. Elaborate on the success of the mission and the tremendous impact I
had on the people of the slum nearby. [15]
11. Prepare a speech to be presented on the recent development of pharmaceutical
companies in India and its impact across the globe. [15]


Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. A………of bees
a) Pack b) fleet
c) swarm d) bunch
2. The synonym of ‘indignant’ is
a) embitter b) angry
c) hateful d) joyous
3. The prime minister and vice chancellor……..arrived
a) have b) were
c) has d) was
4. One who is quick to find fault is
a) candid b) captions
c) ebullient d) glean
5. The jury……divided in their opinion
a) will b) is
c) has d) were
6. All the birds……out if the door of the cage had been kept open
a) fly b) flew
c) would have flown d) shall fly
7. Communication should be……………
a) audience-oriented b) disoriented
c) attitude-oriented d) target oriented

8. The king……..advised by the ministers

a) were b) was
c) is d) would have
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9. Antonym of ‘dejection’ is
a) hope b) frustration
c) disappointed d) curiosity
10. Birds of same feather………...together.
a) gather b) flock
c) fry d) stay

[Short Answer Type Questions] [5×3=15]
Answer Any Three questions:
2. Discuss in brief the various types of public speaking. [5]
3. How to handle audiences query in public speaking. [5]
4. State four viral differences between verbal and non verbal communication. [5]
5. As a sales executive of a pharmaceutical company draft a letter to be sent to thew
doctors of your religion highlighting their benefits of the new drug that your
company has launched. [5]
6. Write a letter in response to an advertisement for the post pf a medical
representative. Invent the necessary details. Add a C.V along with your cover letter.

[Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer any three of the following:
7. Write an essay any one of the following:
1) Some of their adverse effects of antibiotic drug.
2) Advertisement and its role in spreading awareness of health in rural India.
3) Our current generation is more fortunate because of the advantageous rise in
health science-Discuss.
8. Assuming that you are the purchase manager of global pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd,257
Loudon Street, Kolkata-700018. Place in order for certain chemicals needed fir the
production of medicines in your company with Jyoti chemicals, Nadia. Invent
necessary details. [15]
9. Frame conversation between a shop keeper of a medicine shop and a customer
regarding the high prices of the medicines and its effects. [15]
10. Discuss how exchange of information takes place between the encoder and decoder.
Give suitable examples. [15]
11. What are the subskills of reading? How can you use them to become an effective
reader? [15]


Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. A……………….of wolves
a) Swarm b) pile
c) pack d) bunch
2. The synonym of ‘appalled’ is
a) bitter b) soft
c) understandable d) enjoying
3. The president and chairman…….arrived
a) have b) has
c) was d) were
4. The synonym of ‘baleful’ is
a) an animal b) highest
c) harmful d) cancel
5. One who is quick to find fault is
a) candid b) captious
c) ebullient d) glean
6. Time and tide =…..for none
a) waited b) waits
c) waiting d) wait
7 She and i…friends
a) Is b) is
c) are d) were
8. The jury……. divided in their function.
a) will b) is
c) has d) were
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9. Grapevine communication network was propounded by
a) Richard Davis b) Kate Davis
c) Hoben d) Newman and summer
10. She exchanged……five hundred rupees note as she needs change
a) the b) a
c) an d) with

