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21st Century Literature (Quiz # 01) - Fusion of style and substance

- Focused on significant
Canonical Literature experiences.
 Canon came from the Greek word - Work: Bonsai, The Tracks of
‘kanon’ which directly translates to Babylon, The Charmer’s Box, A
straight rod or ruler which may Blade of Fern, The Native Coast
pertain to a standard. 2.) Paz Marquez Benitez
 Representative of a genre or a period. - Advancement of women in
 It should be popular. professional careers
- Wrote short stories that are
Canon vs Classic critical of the American
 Not all classics are canon, but all Imperialism
canons are classics. - Only had two (2) published
works but is one of the first steps
Standards of a Canonical Literature: of PH Literature moving into the
 Permanence: pertains to relevance mainstream.
that relates to time. - Works: Dead Stars, A Night in
- Timeliness: perfect timing the Hills, Stepping Stones
(specific such as EJK) 3.) Alejandro Roces
- Timelessness: never gets old - Short story writer and an essayist
(genre or themes such as love) - Best writer of comic short stories
 Universality: appeals to everyone - Focused on the neglected aspects
(relatability) regardless of sex, social of the Filipino cultural heritage
standing, race, etc. and popularized several local
 Artistry: aesthetically pleasing
- Was a Guerilla during the WWII
writing and it should reveal or
and found the major opposition
convey the hidden truth and beauty
party during the Martial Law.
of a literature.
- Works: We Filipinos Are Mild
 Style: distinct or unique way of
Drinkers, My Brother’s Peculiar
writing a literature.
Chicken, Something to Crow
 Suggestiveness: a canonical About of Cocks and Kites, Fiesta
literature should make you think and
should make you define its
symbolisms, nuances, implications,
and suggestions, and uses your 4.) Jose Garcia Villa (JGV)
emotional power. - Reversed Consonance Rhymes
 Intellectual Value: it should make (RCR)
you think logically and critically, and - Comma Poems
should encourage rereading of the - Known for the tartness of his
literature to understand hard-to- tongue
understand concepts on the first read. - Pen name: Doveglion (Dove,
 Spiritual Value: it should motivate, Eagle, Lion)
empathize, and inspire you. - Works: Footnote to the Youth,
Bashful one, The emperor’s new
Philippine Canonical Writers
1.) Edith Tiempo
sonnet, Poems 55, Many Voices,
The Essential Villa
5.) Nick Joaquin
- Spanish Flavor English
- Reinventions of English based on
Filipinism (Joaquinesque)
- Hypocrite < Sinner
- Works: The Woman Who Has
Two Navels, Tatarin (Summer
- Wrote the FEU Hymn
6.) Cirilo Bautista
- A writer, teacher, and critic
- Foremost writer of his generation
- Symbolisms and suggestiveness
- Works: Summer Suns, Words and
Battlefields, The Trilogy of Saint
Lazarus, Galaw ng Asoge
(Mercury), What does a Woman
7.) Angela Manalang Gloria
- Poems (1940) which contains
contents about exploring a
woman’s private passions is the
first and only pre-war anthology
of poetry in English by a Filipina
- Matriarch of Filipino poets
writing in English
- Works: Poems (1940), Revolt
from Hymen, Change, Soledad, Leucippus and Democritus: Teacher (L) and
Querida Student (D). They are credited for idealizing
8.) Genoveva Edroza Matute the concept of indivisible matter.
- 1992 CCP Gawad Para Sa Sining Democritus used a stone as an example and
awardee said that if the stone was cut into smaller
- A dean in the Philippine Normal pieces, at some point, it will come to a state
University (PNU) where it will be impossible to cut. He also
- Works are mostly about students believed that atoms are different in size and
and teachers. shape, were In constant motion in a void,
- Works: Ang Kwento ni Mabuti, collided, and combined with one another.
Ang Kanilang mga Sugat, Ako’y
Isang Tinig Aristotle and Plato: Aristotle proposed the
idea of the four elements, stating that
everything was made from Earth, Fire,
Water, and Air. Widely believed by the
Alchemy: refers to both the investigation of
Robert Boyle: Proposed the Boyle’s Law nature and an early
stating that Volume of Gas is inversely philosophical and spiritual practices that
proportional to pressure. He also explained combined chemistry and metal work
that certain substances decompose into other
materials. An example of this is when water Jabir Ibn Hayyan: A royal alchemist in
decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen when Baghdad. Father of Arab Chemistry and one
electrically charged. Results from of the founders of modern pharmacy. He
decomposition were called elements was the first person to produce sulfuric acid
and nitric acid. He introduced multiple
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier: proposed and properties of substances such as warmth,
proved that when substances burn, there is coldness, moist, and dryness.
no gain nor loss in its weight. This was
further formulated into the Law of Paracelsus: believed that the body’s organs
Conservation of Mass stating that matter is worked as a purifier that separates the
neither created nor destroyed during a impure substances in our body from the pure
chemical change and that the total mass of ones. He believed that controlling the tria
products must be equal to the total mass of prima or the balance of mercury, sulfur, and
the reactants. This is why chemical salt is necessary for the maintainance of our
balancing is taught and used. Father of health.
Modern chemistry.

John Dalton: He debunked the beliefs of the

Ancient Greeks on matter. He proved that
atoms existed and strengthened the
definitions of elements, compounds, and
molecules. Atoms of an element cannot be
converted to atoms of another element. All
matter consists of atoms which can neither
be created nor destroyed. Compound result
from combination of atoms in specific ratios.

Joseph Louis Proust: He discovered that

basic copper carbonate, regardless if it was
obtained naturally or prepared in a lab, is
always composed of copper, carbon, and
traces of hydrogen and oxygen, He then
formulated the Law of Definite Proportions
which states that a compound always
contains the
same elements in certain definite proportions
and in no other combinations. This means
that elements combine in specific ratios to
form compounds.

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