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NAME:_________________________________________ GRADE LEVEL & SECTION:___________

DATE: _________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________

A. Complete the following statements. Write your answer on the spaces 1-12 provided below.
Choose the word of the correct answer inside the box.

Love heart soul mind strength founded gospel great means

1. The greatest of all human emotion is _____________.

2. The love Jesus speak of in the greatest commandment requires a person’s ________,________,_______
referring to the total being of the person.

3. The Law of love is the ________of each of the commandments.

4. The second commandment is ______________on the first commandment.

5. The love of God that is made concrete in the love of neighbor is based on the __________ values.

6. Christ reduces the whole law into one _____________commandment.

7. Love is the only effective _____________for our actions.

B. Prayer Writing: ( 1 paragraph only inside the heart shape)

To love is to accept risk, to be ready to take on the burdens of others, and to help bear the weight of the cross of other.
What will be your prayer to Jesus to increase your love for Him and your neighbor?

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