[Short Answer Type Questions] [5×3=15]
Answer Any Three questions:
2. Discuss in brief the four types of report [5]
3. What do you mean by Grapevine communication. Mention the four types of
grapevines? [5]
4. Discuss thew differences between general and business communication. [5]
5. What are the various ways in which an individual can improve his listening skills? [5]
6. Write a letter in response to an advertisement in the telegraph for the post of
medical representative. The candidate must be H.S. in science with 80% marks and
needs to have minimum 3 months work experience. Add detailed C.V. along with the
letter. [5]
[Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer any three of the following:
7. Write an essay on any one of the following:
1) Use of robots in surgery.
2) Life saving drugs
3) Health hazards of metropolitan cities.
4) Social networking: a boon or bane.
8. Write a report in not more than 200 words on the use of antibiotics in the flood
affected areas to reduce health hazards. [15]
9. Write a letter of application along with your resume in response to the
advertisement [given below] published in the times of India on 7th September, 2015
Ranbaxy India needs junior lab assistant with good interpersonal skills and aptitude.
Freshers may apply salary as per industry for right candidates. Apply with your
resume to {PO BOX No 199823, The times of India, Kolkata-700 072. [15]
10. As the purchase officer of west Bengal health dep write a complaint letter of Cipla
pharmaceuticals pointing out the non-delivery of some emergency medicines
ordered for some of the health centres of suburbs of Kolkata. [15]
11. Assuming that you are the purchase manager of global pharmaceuticals Co Ltd, 289
parks street, Kolkata-700 018. Place an order for certain chemicals and equipment
needed for the production of medicines in your company. [15]


Paper Code: HU-101
PUID: (To be mentioned in the main answer script)

SUBJECT NAME- Humanities (Professional Communication in English)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Group- A(Multiple Choice Question)
Choose the correct alternatives for the following-: [10×1=10]
1. Gandhiji………..have his evening meal soon after his evening prayer. This was his habit.
b) Shall b) should
c) would d) was leaving
2. After reaching the station, we found that the rain
a) left b) has left
c) had left d) was leaving
3. Students should not………. Unfair means in the examination
a) adept b) adopt
c) adapt d) none of these
4. One who is beyond correction is
a) incorrigible b) Insolvent
c) Incompetent d) none of these
5. She writes so hastily that her handwriting sometimes becomes
a) eligible b) illegible
c) legible d) illegal
6. The synonym of opaque is
a) non transparent b) gleaming’
c) lucid d) intelligible
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7. I didn’t expect you to…….and lose the argument so easily.

a) Cave out b) cave in

c) cave up d) cave down

8. Natural resources must not be fact they should up

a) used up b) exploited

c) conserved d) preserved

9. The speaker of a message is also known as

a) Encoder b) medium

c) channel d) decode

10. The antonym of ‘anarchy’ is

a) failure b) monarchy

c) ignoble d) antipathy
[Short Answer Type Questions] [5×3=15]
Answer Any Three questions:
2. What is the difference between notice and circular. [5]
3. What are the problems of group discussion. [5]
4. What aspects of style needs to be followed to speak effectively . [5]
5. Discuss in brief the different aspects of non-verbal communication. [5]
6. Assuming that you are the purchase manager of global pharmaceuticals Co Ltd place
an order for certain chemicals needed for the production of medicines in your
company with M/s Vishal chemicals Kalyani invent necessary details. [5]
[Long Answer Type Questions] [15×3=45]
Answer any three of the following:
7. A. Insert any appropriate prepositions; [5×1]
a) He is………. that committee
b) The patient died…swine flu
c) He is absent…. the meeting
d) I congratulated him……. his success.
e) He flies everyday…. Bangalore and Kolkata.
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b. Correct the grammatical errors: [5×1]

a. He lives in USA.

b. It is raining for a week.

c. He is senior than me.

d. His father is a SDO.

e. One of the boys there have stolen the book.

c. Rewrite the following as directed; [5×1]

a. He confessed that he was guilty (make it simple)

b. Without your guidance, we are sure to lose the track. (make it complex)

c. I saw him opening the box. (change the voice)

d. Shut the door after you, she told him curtly (make it indirect)

e. John is brighter than all other students in his class (change into make positive
8. Write a report (in not more than 150 word) on the evil effects of drug addiction. [15]
9. Write an essay on any one of the following:
a. Failures are the pillars of success.
b. Pleasure of reading.
c. The need for alternative sources of energy.
d. value of time
10. Write an application letter for the post of a sales executive manager in an MNC.
Include a fully formatted resume. [15]
11. Yor college is going to organise the annual sports day function. Draft a notice as a
sports in charge informing everyone about the date, time, venue of the meeting
regarding the discussion in the same [15

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