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1.What is Software Engineering? Explain its characteristics.

2.Give the difference between generic and customized software.
3.Define Software and the objective of software engineering.
4.Explain the system software and application software.
5.Write a note on the nature of software.
6.Explain the layered technology of Software Engineering.
7.Define Software Process. Explain Generic Process model
8.Define Software Process. Explain Process iteration activities.
9. Explain Waterfall model in brief.
10.What is the need of Feasibility study? Explain its types.
11.Explain Incremental Process Model? List the advantages and disadvantages of
the waterfall model.
12.Give the diagrammatic representation of the modeling phase of the RAD model.
List its advantages and disadvantages.
13.Explain in brief any two Evolutionary Process models.
14.Explain Prototyping in detail.
15.Explain Spiral Model in detail.
16.Explain Concurrent Model
17.Write a note on component based development.
18.State the purpose, advantages and disadvantages of RUP.
19.Write a note on Unified Process Phases.
20.Give the difference between Functional and nonfunctional requirements.
21.What is the Requirement? Explain its types.
22.Explain in brief Requirement Engineering.
23.What is SRS? Explain needs and benefits of SRS.\
24.What is QFD? Explain its benefits
25.Explain the characteristics of SRS.
26.What is UML? Explain its Benefits.
27.What is UML? Explain the features of UML
28.UML is mainly used for software systems. Explain.
29.What are the elements of use case diagram
30.Write a note on Class diagram
31.Write a note on Object diagram
32.Difference between Class diagram and Object diagram./
33.Write a note on Package diagram
34.Write a note on Sequence diagram
35.Write a note on Collaboration diagram
36.Explain Activity diagram with an example.
37.What is the need of Requirements Validation?
38.Explain the issues of requirement gathering.
39.Explain Requirement Management
40.List the various stakeholders involved in requirement analysis.
41.Describe the requirement engineering tasks
42.What are the techniques of requirement gathering?
43.What is the need for a feasibility study? Explain its types.
44.State the difference between CLassic life cycle model and prototyping model
45.State the difference between waterfall and spiral model
46.What is agility? Explain XP in detail.
47.List the umbrella activities followed in the Generic Process model.
48.List the advantages and disadvantages of the Incremental model.
49.List the advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall model.
1.Write a note on Software Design. What is the need of system design?
2.Explain the characteristics of good software design.
3.What are the design modeling principle of software design
4.Explain Architectural design.
5.What is Data centered architecture and Data flow architecture?
6.What is the need of Architectural design?Explain the types of architectural
7.Explain the low level design
8.Give the difference between function oriented design and object oriented design
9.What is the need of Problem Partitioning
10.Explain the design Specification in SE with Partition.
11.What is Abstraction? State its types.
12.Explain the process of Partitioning.
13.What is function and Data Abstraction?
14.What is Modularity ? Give its advantages.
15.Write the difference between Coupling and Cohesion
16.What are the notations of structure charts Explain with example
17.Write the steps to draw the structure chart
18.What do you mean by Flow Chart? Explain with an example.
19.What is the notation of flowchart? Also write its drawback
20.What is software measurement? Explain its Principles.
21.What are the activities in design verification
22.What is the need of monitoring and controlling mechanism.
23.State the difference between flowchart and DFD.
24.Explain use case Based Estimation in detail.
25.Explain Empirical Estimation Models.
26.Describe the different Empirical Techniques.
27.Explain Software Project Management.
28.What is Resource Estimation ? What is the importance of resource Estimation?
29.Explain Cost Estimation in detail.
30.Explain Steps involved in resource estimation
31.Explain Feasibility study
32.Explain different types of feasibility study.
33.Explain Software scope
34. Explain different types of management in Software scope management
35.Explain Empirical Estimation Model COCOMO.
36.Explain the difference between COCOMO I and COCOMO II
37.Explain Agile Project Estimation Techniques.
38.Explain Make or Buy Decision Analysis
39.Explain BAsic Principles of Project Scheduling.
40.Explain the relationship between People and Efforts.
41.Describe in detail Effort Distribution.
42.What is the need of Gantt Charts?
43. Differentiate between PERT and CPM
44.Explain Classification of Software Metrics
45. Explain Metrics and its Characteristics.
46.Explain the characteristics of Object Oriented Metrics
47.Explain Line of Code Model of Estimation.
48.Explain Function Point Model
49.Distinguish between FP and LOC.
1. What is Risk MAnagement? Explain in detail
2. Define Risk. Explain the methods of Identifying Risk.
3.Explain RIsk Identification.
4.Explain Risk Projection.
5.Write a note on RMMM.
6.Describe RMMM Plan in detail.
7.What do you understand by SQA?
8.What are the elements of a SQA process?
9.What is SQA? Explain its types.
10.What is Six Sigma? Write its characteristics
11.Explain SOftware reliability
12.What is the difference between verification and validation in the
13.context of SQA?
14.What is Testing write it principles
15.What are the objectives of Testing?
16.Write anote on White Box Testing
17.Explain Level of Testing
18.What are the different types of software testing?
19.What is the importance of test planning in software testing?
20.What is the purpose of test case design?
21.What is software testing and why is it important?

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